Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 2, 2024


Judy Note: On Mon. 1 July the corrupt US government began to be
revealed in release of Julian Assange’s files, plus there was announcement by
the Supreme Court where they sided with President Trump, ruling that presidents
cannot be held criminally liable for official actions of government – which
will have widespread effect and deliver a nuke to Jack Smith’s January 6 indictment.

Other big Supreme Court announcements were
expected this week
– including the one on 2020 Voter Fraud that
would take down the Biden Administration and all of Congress.

It appears Biden will be taken down in a lot
of ways
. Why
is everyone saying that Biden wouldn’t be a good president just because he
can’t win a debate when his record shows him the most corrupt US President/Vice
President in History?

The Obama/Biden team was said to have armed ISIS; gave Iran billions;
covered up the Benghazi Massacre; ordered the Seal Team Six murders; instigated
a vote-changing Hammer/Scoreboard program and machines into US Elections
starting with Biden and continuing to this day; used the IRS as a weapon; were
believed behind the selling of 20% of US uranium to Russia and worst of all,
were said to run, in cooperation with the Vatican and various mafias, an
international Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring out
of Ukraine.

Actually, all this “who won the debate?” talk
was for naught anyway.
Joe Biden has not been the US President. He
was executed in 2021 for Pedophilia.
Biden was being played by Arthur Roberts and others behind a mask.

Donald Trump was the legitimate US President. He
said, “I let them do the fraud to have enough proof to the World that they are
criminals. Now the Alliance has all the evidence.

Other dramas that Trump and the Alliance scheduled
for this week:
Benjamin Fulford was expecting a lockdown on
Thurs. 4 July. Today the Mickey
Mouse Clock that frequently appeared on Telegram indicated Q was planning
something big for Fri. 5 July.

Mon. 1 July 2024 The Mickey Mouse Clock on
Hands point to 10
and 2 = We always thought this meant something would happen on Oct. 2. But if you look at Mickey’s
feet, not the hands, they point to 7 and 5, and it makes you wonder, will
something happen on Fri 5 July?  It all fits in: Right Hand and Right foot
point to 10 and 7, Left Hand and Left Foot point to 2 and 5: 10+7 = 17 and 2+5
= 7: Q in July? Will the real Q stand up. …

Mon. 1 July 2024: A recent SCOTUS ruling (Loper Bright Enterprises, Inc. v. Raimondo,
Sec. of Comm.) meant that courts may no longer defer to federal agencies’
interpretations of laws, which has been the root of government unaccountability
and countless rules and regulations that govern our lives.

One such case was the Deep State Politician
1940s mandate
that the
toxic poison Fluoride be put in public drinking water, even though it was known
to cause Brain damage, ADHD, Sleep and Thyroid
. This Fluoride poison commonly used to kill rats, was believed
put in our water to intentionally dumb down society so that it became dependent
on government.

Mon. 1 July 2024 Supreme Court Decisions,
Evidence Coming To Light:

Mon. 1 July 2024: MUST READ: Something CATACLYSMIC Just

Mon. 1 July 2024: BOOOM!!! CRITICAL INTEL! Alex Jones: Deep
State Now In Civil War Against Itself For Control Of America—Brace For False

Mon. 1 July 2024: Bombshell Report! Freedom of Information Act
CONFIRMS: “It was a coup.” | Beyond the Scope = Treason | 18 U.S.C. § 2381 –
Treason – William Pelham Barr

Mon. 1 July 2024: BREAKING: BOMBSHELL Supreme Court Ruling

Mon. 1 July 2024: It’s BQQM Time! John Fitzgerald Kennedy: The
Beginner and the Origin of “Q” – The Greatest Intelligence Operation of Our

WARNING of POSSIBLE SCAM: Med Bed Treatments will be free. DO NOT pay
for appointments. If a site is advertising Med Bed appointments and then asks
for money, it is likely another scam, or they are not offering a real Med Bed.

A. Prepare For The Emergency Broadcast System Alerts:

·      Under control of the US Military, the EBS will be broadcast

·      Documentaries will be broadcast to expose crimes of Satan Worshippers who have
ruled the World, plus reveal the truth behind their planned Terrorist Events
such as the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the 3/11 Great Earthquake in Japan.

·      The Documentaries will be broadcast three times a day, 24 hours
a day for 3-10 days depending on the situation in the area where they were
being broadcast.

·      Everyone Worldwide will be alerted via their mobile phones.

·      TV and radio programming will cease and the internet will be unusable
during this period.

B. Wars and Rumors of Wars:

·      Mon. 1 July 2024 The Alert level of several US military bases in Europe is raised to
second-highest level after ‘intelligence terrorist action or targeting of
personnel or facilities is likely.

·      Mon. 1 July 2024 Hezbollah Israel War Imminent:

·      Mon. 1 July 2024: Situation Update: July 1, 2024 – Imminent
FALSE FLAG Dirty Bomb Attack To Target US Military Base In Europe! – Mike Adams

·      Mon. 1 July 2024 Nationwide Emergency! This Is All A Setup! –
Full Spectrum Survival

·      Mon. 1 July 2024: Russia border regions report power cuts after
Ukraine attacks.

·      Mon. 1 July 2024 Nuclear Message, Thousands of Troops

C. Global Currency Reset:

Mon. 1 July 2024 Wolverine: “There will be no announcement of the RV.
The notifications for Tier4b to exchange will just come out without warning and
should come sometime this week. I
received a call, but can’t say much because everything is confidential.
Everyone is under NDAs. Tier4b monies have been positioned. Private contractors
are being paid. Bond Holders are in position. I’ve seen the signed contracts
and certified documents for the reset. Hold on. It’s coming.”

Sun. 30 June 2024 Breakfast with Tiffany: USD funds for Trigger Files have been
released and will be ready for disbursement next Mon. 8 July and prerequisites for launching USN Bills now being
finalized and scheduled for disbursement on that July 8th. 

GESARA is supposed to be announced July 8th as well, been further advised Trigger Bond
payment Monday 1st and bond
redemption payments Thursday 4th,
public release of USN Bills and Currency Revaluation starting the 8th.

The Global Currency Reset release of funds across the World has been given, with funds
coming directly from the US Treasury Department of Defense Operations. 

The launch of the RV was slowed down due to many Hacker and Cyber

There will be an Internet Blackout

The White Hat Military are in control of the redemption process.

Wells Fargo and HSBC are leading these operations across the

There are local institutions in countries around the World that are connected
and ready for Global notifications with access to Treasury Departments in the
different countries.

All banks have signed confidentiality
(NDA) so it is
normal for everything to be silent.

Notifications have gone out to Tier 4a, a small group of
Tier4b and some Bond Holders.

The RV is being negotiated on the Forex.

Sun. 30 June 2024 Mike Bara: The “Bond Holder” has been told he
will be paid this week. I was told what
but cannot share it. MarkZ reported that an announcement about lower
denominations has been made in Iraq.

Sun. 30 June 2024: Look for something to happen around Mon. 8 July in regards to the NESARA
announcement that will tie in with November
5th, allowing for the 120 days.

D. Global Financial Crisis:

Mon. 1 July 2024: INTEL: Quantum Financial System, Global
Currency Reset, and the Med Beds 5D ~ Trust the Plan! – #site_titleQuantum
Financial System, Global Currency Revaluation, and the Med Beds 5D

E. Restored Republic:

The People’s Operation Restoration on
Telegram Mon. 1 July 2024

The “House” and “Senate” consists of corporate officers who each work
for a foreign corporation.


Look at their Oath of Office.

This is an act of treason. 

They made up their own corporations IN EVERY STATE. 

They are not your government.

They move the goal post whenever they want. 

We are fools in the deception.

We are giving them jurisdiction over us.  But they don’t have jurisdiction

This is why we all need to rise up and learn how to restore our
Republics in each state under SOCIAL COMPACTS.

Then we can restore our REAL ARTICLE 3 common law courts and run
these con artists out of town.

Only then can we call ourselves free people. 

Otherwise we are trapped in ignorance.

And they LOVE to keep us in argument with their CREATURE
STATE thinking we have rights Within THEIR JURISDICTION.

If THEY create it THEY control it.


We must re-seat the vacated positions within our original
Republics and take back authority over America! 

Only then can we co-create a new, updated constitution for the states
and the union.

It’s not hard to think out of their box.

You just have to know WHO they are and who you are.

Trust me, you are far more powerful than you think.

F. Sat. 22 April 2023: Obama/Biden Behind Arming ISIS, Benghazi,
Seal Team Six Massacres, 2020 Election Fraud, Child Sex Trafficking.

Labeled by some as the Anti-Christ, Barak
, a gay Muslim from Kenya who married a
former member of the Oregon football team, Big Mike, was said to be the
grandson of Hitler. If so, he has certainly lived up to his Nazi heritage.

Obama was so connected in the Cabal that he illegally gained the US Presidency as a foreign born
national according to his college credentials. The Barak Obama/Joe Biden
presidency that followed was racked with corruption – a sewer of decay that
continued even to this day.

The Obama/Biden team was said to have armed ISIS; gave Iran billions; covered up the Benghazi Massacre;
ordered the Seal Team Six murders; instigated a vote-changing Hammer/Scoreboard
program and machines into US Elections starting with Biden and continuing to
this day; used the IRS as a weapon; were believed behind the selling of 20% of
US uranium to Russia and worst of all, were said to run, in cooperation with
the Vatican and various mafias, an international Child Sex Trafficking, Organ
and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring out of Ukraine.

was the election of Barak Obama in 2008
the voting program Scoreboard made the adaption from cyber warfare to political
treachery for the purpose of changing America from a democratic regime to
Socialism and Communism.

On Feb. 23 2009 two weeks after the election of Barak
, John Brennan and Eric Clapper moved the Hammer to a
secret CIA facility Maryland. In 2012 Hammer/ Scoreboard was again
used to change votes in the Presidential election to make sure Obama was a two
term US President.

Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were
also said to have used the CIA to master mind the Seal Team Six and Benghazi
, a presumed fake killing of Bin Laden, plus laundered
through Iran $1.5 Billion US taxpayer dollars that went to terrorists.

was all said to have started some time in 2011 when the then US President Barak Obama
ordered his CIA Director John Brennan
to ask Iran, which had been harboring Bin Laden, to set him up in Pakistan in
order for Obama to get a photo trophy to help with his re-election. Bin Laden or a body double, went
down May 1 of 2011 and
Seal Team Six about three months later. Then, Iran extorted the Obama
Administration for $1.52 Billion to keep the secret. It was paid in cash.

On 24 May 2011,
the Obama/Biden Administration leaked operational details and which operational
forces were involved in taking out Bin Laden. Then, on
August 2011
, 33 individuals, including 22 seals with knowledge of the Bin
Laden scandal, were sent on a slow, heavy Chinook helicopter to a village in
Afghanistan where they were shot down like a sitting duck. A stinger missile
found in wreckage was traced back to the CIA.

happened on 9/11, 2012.
was a cover for running guns and missiles to various terrorist groups. Biden’s,
Obama’s, Clinton’s and the CIA’s Seal Team Six and Benghazi Massacres

Another great deception of Obama happened on 2
Jan. 2013
 when he signed into law HR 4310 – making it actually legal to use propaganda on the American
people. Obama then used it to spy on his political enemies, specifically Donald

Although the Clintons’ suspected ties to
child trafficking and murder were well known, Biden and Obama has escaped the
connection – so far. 
Though, not for long. Rumor was that the
Biden-owned Water Island next to convicted Pedophile’s Epstein Island, has long
been used in an international child trafficking network.

did the kids come from? In 2014 90,000
children went missing
because of a Globalist Compact of
Immigration for Open Borders signed and supported by the Obama/ Biden
Administration according Oscar Ramirez, a veteran Mexican journalist based in

the compact has led to a massive Antifa Black Market of organized crime and
child trafficking
syndicate that Obama/Biden supposedly
created themselves, including their lock up of over 20,000 children in cages.

the October Trump/Biden debate
the Mexican journalist
filed this live video in response to the “deadly lies of Joe Biden.”

to the report, Human traffickers called Coyotes have used the same kids over
and over as an anchor
to keep illegal aliens in the USA long
enough to disappear into the US interior. “That’s when the child was collected
by the Coyotes and looped back to the border regions of Mexico, to be recycled
into another fake family and sent again, through the US/Mexican border,”
Ramirez claimed.

and tortures were said to be rampant
because the child was
purchased property. “These children lived in perpetual fear because of the
global presence of the black market human trafficking syndicates, even in the
USA.” Was he referring in part to Biden’s Water Island?

said that 72,000 trafficked kids have been rescued during the Donald Trump
because of efforts to determine if the child
was actually a biological offspring of the so-called ‘parent’ who paid Coyotes
for use of the child. Trump’s effective shutdown of this global human
trafficking has crushed the ‘cash cow’ of international trafficking. Coyotes
were losing enslaved children when DNA tests verified whose child the youth
actually was. As a result now kids from deep in South America were miraculously
returned to their parents.

his so-called win of the US Presidency seat from Trump, Biden immediately
announced a return to Open Borders
. It appeared he planned to
keep his child trafficking network going by reversing Trump’s Border Wall

to those charges against the Obama/Biden
Team an
 overwhelming array of voting
– all connected to the Biden Camp. Since
the 2020 Election there have been thousands of voter fraud complaints
filed and millions of counterfeit ballots confiscated with Biden’s name
imprinted on them – said to be a present to the Democrats from the Communist
China Party. The counterfeit ballots were recently
confiscated with bill-of-sale and all.

there was found to be CIA software in voting machines that altered the votes
from Trump to Biden.
That didn’t even figure into the millions of
fraudulent votes for Biden cast by the dead, non registered voters and even

Another major issue surrounded
US voting machine’s Dominion Corporation software whose major owner was Paul
Pelosi – Nancy Pelosi’s husband
. This CIA’s Hammer and
Scorecard programs were believed to have been used to alter votes in real time
in voting machines across the nation. They had the ability to steal votes – or
“glitches” in voting machines as they were described on Election Day –
especially in swing states like Wisconsin and Michigan.

Pelosi’s husband owned most of the shares of Dominion Software that was present
in all voting machines nationwide.
Pelosi also appeared tied
to Biden’s Mexican Border child trafficking. With
court papers filed against her yet to be made public,
 Pelosi was
suspected to be involved in Child Trafficking at the Arizona Cemex site; was
believed to have received millions in drug money from convicted Mexican Drug
Lord El Chapo (as Chapo confessed and named her among others, at his sentencing
hearing), both of which could have been her apparent incentive to keep the
Mexican Border open for Drugs and Child Trafficking. She was a suspected
conspirator in Russia Gate (a coup to overturn the 2016 Election and
start a war with Russia); her daughters were supposedly caught bringing drugs
back from Mexico in her diplomatic pouch and she has been accused of doing
privileged Day Trading in the basement of Congressional offices before the
Markets opened. 

Noted Trump attorney Sidney Powell alleged that the Dominion
Software company was implicated in flipping votes from Trump to Biden
, or from Republicans to Democrats in other races on the
ballot. Pelosi’s chief of staff was a key executive of Dominion Software and
Senator Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum, was a shareholder.
Muller FBIs provided the computers for the Hammer.

Back in 2019 House
Intelligence Committee
ranking member Devin Nunes announced
that he would file at least eight federal indictments for misconduct during the
FISA Report. The count was expected to go up to 30 people charged including
some in the Mainstream Media. The charges were
thought to expose a coup to overturn the 
2016 Election and appeared to involve former US President
Barak Obama, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Speaker of the House
Nancy Pelosi, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff and Democratic
Congressmen Cory Booker and Richard Blumenthal.

computer programs had come out as a result of 9/11 for the purpose of watching
our enemies.
They were later adopted to the voting
business to be used in foreign countries, though the CIA has recently used them
to spy on US citizens.

Powers that Be tried to blackmail and leverage Montgomery to a point where he
became a Whistleblower. By the
 2016 Election the
Alliance knew enough about Hammer/Scoreboard to step in and interfere enough so
that Trump votes stayed with Trump as he was elected. That was why Clinton was
so surprised she didn’t win.

In 2017 three
star General Thomas McInerney and Dennis Montgomery blew the whistle on how the
CIA was using the NSA Hammer
for the Russian Hoax on
President Trump. The CIA, Obama and Biden were suspected of also using
Hammer/Scoreboard software to spy on SCOTUS judges Roberts and Scalia, FISA
court judges, members of congress, Flynn, Guiliani, Trump and Trump’s family.

Obama worked with the Chinese Communist Party
to interfere with the 2020 Presidential Election.

On Mon. 18 Jan. 2021 the Director
of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe
 dropped a bombshell
report on Congress alleging that China had interfered in 2020 Election –
in collusion with members of the Democrat Party led by Obama. The document also
reported that the Pentagon had intercepted a message from the Chinese Communist
Party that showed a plan to assassinate Pentagon Generals. The letter written by DNI Ratcliffe, was labeled
“Views on Intelligence Community Election Security Analysis; Intelligence
Community Assessment: Foreign Threats to the 2020 U.S. Elections.”

Soros had funded a Mass Media
campaign for the Biden
Camp to the tune of $34 billion dollars. Soros’s – and apparently the Dems and
Chinese Communist Party’s purposes – appeared to be to steal the election from
Trump in order to install communism and destroy America.

 G. The
Real News for Mon. 1 July 2024:

Mon. 1 July 2024 MUST READ: Something CATACLYSMIC Just
Happened… SCOTUS just ruled on a case
named Loper Bright Enterprises, Inc. v. Raimondo, Sec. of Comm. The courts MAY
NOT defer to an agency interpretation of the law simply because a statute is
ambiguous; Chevron is overruled.
The Chevron Deference was
established in 1984, which instructed courts to defer to federal agencies’
interpretations of laws where the underlying statute is, “unclear.” This
basically means since 1984, unelected bureaucrats (Deep State) in Federal
Agencies have lorded over the American people and been able to invent law as
they see fit. In simpler words, the Administrative State (Deep State) had the
power to govern themselves and interpret the law as they see fit. The Chevron
Defence has been the root of government unaccountability, and countless rules
and regulations that govern our lives; much more than Congress does. For
every law Congress passed, there were probably 500 regulations set by unelected
This immediately affects hundreds of Federal bureaucracy
agencies: any and all public health agencies; any and all public safety
agencies; any and all environmental agencies, including the EPA and the Food
& Drug Administration.

Mon. 1 July 2024 A Neuroscientist has explained that chemicals such as fluoride have been
used intentionally to dumb down society so that it becomes dependent on
Since the mid-1940s the toxic poison
Fluoride (that is used to kill rats) has been added to public drinking water even
though it is not approved by the FDA, no studies have ever shown that Fluoride is
helpful to stop tooth decay, but it is known to cause health problems such as
brain, ADHD, sleep and Thyroid Disorders.

Sun. 30 June 2024 Russian
President Vladimir Putin
has handed over a confidential document to Tucker Carlson
that is rumored to contain everything you need to know about the world!

Mon. 1 July 2024: ALERT!!! Bombshell Report! Judy Byington:
Emergency Broadcast Alert System! Countdown Has Begun. Prepare For 10 Days of
Darkness. Q Clock. DC Is Now Compromised. . .

·      Mon. 1 July 2024 From a Reliable Source: The DNC is in an emergency
called meeting right now. Biden will either resign effective by the close of business tomorrow Tues. 2 July
or will remove himself from contention for the nomination. Perilous few days
MIGHT be ahead because of terror and hostile foreign powers possibly taking
advantage of all this IF it does all go down. On 1-10, the source on this is
considered a 9. Stay vigilant!  Also make sure you’ve got plenty of ammo
and supplies!

·      JFK was assassinated through a conspiracy of the intelligence agencies, the
bankers, the servants of the military-industrial complex, and the secret
societies. May his legacy live on as he sacrificed his life in pursuit of a
peaceful and prosperous world.

·      This past Thursday
night was a defeat not only for Biden, but for the entire Radical Left Democrat
Party and the Fake News Media

who have been lying to the American People as our Country was being destroyed.
The Joe Biden on stage Thursday night was the SAME Joe Biden who gave us Open
Borders, crushing inflation, rampant crime, two new wars, a disastrous
Afghanistan embarrassment, and one international humiliation after another—and
it will only get worse. The whole world should know that while Biden is the
worst president in the history of our Country, America will be strong again,
and very soon! …Trump Supporters Channel on Telegram Mon. 1 July 2024


H. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and
Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and housed in China’s Three
Gorges Dam in a 1500 mile tunnel that also runs between the Vatican and


Tues. 25 June 2024 Ukraine Child Sex, Organ
Harvesting Ring, Gene Decode:
Gene Decode: Flash Situation Update – Evil Secret That The World Needs
To Know! Since the beginning of 2022 over 200,000 Ukraine children have been
taken by the Ukraine Regime for their Child Sex, Organ Harvesting Ring. The
purpose of Russia’s “invasion” of Ukraine was to save the children.

Mon. 1 July 2024 John F. Kennedy Jr. on
Military is the only
way. Since Donald Trump became US President more than seven million children
and women have been rescued from Sex Trafficking and Slavery by the Military
(only in the US). Happy to report that all of the biggest players of the
Illuminati Cabal have been arrested and prosecuted, most of them executed for
their heinous Crimes Against Humanity. Saving the children of the World would
not have been possible without someone as strong and incorruptible as President
Trump and the 1,700 strong Military leaders in command of the brave US Military
who have witnessed pure evil during their rescue missions. They say some 17,000
times worse than War atrocities. Do you know how many celebrities, businessmen
and politicians have blood sacrificed either their own children or close family
members for the Cabal? Look it up. It’s all of them. Some Cabal players have
been left on purpose to be arrested and tried publicly when the evidence of
their evil is revealed.

I. Covid/Vax/Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/
Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride,
Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

Mon. 1 July 2024: Newly released email reveals that the
COVID-19 virus was developed as part of a DARPA grant overseen by Peter Daszak
& Ralph Baric.

Mon. 1 July 2024: The Trial for the Crimes
Against Humanity has begun.
experimental spike protein jab rollout is in violation of all 10 Sections of

Bill Gates in UK Very soon vegetables, Meat, Milk everything you
will consume in UK  will have MRNA inside.

Doctors knew germs didn’t cause disease over
100 years ago.
knew germs were the consequence of disease, not the cause. They knew germs
decomposed dead and dying tissue and did not ‘attack’ healthy tissue. This fact
was published in some of the World’s leading medical journals like the British
Medical Journal time and time again. Dr. Lawson Tait, Chief surgeon of the
Birmingham and Midlands Hospital, published such in the British Medical Journal
in 1887.

J. The Injection Put into People’s Arms
Instructs the Human Body to Manufacture a SCHEDULED TOXIN.
Dr. David Martin
explains why the COVID shots are actually bioweapons, not vaccines.

BioNTech and Moderna
explicitly described mRNA as an experimental gene
therapy in their SEC filings.

were described as “bio-warfare enabling technology” at a 2005
DARPA conference.

to 7 CFR Part 331
, the spike protein associated with any modification of
coronavirus is classified as a biological weapon.

instruct the human body to manufacture a scheduled toxin (spike

K. Mon. 1 July 2024: Landmark Court Ruling
Opens Door for LAWSUITS Against COVID “Vaccine” Manufacturers

The COVID “vaccines” aren’t vaccines after
, according to a ruling from the 9th Circuit
Court of Appeals.

Dr. David Martin says that this paves the way
for sweeping lawsuits
the manufacturers “willfully misled the public. The manufacturers willfully
misled the public by calling them [COVID shots] a vaccine.” This is a violation
of the Federal Trade Commission acts in the U.S. and the Deceptive Medical
Practices Act internationally, he emphasized.

But the implications go even further. According to Dr. Martin, the decision also
cracks the liability shields that have protected various entities involved in
mandating and administrating the mRNA injections.

“What this also does is [it] starts to give
us the cracks that we need to pierce the liability shields
against vaccine manufacturers and against
the individuals, employers, pharmacists, doctors, nurses, hospitals that
actually injected people for the first time. We actually now have the ability
to say that the 9th Circuit has held that Jacobson was misapplied, that this
did not stop infection, did not stop transmission, and as such, the public was
willfully misled, which is a crime.”

L. Satan Worshipping Illuminati Zionist Deep
State Cabal Globalist Depopulation Agenda 2030:

The White House is considering declaring a
national “climate emergency”,
which would grant Joe Biden sweeping new powers, including the ability
to dictate whether fossil fuels can be exported, and “bolster up the
production of clean energy technologies”.

UN: Conspiracy theorists are more dangerous
than terrorists.
United Nations has declared war on conspiracy theorists, calling the rise of
people thinking for themselves “alarming and dangerous” and providing
the public with a toolkit to “debunk” and “expose” anyone
who dares suggest that the global elite is not completely honest. decent and
works in our interests. The UN is launching a campaign: “Stop the Spread
of Conspiracy Theories” and calls for the complete elimination of
conspiracy theorists from society. The UN wants you to know that events are NOT
“secretly manipulated behind the scenes by powerful forces with negative
intentions.” According to the organization, “if you are sure that you have
encountered a conspiracy theory” on the Internet, then you should immediately
“respond” by posting a corresponding link to a “fact-checking site” in the
comments. So much for “freedom of speech and freedom of choice.”

The Cabal is creating food shortages and
Farmers in the UK are protesting:
A fourth generation British farmer gave a heart-wrenching account of
how farmers are “disappearing all the time. We had six farms… all
growing fruit and veg, about 100 acres each. And sadly, something that I was
very proud of has come to an end… It’s gone. We’re not the only ones. There’s
plenty of farmers disappearing all the time.”

M. Mon. 1 July 2024 Intel,
Fulford Report:

Only the US Military can deal with the large
influx of armed foreigners brought into the US by the OBiden regime. Colonel
Douglas MacGregor (US Army, Retired) would be accepted as a Field Marshall in
charge of the US Military. The hope is the MacGregor would not execute the
dems like they deserve. 

Princess Anne of U.K. was beaten because she
associated with the White Hats MI6 says.  Princess Anne was chosen to be
Regent for Prince George. Prince William is disqualified because he
participated in the Satanic sacrifice of Kate Middleton who was then replaced
by a double. 

The Russian Military says
the Obiden owned company called Metabiota
was relocated to Africa from Ukraine
for its bioweapons operations.  These labs are preparing for a new
pandemic in time for the 2024 elections.  It may be Monkey Pox or Bird

The Khazarian Mafia is now planning to use our
food supply to vaccinate us.  (That has been going on for some
time).  mRNA in cow’s milk, etc.  Edible vaccines like tomatoes
(genetically modified with mRNA). 

The paid off puppets at the
recommend all Americans get the coming Covid 19 vaccinations. 

The French President and
German Chancellor
have now declared they will not participate in the Ukraine
War.  India has joined the Russian military alliance. 

Mexican President Claudia
believed to be a KM agent. Mexico was threatened with an earthquake and
other weapons and over 30 politicians were killed there before Claudia Steinbaum
was accepted as President. Some say she was installed by the White Hats to
combat the Narcos. 

N. Mon. 1 July 2024 Intel:

The recent release by LockBit 3.0 includes a
massive 33 terabytes of data, encompassing over 8 million documents.
The first downloadable link contains
information and transactions related to Evolve Bank.

Evolve Bank & Trust was a partner bank
for BlockFi, providing banking services to BlockFi’s customers
. This partnership was integral to BlockFi’s
business model, as Evolve Bank & Trust held customer deposits. BlockFi also
had a partnership with FTX, which provided a revolving credit facility to help
BlockFi manage the volatile cryptocurrency market. This facility was announced
in 2022.

BlockFi’s financial exposure to FTX included
loans to FTX’s

affiliated hedge fund, Alameda Research, and funds held in its FTX trading

Following the collapse of FTX in 2022,
BlockFi filed for bankruptcy
, resulting in over $8 billion in damages. Sam Bankman-Fried, the
founder of FTX, was subsequently charged with money laundering and
misappropriating funds from the exchange.

There is substantial information suggesting
that Sam Bankman-Fried made donations to the Democratic Party,
PACs, and other candidates. Some of these
funds reportedly reached the Biden administration, which in turn provided U.S.
tax dollars in military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Allegedly, some of
this aid found its way back through FTX partners.

Anyone dismissing this information as insignificant fails to understand the
importance of following the money trail.

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