Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as
of July 8, 2024


Judy Note: Soon the masked actor, or clone, of in-dementia Joe Biden was
expected to resign as US President, an office which he never held anyway – the
Military having been in charge since Trump turned over his Presidential
authority directly after the fraudulent 2020 Election.

Nevertheless, Biden’s resignation would put
the actor, or clone of the cackling fake Vice President Kamala Harris illegally
in charge (illegal because he/she was born a male to non-citizen parents). But
then, if Obama got away with it, so should he/she.

However, since both Biden and Harris have
been charged, faced a Tribunal, been found guilty of Treason and hung at GITMO,
we’ll have to wait to see who else will be playing the leading part of this comedic
movie in which Trump has already cancelled by calling a Checkmate.

Sun. 7 July 2024: The 7th Day of the 7th Month: The Day When
the Heaven’s Gate Opens!

The New World Order controls the US government through
Political and Global Elites’ homage to Satan’s Blackmail of their rape, torture
and murder of children. Former FBI Head Ted Gunderson uncovered a widespread network
of Satanic groups throughout the US who regularly kidnapped (or home birthed
their own) infants, children and teens in order to subject them to the Satanic
Ritual Abuse rites of rape, torture, human sacrifice, organ and Adrenochrome
The Finders: The Ted
Gunderson Report: Free Download, Borrow and Streaming: Internet Archive

Since 1871 the
New World Order Rothschild Central Banker Cabal
has been using trillions of
US Taxpayer monies to effectively enslave Americans, plus billions of the
population worldwide, under the treacherous legislation called the 
District of Columbia
Act of 1871
or 1871 Act of England

With a goal of reducing the population, the Cabal has been attempting, sometimes succeeding,
in controlling people using high tech energy weapons and inducting vaccinations
containing Covid Spike Protein into the brain and body, plus inserting other
dangerous foreign bodies into the food supply, while planning to force us to
live in their “Smart Cities” – where those who comply will be enslaved.

The Deep State to initiate Project Blue Beam
Sky Event –
a fake
Alien Invasion inside a False Flag Event using fake UFOs, Holograms and
advanced Military Sound Weapons, while the Alliance White Hat Military will
mimic Project Blue Beam, but have a different outcome that benefits current
Alliance Military Strategy War Games.

Big Pharma has been putting toxins and
in our food supply
and environment through Chem Trails, all of which was linked to auto immune
disorders and affecting our health (especially of children). Trump Just Spilled
The Beans On Big Pharma & The Food Supply! Please Warn Your Family! –
Patrick Humphrey News | Food and Farming

Vaccinations Are Made to Maim and Kill

Sun. 7 July 2024: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: A War We
Cannot Afford to Lose: Pray for Our Children, Our Soldiers, and Our Society’s
Future! Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 7 July 2024

Sat. 6 July 2024 Situation Update (video) WTPN SITUATION UPDATE 7/6/24 TRUST THE PLAN!

A. Emergency
Broadcast System Alert:

we will receive seven Trumpets
 (aka EBS Text messages) on our phones alerting us on what is
happening and urging us to tune into our TV and radios.

on TVs and Radios the EBS will play eight hour documentaries
 three times a day for ten days (called
Ten Days of Communication Darkness).

the Internet and ATMs 
not work during the ten days.

Phones will only work for 911 calls, 
but we can obtain a Signal App from the Military which
will secure the phones for regular use through the new Star Link Satellite
System and Quantum Computer.

cover topics of arrests, tribunals, fraud, corruption, pedophilia.

the Ten Days of Communication Darkness,
 all phones, TVs, radios and computers worldwide will be connected
to the new Quantum Internet run on the secure Star Link Satellite System.

peoples of the World will be called into Redemption Centers 
where we will receive NESARA/GESARA payments,
can exchange and redeem our currency and Zim and set up secure bank accounts
(identified by our own body rhythms) through the new Quantum System. Banks will
no longer have access to our monies.

now on all Voting Worldwide will be done
 over our phones and computers through the new secure Quantum
System. No more voter fraud.

B. Predicted Timing:

Mon. 8 July 2024 The Great Reveal (according
to the White Hats): NESARA was
set to be announced, plus rumor was that the Statue of Liberty (as a
symbol of financial debt to the Cabal that supported Child Trafficking) would
be destroyed sometime between Mon. 8 and
Wed. 10 July 2024.

Wed. 10 July 2024: Tesla’s
Debt Jubilee, 10 Days of
Darkness Begins:
BQQQM!!! The Debt Jubilee Begins July 10th! Prepare for
the Revolution!

Mon. 15 July 2024: Major Event Predicted for
Mon. 15 July:
New Dick Allgire: July 4th Remote Viewing Special Update 2024

Fri. 5 July 2024 Important Dates, Derek
New Derek Johnson
Huge Intel- Summer Important Update – July 5, 2024

C. Wars and Rumors of Wars:

Sat. 6 July 2024 War Alert:

Fri. 5 July 2024 War Alert, Chaos in

Fri. 5 July 2024: Imminent Collapse: 50,000 Troops Ready to
Strike, Massive Arrests Against the Cabal, Basel 3 Compliance, and IRS
Shutdown! – Gazetteller

D. Global Currency Reset:

Sun. 7 July 2024: BQM!!! The Debt Jubilee Begins July 10th!
Prepare for the Revolution!

E. Judy Note: What we think we know as of Mon. 8 July 2024:

There will be an Internet Blackout.

The White Hat Military is in control of the redemption process,
which has released funds across the World for the Global Currency Reset.

All banks have signed Non Disclosure Agreements.

The GCR funds come directly from the US Treasury
Department of Defense Operations – that go out to Treasury Departments in other

Japan has revalued their currency.

Bond Holders have begun to be paid in Brazil.

Notifications have gone out to Tier 4a, a small group of
Tier4b and some Bond Holders.

NESARA was set to be announced on Mon. 8 or Tues. 9 July – which would coordinate with a Supreme
Court announcement on 2020 Election Fraud – which could dissolve the Biden
Administration and all of Congress and set the stage for a new Election in 120
days, or by November.

Sat. 6 July 2024 Wolverine. “It has started. It is a process hopefully
completed by the 20th.
I’m hoping to get the Green Light in a few days.”

Sat. 6 July 2024 MarkZ: “More and more sources are telling me that
serious money movement and us moving towards the banks somewhere around the weekend of Fri. – Mon.  12th-15th. No one knows the exact timing
but they are certainly preparing lots of bank contacts for that time period, so
I think it may speak well to where we may be on that.”

Fri. 5 July 2024 Texas Snake: “Well folks it’s not like we haven’t heard
this before but, I just got off a call from Hong Kong, London, NYC, Reno, and
me. They are indicating that certain bond holder groups are having funds
disbursed to paymasters over this
and that we as currency holders should remain vigilante for
notifications this coming week.  An FYI only as banker has not suggested same.

F. Restored Republic:

10 Days of Darkness Begins Wed. 10 July 2024:
BQQQM!!! The Debt Jubilee Begins July 10th!
Prepare for the Revolution!

Sun. 7 July 2024: The Pentagon’s Clandestine Military Tribunal
Within Guantánamo Bay

G. Sat. 6 July 2024 SG Anon & Charlie Ward: Military
Tribunals and What’s Next – The Enemy Doesn’t Stand A Chance!

Israel is Last: Gaza and Israel Deep State Government
contains the largest Child Trafficking, Organ Harvesting organization in the
World, plus they have biological weapon labs. The Cabal wanted to make them
their headquarters.

Don’t get distracted: Protests are going on around the World that
the Mainstream won’t cover. They are doing a cover up while trying to usher in
digital ID, digital currency.

Russia has rescued over 120,000 children from Ukraine Underground Tunnels.

Assange says that 98%

H. It’s Our Right Under the Constitution:

Justice Warren E. Burger, (1907-1995) Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme
Court (1969-1986):
“Ours is a sick profession marked by incompetence, lack
of training, misconduct and bad manners. Ineptness, bungling, malpractice and
bad ethics can be observed in court houses all over this country every day. …
These incompetents have a seeming unawareness of the fundamental ethics of the
profession. … The harsh truth is that we may well be on our way to a society,
overrun by hordes of lawyers, hungry as locusts and brigades of judges in
numbers never before contemplated.” 

Importance of Supreme Court
Ruling in SEC vs. Jarkesy, June 27, 2024:
APPEALS FOR THE FIFTH CIRCUIT This case affirms the 5th Amendment “Due
Process” and the 7th Amendment “Trial by Jury” are guaranteed
the US Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land, in regards to any case of
Property and Liberty. Make Believe Agency Courts of justice are without
authority unless all parties agree to the terms of the tribunal. To
simplify, “We the People” of a “Trial by Jury” make the law
as we determine what is just and fair. In practice, anyone who lost a property without a trial by jury, which is how most
foreclosure cases are handled, can appeal the decision and can get their
property back
as there is no Statute of Limitation on equity in property.
No need for an attorney as anyone can file and pursue litigation as a Sui Juris
plaintiff as stipulated in the US Constitution.

I. The Real News for Sun. 7 July 2024:

On Mon. 8 July 2024 Joe Biden was expected to
resign as US President:

Thurs. 4 July 2024: SG Anon & Charlie Ward: Military
Tribunals and What’s Next – The Enemy Doesn’t Stand A Chance! Lots of people
are being taken to GITMO on a one way ticket.

Supreme Court and 2020 Voter Fraud, Brunson
Brothers Petitions, Loy Brunson:

The Supreme Court sided with
in a historic
ruling regarding Presidential Immunity. This is MAJOR because it absolves Trump
of ALL “official acts” that the Biden DOJ is trying to wrongfully prosecute him
for, like Jack Smith’s bogus J6 case. This ruling provides a legal shield against
endless weaponized prosecution for what would be considered “official acts”
made as President. HUGE WIN FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP!!!

Sun. 7 July 2024: Chemtrails

Fri. 5 July 2024 Commander Soltec: We have
control of HAARP.

Benghazi Bombshell
Cover Up – the killing of Seal Team Six, Clinton, Biden, Obama, Brennan
  Alan Harrow Parrot (CIA whistleblower) tells
Nick Noe and Charles Woods (father of Tyrone Woods killed in Benghazi) that
Obama and Biden sent Iran 152 Billion Dollars as a cover up for the deaths of
Seal Team 6.
Benghazi Bombshell ,   SEAL
Team SIX – Charles Strange – Extortion 17

Sun. 7 July 2024 Joe Biden’s
Upcoming Fundraiser in Wisconsin Cancelled – Donors Who Committed to Giving
Large Sums Withdrew After First Debate:

Sun. 7 July 2024 UK: Dozens of Climate Activists have
been tracked down and arrested by police in a nationwide crackdown to shut down
a plot set to disrupt the key national infrastructure.

Sun. 7 July 2024: EXPOSED! Melania’s Sky-Blue Dress: A Cryptic and Symbolic
Message to the Deep State!

Sun. 7 July 2024 19 Airline
Pilots Say World is Flat:
Earth…..a True Story

Sun. 7 July 2024 In 2011
Julian Assange

spoke on ‘Collateral Murder,’ released 14 years ago today, which showed the
killings of civilians and journalists by US forces in Iraq. If extradited to
the US for his truthful reporting experts have warned Assange will not survive.

Sun. 7 July 2024 The Gospel Of Jesus Was Replaced By The Pagan
Gospel of Rome

Sun. 7 July 2024: Archbishop
Carlo Maria Viganò,

excommunicated from the Church by order of Pope Francis, issued a grave
warning, alleging that the pope is an enthusiastic collaborator in the Great
Reset. He claims that the pope’s goal is to dismantle the Church and replace it
with an organization inspired by Masonic principles. He further contends that
there is a sinister conspiracy between the deep state and the deep church and
reminds us that the Pope is a Jesuit.

Sun. 7 July 2024: JAG Catches Another Alvin Bragg Staffer

Sun. 7 July 2024: Dr Jan
Halper Hayes on GB News this morning
red pilling the masses on Joe Biden’s health. She was saying they have
been using green screens to cover up Biden’s mobility and they have known for
ages of Biden’s decline. She showed a picture off her phone of some airplane
stairs going up to a green screen and no plane. She said Jill Biden is pulling
the strings because of power, and quoted what Obama said that he would be happy
in a basement with an earpiece controlling a stand-in.

J. International Child Sex
Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and
housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam in a 1500 mile tunnel that also runs between
the Vatican and Jerusalem:

FBI Declassifies Files on
the CIA’s Involvement in Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sex Trafficking
retiring from the FBI, Ted Gunderson set up a private investigation firm, “Ted
L. Gunderson and Associates,” in Santa Monica. In a 1995 conference in Dallas, Gunderson warned about the
proliferation of secret Satanic groups, and the danger posed by the New World
Order, a shadow government that controls the U.S. government. Gunderson
discovered that in the U.S. there is a secret widespread network of groups who
kidnap children and infants, and subject them to Satanic Ritual Abuse and
subsequent human sacrifice. One of those groups is The Finders, which Gunderson
said is operated by the CIA. He wrote a book on The Finders, which can still be
downloaded from his website (Ted Gunderson died in 2011). This is the same CIA group that the FBI just declassified
many of the files from their investigation into The Finders, although many
names remain redacted to protect the guilty. 
The Finders: The Ted Gunderson Report : Free
Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Fri. 5 July 2024 Candidate for Gov. of
Vermont, Whistleblower who uncovered Child Trafficking, Adrenochrome Harvesting
in Vermont and Across the World:
Live: Urgent! Kevin Hoyt Arrested, Force Injected 4 Exposing Crimes
Against Humanity, Child Trafficking

Sun. 7 July 2024 White House Closed Forever –
Children Tortured, Killed in DUMBS under White House:
White House Closed Forever as the Truth Comes
Out – Las Vegas Meeting Reveals All to the Patriots

K. Wed. 25 July 2018 Clinton Child Sex Trafficking Network

Clinton Child Sex Trafficking Network
, whose elite supporters
were believed to include Hollywood stars and prominent politicians, faced
an August 2018 unsealing of federal indictments, most of which were
believed to concern child sex offenders.

the past year
multi thousands of sealed indictments have
been filed in every state of the union. Charges have also been filed that
indicated years of coverup of Clinton child pedo crimes through use of the FBI,
Department of Justice, Mainstream Media, Twitter, Google and Youtube.

March 30 2017 NBC news report
claimed that the-then
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had shut down an investigation into an elite
pedophile ring in the State Department in order to protect the careers of high
ranking officials.

contrast to Clinton’s cover-up, on Feb. 24 2017

President Trump 
a federal investigation
 into the elite
pedophile scandal involving human trafficking, promising to put an end to the “
really horrific crimes taking place

appeared to indicate that not only the Clintons,

but Mueller, Comey, Clapper, Podesta, Rosenstein, Rice, Biden, Strzok and
others in the Department of Justice, FBI and CIA were linked to child sex
trafficking, torture and murder under a sophisticated structured that included
extensive cover up of their crimes. 
Robert Mueller Buried Pedo Child Crimes by Clinton’s State Dept (2013
NBC News Video)

A singular case blew open that was
said to involve Clinton’s international child sex abuse trafficking network,
cartel links, Washington DC politicians and hundreds of Hollywood stars accused
of child sex crimes as led by the NXIVM Sex Cult. It implicated major
businesses such as Seagram’s liquor Company. 
Dropped 1st RICO Clinton Hollywood DC NXIVM
Child Sex Charges – Allison Mack (Updated)

July 24 Seagram heiress Clare Bronfman
was arrested over various
crimes connected to Hollywood Allison Mack’s “Smallville” NXIVM Cult that
included Montana’s Senator Jon Tester. The indictment also named as defendants
the cult’s president, Nancy Salzman, her daughter Lauren Salzman and bookkeeper
Kathy Russell. Prosecutors claimed a racketeering conspiracy and other crimes
kept the sex ring going, extracting free labor out of victims and sexual
services for leader Keith Raniere: 
Pedo Senator Jon Tester Trump Coup Attempt and Child Sex Trafficing
Slave Cult Controller and Member

heiress Clare Bronfman arrested in connection with creepy sex cult tied to
‘Smallville’ actress

A Child
sex trafficking coverup by the Clintons
appeared to go back to at
least 2013 when NBC News reported that
Robert Mueller buried pedo child crimes of Clinton’s State Department while
Hillary Clinton shut down a pedophile investigation.

were well known for pedophilia among CIA mind control
victims. Back in 1995 Cathy Obrien
published “Trance Formation of America.” In it Obrien claimed that as a sixteen
year-old CIA mind control victim, both Bill and Hillary sexually abused and
tortured her.

recently Sarah Ruth Ashcraft,
who claimed to be a Mind
Controlled Sex Doll bought and sold by Hollywood Pedo Elites including Tom
Hanks, mentioned Hillary Clinton as one of her childhood perpetrators in a 25 July 2018 video.  

New York police
found something a whole lot worse about
Clinton, if that’s possible, on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. A folder called “Life
Insurance” was said to contain a film that showed Hillary and her assistant
Huma Aberdin sexually assaulting, raping and torturing a pre-teen girl to
death. “What’s in the emails is staggering and as a father, it turned my
stomach,” the NYPD Chief said. “We have copies of everything. We will ship them
to Wikileaks, or I will personally hold my own press conference if it comes to

was well known that there were at least 26 times that Bill Clinton flew on
convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express
visit “Pedophile Island” in the Bahamas, plus Hillary visited there at least
six times. The island had been extensively designed for elite Satanic
worshippers where children were believed used as fodder for sex and murder
rites. On 14 April 2018 structures
above and secret chambers below this island were destroyed using military grade
war explosives. Destruction was done, it was assumed, to erase evidence of
child abuse, though at least one video of children sitting naked in a tunnel
was saved.

CIA investigator Robert David Steel
claimed that an informant
from the graphics department of the State Department said that they were not
allowed to portray anything regarding child trafficking within the US. He felt
that there were too many Obama holdovers in government who were working for the
Deep State against Trump and his war on child sex trafficking. Steel also
claimed that when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State she wouldn’t appoint
an Inspector General, so no investigations of missing immigrant children
happened then either.

Clinton emails on Bengazi
and what was thought to be an international
child trafficking pedophilia ring known as Pizzagate or Pedogate were found by
Seth Rich prior to the 2016 Presidential Elections. Rich, an employee of
Democratic National Committee
(DNC), turned the emails over to Wikileaks, where they were exposed to the
public. On July 10 2016 Rich was
fatally shot after attending a party where he was said to talk about the emails
and just prior to his congressional testimony on Clinton. 

25 July 2018 when this article was written,
the Mainstream Media
remained true to form in keeping up the crystal clean Clinton image. They
announced that Hillary (along with her friends Colin Powell and Madeliene
Albright) would be guest stars on the season premier of “Madam Secretary” on 7 Oct.

L. Sun. 28 June 2020 Clinton-Rothschild Child Sex Trafficking Camp
Refused Investigation, Destroyed

suspected Child Sex Trafficking Camp
was discovered near Tucson
Arizona back on 8 June 2018, yet
Arizona police, State Patrol and federal agents saw no need to

Navy Seal Craig Sawyer’s Veterans For Child Rescue

had found and photographed evidence of child sex trafficking such as restraints
chained to trees, toys next to used condoms and small caves dug into the dirt
only big enough to contain a child.
ContraLand Documentary – Vets 4 Child Rescue #V4CR Exposing Child
Trafficking & Predators in the USA

legal entities
refused to investigate the find, plus
Sawyer’s Vet group was refused access back to the property. A day later the
group was able to video some bulldozers covering up evidence
that they had reported to Tucson legal entities – the same who refused to

that wasn’t surprising. Back in 2017 a Child Trafficking Scandal “Tucson-Gate”

was suspected to have linked child trafficking to the Clintons, Tucson Arizona
Mayor Jonathan Rothschild and Casa de Los Ninos children’s shelter. Evidently
the IG Report found thousands of emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop concerning
the Clinton Foundation and their Crimes Against Children – that have yet to
find the Mainstream Media. 
Clinton Child Sex Trafficking Network Uncovered | Celebrities

Subsequent videos placed on
the internet
showed houses along a border trail in the middle of nowhere
with painted kids rooms that were fully set up with $100,000 generators and
sensor cameras. One video showed black smoke from several fires evidently
started by the “law.” In a house they found marked maps showing more public and
private land locations for child trafficking – at least a dozen across a few
mountains. “It looked like the police were being paid to look away,” an
informant said. 
of Sex Trafficked Children Refused Help by FBI, CIA, Homeland Security

Kristine Guerra of The Washington
 discussed a
little girl no older than two who was taken from her mother the night before
and brought to a shelter run by the Office of Refugee Resettlement along the
Texas border. She was screaming and pounding her fists on a mat. The shelter
providers weren’t allowed to console her. It was a rule at the shelter that
staff were not allowed to touch children in their care. From this author’s
experience I would say that’s a basic rule for the mind control of children:
traumatize them, and then don’t help them to process the stress.

In 2016 John Cruz, former VP of HSBC, tried to get charges filed on child
trafficking, but Loretta Lynch looked the other way. Someone who hasn’t looked
away was Craig Sawyer. His Veterans for Child Rescue was still doing their job,
and have come out with a new video, Contraland. 

M. Covid/Vax/Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/
Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride,
Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

Sun. 7 July 2024 Doctors in Canada revealed a horrifying truth about the unexplained
rise in children’s deaths in Alberta since 2021. “The number of
unexplained deaths didn’t increase by 350%; it actually rose by 3,328%.”
This statistic is according to the Alberta Health Services in Canada.

Sun. 7 July 2024 A leading expert explained how aluminum in vaccine can cause
brain damage.

N. Satan Worshipping Illuminati Zionist Deep
State Cabal Globalist Depopulation Agenda 2030:

Interviewer: “A new study shows the
world’s richest 1% account for more carbon emissions than the poorest
Bill Gates: “I
spend about 9 million a year buying sustainable aviation fuel, to cancel out my
footprint.” Make no mistake: The entire “CO2 will lead to climate
apocalypse” narrative is just a pretext for globalist so-called
“elites” to restrict YOUR freedom, prosperity, mobility and standard
of living, while continuing to enjoy all those things in abundance for
themselves—under the guise of “saving the planet”.

Communism is the basic foundation of and
building block for a One World Government construct.
Under this structure they will own it
all…Private land, food, resources, material possessions, everything and
anything that you can imagine. Why do you think Bill Gates is buying up so much
farmland, and BlackRock is buying up entire housing markets in the United
States, Europe and throughout the world? Farmers’ protests are happening across
Europe. They are protesting to save their livelihoods against governments who
undermine them. And that’s why the public overwhelmingly support them. The
Netherlands, Scotland, France, Poland, Lithuania, Belgium, Greece, Italy,
Germany, Portugal, all soon to be joined by England, Wales, and Ireland. This
is a full scale rebellion that the public need to support. GOD BLESS THE

O. Sun. 7 July 2024 White Hat Intel: White
Hats To Mimic False Flag Cabal Project Blue Beam Sky Event

The Dark Deep State Cabal Operations were
getting ready to initiate a Project Blue Beam Sky Event,
while the White Hat Military Alliance and
United States Space Force Star Link would initiate Game Theory Counter
Operations that mimic Project Blue Beam.

The Q+ crossing of Game Theory Operations
mimic Deep State
moves and operations, but have a
different outcome that benefit current Alliance Military Strategy War Games.

Why did Trump place the United States Space Force inside
the military intelligence? Why was Cheyenne Mountain Military Base closed off
to the outside world and to Biden, Obama and CIA? Why did Trump, Ezra and Kash
Patel give Elon Musk the biggest military contracts in history?

Trump and Musk’s public split in 2017 was all a show for Musk to acquire Twitter,
after which Trump and Musk would publicly reunite.

Who is Q+? Why did USSF military intelligence put an x on their
logo? Why did Musk name Twitter x? Why did USSF use the color black and white
and why did Musk MIMIC the color on X? Why did USSF initiate Red Skies Event
Military Operations? Why did Alex Jones say Musk was a chief and commander
inside of USSF? Why did Musk reinstate Jones to X after this comment and the
comment was never addressed and swept under the rug?

We are coming into a very strong part of THE
– the part where the
Deep State is going to initiate a Sky Event, a fake Alien Invasion inside their
False Flag Event.

They want to use the advanced hidden military
of Holograms created
underground in Arizona Fort Huachuca Military Base and Nevada test sites.

They also want to use the Power of 5g and advanced military sound weapons that
creates Sound Waves that reach over a thousand miles. These same 5 g military
weapons use sound waves to create sickness and nausea causing massive mass

Underground D.U.M.Bs in Dulce New Mexico is just one of several D.U.M.Bs that crossed
DNA of humans and animals, creating monstrous hybrids. They want to release
these monsters as dangerous Aliens onto to cities in certain stages of Project
Blue Beam.

The Deep State Military and Dark Deep Ops have UAPs (fake UFOs) and real UFOs.

The Deep State Dark Ops want to initiate a
Project Blue Beam Alien invasion
very soon to bring the world into one government, have mass censorship
and try to kill hundreds of millions through the Alien Wars (fake False Flag
Alien invasion using Holograms, 5 g, and real explosives.

There is massive panic in the CIA, Pentagon,
Mossad, M16 and Five Eyes Agencies
that pushed and ran the fake pandemic operations and the creation of the
Death Bioweapon Virus and death vaccines.

Exposure of the Deep State Operations was happening on a mass scale. Humans across the
World were awake and aware that a corrupt system was controlling their
governments and laws.

The human race has already rejected the idea of another
plandemic and more vaccines. Less than 5% of humans have taken the vaccines
since the 2023 push.

The Deep State is in a panic as Trump was getting ready to initiate
Arrest Wars and firing tens of thousands of U.S. government employee heads.

Even the Media, Military leaders and politicians were in panic of the Arrest Wars. Nobody was
laughing about THE STORM and coming retributions, Arrest Wars,11.3 Military
intervention, Nuremberg codes and Tribunals.

The Deep State was getting ready to initiate SKY EVENTS to
block the exposure of the pedophile elite rings and the true EPSTEIN saga
connected to P Diddy and the music and film industry.

The Deep State Military Intelligence was at the heart of pedophilia operations
controlled by the Elites, CIA and Rockefellers.

The White Hats want to mimic the SKY EVENT (Game Theory ops)

THE OPERATION was pinned to real Disclosure on projects of
advanced Military Weapons and real Alien technology.

The White Hats want to insure the Deep State
and World Cabal fake Sky Event will lead to exposure
of the Deep Dark Unconstitutional Operations
happening in underground DUMBS throughout the US without approval of the
President, Congress and society.

P. Clones, Doubles, Actors Revealed:

Joe Biden Body Double: 

Gitmo News: Deep State Clones
End After Three Years, Cloning Researchers Tell Military – Doppelgangers/Clones
Revealed; Liz Cheney Hanged:

From Tribunals to Clones:
Clones, Doubles, Actors, Transvestites Hiding in Plain Sight, Holographic or
CGI – The Illusions are SO REAL Now They Have Become Normal!:

The World Of Clones: Body
Doubles, Clones or Masks… You Decide!

IN YOUR FACE: Biden-Actor,
Biden-Clone! Bet You Can’t Tell Which Is the REAL Joe Biden!

Q. The Chevron Decision: WHAT

Sat. 6 July 2024: Federal judge Louis Guirola Jr. rules
Supreme Court’s overturning of the Chevron doctrine means the Biden
administration’s latest interpretation of Title IX cannot require
Mississippi healthcare providers to perform transgender-related services.

A family fishing company, Loper Bright Enterprises, was being driven
out of business, because they couldn’t afford the $700 per day they were being
charged by the National Marine Fisheries Service to monitor their company.

The thing is, federal law doesn’t authorize
to charge businesses for this. They just
decided to start doing it in 2013.

Why did they think they could get away with just charging people without any legal

Because in 1984, in the Chevron decision, the
Supreme Court decided
regulatory agencies were the “experts” in their field, and the courts
should just defer to their “interpretation” of the law.

So, for the past 40 years, federal agencies
have been able to “interpret” laws
to mean whatever they want, and the courts had to just
go with it.

It was called Chevron Deference, and it put bureaucrats in charge of the

It’s how OHSA was able to decide that everyone who worked
for a large company had to get the jab or be fired.

No law gave them that authority. They just made it up.

It’s how the ATF was able to decide a piece of plastic was a
“machine gun.”

It’s how the NCRS was able to decide that a small puddle was a
“protected wetlands.”

It’s how out-of-control agencies have been able to create rules out of thin
air and force you to comply, and the courts had to simply defer to them because
they were the “experts.”

Imagine if your local police could just arrest you for any reason, and no
judge or jury was allowed to determine if you’d actually committed a crime or
not. Just off to jail you go.

That’s what Chevron Deference was.

It was not only blatantly unconstitutional, it caused immeasurable harm to everyone.

Thankfully, it’s now gone.

We haven’t even begun to feel the effects of this decision in the courts. It will be
used, for years to come, to roll back federal agencies, and we’ll all be better
off for it.

And that’s why politicians and corporate media are freaking out about


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