Restored Republic via
a GCR: Update as of June 23, 2024

Judy Note: The U.S. Petro Dollar (CIA money that controls Middle East Oil) was
The fiat US dollar was near collapse. No
major country wanted the U.S. Federal Reserve Dollar for trade. Fake Wall
Street financial reports were in limbo. Money was running out across the World
as the Deep State, CIA, Mossad, M16, UK Crown, Globalist, Rockefellers, Rothchilds
money was evaporating inside a massive Black Swan Financial Collapse Event.
It’s time for a Global Currency Reset to gold/asset-backed monies.

·      Biden
gone; Trump back. US Military Interim Government in place.
Mass Arrests in full force – beginning at
the White House. “Of the over 450,000 indictments and tribunals filed and
executed on Global and Political Elites since 2016 when Trump took office, we are in the last 5-10,000 to
complete.” …Charlie Ward Mon. 17 June
Prepare for ten dark days under Military watch.

·      Sat.
22 June 2024:
Alert: More Proof you’re Watching a Military Occupation and Continuity of
Operations – Derek Johnson VIDEO

·      Sat.
22 June 2024:

·      Sat.
22 June 2022 While Idaho Farmers Are Having Their Water Shutoff Look What’s
Happening In Arizona:
one of the worst mega droughts of the past 1200 years— A Saudi Arabian owned
company is allowed to pump unlimited amounts of groundwater to irrigate farm
fields.” The crop is sent overseas.

·      The
former UN executive director and former president of the Club of Rome
has confirmed
that the oligarchs running our world were pedophiles
controlling the global child sex trafficking systems.

·      Sat.
22 June 2024:
States Have Sued Pfizer for Covid Vax Conspiracy Fraud.

·      A
2023 Covid-19 Vaccine Injury
& Autopsy Paper: “We found that 73.9% of deaths were directly
due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.”

·      WARNING:
New York has become the first state to rollout Bill Bates’ Digital ID System.
The digital ID will initially be a voluntary
way for New Yorkers to store their driver’s license and non-driver IDs.
Eventually, the system will become mandatory for all residents who wish to
participate in society.

·      The
have purchased 300,000
acres of farmland near 19 US Military Bases.

Fri. 21 June 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SITUATION UPDATE 6/21/24 ,  7
million illegal males being called up for Selective Service to control
SCOTUS rulings revealed into next week; Ukraine using German Howitzers
to shell into Russia; Ecuador Blackout; Restored Republic

·      Sat.
22 June 2024 Situation Update (video):
Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Donald Trump CIC! Banks Worldwide Preparing
For a Financial Collapse & Currency Reset Within Days. Special Intel Report

·      Sat.
22 June 2024:
Byington Bombshell Report: Donald Trump is Commander In Chief of the United
States of America. . .

A. Global Currency Reset:

·      Judy
Note: According to Texas Snake
Wells Fargo Banker responsible for five states’ Redemption Centers has put his
staff on a one hour alert for the weekend to report to their stations to
schedule Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) appointments and help complete
currency exchanges.

and MarkZ
confirmed that bank personnel were on a one
hour alert to be called in over the weekend. Tony felt there was a 99% chance Tier4b would be notified this
weekend and stated the Dinar Contract rate was $28.50, but you had to ask for

·      Sat.
22 June 2024 Wolverine: “
Wolverine, I wanted to tell you and others in Australia that my friend here in
oz who is a HSBC bank manager just msg me he has been placed on call until 1
hour notice until Thurs. 27 June, I
am confident the window for us is about to open, cheers Peter.”

·      Sat.
22 June 2024 Mike Bara:
“Bondholder” is once again certain he gets paid out on Tuesday 25 June, but he is returning to his city of origin tomorrow. He HAS
to be in this location to get his payout. This means the payout COULD come
sooner than Tuesday 25 June 2024.

·      Sat.
22 June 2024:
Redemption Centers Information: GESARA Matrix Revealed as Your Golden Ticket to
Instant Millionaire Status!

B. Global Financial Crisis:

·      Sat.
22 June 2024 Malaysia,

which controls 25% of the world’s sea route trade via the Strait of Malacca,
announced it is joining BRICS:

·      Sat.
22 June Washington DC
: The US
Treasury Building in DC has been boarded up in boards painted orange.

·      The
U.S. Oil Dollar (CIA money controlling the Middle East oil) was done.
The fiat dollar was near collapse and no
major country wanted the U.S. Federal Reserve Dollar. The fake Wall Street
financial reports were in limbo. Money was running out across the World as the
Deep State, CIA, Mossad, M16, UK Crown, Globalist, Rockefellers, Rothchilds
money was evaporating inside a massive Black Swan Event Financial Collapse.

C. Restored Republic:

·      Sat.
22 June 2024:
Hidden Footage Captured of Fake Joe Biden Mask Body Double! BOOOM! Matt Wallace

·      Sat.
22 June 2024:
Alert: More Proof you’re Watching a Military Occupation and Continuity of Operations
– Derek Johnson VIDEO

·      Orwell
Dept of Defense is
used for offense. Dept of Education is used for indoctrination. Health agencies
spread illness. Journalists spread propaganda. Fact-checkers spread disinformation.
Left is right. Up is down.“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is
strength.” -1984

D. Sat. 22 June 2024 “Ken and Barbie vs.
Goliath IRS” case update:

Dear Patriot Friends and Family,

  Today is day #298 of my being “kidnapped”
by the IRS/FBI on August 30th.
  It’s become clearer to me
each day how I’m actually a “political prisoner” for propaganda purposes by the
IRS.  They want to use Barbie & Ken as propaganda to continue
promoting fear and terrorism by the IRS and their income tax fraud, which may
be the biggest hoax in the history of the world. 

Since the June 4th jury
where we won one of
the three counts, after surprising three days of jury deliberation, we’ve
prepared and filed 6 new documents, June 18th and 20th,
seeking JUDICIAL ACQUITAL of all charges, which includes a motion for a new

These documents detail 30 specific reasons why a new trial is necessary in order for
justice to be obtained. For example:

#1 It highlights that no court order ever
established the lawful jurisdiction (authority)
to even qualify for having a jury trial and

#2 There were no written court orders
officially DENYING our multiple motions
to dismiss the case, only oral declarations, designed to potentially
block our appeal to the circuit court and then the Supreme Court of the United
States (so far their plan is working), and

#3 Now they delayed the sentencing to January
6 months from the verdict!) to continue that blocking.

  Please take a moment to read through
the document MOTION FOR NEW TRIAL, which exposes 30 examples of the judge’s
tortured legal logic and twisted interpretation of “justice”. 

 While a new trial is not desirable or
, establishing these 30 court injustice’s increases our likelihood of
success at the circuit court or ultimately the Supreme Court where we hope to
drive a stake into the heart of the evil, nation/Liberty-destroying,
We-The-People-enslaving ojective of the IRS and its secret society creators.

  Clearly all those involved in prosecuting
and denying me and my family’s life and stealing our home, now know with
certainty as the evidence and testimonies in trial proved, that we are 100%
Innocent and yet, have not retracted the verdict.  However, we pray that
miraculous, heaven-orchestrated justice will yet prevail.  That is
something where your prayers would be welcomed.


 #1 SHAME on the two IRS agents who
testified in open court

that there is no law that requires us to file federal income taxes.  If
they were honorable, they would quit their cushy IRS jobs, abandoned their
pensions, and get honest jobs;

#2 SHAME on the prosecutors for the UNITED
they may have been ignorant before trial of some IRS code technicalities,
there’s no denying that the facts of law were shown during trial and they too
know with certainty my innocence;

#3 SHAME on the judge who saw all the
evidence and the code, knows that I violated no income tax law
(which does not touch me or most Americans),
but deceived the jury with instructions that were inaccurate, and misleading
and lead the jury to convict (Hallelujah with at least one win – no small

#4 SHAME on law enforcement (probably over 150 officers, including
police, sheriffs, deputies, and marshals) who throughout the past seven years
were “just following orders” in violation of their oath to protect and defend
the Constitution and Barbie & Ken and our family, and by extension ALL
of We The People.  Reminds me of Nazi Germany and the
prosecution after WWII where the Nazis claimed “I was just following orders” –
didn’t work out too well for them, did it?!;

#5  All the above are and WILL BE before
God and man traitors to the law of the land and to We the People
 and to the nation and to the cause of
freedom  – all!  Our Barbie & Ken vs IRS case has been played in
the courts of heaven.  Thomas Jefferson said, “I tremble for my country
when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.” 
 Additionally, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” Hosea

  In closing, over the next number of days, I
will be sharing highlights from the court transcripts.
  You will be
shocked to see how clearly the evidence leaned in my favor and yet, through
deceit, two guilty verdicts were engineered. 

  I MUST thank you readers for your kind, thoughtful, sincere, passionate
pleas to the God of Heaven for our comfort, protection, and inspiration through
the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my entire life and doing so for the Lord’s
cause of liberty.  It is an honor to be a “weak and simple and foolish
thing” of the world to “confound the wise and the mighty.”  1 Corinthians

  Your continued prayers, encouragement,
and post cards (see address below) are truly welcome.  May God bless and
restore our once great nation in preparation for His Son’s glorious second
coming.  “Thus sayeth the Lord God…Let my people go that they may serve
me.”  Exodus 10:3 

With Love, Ken.

E. Wars and Rumors of Wars:

·      Sat.
22 June 2024 Alert: US Going to War; Russia Gave Nuclear Missile to North
Korea; Canada Mass Evacuation:

·      Sat.
22 June 2024 Taiwan detects 41 Chinese aircraft around island:
Taiwan’s defense ministry said Saturday it
had detected 41 Chinese military aircraft around the island in a 24-hour
window, a day after Beijing said “diehard” advocates of Taiwan’s
independence could face the death penalty.

·      Sat.
22 June 2024 Israel

preparing for “mass burials” ahead of impending offensive in Lebanon:

·      Sat.
22 June 2024 Nuclear War Risk Has Never Been Greater Harvard Expert Says:

F. The Real News for Sat. 23 June 2024:

Sat. 22 June 2024 7 Million
Illegal Males Called Up For Selective Service to Control Americans:

Sat. 22 June 2024 Why Has
China Purchased Farmland Near 19 US Military Bases?
The Chinese aren’t exactly
being subtle about what they are trying to do. Today, they own more than
300,000 acres of farmland inside the United States, and they have been
specifically targeting areas that are located near important military bases.

4.8 MILLION ballots
trafficked in the 2020 Election.
7% of mail-in ballots were trafficked in every Swing State True the Vote
has looked in. “It’s an organized crime that was perpetrated on Americans”

·      Sat.
22 June 2024:
The Book
of Enoch Banned from The Bible Tells the True Story of Humanity

G. International Child Sex
Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and
housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam in a 1500 mile tunnel that also runs between
the Vatican and Jerusalem:

·      Sat.
22 June 2024 8 Million Children Go Missing Every Year.
The former UN executive director and former
president of the Club of Rome Europe confirmed that the oligarchs running our
world were pedophiles controlling the global child sex trafficking systems.
According to him, the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations is similar to the Davos
Agenda (WEF).

·      Hunter
Biden is a crack head pedophile who engaged in international sex
and made
millions of dollars living a life of luxury by selling out the USA using his
dad’s political influence to the highest bidder. Given all the crimes that are
well-documented in his laptop, the only charge they come up with is a gun
charge, which will get him a slap on the wrist.What was Malia Obama doing with
Hunter Biden? Malia Obama also goes by the name of  Malia Ann now. …JFK Awakening Q17 on Telegram Sat. 22 June 2024

·      Human
trafficking and pedophilia are among the world’s gravest sins.
The numbers are staggering: while most
figures, misleadingly, peg the industry at $32 billion, top world analysts
estimate it nears a gut-wrenching $100 billion. The tentacles of this horrific
trade spread far and wide, touching elites from DC to Hollywood, including
figures like the Clintons, Obama, and other top celebrities.
The revelation of Weiner’s
laptop content allegedly showcases a more gruesome shade of pedophilia than
even Hunter’s laptop. It’s worth noting, with a chilling realization, that out of
the 12 individuals who viewed its content, nine have mysteriously committed
suicide. Coincidence? Or is there a deeper, more sinister plot at play?

·      Sat. 22
June 2024:
Maryland’s Democrat
LGBTQ Diversity Council Chair Busted After Meeting Up With 14-Year-Old Decoy.

H. Covid/Vax/Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/
Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride,
Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

·      In
2023 The Lancet censored and cancelled a ground-breaking Covid-19 Vaccine
& Autopsy paper within 24hr after 100,000s downloads. “We found that 73.9% of deaths were directly
due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.”

·      Sat.
22 June 2024: Five States Have Sued Pfizer for Covid Vax Conspiracy Fraud:

·      Thurs.
20 June 2024
Ginger –
10,000x Stronger than Chemo – Taxol in Cancer Research Model

·      70%
of NHS Staff are ‘Anti-Vaxxers’
Latest report from UK Health Security Agency confirms that 70% of
Frontline health care workers REFUSED the COVID-19 Booster-vaccine in 2023/24 How
very telling!

·      Sat.
22 June 2024: “Mainz-based pharmaceutical company BionTech,
which became a sales star thanks to the
development of an experimental corona vaccine, had to stop testing a cancer
vaccine in the United States after several deaths. Specifically, it was a cell
therapy or an antibody-drug conjugate (ADC).”

I. Satan Worshipping Illuminati Zionist Deep
State Cabal Globalist Depopulation Agenda 2030:

·      Sat.
22 June 2024 While Idaho Farmers Are Having Their Water Shutoff Look What’s
Happening In Arizona:
one of the worst mega droughts of the past 1200 years—Saudi Arabian owned
company is allowed to pump unlimited amounts of groundwater to irrigate farm
fields.” The crop is sent overseas. “We’re out here in the middle of the
Arizona desert during one of the worst mega droughts of the past 1200 years. So
you might be surprised to know that a Saudi Arabian owned company is being
allowed to use these pumps to pump unlimited amounts of groundwater to irrigate
farm fields in the desert and grow one of the most water intensive crops there
is, alfalfa. So what is this company doing with all of this alfalfa? Well,
they’re putting it on trucks, and they put it on trains, and they put it on
ships, and they send it back to the Middle East. So why are they growing these
crops out here in Arizona instead of back home? Well, it’s illegal to grow a
crop like alfalfa in Saudi Arabia because it uses too much water. The attorney
general of Arizona says this is an outrage. She says this is scandalous, and
she’s trying to get these leases with her on state owned land canceled so this
will stop happening. She says that these foreign companies should not be
allowed to operate here in Arizona, especially now that water is a depressions”

·      New
York has become the first state to rollout Bill Bates’ Digital ID System.
According to the Democrat Governor, the
digital ID will initially be a voluntary way for New Yorkers to store their
driver’s license and non-driver IDs. Eventually, the system will become
mandatory for all residents who wish to participate in society.

J. Jan. 6 Setup”Capitol Police Lieutenant EXPOSES who was
behind the setup on Jan 6th.

·      Everyone who “walked on that grass right
there, didn’t know they were breaking the law. Because all the restricted zone
signs had been taken down. They were set up. That was deliberate”

·      Former Capitol Police Lieutenant Tarik
“TK” Johnson “If everybody was there for the purpose of violence, if
everybody was there for the purpose of taking over the US capital, we couldn’t
have stopped them because there were just too many people.

·      Yogananda Pittman was the person that was in
charge of the setup. (Yogananda Pittman served as the assistant chief of the
United States Capitol Police and is now the Chief of police of the University
of California, Berkeley)

·      J. Thomas Manger, he’s the person leading the
cover up. (J. Thomas Manger is the current chief of the United States Capitol

·      When demonstrators and officers are going
after each other, they need that. They love it because it takes the, attention
off of Yo and on the Pittman and what Manger is doing.”

·      “Right. They need the narrative of J6 to be
the same. A bunch of white, uneducated, violent Trump supporters attack the
capital for a violent insurrection.

·      Right. That’s the narrative. They gotta keep
it that way until the end of next year.

·      Right. After the election is all over, now we
can start finding out what really occurred because that’s not what occurred.
That’s not what it was. They set us up. They set us up. They set up 64.

·      Oh, absolutely. Yeah. And then they asked
y’all to come. 2 hours later, they set us up. We didn’t have a chance.

·      Yeah. They did. The officer said couldn’t do
nothing down. It’s not enough big time.”

K. Fri. 22 June 2024 Congressman Brian Mast
Says All The Quiet Parts Out Loud:

– We’re funding
Atheism overseas- We’re directly funding the Taliban- No one can account for
the money being sent overseas- Falsely labeling money being sent overseas- None
of the aid has made it to the people of Gaza

– Out of 144 partners
receiving tax payer money only 65 even respond to the Inspector General “about
where the US taxpayer dollars were being spent”and so much more, this is
absolutely INSANE.

should not be giving you one more dollar.
And I think the proof for why
that is the case is in how, in far too many circumstances, you all really have
no idea where the money is going. And I’m not saying it’s easy to figure out
where it’s going in every circumstance, but that can’t be the situation. I’m
gonna reference a few different places. Uh, you have Nas sitting behind you

We had a hearing for a couple hours here in
this very room where we discussed, uh, just a $1,500,000 grant to expand
atheism in Nepal
. — I’m
not gonna hash it all out, but it’s one example of you all didn’t know where
the money that you sent out there from the US taxpayer was going.

I was reading over the last 24 hours the special investigation into Afghanistan
reconstruction, the SIGAR report, and looking at the amount of money that has
gone directly to the Taliban.

It’s not a it’s not a mystery. It’s not something to argue about. It is a
fact, money going directly to the Taliban that’s gone out through all of these
agencies that state works with, and specifically, a 144 partners were
referenced in this SIGAR report. And when it talks about it, it talks about the
144 partners and the questions that they were asked.

But of those partners, only 65 of them
actually chose to answer to the inspector general about where the dollars were
The other 79 didn’t
even feel like they had to answer questions about where the US taxpayer dollars
were being spent.

We saw it from the Pentagon just in the last
that, on this massive pier that was built,
that was worked on by you all, that, uh, none of the aid has yet made it to the
to the people of Gaza yet.

It’s sitting in warehouses and other places. And, again, it’s just to the point that
there’s not nearly enough accountability, and we should be receiving every
grant, every sub grant, every awardee, every solicitation that should be sent
through this body for review whether in a classified or unclassified setting.

Now I do have a couple of questions on that. I spoke about the 79 grantees in part that
did not respond to the Guard report, and I have a question about them. Uh,
since that time, have you frozen any of the bank accounts of those 79 entities?

Um, congressman, we’ve looked, uh, very hard
at the, uh, the SIGAR report.
I think it’s important to note that money does not go directly to
Taliban. It goes to the UN, NGOs. We’ve dedicated about $2,000,000,000 so they
could build an appetite. Now you’re literally telling lies to the American
people. These these state dollars went directly to, uh, to those that were
solicited to do it. These, implementing partners as it’s referred to, and they
paid directly money to the Taliban.  

Sometimes they labeled it taxes. Sometimes they labeled it value added
taxes. Sometimes they labeled it a host of different things, but do not pretend
that money did not go directly to the Taliban.“

I can’t transcribe it all due to X’s text limits but this is an insane

L. Sat. 22 June 2024 White Hat Intel: Real
War Scenario and Military Assessments:

Russia has over 1.3 million active troops, with 2,000,000 million in reserve and an
amazing 10,000,000 to 20,000,000 million Top Secret Emergency Phantom Military
operations to instantly conscript up to 20,000,000 million Russians into war.

Russia is backed by China. In the past weeks Russia and China have
made a FULL MILITARY Pact which is intended and WILL protect BRICS.

CHINA has 2,000,000 million active troops with 1.5 million reserves and Emergency
military conscripts to activate 10,000,000 million troops at will.

At the same time Turkey is making a pact with
Russia and BRICS.
I told
you 3 years ago before anyone that Turkey was going to leave NATO and join with
Russia … This currently happening and NATO is in panic as it’s second biggest
military force (Turkey) is planning to leave and join Russian and China with
Eurasia coming full military alliance in the current moment Turkey WILL not fight
with NATO against Russia and some EU countries are defying NATO and EU military
rules to fight against Russian. Hungary and Slovakia are just a few to name

NOW The United States has of September 2023, reported active-duty troops included:

453,551 in the Army ,
332,322 in the Navy , 318,698 in the Air Force , 172,577 in the Marine Corps , 8,879
in the Space Force.

As of September 2023, the US military
consisted of 2.86 million people worldwide.

NATO (combined with U.S. troops) has 3.5
but 500,000 are
Turkish troops ( that will not fight Russia) and planning on flipping sides). THE
MILLION ( 500,000 Turkey Troops deduction)

The Combined forces of RUSSIA, CHINA, NORTH
million with up to 20,000,000 million in reserve and up to 30,000,000 million
more in emergency conscript military operations.


Meanwhile the United States military force cannot defeat the 100 thousand Houthi Rebels
in Yemen who are fighting in sandals.

So what’s really happening? The U.S. DEEP STATE DOESN’T REALLY WANT WAR!
NATO DOESN’T REALLY WANT WAR! It’s all a show.The Deep State Globalists CIA
were only pretending they wanted a war.

One of the largest robbery’s is taking place
in history
across the Western
world as the GLOBALIST Deep State CIA + NATO+ UN operations are stealing tax
payers money across the globe by pushing the war agenda and getting European
union money and U.S. money, UK, Canadian money for financing the nonsensical
war in Ukraine and the money laundering operations are going through NATO
United Nations and being funneled back to GLOBALIST, the CIA, the Military
Industrial Complex System back to BLACKROCK VANGUARD and dark deep military
operations. But, the Deep State CABAL operations is falling apart! And they are
going broke!

The Plandemic didn’t work out like they thought and they lost TRILLIONS. Now
they don’t have the continuing resources to pay off the governments and full
corruption systems that they had been in place for a century.

The U.S. Oil Dollar (CIA money controlling
the Middle East oil) was done.
The fiat dollar was near collapse and no major country wanted the U.S.
Federal Reserve Dollar. The fake Wall Street financial reports were in limbo.
Money was running out across the World as the Deep State, CIA, Mossad, M16, UK Crown,
Globalist, Rockefellers, Rothchilds money was evaporating inside a massive
Black Swan Event Financial Collapse.

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