In a recent segment on War Room, Steve Bannon expressed concerns over the influence of tech giants and other powerful entities on the U.S. government.

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Bannon, former White House Chief Strategist under President Trump, accused figures like Mark Zuckerberg and their organizations of embedding themselves within the federal bureaucracy and White House during Trump’s presidency, asserting that their intentions were not aligned with national sovereignty.
Tech Giants Embedded in Government
Bannon highlighted the role of these entities in shaping policy and decision-making within the administrative state, describing how their influence infiltrated key parts of the government.
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“Oh, hang on. Hang on. DC, DC. We took it back from them. They were a huge part of the problem. They were handing every one of these guys was hand in glove,” Bannon said.
Recalling the 2016 presidential campaign, Bannon detailed how tech executives courted the Trump administration after his victory. “Look, I saw them all come as supplicants to Trump in 16. And what they did is they embedded in the administrative state and some elements of the White House and the administration, and they kind of got their way,” he explained.
Bannon criticized the motives of these tech leaders, asserting that their actions reflect an agenda that undermines national sovereignty.
“I said the time when Zuckerberg and these guys start coming around the Oval Office, they’re down there now through million dollar checks, you know, kissing the ring. But they don’t have good intentions. They just don’t,” Bannon stated.
He described these tech figures as “anti-sovereigntists” who view the United States not as a nation but as a “hub of a network.” He warned that this perspective seeks to diminish the country’s role as a sovereign entity in favor of a model akin to medieval city-states.
“They see this as kind of a—they don’t see it as a country. They see it as the hub of a network, the rail head of a network. They want to go back to what the Medicis had in the Borges had in in in the Middle Ages, in Italy, these kind of city states,” Bannon said.
Bannon: They’re down there now with their million-dollar checks kissing the ring, but they don’t have good intentions, They’re anti-sovereignists. They don’t see it as a country, they see it as the hub of a network, the railhead of a network.
— Grace Chong, MBI (@gc22gc) December 27, 2024
Bannon’s remarks reflect broader conservative concerns about the influence of Big Tech and its impact on the country’s governance and policies.
His comparison of tech leaders to medieval power brokers underscores the perception that these entities prioritize control and influence over the nation’s sovereignty.
The segment highlights ongoing debates about the role of powerful corporations and their influence on political systems, particularly within the context of preserving national interests and democratic principles.
As discussions about Big Tech’s role in governance continue, Bannon’s critique adds a sharp voice to the conversation, calling for vigilance against agendas that may conflict with the principles of sovereignty and self-governance.