Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 4, 2024


Judy Note: In August 2024 at the Democratic Convention, the Clone of deceased
Michelle/ Michael Obama,
(the transgender former First Lady/Male
husband of Pedophile former US President and grandson of Hitler, Barak Obama – both
of whom were executed for Treason by the Global Military Alliance at GITMO),
was likely to replace the clone/actor of pretend US President Joe Biden as the
Democratic nominee for US President.

That really wasn’t necessary since Joe Biden
was already also executed at GITMO
for Pedophilia and Treason prior to his
so-called 2021 Inauguration that was partially filmed on a Hollywood movie set.

If that fake scenario kept up, Michelle/Michael
Obama would then run against the US Military Commander-in-Chief  Donald Trump

who actually won the 2020 Election, but turned over the power of his presidency
to the Military in order to uncover the fraud and treason of political Elites
such as Michelle/Michael, Barak and Biden.

Help! It’s all getting sooooooo confusing.


What We Think We Know as of Thurs. 4 July

·      Even
Biden family members admit President Biden is not the real Joe Biden.
He was executed for Pedophilia and Treason
even before the 2021 Biden Inauguration
– making the Biden Presidency the biggest con job in history: Biden’s Family
Admit Elite Replaced ‘Real’ Joe Biden Years Ago?

·      On Fri. 29 Jan. 2021US
Special Op forces recovered bodies, body parts and at least a hundred surviving
from a tunnel system beneath the White House and Capitol Building
in Washington DC. In the early
morning hours as body bags were being delivered, multiple troops were seen
coming out of the White House with at least a hundred children in tow. Thousands
of children were believed to have been sexually abused, tortured and killed by
political elites in an elaborate tunnel system that ran beneath Capitol Hill
and connected to other systems for 200+ miles across the US, and across the
Globe. All was thought part of an elaborate International Child Trafficking
Ring run by the Vatican with help of global and political elites including
Obama and Biden with ties to Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedophile Island – that lay next
door to Joe Biden’s Water Island – and connected underwater to a Child
Trafficking Tunnel beneath Biden’s 200 acre property in Ukraine – the
headquarters of the Cabal.

·      Biden
Crime Family:
Marco Polo report on the Hunter Biden Laptop From Hell. No indictments, raids
or arrests. 459 crimes in all by the Biden Crime Family & associates. 140-
Business Crimes. 191- Sex Crimes. 128- Drug Crimes.

·      Under
the World Health Organization (WHO) Pandemic Agreement passed in May
, WHO gains the ability to “suspend all
civil liberties.”

·      Tues.
2 July 2024:
Brunson Brothers have three cases at the Supreme Court regarding 2020 Voter
Fraud waiting to be heard. Loy Brunson invites you to join these petitions
already at the Supreme Court. You can sign them and your own petition at his
website: Loy Brunson – Petition The Supreme Court… Charlie Ward: Insiders Club
– Loy Brunson Exposes New, Never Before Heard Election Info! This is Major!

·      As
part of Agenda 2030, the UN
funding the mass illegal immigration of millions of people into the US, Canada
and Western Europe—providing illegal migrants with debit cards, cash handouts,
food, shelter and “humanitarian transportation”.

·      Kansas,
Missouri, Louisiana have
lawsuits regarding the Covid Vax against Pfizer, the US Federal government and
the Biden Administration.

·      US
Marshals find 41 missing kids in five week NYC Operation.

·      SCOTUS
has released hundreds of J6 political

·      The Pope is DEAD.

·      Wed.
3 July 2024:
Report! Judy Byington: JP Morgan Predicts Huge US Stock Market Crash. Bank Runs
Imminent. Emergency Broadcast System To Activate Worldwide. . . Tues. 2 July 2024 Situation Update (video) WTPN

A. Emergency Broadcast System Alert:

·      We
will receive seven Trumpets

(aka EBS Text messages) on our phones alerting us on what is happening and
urging us to tune into our TV and radios.

·      On
our TVs and Radios the EBS will play eight hour documentaries
three times a day for ten days (called Ten
Days of Communication Darkness).

·      The
Internet and ATMs
will not
work during the ten days.

·      Phones
will only work for 911 calls,
but we can obtain a Signal App from the Military which will secure the
phones for regular use.

·      The
cover topics of arrests, tribunals, fraud, corruption, pedophilia.

·      After
the Ten Days of Communication Darkness,
all phones, TVs, radios and computers will connect to the new Quantum
Internet run on the secure Star Link Satellite System.

·      We
will be called into Redemption Centers
where we will receive NESARA payments and be connected to our bank
accounts (identified by our own body rhythms) through the new Quantum System.
Banks will no longer have access to our monies.

·      From
now on all Voting will be done
over our phones and computers through the new secure Quantum System. No
more voter fraud.

B. Wars and Rumors of Wars:

·      Wed.
3 July 2024:
Filmmaker JJ Carrell Issues Urgent Invasion Warning for America!

C. Global Currency Reset:

Tues. 2 July 2024 Bruce: The word from a
Redemption Center Head
that Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) were going to get notified on Fri. 5 July and receive appointments over the weekend. NESARA should be announced the 8th
or the 9th.

Wed. 3 July 2024 Wolverine: “There will be no announcement of the RV.
The notifications for Tier4b to exchange will just come out without warning.
Tier4b is defiantly going to exchange very soon. I received a call, but can’t
say much because everything is confidential. Everyone is under NDAs. Private
contractors are being paid. Bond Holders are starting. I’ve seen the signed
contracts and certified documents for the reset. It’s defiantly happening.”

Sun. 30 June 2024 Breakfast with Tiffany: USD funds for Trigger Files have been
released and will be ready for disbursement next Mon. 8 July and prerequisites for launching USN Bills now being
finalized and scheduled for disbursement on that July 8th. 

GESARA is supposed to be announced July 8th as well, been further advised Trigger Bond
payment Monday 1st and bond
redemption payments Thursday 4th,
public release of USN Bills and Currency Revaluation starting the 8th.

The Global Currency Reset release of funds across the World has been given, with funds
coming directly from the US Treasury Department of Defense Operations. 

The launch of the RV was slowed down due to many Hacker and Cyber

There will be an Internet Blackout

The White Hat Military are in control of the redemption process.

Wells Fargo and HSBC are leading these operations across the

There are local institutions in countries around the World that are
connected and ready for Global notifications with access to Treasury
Departments in the different countries.

All banks have signed confidentiality
(NDA) so it is
normal for everything to be silent.

Notifications have gone out to Tier 4a, a small group of
Tier4b and some Bond Holders.

The RV is being negotiated on the Forex.

Sun. 30 June 2024 Mike Bara: The “Bond Holder” has been told he
will be paid this week. I was told what
but cannot share it. MarkZ reported that an announcement about lower
denominations has been made in Iraq.

Sun. 30 June 2024: Look for something to happen around Mon. 8 July in regards to the NESARA
announcement that will tie in with November
5th, allowing for the 120 days.

D. Global Financial Crisis:

·      1913
was a pivotal year in U.S. financial history.
It marked the creation of the Federal Reserve through
secretive meetings and significant legislative action. Now, as we look ahead,
there’s a growing movement towards returning to the principles of the Republic
and what’s often referred to as “God’s money.” This principle is
embedded in Article I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution, which states,
“No State shall… make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in
Payment of Debts.”

·      Wed.
3 July 2024:
Video: Nationwide Bank in UK REFUSING Withdrawals by Depositors! A Wake-Up Call
for the UK!

·      Wed.
3 July 2024:
Redemption: The Birth of USN US Note Backed by QFS Gold-Backed Digital Currency

E. Restored Republic:

How about: No Income
Tax ,No Tax on Wages ,No Property Tax, No Inheritance Tax, No Sales Tax on Used
Homes & Items ,No Vehicle Registration Fee’s , No Licensing Fee’s ,No Tax
on Food and Pharmaceuticals , Dissolution of Federal Reserve Banks and IRS , How
about returning the money stolen to Retiree’s from SSN

How about a 14-17%
National Sales Tax on New Items Only , How about an increase in 61+ Retiree SSN
Pmts up to $5,000.00 A MONTH , How about Restitution of Chattel Bonds to people
abused by them , How about the Restoration of Common Law

How about the
Restoration of the Titles of Nobility Amendment , The end to
Admiralty-Civil-Equity Laws. Does this all sound familiar?

Perhaps how about
making an open declaration through mass media about the implementation of
NESARA, signed by Bill Clinton, and bring about the Restoration of our Organic
Constitution and Dissolution of the Corporate US Inc Constitution of 1871.

Michelle Obama was likely to replace Joe
Biden as the Democratic nominee
and the change is likely to come at the Democratic National Convention
in August, i.e. just three months before the election. This comes after Biden’s
performance at the first presidential debate was highly criticized by political
analysts and news organizations. Meanwhile, NYT and Politico reports said,
there is growing concern within the Democratic Party regarding Joe Biden’s
reelection campaign and discussing replacing Biden on the ticket. Judy Note: The problem I have with this
is that Intel from GITMO says Michelle/ Michael was hanged there years ago, so
the Michelle nominated would have to be a clone. But then, we have been
functioning under an actor/clone of “President” Joe Biden since 2021. This is all getting very

F. Wed. 3 July 2024 White Hat Intel:

CIA Asset Barack Obama and Ron Klein hold emergency sit down with
Joe Biden. Kamala is furious she is not being considered as a replacement
(Whitmer and Newsom are). This leak comes from hedge fund owner and DNC insider
Douge Kass.

The DEVOLUTION PLAN and secret military orders Trump signed has
OPERATIONS (Now they are being forced to continue a script).


Showing the public the final EVENTS that will lead to cancellation of the
election due to corruption and democratic interference that will lead to
MASSIVE revolt by U.S. citizens (This is why SCOTUS Released hundreds of J6
political prisoners and laws are being exposed that WILL protect future the
future of the NEAR civil war events and political uprising and Protesters).

These events were going to happen, and would lead to a mass REVOLUTION 1776 like
EVENT where the people of the United States will fight for their freedom and
voices. Only until then OVER Military intervention takes place and 11.3

The stages are being set for the arrest wars and U.S. military
occupation restoring order and giving power back to the States and rightful

Trump has
told you he will remove tens of thousands of leaders and heads from the
government and local governments.

MSM had been warning Trump is coming to ARREST them. As generals have
been warning of coming arrest retributions.

What’s next TRUMP House ARREST, then a STAGED assassination attempt. (He
WILL survive… because the White Hats are preparing this moment for game
theory operations).

This important EVENT is connected to EXPOSING the Majority
Intelligence Committee that is secretly running Obama operations and the
TREASON MILITARY COUP currently taking place.

Then TRUMP returns as President in 2025 and makes peace with Russia. China. North
Korea ( this is what Trump gave COMMS on yesterday).

Not everything is as it seems. THE FOG OF WAR. THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD

G. The Real News for Wed. 3 July 2024:

Wed. 3 July 2024: BQQQM!!!! New QFS NESARA/GESARA Election
Voting System Redesigned for All – Dave XRP Lion

Wed. 3 July 2024: Bombshell: GUANTANAMO IS LOOMING – Hillary
Clinton Conspires with Nazi Ukraine Against Trump

Tues. 2 July 2024 Supreme
Court Announcement on Presidential Immunity:
The Dems/MSM are framing this whole thing incorrectly. The Supreme Court
did not “grant” Trump immunity. Presidents have always had immunity, the
Supreme Court just had to overrule the corrupt Biden regime’s unprecedented law
fare against a political opponent. The Dems/MSM are making it seem like the
Supreme Court just made this up out of nowhere, when in reality, it was the
Biden regime who crossed the line and have been violating the law, by
weaponizing the DOJ for political means and election interference. The Supreme
Court merely did their jobs, and put the Biden regime in check. The Dems never
cared about the “rule of law.” They are just throwing a fit, because their
Gestapo-like election interference operation has been shut down. Their entire
campaign strategy revolved around Trump being behind bars, and now it’s blowing
up in their faces.

H. International Child Sex
Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and
housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam in a 1500 mile tunnel that also runs between
the Vatican and Jerusalem:

Wed. 3 July 2024: US Marshals find 41 missing
kids in five week NYC Operation.
Dozens of missing kids were found and three people busted, including a
sex offender, in a five-week-long citywide joint operation conducted by the US
Marshals Service, NYPD and Homeland Security Investigations. Officials tracked
down 41 “critically missing children” – including those coerced by adults into
criminal activity or sex trafficking. The name of the operation was:
“Operation We Will Find You 2.” The joint operation took more than a
month. All 41 children are safe now.

Wed. 3 July 2024: Bombshell: British ‘Pedophile Rings’: How
Members of the UK Aristocratic Families and Ruling Elite Sexually Abuse
Children and Control Underage Child Trafficking Networks

I. Sun. 7 Feb. 2021 Congress, Biden Arrested as Military Rescues
Tortured Children From Tunnels Beneath Capitol Hill

US Special Op forces recovered bodies, body
parts and at least a hundred surviving children
from a tunnel system beneath the White House
and Capitol Building in Washington DC on Fri. 29 Jan. 2021. In the early morning hours as
body bags were being delivered, multiple troops were seen coming out of the
White House with at least a hundred children in tow.

The children were believed to have been
sexually abused, tortured and killed by political elites in an elaborate tunnel
system that ran beneath Capitol Hill
and connected to other systems for 200 miles. All was thought part of
an international Child Trafficking Ring run by global and political elites with
ties to Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedophile Island – that lay next door to Joe Biden’s
Water Island.

A couple of days later in the early morning hours of Mon. 1 Feb. and
with the US functioning under Martial Law, Joe Biden and 464 elected government
officials were said arrested and released inside the Capitol Hill area. Capitol
Hill had been surrounded in eight foot high barbed wire fencing since Inauguration
Day 20 Jan.
 Washington DC remained guarded by over 30,000 National
Guard troops.

Lines of buses with darkened windows took the
children away.
On Fri.
morning 5 Feb.
 Dr. Charlie Ward
confirmed from his people on the ground at Capitol Hill that the Military did,
in fact, rescue children found in rooms and tunnels constructed underneath the
White House. Black vans and buses with darkened windows picked up the children
for medical treatment and de briefing. Evidently they discovered multiple
corpses and a lot of body bags were going into the area. See video:
Ring Investigation Centers Around White House, Capitol Building as Children
Surface! – Must Video | Opinion – Conservative

Oct. 2019
 tortured, malnourished children and corpses in the
tens of thousands have been found in a sophisticated network of Deep
Underground Military Bases (DUMBS) that ran beneath the US, Canada, Mexico,
Australia, Asia and across Europe. For over a year US Special Forces had been
in training for the rescue missions which began on 
Oct. 16 2019 with the rescue of caged babies and children
beneath the China Lake Navy facility in California.

A military operation of 10,000 Marines and
Navy Seals
an unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels
at China Lake. The children and teens were said to have been sexually abused,
tortured and killed to collect their Adrenachrome. 

J. Covid/Vax/Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/
Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride,
Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

A Systematic REVIEW of Autopsy findings in
deaths after covid-19 vaccination:

Wed. 3 July 2024 The state of Kansas is suing
Pfizer for their Covid Vaccine:
Kansas AG Kris Kobach said in the announcement, “Pfizer made multiple
misleading statements to deceive the public about its vaccine at a time when
Americans needed the truth.”

Wed. 3 July 2024 The states of Missouri and
Louisiana are suing the federal government and the Biden Administration for
colluding with social media to censor speech during the Covid epidemic.
While under oath, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the
once heralded medical savior to millions, found himself at a loss for words and
recollection claiming “I do not recall.” an astonishing 174 times.
Fauci’s statements were taken as part of Missouri and Louisiana’s landmark
lawsuit against the federal government and the Biden Administration for
colluding with social media companies to censor speech during the height of the
COVID 19 lockdowns.

Wed. 3 July 2024: Dr. Paul Marik has shed light on the grim
reality of chemotherapy’s ineffectiveness in treating cancer. He revealed that
only “about 5% of all cancers are actually curable with chemotherapy. For the
other 95%, chemo is “palliative at best,” he said. The truly sobering detail
that Dr. Marik mentioned was that despite advancements in chemotherapy,
immunotherapy and surgical treatments over the past 30 years, the overall life
expectancy of a cancer patient has been extended by a measly 3.9 months. Dr.
Marik urges cancer patients to ask their oncologists a vital question: “Is
chemotherapy going to cure my cancer, or is it just going to palliate and
extend my life a month or two with terrible side effects?” “Hopefully, they’ll
be honest,” he added.

Wed. 3 July 2024: “There is Mercury (now known as Thimerosal)
in vaccines. It’s not been tested since 1929. Big-Pharma have, and always will
be consciously corrupt, and grotesquely untrustworthy.” …Edward Snowden

Wed. 3 July 2024: BREAKING: President Trump Declares War on Big
Pharma! Promises Investigations into Autism, Fertility Issues, Allergies, and
Child Illnesses

Thurs. 13 May 2021: Doctors Testify Vaccines Unsafe, Not
Effective, Even Lethal

K. Satan Worshipping Illuminati Zionist Deep
State Cabal Globalist Depopulation Agenda 2030:

Founder of The Weather Channel told Brian Stelter that Climate Change was a

Under the World Health Organization (WHO)
Pandemic Agreement passed in May
, WHO gains the ability to “suspend all civil liberties.”

As part of Agenda 2030, the UN is funding the mass illegal immigration of
millions of people into the US, Canada and Western Europe—providing illegal
migrants with debit cards, cash handouts, food, shelter and “humanitarian

Kansas, Missouri, Louisiana have filed lawsuits regarding the Covid Vax
against Pfizer, the US Federal government and the Biden Administration.

L. Wed. 3 July 2024 Dr. David Martin: “If the WHO Pandemic Agreement passes in May,
the WHO will gain the ability to “suspend all civil liberties”,
should it arbitrarily decide there’s a “public health emergency. Covid was
used to terrorize the world, convince them that we need some giant protector
state that actually has some sort of supranational ability, and then suspend
civil liberties as long as they need to be suspended… at the whim of funding
agencies who have no criminal accountability. These things are set up to be
terror campaigns, to modify the public’s willingness to give up their

M. US Taxpayers have paid $100-$200 Billions
for two years of the Ukraine war
– which supports the Ukraine Oligarchs, Cabal Headquarters and their
international Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring –
some of which has been money laundered back to the US politicians who voted for
the bills.

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