Restored Republic via a
GCR: Update as of June 13, 2024


Judy Note: It’s amazing what the Main Stream Media refuses
to report and doesn’t even seem to care. In fact, it’s a little scary how we’re
all controlled by not being told what’s really going on and don’t even realize

Like today when Northcom (that defends
America’s homeland) and Norad,
(the bi-national command of the US and Canada that defends North
America from aerospace threats), were both put on High Alert. Why? – Because
Russian Warships were hovering near Florida in the biggest standoff since the
Cuban Missile Crisis – barely covered by the news.

Then there’s the Cabal engineered food
shortage crisis that no one knows about – and probably won’t until it’s too
The Health Ranger
Report: Brighteon Broadcast News, June 11, 2024 – PART ONE – States begin
BLOCKING WATER to the farms that feed America, engineering mass famine

Last Sun. 9 June 2024 Saudi Arabia ditched the US Dollar and did
not renew a 50 year contract, plus three days later around 12 noon EST on Wed. 12
in a shocking and devastating move, Russia’s Moscow Stock Exchange
immediately suspended all trading in U.S. dollars and Euros, delivering a major
blow to the U.S. currency – all of which was bound to begin a Global Financial
Crash – but you’d never know it according to the news.

Then if that wasn’t enough to keep from The People, there was a mega quake coming to California
that no one seemed interested in. Nothing
in MSM about that.

But then, the real mega quake was inside the
CIA’s dark secrets of Cyber Warfare.
And speaking (or not) of the CIA, they never mention the thousands of
children the CIA have tortured and murdered in their Mind Control Program since
the end of World War II – that has never been investigated. Nothing in MSM for eighty years to uncover that.

Then there’s the US Government’s biggest
Since 20 Jan. 2021 the US Military has been in charge in their
secret Continuity of Government Devolution Plan. Why? – It all started in 1913 when Congress granted Satanist
bankers the authority to tax the American people directly – something that was
expressly prohibited by way of the original Constitution. Nothing in MSM to cover that story. Why?

Wed. 12 June 2024: Seven counties in South Florida were now in
a state of Emergency and completely under water as night fall hit. Russian
warships and nuclear power submarine sat 66 miles from the now sunken Florida
Coast and huge wild fires were currently raging in Reno, Nevada. Firefighters
were rushed to the scene for battling the fires, after some structures
collapsed. They aren’t putting this on the news because it would cause MAJOR
panic!!! …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram


Wed. 12 June 2024 ALERT President Vladimir Putin has
just sent out an Emergency Message to the US: Start the Clock:

Just so we’re clear…Obama is controlling Biden. Pelosi was
controlling McCarthy. DOJ is controlling Trump’s indictments. FBI is
controlling Big Tech censorship. Zelensky is controlling foreign aid. Big
Pharma is controlling media. And BlackRock is controlling all the above. …The
17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Wed. 12 June 2024:

Wed. 12 June 2024: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: Trust Me:
Deep State Has Fallen. Main Players Gone. Puppets Will Be Done With. PRAISE THE

A. Wars and Rumors of Wars:

Wed. 12 June 2024: BREAKING: NORTHCOM and NORAD on ALERT! US
and Canada Shadow Russian Warships Near Florida in Biggest Standoff Since Cuban
Missile Crisis

Wed. 12 June 2024 The US Navy has been
in Miami due to
Russian Warship and Nuclear Power Submarine threats!

Wed. 12 June 2024 War Alert:

Wed. 12 June 2024 Ukraine Airstrike in

Wed. 12 June 2024 Breaking News! America Destroyed! Russian
Nukes On High Alert! Is The Attack Imminent.

Russian Warships Launch Four
Missiles 33 Miles near Florida Coast
in Retaliation of US Navy Deployment:

B. Apparent Timing:

As of Thurs. 30 May 2024 any US State could legally
obtain their own gold backed currency and bypass the Federal Reserve.

As of Sat. 1 June 2024 International World
was using the new
Iraqi Dinar Rate in the trade of international goods.

On Mon. Evening 3 June 2024 the Iraqi Parliament finally passed their
budget with the new Iraqi Dinar International Rate in it.

On Tues. 4 June large bondholder paymasters were in Reno to
begin exchanging their bond portfolios over the next 24 to 48 hour window. 

On Wed. 5 June 2024 the shotgun was fired,
authorizing liquidity of the bond payments of CMKX that opened the RV/GCR; the
General of Brazil authorized release of funds to
and San Paulo started to release funds. The Iraqi Parliament sent the budget with the new Iraqi Dinar Rate
in it to the Gazette to be published.

On Thurs. 6 June 2024 the Chinese
Elders authorized start of the payment process for Tier4b (Us, the Internet
The International Beneficiary Commission authorized some in Tier4b to receive notification. Brazil
began sending out notification and setting exchange appointments. A group in Zurich and another group in Brazil went
The BRICS Alliance
began Summit meetings in Russia.

On Fri. 7 June 2024 the US Government ran out of money and declared 63 banks
insolvent according to Janet Yellen. Bonds started becoming liquid.

On Sat. 8 June 2024 Nesara
Gesara and authorization came through for the liberation of funds was announced
in Mexico.

On Sun. 9 June 2024 the White House was lit
up in gold.
Arabia dropped the
USD and ended the Petrodollar. It was the Beginning of the End – the collapse
of the Global Financial System. Market Crash Imminent. RV funds for Bond
Holders and Tier4b were moving into their positions for payout. 

On Wed. 12
June 2024 around 12 Noon EST
a Worldwide Economic Collapse began
when Putin withdrew the US Dollar and the
Euro from the Stock Market.

“It’s official. Brazil has already started. On
Wed. 12 June
Reno should be releasing the funds, with notifications to set
redemption/exchange appointments for Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) to shortly

On Sat. 15 June 2024 any bank not Basel 3 compliant would be

On Sun. 16 June 2024 Global Elite Executions
will be Televised Worldwide:
Worldwide Televised Executions June 16th [Father’s Day] Booms Incoming!

Wed. 17 July was the end of the New World Order, with Q
Tuesday start of the Golden Age.
…The 17th
Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

Tues. 6 Aug. Worldwide Web Takeover Declass. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

Sun. 1
Sept. 2024:
“The greatest
comeback in World History will unfold. Everything you’ve known and seen will
become perplexing. You won’t believe your eyes. America will erupt. PATRIOTS
WILL PREVAIL. AMERICA WILL TRIUMPH. The house of cards will collapse.” …The 17th
Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

C. Global Currency Reset

Wed. 12 June 2024 TNT Tony: “They want this done by Sat. 15 June 2024. Banks are expecting
to work this weekend. Iraq has
country wide celebration planned for Sun.
30 June

Wed. 12 June 2024 Wolverine: Good news from all serious
and responsible sources.

This has already begun, the initial sound has been
heard throughout the media context of REDEMPTION/REVALUATION AND GLOBAL

It has been confirmed that the release of funds
for currency swaps and historical asset swaps began after 12:00 a.m. on Tues.
11 June.

These released funds will become liquid once the
800 holder numbers and emails are released.

Exchange notifications begin
on Wednesday, June 12.

It is a process that has
just begun,
everyone’s turn will come in due time, it will be a matter
of days. We ask all beneficiaries to be very calm and patient, as they will be
receiving notifications from their taxpayers. For the safety of everyone
involved in the process, it is necessary to be very, very discreet. Your friend
That loves you all Wolverine

Tues. 11 June 2024 Wolverine:

God has sent me on this journey and now I
cry, for I have the official news:
It has been confirmed that the release of funds for currency exchanges
and historical assets have already begun
after 12 noon Tues. 11 June EST.

Funds will become liquid after the 800 is
released to you on Wed. 12 June.

The last of this is a banking formality. 
Everything is done. The wait is over. What has been said so many times
by so many that is going to happen has now happened! 

C’s losses have already begun with the 27
Asian elderly and rogue families.
It has started first with the Elders who are the trigger for all
exchanges and redemptions.

Once the closing process begins for Zimbabwe
dollar and the Iraqi Dinar
which are part of the first currencies to cross the International Monetary
Fund, and which revalues the currencies, all currencies will continue to close
until all IMF SDR currencies are revalued.

Congratulations you have made it. This is real. It has started.

I also received a message from the director
of the CIC
, which is the actual
foundation for Mauricio. Right now, he is currently with the President of
Colombia, handing out the documents and everything to the president so the
funds can be released – I am not sure if it is televised or not, but it is
happening right now! I just received a photo shoot! 

I am beyond words right now! I am really, really, emotional.

What we need now is for the Tier4B
notifications to start coming through, which will be tomorrow Wed. 12 June

It is a privilege to have known these people (Marucio’s Team) who have changed my life.
Especially my wife…. (sorry guys it has been hard, Wolverine is choked with
emotion at this point). God bless you all, and hopefully, I pray to God, that
that Opera will be released to you. Take care, have a beautiful day. Wolverine
(transcribed by Carpathia)

D. Global Financial Crisis:

The Head of Germany’s Stock Exchange says the country is becoming a “Developing
Country” and called his own market “A junk Shop.”

Saudi Arabia has ditched the US Dollar and did not renew the 50-year petrodollar
agreement with the United States. Instead, they will be selling oil in multiple
currencies, including the Chinese RMB, Euros, Yen, and Yuan. This should be
treated as a Black Swan Event, but you wouldn’t know it because the U.S.
government is more focused on investigating tire tracks over an LGBTQ street
intersection. Remember, the revolution will not be televised.

Russia Bans All US Dollar
and Euro Trading on Moscow Exchange:
Chinese Yuan Dominates Is the Dollar’s Dominance in
Jeopardy After Russia’s Latest Action

E. Illuminati Zionist Deep State Cabal
Globalist Agenda 2030:

Wed. 12 June In addition to a Cabal
engineered water shortage
destroy crops their Depopulation Agenda is destroying our food supply. “Supermarkets are limiting egg sales
amid an outbreak of bird flu. Experts warn that up to 700,000 laying hens may
have to be culled to stop the outbreak from spreading.”

Wed. 12 June Dr. David Martin: “There’s no ability for member states
to even read the [WHO Pandemic Agreement] draft until the moment they’re
actually in the vote… Nation states will not know what they’re voting

Klaus Schwab the chairman of the World
Economic Forum
that eating bugs is the future. According to their moronic video, people should
be assured that bugs “are rich in protein, healthy fats, and vitamins, and can
be farmed at scale with minimal footprint.” This means that “The
Great Reset” will consist of Steak & Caviar for them, bugs & worms
for the rest of us. No thank you.

These demons can control the weather with
ultra high powered electronic frequencies via a machine called HAARP found in
Other countries like
China and Russia are doing similar experiments. I confirm in an article from
2013, also confirmed by many other “conspiracy theorists”. This is
not a conspiracy theory. HAARP machine sends millions of volts of electricity
into the ionosphere heating up particles in the air causing massive weather changes,
the govt have been messing with jet streams, cutting off countries from rain,
blocking the Sun, causing many hurricanes one of which Katrina. This is why we
see massive climate changes, snow in the summer & heat in the winter, but
we are blamed and being charged in the name global warming.

F. The Real News for Wed. 12 June 2024:

Wed. 12 June 2024: Breaking News: California “Megaquake” Coming
Soon – Are We Ready for the Catastrophic Impact.

Wed. 12 June 2024 US Marines
Arrest Oregon AG for Treason. 
Wed. 12 June 2024: The CIA’s Dark Secrets: WikiLeaks’ Vault 8
Exposes Source Code of Hacking Tools in the Next Chapter of Cyber Warfare

released footage shows Nancy Pelosi
saying that she takes
responsibility for not having the National Guard at the Capitol on January 6.

Wed. 12 June 2024: White Hats INTEL! Undercover Command: The
U.S. Military’s Secret Continuity of Government Devolution Plan Since January
20, 2021 – Donald Trump’s Role as Commander in Chief

Wed. 12 June 2024: BQQQM!!! President Trump’s 2nd Declaration
of Independence!!!

Wed. 12 June Biden Conviction, Peolsi Jan. 6
– Trump is 5 Steps Ahead:


Wed. 12 June 2024 Trump Coded Message to
Biden After Hunter Conviction:

If Elon Musk Hadn’t Bought Twitter: The algorithms never would have been changed,
and the broader public would still be asleep. Most of the content in your feeds
would not be there, and your favorite accounts would still be suspended. The
shift we are seeing in public perception, can be largely attributed to the
liberation of Twitter and the construction of X. Trump’s approval/polling
numbers would not be as high as they are if traditional TV MSM was the only
source of news. Trump might not even be the GOP nominee if citizen journalists
did not have the reach and influence that they do on X. Public perception is
the game, and Elon gave us the tools to fight back against the corrupt MSM.
It’s working.

H. Covid/Vax/Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/
Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride,
Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

Sergeant Ric Schiff, the father of two twin
daughters, explained to a court room why he felt our Government was hiding the
cure for cancer and using radiation and chemotherapy as a money making option
to sustain life for a short time,
rather than cure the disease and save lives. One of Schiff’s daughters
developed a brain tumor at the young age of four. They were told she was going
to die, and put her on aggressive chemo and radiation therapy which had a high
possibility of killing her, she miraculously survived, but the cancer remained
and they were told she didn’t have much longer to live. While not being able to
accept this they sought out alternative options and that’s when they came
across Dr. Burzynski and his non toxic, all natural antineoplastons therapy,
his daughter was cured of cancer but died, due to deterioration of her brain
from the former conventional toxic radiation therapy.

Wed. 12 June 2024: Dr. David Martin Reveals
the Disturbing Truth About the COVID Shots.
It turns out that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are not
vaccines after all. Both BioNTech (Pfizer’s company) and Moderna once referred
to the mRNA injections as “gene therapies.” Now, Pharma execs are laughing
because they know that if they had called the shots what they were (gene
therapies), nobody would have taken them. Instead, they called it a vaccine and
got away with it. Here’s what’s even worse. Scientific studies by 2018
indicated that pseudouridine “was known to be a cancer promoter.” Guess what’s
in the mRNA injections? Pseudouridine. Now, young people are getting cancer,
unlike at any other time in history. Here is the disturbing truth, according to
Dr. David Martin. “Ladies and gentlemen, you were injected with a thing to make
you a customer of the industry [Big Pharma] that has been in the business of
killing the world’s citizens since 1604.”

Wed. 12 June 2024 Self Assembling Hydrogel
Nanotech Found in Pepsi:

Wed. 12 June 2024 Florida: Florida
to officially classify Myrna Covid Shots as bio-weapons.

I. Wed. 12 June 2024 Washington DC Is A Crime
Scene, Charlie Ward:

John F. Kennedy never took a salary. He donated it instead.
Herbert Hoover never took a salary. He donated it instead. Donald Trump never
took a salary. He donated it instead.

Joe Biden is taking a salary on top of the
drug trafficking money

while occupying a White House owned by foreign interest.

• Genocide of the
jabs• Human Trafficking• Fraudulent US election• Obamagate• Criminal Clinton
& Gates Foundation • Laptop from Hell • Insertion of social credit •
Worldwide Freedom Convoys• Pfizer Data• Kids being jabbed.• CIA Chief William
Burns• Ukraine Money Laundering • Tax Evasion 
• Wire Fraud

Remember, there is no “Oath of
Office” on record for anyone in the current administration.

Do you all remember “The Restrict
This bill would only
solidify the use of tools used to steal the 2020 election.

Things that allowed access to information via
Microsoft SQL
, which
breached passwords and weak credentials, compromised USB drives in data
transfers. Which is basically uncertified internet access.

The Restrict Act not only bans Americans from using TikTok,
it is a Patriot Act 2.0 for the Internet. It would give the government
unfettered access to all the data on our computers, phones, security cameras,
internet browsing history, payment applications, and more.

This would all be coming from a corrupt
illegal administration

that is not supposed to be occupying the White House. Because Americans were
not told as of yet of all the human trafficking tunnels found under The White
House. Which is under investigation. This is why D. Trump never took a salary.

Why? A couple of reasons.

Obstruction of Justice: If Trump took actions (Accepting A Salary)
basically hindering obstructing the investigation into trafficking and money
laundering at the White House, he could face charges of obstruction of justice.
Can we say the same for Joe Biden? No.

Bribery or Corruption: If it could be proven that Trump accepted
the salary as part of a quid pro quo arrangement with individuals or entities
involved in trafficking and money laundering, he could face charges of bribery
or corruption.

This is why the “No Oath Of Office” issue should alarm everyone. Because this
also implicates Joe Biden. Because when Michelle Klann presented paperwork to
Maricopa County Board of Supervisors they all dismissed themselves because she
proved they signed no Oath of office to the Republic of Arizona.

Meaning they all committed insurrection because they signed an Oath of office to a
foreign office.

Think- 1103 ≈ 11 alt 3 ≈ 11.3 Chapter 11.3 of
Law of War
Manual = End of Occupation and Duration of GC Obligations GC =
Geneva Conventions

11.3 Reads: “The status of belligerent occupation ends when the
conditions for its application are no longer met. Certain GC obligations with
respect to occupied territory continue for the duration of the occupation after
the general close of military operations.” End quote.

They are talking about Washington DC. These are military provisions. People ask
yourself since when does the National Guard deploy to an “Inauguration” and
occupy two months later? Remember the fence that went around DC? This was the
“Peaceful Transition of Power” to the military.

This happened around the same time Nancy Drew uploaded a video on her channel showing Congress
being rounded up and put on busses. This is also why another person like
Richard Citizen Journalist were able to upload multiple videos on his channel
on Telegram showing DC was a ghost town. All the Federal buildings were closed
for years after 2020.

Do you think it was because of this other
military order?


General Protections, Including Humane Treatment, of the Population of an
Occupied Territory.

J. Wed 12 June 2024 Ben Fulford Report:

Donald Trump and Alex Soros
fight to the death as US Corporation and Israel implode
. In what looks like a fight
to the death over deck chairs on a sinking Titanic, Donald Trump and Alex Soros
are now in a state of open warfare against each other.

It is a good bet Soros, his
Barack Obama house slave and their entire faction will lose
the war.

However, this will not stop
the fact the US Corporation owes its’ people $200 trillion and the rest of the
world $53.4 trillion
and so will not be able to continue as is.

Israel, meanwhile, is about
to be taken over
by Egypt and Turkey. 

K. Wed. 12 June 2024: The fake Joe Biden is a
fake President, Ben Fulford Report

The real pedophile Joseph Robinette Biden only functioned back in the days as Vice
President of Barry Soetoro (adopted by father Lolo Soetoro, a high Satanist)
aka Barack Hussein Obama.

Obama and Biden were mass murderers who commanded 200,000
uranium-contaminated drone bombs in the Middle East on children, women and men.

These mass murderers – including, by the way, the
“Bush” clan and the Clinton clan and many others – belong in courts

And the new “Joe Biden”, an actor, which was used for this theater game.

Those in the know have seen through this game
long ago.
These socialists are
exposing themselves all over the world right now and are hurtling all together
into the abyss. Their satanic time has expired.

Unfortunately, very many people are totally
and follow these
beings into the abyss.         


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