Restored Republic via
a GCR: Update as of May 31, 2024

Judy Note:

BIG NEWS VERY SOON: Get ready for an impressive turn of events
that’s just around the corner. Soon the World will know the truth. Biden down
and pure evil is about to be exposed.

(EBS) – Trump Found Guilty On All 34 Counts, Alex Jones Issues False Flag
Alert! Gesara Military Law, Secret Military Tribunals. . .

New York officials prepare to jail President
Donald Trump.
Will his
arrest usher in the long-awaited STORM? If so, would he go back on Twitter only
to tweet the message Anons have been waiting for? Look to Twitter for exactly
this: “My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us.”

Over two billion people worldwide are part of the Great Awakening, a massive
Global Military Alliance Operation dedicated to dismantling the Globalist Deep
State Cabal system.

Thurs. 30 May 2024: Exposed: The Strategic Brilliance of “Plan
Q”- Inside the Strategic “Plan Q” on the Road to GESARA!

The famous Simpson’s Cartoon has predicted that the World will soon have
no Internet for a while. We are approaching that timeline. Get ready for it.

A Military Source: Global Alert! Military Forces Enforce
Martial Law Worldwide, Ground Command Confirms!

There will be no November 2024 Election. Trump has already won!

Satanist King Charles owns the copyright to the King James Version
of the Bible. Hundreds of other versions of true history that were not
contained in the Bible have been withheld from the public, secured in the Satan
worshipping Vatican archive for centuries. In
those books were rescued from the archive tunnel, along with 650 plane
loads of gold, and were now being translated.

According to court records from 1998, Hollywood Star and Producer Robert De Niro
was a client of an international prostitution ring that trafficked children for
the rich and famous. He was never charged with anything.

The Trial for the Crimes Against Humanity has
The experimental
spike protein jab rollout is in violation of all 10 Sections of the Nuremberg

The new monetary system
known as the
 Quantum Financial System (QFS) will
end the Cabal’s corruption, usury, and manipulation within the banking
industry. The QFS is ready for its implementation, and is waiting behind the
coulisses. This new Quantum Financial System is set to be run on a quantum
computer that is based on an orbiting satellite, and is protected by Secret
Space Programs to ensure that it cannot be hacked.

Zelensky of Ukraine is the son of Nazi George
. Soros was hanged in
GITMO in 2020 for Crimes Against Humanity, pedophilia and the overthrow of
governments in the World.

Alliance News: All Royalties have either been removed,
arrested or executed around the world (2020). All Prime Minister have either
been removed, arrested or executed around the world (2020).

Thurs. 30 May 2024: BOOM! QFS Exposing the Deep State’s
Machinations! The Great Money Laundering Scheme -Taxpayer Money Laundered
Through Privately Owned Tax Offices

Thurs. 30 May 2024: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: “The Future
Belongs to The People” …President Trump. You Are On the Right Path. Justice Is
Coming! Warning: Stay Tuned!

Med Beds: On 14 June 2020 President Donald Trump to the nation, “Within a year’s time or so
almost all hospital procedures will be obsolete. Every city will have many
medical beds and Tesla Chambers capable of healing and repairing DNA, along
with curing all ailments – like Age regression (up to 30 years).

No more Cancer, Autism, Alzheimer, Sleep problems or many other
deficiencies like Fibromyalgia (fi·bro·my·al·gi·a) – a condition that causes
joint pain all over the body, fatigue, emotional and mental distress.

Judy Note WARNING: I live in a subdivision that borders a lake.
Last week the EPA told our HOA that they could no longer spray for mosquitoes;
the spray they used last year (that does not contain harmful substances and was
considered safe for humans to breathe) was ineffective; we did not have a
mosquito problem (even though everyone living around the lake does) and if the
HOA did spray the EPA would sue them. Last year we were mosquito free all
summer using our “ineffective spray” and now without it we are inundated with
mosquitoes. I’m wondering if the Bill Gates mosquito factory in South America that
produced disease infected mosquitoes, was involved. It’s pretty obvious that
this could be part of the Deep State Cabal Depopulation Agenda 2030. Yet, what
could you do to fight the EPA? Does anyone else have the same problem?

C. Global Currency Reset:

Judy Note: In my opinion it appeared that Tiers 1 and 2 have been
funded and Bond Holders may have received liquidity on Wed. 39 May – the same day they finalized regulations for the
Global Currency Reset. Tier 3 was apparently under Non Disclosure Agreements so
they may already have liquidity. Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) could be
notified for exchange appointments any time from Sat. 1 June to Tues. 4 June, with a final D Day of Thurs. 6 June. The Tier4b exchange/
bond redemption process was hoped to be finished by Sat. 15 June and if not, there was a back wall date of Thurs. 4 July when it was believed that
the GCR would be announced to the General Public.

Thurs. 30 May 2024 Wolverine: “Beautiful news came through this morning
that we were going to start tomorrow
Fri. 31 May.
We’ve heard this before but I’m praying that it becomes a
reality tomorrow. It is a process which should
be finished by June 15th.
Thurs. 6 June is D Day.”

Thurs. 30 May
2024 Bruce (by Sue):
High Sources says 800 numbers today or tomorrow Fri. 31 May and could kick off on Sat. 1 June.   

Thurs. 30 May 2024 Bank Story, Anon:Today
at 3am my wife
got a text message from Santander Bank stating that her
Google pay setup using the Santander Card had been cancelled. I spoke to the
tech support and asked him are you on QFS? He said yes they are on Quantum
Financial System. That Santander was on the QFS was very exciting news.”

D. Global Financial Crisis:

Fed Chair Jerome Powell and the FOMC
The Federal Reserve
plays a pivotal role in managing the U.S. monetary policy, including the
control of money printing and interest rates. Since 1971, the U.S. dollar has
operated under a fiat monetary system, meaning it is not backed by gold or any
other physical commodity. Instead, its value is based on the “full faith
and credit” of the U.S. government. The Federal Reserve’s decisions on
interest rates can impact borrowing costs, inflation, and the national debt.
Lowering interest rates can make borrowing cheaper, potentially increasing the
national debt. This has raised concerns about the sustainability of the U.S.
debt, with some viewing it as a potential bubble or Ponzi scheme.

Thurs. 30 May 2024: BOOM! QFS Exposing the Deep State’s
Machinations! The Great Money Laundering Scheme -Taxpayer Money Laundered Through
Privately Owned Tax Offices

Thurs. 30 May 2024: This is Lord Jacob Rothschild!

Thurs. 30 May 2024: US Debt Clock: Wake-up Call to the Republic –
22 States Sue the Fed Seeking Audit of Private Banking Syndicate

E. Restored Republic and Sovereign Nations of
the World:
Global Martial Law, Ground Command, and the Rise of CARE: By Medeea
Greere 26 May 2024

The World as we know it stands under the
oppressive shadow of international martial law
, orchestrated not by individual nations but
by the figure of Ground Command.

Governments are now grappling for the
remnants of their sovereignty,
while once-almighty institutions like the IMF, UN, World Bank, and WEF
have fallen into irrelevance. In their wake, a newly restructured Global
Intelligence Agency (GIA) and the emergence of CARE are poised to reshape the
world as we know it.

But what does this seismic shift entail, and how does it affect the global financial
landscape? We will delve into the details of these remarkable developments,
shining a light on the imminent restructuring of the IRS, the abrupt dismissal
of influential figures like Janet Yellen, and the looming handover of assets by
the US Federal Reserve and Treasury.

F. Crossfire Hurricane (FBI investigation)
into Donald J TRUMP – a Deep State cover story.

The real truth (I have said the before. As did 107): The
Deep State, Obama, Clinton’s CIA Globalist wanted the NUCLEAR CODES and used
Crossfire hurricane investigations as a Segway to get to Trump and try to oust

with CIA/ FBI and intelligence operations against

The Mar a Lago raid was the attempt to get the Nuclear Codes
from Trump because the CIA, Rockefellers, Clintons wanted to Nuke Russia.

That’s a part of reason Trump was placed as
to collect the Nuclear
Codes. Since Trump got control of the Nuclear Codes he closed Cheyenne
Mountain. Biden, Obama and the CIA were all blocked and prohibited from going to
that Military Base that controlled the Nuclear U.S. operations.

California Patriots, be careful as I have warned of planned
Massive Earthquake for the West Coast slated for 2024.

Warning for DC: The Deep State was planning a false flag
inside job terrorist attack or biological weapon attack to shut down DC for the

TRUMP has put Presidential Executive Orders in place for counter measures if DC was ever
attacked .

G. Unveiling a tangled web of covert

CIA’s Role: The CIA has been involved in the overthrow of over 70
countries worldwide, exerting its influence behind the scenes.

Unprecedented Coup: The United States finds itself embroiled in
an open, overt coup, as the DNC and Deep State initiate plans to seize military
power from Trump, sparking a power struggle.

CCP Turmoil: Xi Jinping takes drastic measures by
arresting CCP officials, firing generals, and purging the military, all in
anticipation of the collapse of the Chinese Communist Party.

German Leak: Military plans for World War III are leaked
in Germany, leading to investigations and panic within their own military

Trump’s Comeback: EU countries are preparing “silent
cabinets” to align with Trump’s imminent return, signaling a seismic shift
in global politics.

Warning from Klaus Schwab’s
Noah Harari sends an alarming message to Davos, claiming that Trump’s
re-election will deal a devastating blow to the global order.

The Great Awakening: Over two billion people worldwide are part
of the Great Awakening, a massive military alliance operation dedicated to
dismantling the globalist Deep State Cabal system.

Strange Connections: A mind-boggling coincidence arises as
coordinates from a Miami mall incident match those of Antarctica when flipped
upside down. Mysteries deepen.

Jamie Dimon’s Betrayal: CEO of JP Morgan Chase Bank Jamie Dimon
abruptly turns against the DNC, defends MAGA, and challenges NATO. The
unexpected shift raises questions about what transpired at the Davos group

A Promise from Trump: Trump declares that he will not create a
Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), but speculation mounts that plans could
change in late 2025, involving the USSF and Elon Musk.

Vivek Ramaswamy’s Revelation: Former presidential candidate and
billionaire Vivek Ramaswamy’s alleged shadow campaign for Trump comes to light,
potentially leading to his involvement in the Trump administration.

DeSantis Endorses Trump: As predicted, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis
endorses Trump, aligning with military intelligence operations and the
Devolution Plan.

Globalist Exposed: The worldwide exposure of globalist agendas
hampers their attempts to regain power, as the Great Awakening operations gain

Nikki’s Fate: Trump’s influence looms large as Nikki faces
a challenging battle. Meanwhile, rumors circulate about Michelle Obama’s
potential presidential run, with the Rock potentially endorsing her candidacy.

Rogan and Trump: Against expectations, Joe Rogan endorses Trump,
and preparations are underway for Trump to appear on Rogan’s
podcast—conflicting earlier statements were merely strategic maneuvers.

2024 Disclosure Leaks: Get ready for a deluge of real disclosures,
unveiling shocking revelations, causing panic within the deep dark operations
of DARPA, the CIA, and the Bush-Obama military-industrial regime.

Stay tuned as these unprecedented events continue to unfold and
shape the fate of our world.

H. Wars and Rumors of Wars:

U.S. Central Command acknowledged that four
ships from the humanitarian pier support team in the Gaza Strip
had broken off their moorings, with two of
them washed ashore nearby. Another was stranded off the coast of the city of
Ashdod. The ship sent to rescue it was also stranded. What a shameful disaster!
Was it man made?

The US has given Ukraine permission to use transferred air defense
systems to shoot down Russian missiles or fighter jets over Russian territory,
stating there are no restrictions.

I. Illuminati Deep State Cabal Globalist Depopulation
Agenda 2030:

In 2019 Bill Gates backed the first
high-altitude experiment of one radical climate change solution
—creating a massive chemical cloud that could
cool the Earth. It’s called solar geo-engineering.” “But it also
comes with significant risks and uncertainties: Things like mass famine, mass
flooding, drought. It could eradicate blue sky.You have less direct light,
which is the same thing as saying it looks hazy and white.”

J. The Real News for Thurs. 30 May 2024:

Stop using dangerous Apple AirPods. AirPods emit a dangerous amount of EMF
radiation straight to your brain. This can potentially cause brain tumours and
radiation poisoning. You know why they made iPhones without headphone jacks
right? So people will get the wireless buds and fry their brains.

Thurs. 30 May 2024 Michael Sussmann a 57-year-old
cyber security lawyer who had worked for the Democrats and Hillary Clinton’s
presidential campaign,
has been arrested by the US Military for Treason.
Tribunal to be held at GITMO.

Banks don’t blow up randomly because of a gas
When was the last
time the Federal Reserve blew up because of a gas leak? The bank that blew up
had financial records of P Diddy – the accused pedophile leader of Hollywood
Child Sex Trafficking.

Wed. 29 May 2024: Benjamin Fulford & Jim Willie: Trump’s
Big Comeback!

Wed. 29 May 2024: Clif High, in Conversation!

Wed. 29 May 2024: Stew Peters World Premiere Film (5/29/2024):
“Old World Order” — Rated Mature for Language

Wed. 29 May 2024: X22 Report: Is Trump About To Set A
Precedent? Marker [9], Don’t Worry It Won’t Be Boring Forever!

Thurs. 30 May 2024: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: You Are on the
Right Path. Trust the Plan. Justice Is Coming! Warning: Stay Tuned! Special
Intel Report 5/30/24

Thurs. 30 May 2024: TOP SECRET UNVEILED: U.S. Military White Hats
Expose Elite’s Location Data! Flipping the Game with Shocking Ultimatum!

Thurs. 30 May 2024: Exposed: Pontius Pilate’s DISTURBING Letter
About JESUS’ Death Has Just Been Found In Old Documents

Trending!: “Obama founded ISIS.”

L. Covid/Vax/Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/
Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride,
Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

Swiss Cardiologist Thomas Binder has called for abolishment of the privately
owned-by-the-Cabal World Health Organization (WHO). “Enough is enough.”

Bill Gates has been experimenting in both
India & Africa with human lives for decades.
And the worst thing is it’s taken as
Philanthropy. Bill Gates is a Eugenicist. Bill Gates thinks he’s God. Bill
Gates is pure evil. Bill and Melinda Gates were hung by parents of India
children harmed by his vaccines.

Dr. McCullough Names Key Conspirators in the
Greatest Crime in Human History:

1.) Dr. Anthony Fauci: “Fauci was in on it the entire time. He was
pretending like he was responding to something that was brand new, but he knew
the entire time. In fact, he was part of a conspiracy to cover up where the
virus came from.”

2.) Dr. Ralph Baric, Professor of Epidemiology and researcher at
the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “He’s the one who engineered
taking part of a bat coronavirus onto a human coronavirus and making it invade
and be lethal.”

3.) Dr. Peter Daszak, President of the EcoHealth Alliance. “He
carried the plans from Baric over to China.”

4.) Dr. Shi Zhengli, Senior scientist and researcher at the Wuhan
Institute of Virology. “The bat lady.” “She went into the bat caves and handled
the bats and harvested the virus, and they published papers.”

Dr. McCullough ended on this note: “They telegraphed it. They said, ‘It [COVID] is ready to go.’ That’s what these papers say, ‘It’s ready to go. We’ve got it.
We created the virus.’ They announced it in broad daylight.”

“You’re DOUBLING your risk of having a
developmental delay in your child by vaccinating.”
Dr. Brian Hooker says that difference
becomes “more stark” when comparing unvaccinated children to fully vaccinated
ones. A study by Mawson and colleagues found that unvaccinated kids have lower
rates of chronic disease than even partially vaccinated ones. “You see that
ADHD and autism are 4.2 times higher [in the partially vaccinated]. Learning
disabilities,  5.2 times higher.
Neuro-developmental disabilities, 3.7 times higher. And these were partially
vaccinated children on the yellow bars.”

M. Thurs. 30 May 2024 White Hat Intel

The arrest of pedophile rings through the United States is picking up

collusion course with much bigger fish then EPSTEIN . P DIDDY….. IT’S GOING



The once 200,000 Sealed Indictments are reaching 500,000.This info comes from
direct 3 LETTER agency sources and is also hitting the info grid.

ANTARCTICA: Congress has already been briefed with military
WHISTLEBLOWERS and hundreds of high level military officials on what is really
happening in ANTARTICA and the [DS] dark deep OPERATIONS.

Project Blue Beam Alien invasion, UFOS sightings were being pushed by
PENTAGON, MSM, Israel the Vatican and major countries.

The original idea of Project Blue Beam was to use ANTARTICA blue beam direct energy
weapon to create earth quakes and use the advanced weapon to create chaos using
Electro-magnetic frequencies (Neutrinos weapons that can create thoughts and
install ideas in people in mass scales …. Smart phones, smart TV and smart
radio can activate the voices and false illusions and feelings in humans…..
This is the same reason McDonalds wanted to use technology to advertise to
people who are sleeping and infiltrate dreams with Electro-magnetic frequencies
using smart technology…. The deep state military tech is decades ahead of
McDonald’s idea using Neutrinos to manipulate people.)

Project Blue Beam wanted to create an Alien invasion, with
earthquakes. Mind control on cities with particle weapons that effect neutrinos
in the brain and electro-magnetic currents of thoughts and at the same time use
man made UFOS UAPS to fly around bombing cities, and they wanted to use
directed energy WEAPONS to attack the military and cities ( Blue Beam.. Just
like Lahaina Hawaii fires that destroyed the city)


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