At the end of 2021, Šebalj launched a Telegram channel inviting people to share their stories of Covid vaccine injuries and deaths. The group features hundreds of testimonies from individuals who have experienced severe adverse reactions to the vaccines. In light of her daughter’s death, Arna felt compelled to compile these experiences into a book, believing it is her duty to speak out: “Your testimonies, like mine, need to help others. It is our obligation, our duty for those who are no longer here.” I wholeheartedly agree, we still have a voice.
While it is shocking to read the hundreds of testimonies, I find the stories deeply relatable, having been immersed in the hidden underworld of vaccine injuries for nearly four years. Many individuals were perfectly healthy before the vaccine, like myself, and now they are shadows of their former selves, suffering from neurological issues, cancer, heart problems, and numerous deaths.
Šebalj questions why we remain silent, not just those who have suffered injuries, but also doctors. How long will this silence persist? As Arna mentioned, that depends on us, yet many choose to remain quiet. This deafening silence is the most troubling aspect of all. Unfortunately, fear still grips many, and the era of lies continues while the truth struggles to emerge in public discourse.
Source: https://thelongshot.nl/arnasebalj/