Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 7, 2024


Note: Timing appears to be that
(1) On Sun. 7 April or Mon. 8 April POTUS tweets “The Storm is Upon
Us.” (2) On Mon. 8 April a Solar
Eclipse also brings in Martial Law and (3) Ten Days of Darkness where (4) the new
Starlink Satellite System takes over Mainstream Media and (5) Mass Arrests are
made on over 500,000 indictments that (6) take down evil Cabal governments
worldwide and (7) the Global Currency Reset brings gold/asset-backed currencies
back to The People in Sovereign Nations Worldwide.

Together, Patriots. Support Each Other. No One Can Stop What Is Coming, When Where
We Go One, We Go All!!!

International Child Sex Trafficking Ring
has been organized by
the Vatican, enforced by the Zionist-pretend Jewish Khazarian Mafia and
supported by US Taxpayer Dollars through a CIA Black Budget for the purpose of
blackmailing political Elites to conform to the Cabal Globalist New World Order
Agenda that was designed to rule the World by 2030.

Biden, Clinton, Pelosi
Ran Child Sex Trafficking Pedophile
Ring at White House

Vaccine Didn’t Work,
Caused Millions of Deaths and Serious
Medical Problems

Majority of Politicians
Were Being Blackmailed by Epstein
and P Diddy

US Elections Have Been Rigged
By the Democrats, Cabal,


was an Intelligence Operation Coordinated by Nancy Pelosi

We Think We Know as of Sun. 7 April 2024:

1) There were no Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq 2) Hillary Stole the primary from Bernie
and killed JF Kennedy Jr. to win Senator from New York.
3) There was no Russian Collusion 4) Covid was complete bullshit 5) The Vaccine didn’t work 6) A majority of political and global
Elites were being blackmailed through Jeffery Epstein and P Diddy pedophilia
and Child Sex Trafficking.

7) The JFK assassination was an inside job , 8) J6 was an intelligence operation
coordinated by Nancy Polosi
 , 9) Black Lives Matter was
a Marxist front
 , 10) Cancel Cultural was Corporate
, 11) Smollet was a
, 12) Obama spied on
, 13) Assad didn’t
gas his own people

14) The 2020 Elections and all US Elections have been
rigged through mail in ballots, printing of unofficial ballots, no voter ID and
voter machines that were controlled by a CIA office in Germany.

15) Nancy Pelosi and many US Congress people were
getting kickbacks from their support of foreign aid bills like for Ukraine and
the Mexican Drug Cartel to keep the border open.

16) An International Child Sex Trafficking Ring was
organized by the Vatican, enforced by the Zionist-pretend Jewish Khazarian
Mafia and supported by US Taxpayer Dollars through a CIA Black Budget for the
purpose of blackmailing political Elites to conform to the Cabal Globalist New
World Order Agenda that was designed to rule the World by 2030.

17) “Red Hats”
claimed to have destroyed Cabal’s Hedron Collider
near President Trump’s
residence, causing New Jersey Earthquake: ENTER THE “RED HATS”



Wed. 3 April
President Trump activated the EBS – to be made public on Sun. 7 April 2024 and may lead to the fall of the
current government in the United States. 

5 April
BREAKING REPORT! Greg Reese: Major Events Surrounding
the April 8th Solar Eclipse – Masonic rituals planned worldwide to usher in New
World Order

Fri. 5 April Wolverine:
“The eighth in the US is a total solar eclipse, then there is the end of
Ramadan on the 9th and then the beginning of Eid Al-Fitr on the 10th. Let’s see
if they will give us an announcement from Al-Sudani during the Ramadan as

8 April 2024:
NASA is firing three rockets into the
Eclipse named after the Egyptian Serpent God “Apep” in a symbolic gesture of “devouring
Ra, the Sun god” & after 3 minutes of darkness, the “new sun” will be
symbolic of “King of the Golden Age” Horus (Inevitable Antichrist). Israel is
getting ready to sacrifice a red heifer in preparation for the rebuilding of
the Third Temple. CERN is going to fire up the Hadron Collider the same day,
smash atoms together and attempt to search for “invisible matter that controls
our universe”…The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Thurs. 4 April 2024

8 April Solar Eclipse State of Emergencies Declared Nationwide and in Canada:
West Virginia, Ontario Canada, Arkansas, Killeen TX, Ohio, Missouri County,
Charleston County, Jackson County:

8 April:
Military test operation exercises are expected in the
Finger Lakes area the day of the Eclipse targeting underground facilities used
to traffic children.

Event will span approximately three days
, drawing inspiration
from the Bay of Pigs incident.

this, there will be a 10-day Earth shutdown
and the
activation of the Military Emergency Broadcasting System (EBS) broadcasted
globally on TVs and radios.

governments worldwide
will be temporarily disbanded,
accompanied by further arrests.

Fri. 5 April Frank26: The US
did not sign the Executive Order 13303
. It has been signed by every
President since 2003. As long as it was signed Iraq couldn’t revalue their
currency. The US has 48 hours to return $115 billion. Trillions are becoming
millions. Sudani promised during Ramadan. It ends the 8th, and EID is the
9th-14th. It will be done before Sudani meets in Washington on the 15th.Walking
Stick says our window is 9th-14th

Global Currency Reset:

6 April US Refuses to Sign Executive Order 13303,

which has been signed by every president since 2003. The EO prevents Iraq from revaluing it’s currency. There is
now 48 hours to return $48 billion, with trillions in the balance. BREAKING:
United States Shocks Global Community by Withholding Signature on Executive
Order 13303, Throwing Iraq Currency Stability into Question!

5 April Brazil Bank Officer Ivan Lima:
“I just received the
communication from the BACEN Payments Department. The money, liquidity and
release days are: Tues, Wed, Thurs. 9,
10, 11 April.
That is next week, without postponement.”

6 April Texas Snake:
Have received multiple communications
today that this is our month, most are settling on Sun, Mon, 21st or 22nd April as the actual announcement date with
the appointments to exchange following.

Iraqi Dinar revalued in-country on
Sat. 30 March.

was rumored that Tier 3 Fines,
Sanctions, Farm Claims,
CMKX payments and Bond Holders were starting as of Fri. 5 April. Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) could go at any time.

On Wed. 3 April Morning the redemption center leaders and bank
managers in at least one area and throughout the United States, entered the
access codes and sent them to the treasury at about 11:30 p.m. …Wolverine

Fri. 5 April
the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ)
injected gold-backed digital tokens (GBDT) known as Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG). Banks
now have the new Forex rates…Wolverine

Some Bond Holders have received emails.

Payments were said to begin on Wed. 10
April effectively.

In Columbia people are receiving notifications already from the
Pentecostal group, they are in Bogota right now and are expecting their
blessing in Bogota Fri. 5 April.

New York banks
were told it would happen by Mon. 15 April….TNT Tony

5 April
QFS 20, and DINAR are Components of the New Financial System. Everything Is

C. Thurs. 4 April EBS, NESARA, Quantum
Financial System, Charlie Ward

In early April, the announcement regarding the launch of
NESARA is anticipated. A Global Emergency Broadcast System will be activated,
featuring documentaries aimed at enlightening the masses about recent events.

To facilitate this, a global lockdown lasting 10 to 12 days will
commence, with a message broadcasted on the EBS instructing everyone to stay
home during a specific 5-hour window. Throughout the lockdown period,
comprehensive documentaries will air across all stations, providing full
disclosure of recent developments.

Upon the conclusion of the lockdown, an 800 number will be provided for the public
to schedule appointments to set up their Quantum accounts, ensuring everyone
globally receives a sum of money deposited into their accounts

Recent weeks have seen limited updates from the QFS Team due to
significant events unfolding, including the seizure of approximately 75 banks
and closure of all Cabal accounts. Assets from these accounts have been
transferred to Quantum Financial Accounts for redistribution to the people,
including trust funds.

With the implementation of the Quantum
Financial System
, financial
transactions are transparent and secure, eliminating corruption and fraudulent

All Central Banks have transitioned to the QFS, operating under
the ISO 20022 standard, ensuring accountability and traceability of funds. The
imminent crash of the Stock Market heralds its demise, with personal bank
accounts now reflected in Quantum Financial Accounts, except for investments
and shares, which will be transitioned to a new system upon the QFS’s approval.

Assurances are given that all bank accounts, savings, and retirement accounts are secure.
The anticipated date of April 1st may be delayed due to adjustments according
to the Julian calendar, signaling a new beginning.

The Global Financial Crisis:

5 April
Surveillance States! The Shadows of the NSA &
DARPA Programs: Currency Revaluation and Redemption in a Surveillance State

Restored Republic:

5 April
United States of GITMO: Indictments, Arrests and
Executions – Trump Just Posted this Video on Truth Social: GITMO is About to
get VERY Busy!

5 April The Obama False Flag:
An event so sinister
that it must disrupt the 2024 elections. Some will call it a Black Swan Event.

1. Assassination attempt on Trump. 2. False flag attacks to blame Russia. 3. Nationwide cyber attacks to disrupt the
power grid.
4. A new pandemic

Lindsey Graham is warning about a new
9/11 style attack. Tucker Carlson has warned about an assassination attempt on
Trump. “Who will be the first to get arrested in 2024?” …SGAnon on
Telegram Sat. 6 April.

The Global Food Crisis:

6 April CostaRica:
Neighbors of Tambor beach report the
appearance of thousands of dead sardines, the second mass death of fish in the
country so far this year. At the beginning of March, the death of thousands of
fish was recorded in the Guacalillo sector, in Puntarenas. Senasa attributed
the phenomenon to an unusual rise in the tide. Experts ask to avoid eating
these dead fish, as it could be harmful to your health

The Real News for Sun. 7 April 2024:

5 April
Breaking News: White Hats Ignite Exposé of Elite
Illuminati Satanic Industry Saga, Exposing Epstein, CIA Deep State Ops, and
Military Alliance’s Warning!

6 April Tucker Carlson:
“It’s important to stay informed
about any potential road closures or disruptions. If highways are indeed shut
down on Mon. 8 April, it’s wise to plan alternative routes or adjust travel
plans accordingly. Stay safe and prepared.

1995 proponents of the New World Order
publically announced
their plan to control the weather in order to starve the world into submission
for their New World Order Agenda 2030.

twenty years ago Alex Jones said,
“There is a
tyrannical organization calling itself the New World Order. Yes, there have
been corrupt empires. Yes, they are manipulative. Yes, there are secret
societies. Yes, there have been oligarchies throughout history. And yes, today,
in 2002, there is a tyrannical organization calling itself the New World Order
that is pushing for a world government, a cashless society, open borders,
complete and utter tyranny, where people are absolutely worthless.”

III is gay.”
Globe Magazine releases shocking details
about the king’s personal life. The publication reports that the intelligence
service MI5 has documents of nearly 60 years of homosexual dating of Charles III
and cheating on Princess Diana, which rocks the principles of the monarchy. MI5
has allegedly already handed over the explosive dossier to the British

August 1, 2023, footage of Ashley Biden
calling Project Veritas
confirming that her leaked diary was legitimate which also verifies that Joe
Biden sexually assaulted her was released to public.

Plotkin, the Godfather of vaccines,
is also a consultant to
Moderna, one of the main manufacturers of the Covid vaccine. Under oath Plotkin
admitted to the use of fetal tissue from aborted babies. He also said he’ll
gladly go to hell for what he’s done.

, that can only be made by torturing children and then
extracting their blood, was placed in barrels of the Dutch company Heineken and
transported worldwide by the Dutch oil company Shell.

All major record labels have a huge room where they do rituals and cast spells
on each master record CD and cassette back in the day. They have a covenant.

6 April Situation Update:
Judy Byington Bombshell Report: IT’S
WORLD-WIDE.GREEN SKY. IT’S HERE. Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat.
6 April 2024

5 April
Anonymous Official: So, The TRUTH is Finally Out…

White Hats Find FEMA Camped Near Quake’s

6 April:
A group of Jan 6 Protestors filed lawsuit against 21
Capitol Police Officers for Millions. The lawsuit claims “violent and
historic Capitol Police misconduct” led to numerous injuries “among
peaceful protestors.”

CIA Created Google.
The United States intelligence community,
nurtured and incubated Google as part of a drive to dominate the world through
the control of information and surveillance.

Assange spoke in 2011
on ‘Collateral Murder’, released 14 years
ago today, which showed the killings of civilians and journalists by US forces
in Iraq. If extradited to the US for his truthful reporting experts have warned
Assange will not survive

H. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and
Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and housed in China’s Three
Gorges Dam in the 1500 mile tunnel that runs between the Vatican and Jerusalem:

6 April
Bombshell! The “Black Epstein” Exposed – Mel Gibson’s
Shocking Documentary Reveals P Diddy’s Dark Secrets

6 April
BOOM! The Dark Empire of Diddy: Diddy’s Blackmail Tapes
of Politicians Now in FBI’s Hands

6 April
Bombshell! The “Black Epstein” Exposed – Mel Gibson’s
Shocking Documentary Reveals P Diddy’s Dark Secrets

6 April
BOOM! The Dark Empire of Diddy: Diddy’s Blackmail
Tapes of Politicians Now in FBI’s Hands

Covid/ Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/
Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human Clones


Biden Crime Family

Biden drops out of Presidential Race 1987- 1988
of plagiarism and over exaggerated academic record. Couldn’t win back then, so
he stole the election in 2020. Only difference this time—he shits his pants and
sniffs more children.

Patriots Among Us Need Our Support:

The Illegal Federal Reserve and IRS were using the “Ken and Barbie vs. Goliath
IRS” Case as an example of what they will do to you if you dare confront them
on their illegal activities:

though Ken and Barbara Cromar
proved in a Federal
Court that they owed no monies to the IRS, they remained in a six year battle
with them. Two different SWAT Teams descended on their fully paid for dream
home, sold it at auction, along with throwing away all their possessions,
including expensive camera equipment Ken used to make a living.

now sits in jail charged with living in his own home
but undeterred to fight for the rights of the American taxpayer. Ken says,
The days of the “mighty” IRS are
numbered. For far too long the IRS has been backed by a corrupt DOJ and
ever-growing big government bureaucrats who have crowned themselves kings and
queens to rule over us as their slaves, as they get fat and enrich themselves
on the backs of struggling Americans.”

Mon. 1 April A Nun gave
a grave warning
regarding the depopulation agenda, and called out the Pope as the
spiritual leader of the evil Globalists behind it all.


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