Restored Republic via
a GCR: Update as of June 14, 2024


JUDY NOTE: ‘Recent investigations into ballot fraud and
manipulation are just scratching the surface. When you follow the money, you
find the Federal Reserve at the center of a multi-decade Ponzi scheme. The
Federal Reserve is not actually a federal agency, nor does it hold reserves. It
has been manipulating the economy and contributing to financial instability for
decades. Understanding this is crucial to realizing how deep the corruption
runs’. …The Debt Clock on Telegram Thurs. 13 June 2024

Major Events Not Reported in the Mainstream Media on Thurs. 13 June
2024:· Thurs. 13 June 2024 Florida Coast: Russian warships clash with US,
Canadian ships near Florida Keys. In an unexpected and tense development,
Russian warships have sailed into the Atlantic and are currently involved in a
standoff with American and Canadian ships near Key Largo, Florida. On Thurs. 13
June 2024 Putin sent three additional warships, along with a nuclear powered
submarine, to the coast of Florida.

· Wed. 12 June 2024: Emergency System Activated as seven
coastal counties in Florida were under water.
· Thurs. 13 June
2024: Washington DC under attack as thousands of protestors take to the streets
chanting, ‘Arrest Joe Biden.’

· Thurs. 13 June 2024: A failed assassination attempt
happened on President Trump in Pennsylvania.
· Wed. 12 June 2024:
Wild Fires in Reno Nevada; firefighters rush to scene as buildings collapse.·
Wed. 12 June 2024: Border Patrol memo tells agents to release illegal
immigrants from nearly all Eastern Hemisphere countries.

· Black Swan Global Financial Event: On Sun. 9 June 2024
Saudi Arabia ditched the US Dollar and will not be renewing the 50-year
petrodollar agreement with the United States. Instead, they will be selling oil
in multiple currencies, including the Chinese RMB, Euros, Yen and Yuan. This
should be treated as a Black Swan Event, but you wouldn’t know it because the
U.S. government is more focused on investigating tire tracks over an LGBTQ
street intersection. Remember, the revolution will not be televised.

· Planes and Trains will be grounded as 34 Satanic Buildings and Dams
were hit by Direct Energy Weapons that also turn off Bitcoin Servers for good,
plus Lights and Power will be switched off while the World changes over to
Tesla Free Energy.

· European Union on Biological Warfare: The Best Video Going Around!
They’re All Going to Jail!! They have been developing the Corona Virus for 56
years. Pfizer filed the Patent for Corona Virus Vaccine in 1990. Corona Virus
modifies and changes itself so fast that vaccines don’t work. In 2002 the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill filed a patent for Corona Virus as
a infectious replication defective, which means a weapon to target an
individual. The CDC paid the patent office to override a rejection. In 2005 it
was described and labeled as a bio weapon. Over 10 billion US dollars has been
funneled through Anthony Fauci to make a weapon to take out humanity.

· On Thurs. 13 June 2024 all flights were cancelled out of Miami
Florida.· The income tax lie is the greatest lie ever told in American history.
Hidden footage showed an IRS Agent with a Prosecutor not able to confirm there
is a law to pay income tax. This case of tax fraud was dismissed because there
is, in fact, no law requiring taxes.

· Yet Ken Cromar presently sits in jail having been found
guilty of living in his own fully owned home after proving in a Federal Tax
Court that he owed no monies to the IRS. The IRS sold his home at auction and
threw away all his possessions including expensive camera equipment he used to
make a living.

· All Tom Fairbanks did was to spend much of his life gathering evidence
on the Ritual Abuse of children in Utah. In early March 2024 he was arrested
and placed in the Utah Weber County Jail. For what. The real reason for attacks
on Tom appeared to be that the Powers That Be couldn’t afford to have someone
with Tom’s very valid evidence of SRA cases to be running around unchecked.
Fairbanks’ problems began when he decided to take his evidence of Satanic
Ritual Abuse of children and share it with Utah governmental powers. No sooner
had he done so when a tsunami of problems began to plague his life including
being poisoned and suffering years of court battles on made up cases.

· On Sun. 9 June 2024 the White House was lit up in gold. Saudia Arabia dropped
the USD and ended the Petrodollar. With a Market Crash imminent, it was the
Beginning of the End for collapse of the Global Financial System. RV funds for
Bond Holders and Tier4b moved into position for payout.

· On Wed. 12 June 2024 around 12 Noon EST a Worldwide Economic Collapse
continued when Putin withdrew the US Dollar and the Euro from the Russian Stock

· ‘It’s official. Brazil has already started. On Wed. 12 June Reno
should be releasing the funds, with notifications to set redemption/exchange
appointments for Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) to shortly follow’. …Wolverine

· On Sat. 15 June 2024 any bank not Basel 3 compliant would be closed.
The new Iraqi Dinar Rate would be published in their Gazette. Notification to
set appointments for Tier4b and Bond Holders were expected by Sat. 15 June.

· On Sun. 16 June 2024 Global Elite Executions will be Televised
Worldwide: Worldwide Televised Executions June 16th [Father’s Day] Booms
Incoming! · ‘Wed. 17 July was the end of the New World Order, with Q Tuesday
start of the Golden Age.’ …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram· Tues. 6 Aug. ‘Worldwide
Web Takeover Declass’. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

· Sun. 1 Sept. 2024: ‘The greatest comeback in World
History will unfold. Everything you’ve known and seen will become perplexing.
You won’t believe your eyes. America will erupt. PATRIOTS WILL PREVAIL. AMERICA
WILL TRIUMPH. The house of cards will collapse’. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on

B. GLOBAL CURRENCY RESET:· Thurs. 13 June 2024 Bruce: Military Sources
say that Notifications for Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) and Bond Holders
were to come out and the new Iraqi Dinar Rate be published in the Iraqi Gazette
by Sat. 15 June 2024.

· Thurs. 13 June 2024 Texas Snake: ‘I have been involved
in this venture since early in 2007. Having come from the investment community
I had contacts with NYSE people who were able to put me in touch with many
foreign banking personnel who have shared almost daily with what is the news
within their banks and countries as it relates with this world currency
restructuring. As stated a number of years and now 3 days with absolutely
nothing. So my thoughts are everyone in high level banking has had to execute
an NDA and that we are that close to the announcement. The Doctor in Beeville
confirmed the new IQD rate a couple of days ago which was in country only, but
with this silence I believe we are right on the edge of our exchanging. GOD

· Thurs. 13 June 2024 MarkZ: ‘I have seen facilitators and humanitarian
platforms get paid….but this is the first time that an individual I can track
has received dollars…..Call them test deposits or whatever- but this is the
first real movement I have seen I have seen to be warm and fuzzy about’.

· Wed. 12 June 2024 TNT Tony: ‘They want this done by Sat. 15 June 2024.
Banks are expecting to work this weekend. Iraq has country wide celebration
planned for Sun. 30 June’.

· Thurs. 13 June 2024 Wolverine: ‘I’ve been told by some very, very high
sources to be patient – that this is happening. We just have to wait our turn.
It will happen in a matter of days. It has been confirmed that the release of
funds for currency swaps and historical asset swaps began after 12:00 a.m. on
Tues. 11 June. These released funds will become liquid once the 800 holder
numbers and emails are released.

· Thurs. 13 June Mike Bara: ‘A source got a call from a high banking
source at a major bank in the south. ‘You’ve been bugging me about this for ten
years. Well, congratulations buddy. Your dream is about to come true.’ SOURCE: ‘What
do you mean.’ BANKER: ‘We just got a letter from headquarters informing us to
get ready because ‘The Iraqi Dinar is revaluing extremely soon’’.

· Thurs. 13 June Rumor: A Middle East friend said, ‘Today the Dinar is
worth $5.34 to the US Dollar.’

· Thurs. 13 June 2024 Jentel Short, Jennifer Fallaw-Doering: When can we
expect Notifications now. They are monitoring suspicious behavior in Reno,
which could be a problem. They are also watching rates move on screens. Best
estimate is today, tomorrow, or later if Reno is a problem. I see currency
flowing from exchange centers into Reno and then sent back to countries of
origin. Reno is important. Keep an eye on that. They can’t have terrorists
interfering with that process. So, it’s still happening. These terrorist
attempts are like flies buzzing around the picnic, but they want to make sure
there are no wolves hiding in the bushes. Have a great day.

THURS. 13 JUNE 2024 BRUCE, THE BIG CALL:· Military Sources say that
Notifications for Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) are to come out within the
next 48 hours or by Fri. or Sat. 15 June 2024.· The new Dinar rate was on the
Forex and trading upward.· The new Dinar Rate will be published in the Iraqi
Gazette on Sat. 15 June 2024
· Bond Holders are to have Notifications
around Sat. 15 June 2024.

C. GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS:· According to France, G7
leaders will agree to provide Ukraine with $50 billion of aid using the profits
generated by frozen Russian sovereign assets. This is a massive message to the
world. Paper assets are not safe.

· Thurs. 13 June 2024 BOMBSHELL!!! Saudi Arabia Just Ditched
the US Dollar: BLACK SWAN! · Thurs. 13 June 2024 Petrodollar Dies: 

There is going to be a BIG Biblical scenario where they make out it’s WW3 but
really they are activating Militaries then – ‘fix’ of all of these Satanic
Luceriferian landmarks, enact GESARA funds and We The People rebuild

· What are some of the Very BIG Satanic Illuminati landmarks in the
world. Q showed us them: Vatican, Buckingham Palace, Whitehouse x 2 (USA,
Germany), 3GD in China. CERN on the Swiss/French Border possible.· Big Pharma
in Wuhan = Israel, Israel/Khazarians controls CCP and the Media etc.· 34
Satanic Buildings and Dams will Fall. Rods of God/DEW

· WORLDWIDE Planes & Trains grounded. Lights/Power
switched off while changing over to Tesla Free energy.· Bitcoin Servers/Data
Center hit and turned off for good. 99.5% of Crypto gone China Coins. Enter
ISO20022 Coins backed by Precious Metals.

· WW3 Scare Event. Nuke Sirens. Water Event. Stock Market
Crash. Global Martial Law. CASTLE ROCK -Scenario Julian Assange. Quantum
Systems. Project Odin Switched on. Nesara/Gesara/RV Election Flipping via
Military Courts – FISA

· Military Tribunals/confessions/10 day movie – 3 × 8 hr. sessions. 10
countries will be running EBS to cover the whole World.· Reveals. Inauguration:
The ISRAELI MOSSAD control the WORLD’s MEDIA out of the US.

· Project Odin as mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz is a
POWERFUL Anti-Deplatforming Tool. Project Odin is part of Quantum Star Link.
Our new Quantum Systems are to be protected by Secret Space Programs out of the
Cabal’s reach. Q2337 tells you Mossad Media Assets will be removed. Think
people like Alex Jones, Anderson Cooper etc. and also Mossad Satellites.
Israeli intelligence – stand down. Media assets will be removed. Something
powerful is going to knock out Mossad Media Satellites. This will blackout the
media worldwide, Switch us over to the Quantum Systems. This is PROJECT ODIN.
All in All give the reason to Activate the Military EBS.

· If you look up the TURKSAT Rocket that launched from the USA in
January you will see it was specifically for MILITARY COMMS to peoples TV’s

· THE EVENT has many facets too it. The Worldwide Blackout to change
over to TESLA Energy. Knocking out Media Satellites, QFS, Rods of God on Dams
& 34 Buildings & much much more.

· 34 Buildings will be in the EVENT. They are very significant. I.e.
Whitehouse, Royal Castles, Buckingham Palace, Vatican, Getty Museum, Playboy
Mansion and the like.· This will surely make the Stock Market collapse as will
Precision Cyber linked to Executive Orders 13818 & 13848. It is all a show.

· Swapping from Rothschild’s Central Bank Notes to
Rainbow Treasury Notes now backed by Precious Metals (Not Oil/Wars)· Are we
still comfy. Or are we scared. A little bit of both is normal. Trump keeps his
promises. Have faith in the Lord Our God. He will comfort you through the

· Who saw in January up to 10 countries at once have
their power all turned off by the Space Force. Just before that Israel had that
happen for 30 mins too. If they can turn 10 at once off all together. They can
do the whole lot. Welcome to Tesla.

· BLACKOUT NECESSARY.· Have a look at all the Global Military ‘Exercises’
now being put in place. Its all happening in front of you. It’s the largest
GLOBAL MILITARY Operation in Planet Earths History. Transition to

· Now they just have to play out a fake WW3 Scenario to
ring sirens in every National Military Command Center. This is to justify to
the Whole Entire Planet many things that have been taking place already. The
fact that Gesara Military Law has been in place. The Secret Military Tribunals,
confessions, executions, the lot. And like all militaries normally do, they
will help build new things.

the Normies,We told you SEVEN years ago what was going on in the world.We told
you the past SIX years the importance to them of normalizing pedophilia.We told
you FOUR years ago that Hunter’s laptop was real.

And now FINALLY the court is agreeing with us.It is now a
matter of Public Record that the SON of a sitting U.S. ‘President’ is a
pedophile.Wait until you find out who else is and what else they do.How could
anything be worse than pedophilia you ask.We also have been telling you that
for the last seven years.Have you not been paying attention. It might be time
to start. Wake up Neo, follow the White Rabbit.

G. WARS AND RUMORS OF WARS:· Thurs. 13 June 2024 ALERT:
The Cabal’s G7 announced they will respond to the Russian Nuclear Scare Event
happening now off the coast of Florida! Judy Note: What they have in mind
cannot be good and likely related to their 2030 Depopulation Agenda.

· Justice Kavanaugh asks DOJ Lawyer if Barack Obama
should be prosecuted over his use of drone strikes against civilians.
Kavanaugh: ‘How about President Obama’s drone strikes.’ DOJ Special Counsel
Dreeben: ‘Unlawful killing didn’t apply to the drone strikes’.· Thurs. 13 June
2024: US May Deploy More Nukes Worldwide | RightWing


· COVID was just a ‘test’ of compliance. It was a necessary step to get
us to the WHO Treaty. While we are being distracted with politics, and
manufactured conflicts among one another, the WHO is getting ready to release ‘Disease
X’ ahead of the 2024 election and use that as an excuse to bring in more
MEDICAL TYRANNY WORLDWIDE. Countries that sign this treaty will effectively
SURRENDER ALL GOVERNMENT POWER in the event of a future pandemic. On May 27th,
2024 Biden had planned to FULLY ceding the sovereignty of the United States to
the WHO under the guise of signing a ‘pandemic treaty’. (This didn’t happen).
IF this had moved forward, it would have been the END of the United States as
we know it (Our Constitution/Bill of Rights) & the beginning of the MOST
totalitarian, and oppressive Communist dictatorship here in America. A social
credit score system, like the one in Communist China was planned to be
implemented as well.

· These demons can control the weather with ultra high powered
electronic frequencies via a machine called HAARP found in Alaska. Other
countries like China and Russia are doing similar experiments. I (The X Files
on Telegram) confirm in an article from 2013, also confirmed by many other ‘conspiracy
theorists’. This is not a conspiracy theory. HAARP machine sends millions of
volts of electricity into the ionosphere heating up particles in the air
causing massive weather changes, the govt have been messing with jet streams,
cutting off countries from rain, blocking the Sun, causing many hurricanes one
of which Katrina. This is why we see massive climate changes, snow in the
summer & heat in the winter, but we are blamed and being charged in the
name of Global Warming.

I. CIA CRIME:· Tucker Carlson Reveals That The Director Of The CIA
Threatened Him & Said It Was A Crime To Expose The CIA Murdered A Sitting
United States President.


· L.A Times, 1972 Subterranean Bullet Trains: ‘A Rand corporation
physicist has devised a rapid transit system to get you from Los Angeles to NY
in half an hour for a $50 fair. He said existing technology made such a system
feasible and so does a cost analysis’.· Thurs. 13 June 2024: Oil refinery is
still on fire in Iraq.· JAG Serial Hangs 4 Criminal Colorado Supreme Court
Justices for Treason.

· Wed. 12 June 2024 Congressional Testimony: The VA can’t
deal with backlogs for services for American Veterans because the VA is using
their funds on Illegal Immigrants. US Congress Rep Greg Steube ‘I think that
the VA’s mission, being a veteran myself, should be to support veterans, not
illegal immigrants’.


· Thurs. 13 June 2024 Japan: Japanese Interior Minister Haraguchi
Apologizes during Mass Protest in Japan against WHO. ‘I apologize to all of
you. So many people died and they shouldn’t have.’ He admitted that they did
not want Ivermectin because it was not expensive enough! He then shared a
deeply personal story about his health problems. After receiving the vaccines,
he developed a serious illness, in particular a rapidly progressing form of
cancer. ‘Last year at this time I had neither eyebrows nor hair. Two of the
three alleged vaccines I received were deadly batches’, he revealed. Concluding
his speech, Haraguchi issued a call to action. He urged people to unite to
challenge the government and its questionable decisions. ‘Let’s overthrow this
government’, he proclaimed, stressing the need for change and accountability.
The media is hiding this from you too!

· We’re decoding the latest secret image from the US Debt Clock and uncovering
some shocking truths about serious crimes against the American people: Abuse of
Power, Bribery and Corruption, Obstruction of Justice, and Violation of Oath of

· Watergate Scandal: President Richard Nixon’s administration tried to
cover up its involvement in the break-in at the Democratic National Committee
headquarters, leading to one of the biggest political scandals in U.S. history.

· PATRIOT Act and Surveillance: After the 9/11 attacks, the U.S.
government passed the PATRIOT Act, greatly expanding surveillance powers.
Critics say this led to mass surveillance without proper oversight, privacy
violations, and abuses of power by agencies like the NSA. Edward Snowden’s
revelations sparked a major debate on civil liberties and government overreach.

· Jack Abramoff Scandal: In the 2000s, lobbyist Jack Abramoff was
involved in a huge corruption scandal with Congress members and government
officials. He used bribes, extravagant gifts, and campaign donations to
influence legislation. This led to several convictions, including Congressman
Bob Ney, and exposed the significant influence of lobbyists in Washington, D.C.

· But there’s more. Recent investigations into ballot fraud and
manipulation are just scratching the surface. When you follow the money, you
find the Federal Reserve at the center of a multi-decade Ponzi scheme. The
Federal Reserve is not actually a federal agency, nor does it hold reserves. It
has been manipulating the economy and contributing to financial instability for
decades. Understanding this is crucial to realizing how deep the corruption


· 11.3 ARREST WARS are coming closer and it’s no longer a conspiracy
that Trump is going to arrest the Deep State operators and bring down the
operations and real puppet masters of the world Swamp.

· From the director of the FBI McCabe, to U.S. Military Deep State
General Milley, to leading MSM host Maddow and hundreds more of Elites in the
Senate, U.S. government and high profile Elites – all confirm that Trump is
coming after them for Treason.

· One of the known operations is now hitting the 2024 circa in social
media ,books, TV and huge discussions inside the DNC and DC ring. THE MILITARY
Hilary Clinton and connection to money laundering/ BRIBES/ BLACKMAIL and a

· Patrick Byrne publicly Gives some of the full information on the
behind the scenes military/ DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE./WHITE HATS IN 3 LETTER

· The powerful combination of The Storm is connected to the deep state
,dark deep operations and unconstitutional operations in the United States
connected to underground bases and the real facilitators who control Washington
DC and deep state actors and operations.

Majority Intelligence Communitee) that is runned by the Rockefellers+
Rothchilds +13 Elite families who control most of the world intelligence and
banks and government corruption systems.

· [ DS] MAJIC is connected to DARPA and the siphoning of hundreds of
trillions of Dollars annually from world governments to maintain under ground
bases that house the most advanced technology in the world, connected to
infinit energy. Tesla energy*.z.> Zero point Energy

· This important hidden technology is connected to a Golden future that
WILL change everything, and create Wealth across the world to every country and
people, including advanced health regeneration technology, ending cancer, heart
problems and much much much more)

· It was vital and important that Russia broke apart the underground
biolabs in Ukraine. And broke apart the CIA run military regime of West Ukraine
and the dismantling of the world money laundering operations that went to

· Blackrock, Vanguard, NATO, UN, OBAMA, CIA, MI6, MOSSAD World Bank fake
philanthropy operations were all funneling money to Ukraine for over 50 years.

· It was important for Trump to step back in 2021_2024 as deep state
dismantling operations in Ukraine took place.

· If Trump would have fully initiated the dismantle of the CIA Ukraine
operations The deep state European powers, Elites. Propaganda television would
have crucified TRUMP…. Even in the U S. People would have been confused and
the mockingbird CIA tv MSM would have annihilated him!!!!!)

· It was vital to world military operations that Putin move forward and
bring down the Nazi / GLOBALIST regimen in Ukraine and stop the deep state
elite operations

· A powerful PLAN is formulating in real time unfolding to bring down

· 11.3 The END GAME is Military World Courts, Tribunals
on who funded Ukraine war. Soldier and Coup of 2014, Tribunals on who funded
biolabs in Ukraine; Nürnberg Code ( TRIBUNAL) these arrest and investigation
start directly from the top and trickle down unlike U.S. RICO investigations;
Nürnberg Code( tribunals) who funded the virus. CIA+ deep state EU actors+
intelligence MAJIC.

O. THURS. 13 JUNE 2024 Ben Fulford:· Donald Trump was never supposed to
acknowledge that we have a military branch operating off planet. When he did
that he made them come out of the shadows. Do you know how many super soldiers
were blowing the whistle on the SSP-(Secret Space Program). I am talking about
way before D. Trump came into the picture. This is why they do not want anybody
from the National Guard moved to ‘The Space Force’.

· How many of you have found the wild fires in California
suspicious. How many have you found the wildfire in Hawaii suspicious. How many
have you found the wildfire Louisiana power line explosion in Louisiana suspicious.
Guess who is behind all of that. The Cabal. The Deep State. The Shadow

· Just because D. Trump announced the Space Force doesn’t mean we were
out of the woods. We were just entering another deadly area of it. The fight to
remove the Cabal is taking place on land, air, sea, and space.

· D. Trump was not behind this specific design. When they revealed the
new logo he was only supporting the official design. Have you noticed there are
no pictures of him wearing this hat. All of his social media post were of the
other mainline design. The one that is actually on the Space Force flag. You
will never see him wearing this obvious Deep State hat. Because he knows they
are in Space Force operating in the shadows.

· Which is why again all of the US governors opposed D. Trump idea to
put the National Guard in the Space Force. Because they would be the ones to
find out what had really been going on. Especially all the wildfires that were
in California & Maui which goes directly back to crooked elements of the
Space Force that D. Trump is trying to use the NG to get rid of.

· They didn’t want the National Guard at the US Capitol. They didn’t
want the National Guard at the Arizona border. They didn’t want the National
Guard in the US Space Force. Ask yourself why. Who is afraid of the National

· This is why you all cannot keep listening to random viewpoints if it
goes against your better judgment of what you personally understand. We are
still in a war. We have not even switched over to the new monetary system yet
even though it US running in conjunction with the old one.

· The National Guard is feared for a reason by the Deep State. Which had
infiltrated every industry. Donald Trump knows the National Guard will figure
out what is going on. Why do you think Michael Flynn did not even acknowledge
the testimony on Capitol Hill by Colonel Earl Matthews about January 6th.

David Wilcock:

1. Why does the public school system not teach the declaration of
independence , 2. Why does the public school system not teach how to file taxes
, 3. Why does the public school systems not teach the importance of a credit
score and how to start and earn positive credit.

4. Why does the public school system not teach kids how
to defend themselves in case of a kidnapping attempt , 5.Why does the public
school systems not teach the 3 branches of government , 6.Why does the public
school systems not reward kids with creative imaginations who learn differently.

7.Why does the public school systems not have a class on
independence …. moving out … paying bills , 8.Why aren’t survival classes
taught in all public schools … hunting, fishing how to start and build a fire.

AMERICANS!!!… Indoctrination begins in public schools!
should be a fuckin camera parents can log onto in every FUCKIN CLASSROOM IN
AMERICA! There should be armed guards preferably veterans paid to guard our
children AT ALL SCHOOLS.

11.Why aren’t there weapons training and weapons safety
classes in all public schools grade 6 through 12  . 12.Why are the public school systems more
interested in gender ideology then teaching children how to be successful

14.Why are foreign born students statistically more ready
and more successful then American born children.

15.Why aren’t they teaching our children how to farm and raise livestock…
All of this should be a requirement!!! ALL OF IT …. OUR FOREFATHERS WOULD BE

16. They aren’t protecting our children parents …. WAKE UP , 17.
How is it private schools have gates and are protected by ARMED ex military….
Because the parents have money!!! Wake up


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