Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as
of July 23, 2024


Judy Note: Sporadic Cyber Attacks caused by Crowdstrike (owned by the Cabal’s
Blackrock) continued around the Globe, as here and there, planes, trains and
general transportation were being grounded, businesses closed and electricity was
shut off at certain points Worldwide – all of which was contributing to a pending
Global Financial Crash, while our cognitively damaged US President – now
believed to be dying – was making decisions on how to enter World War III.

Meanwhile on Mon. 22 July Joe
Biden’s brother reported that the President was in the final stages of life.
Though, no one really agreed on why. At first they said Biden had Covid. Then
on July 5th the President
was said to have a medical emergency on Air Force One. This was after he hit
his head in Las Vegas. On Mon. 22 July
Biden’s meeting with Netanyahu was suddenly cancelled while the Israeli Prime
Minister was already on his flight to DC.

Biden’s death would cover the Dems use
of his doubles for the last four years since Biden was said to have been
arrested, tried and executed at GITMO prior to his so-called inauguration.

Evidently Vice President and
leading candidate to take over the Presidential seat Cackling Kamala Harris was
no different
. On Mon. 22 July 2022 Ben Fulford showed a video of a Cackling Harris,
who Fulford said was actually a he (Cam Cameron) with a facemask dressed in

Since I’ve never heard
Harris complete a sentence,
much less a valid thought,
the thought of her/he being US President and deciding whether or not the US
would enter World War III was rather worrisome and sent chills down my spine.

While the Dems were busy covering
up their crimes with masks and doubles,
Trump took off his bandage
and uncovered his damaged ear – which showed two large holes where the bullet
entered and exited. Now it’s going to be hard for the Mainstream Media to keep
saying that the attempted assassination didn’t happen, or was a ruse by Trump
to get attention.

To make things even more confusing Secret
Service Director Kimberly Cheatle
was said to have colluded with Department of
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and FBI Director Christopher
Wray to have Donald Trump assassinated on that Sat. 13 July 2024 – all of which was said to have been funded by
the Deep State Cabal’s Blackrock and Crowdstrike through the CIA – which
presents a problem beings the CIA was charged with investigating the attempted assassination
incident they could have created. It makes a great cover up. At least it worked
for the CIA when President Kennedy was killed.

Do you think we’re all in deep trouble trouble?
Do you think it’s time we demanded a formal Military takeover
across the Globe until new elections could be held?

White Hats to the rescue. It
was reported Trump and Putin got together today, did some pondering and
formulated their next moves – which should be good. They are both pretty good
at Three D Chess.

The US has been under Military Occupancy controlled by a Law of War Manual since the
fraudulent 2020 Election.

Mon. 22 July 2024 Wolverine: There is an FAA flight restriction that just
increased in Wilmington, Delaware, where @JoeBiden lives. The flight
restriction is for movement “VIP.” This coincides with the movement
presidential. Joe Biden’s health is worsening quickly and, as I reported today,
now is in the terminal stage of his illness. Today, the chief of staff Joe
Biden held a meeting emergency with all the personnel of the White House. (Get
ready for fake Biden deep fake Death! Now! Kamel Toe next. All planned and

Mon. 22 July 2024: BQQQM!!! THE EVENT: Castle Rock – The
Imminent Catastrophe That Will Overturn the Biden Administration and Change

Mon. 22 July 2024: ALERT!! Nationwide Martial Law Declared,
Military Deployed in Over 300 U.S. Cities, Secret Meetings Exposed, and
Children Rescued in Navy Seals Operation! – Gazetteller

On Fri. 19 July 2024 the UN World Court ruled
that Israel was illegally occupying Palestine and ordered Israeli communities

Trump has hired Private Security after CIA, FBI, Dept. of Justice, Secret
Service were believed to have colluded, hired three Shooters in Trump Attempted

Mon. 22 July 2024: Emergency Exclusive: Top Special Operations
Leaders Form Unified Consensus – Deep State Will Try to Kill Trump Again

Mon. 22 July 2024 Joe Biden’s brother, Frank, said Biden’s declining health played a
“considerable role” in his decision to drop out, suggesting that Biden was near

Democrats Caught Committing
a Serious Crime: Biden didn’t drop out of the race because his letter
that withdrew him from the 2024
Presidential Campaign was believed to be a forgery.
Biden was thought
too cognitively damaged to write a letter, or able to comprehend what was going

Greatest Financial Bubble in Human History was about to pop.

Putin Exposed Illegal US Bio Weapon Labs in Ukraine that
made Covid.

Nancy Pelosi Capitol Entrapment Jan. 6 Day
– Dems were trying to
take down Trump.

One month left of US Petroleum Reserves.

Global Currency Reset Funds Due Liquid on Tues. 23 July 2024.

Trump discussed Med Beds in Republican National Committee Speech.
Said he recently signed the paperwork to release all medical technology. (The
Supreme Court recently approved Med Beds).

Sun. 21 July 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SITUATION UPDATE 7/21/24 “SLEEPY

Mon. 22 July 2024: ALERT!!! Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: Black
Swan Events Imminent – Cyber Attacks Around the Globe: Planes, Trains Grounded,
Lights Going Out – Greatest Financial Bubble in Human History…

A. The EBS – What To

There will be a EBS message sent over phones, TV and
radio around the Globe
saying that in the
next five hours or so, everyone needed to be home for a global lockdown that
would last 10 to 12 days.

NESARA will be announced to the world, which will show that EVERYTHING NEW is beginning.

Then through the EBS,
they will show documentaries of everything that has happened to wake up the

At the end of the 12 days, they will give out an 800 number for individuals to call
to obtain an appointment to set up your Quantum money account on the new
Starlink Satellite System.

B. Global Currency Reset:

Mon. 22 July 2024 Wolverine (his Tues. 23

“It is Tuesday afternoon here, and it is very
I am letting you
know the Precatorios has started today
from 3 o’clock onward
and will actually be releasing their opera. They sent
a note saying, “Tomorrow we will have a wonderful complete opera concert.”

“They will send me their opera so their people can celebrate. Finally a
huge platform is going to be releasing funds to many people with billions of
dollars involved. A lot of people will be astronomically blessed.

“Reno and Zurich are moving. Some whales are flying to Zurich, one huge
Whale is now purchasing his airline ticket to fly down there.

“We are waiting to hear more news from bond holders. Waiting to get
the miracle call this week.

“Nothing for 4B group – this is a letdown. I was told that some 4A
groups have received payments, but not liquid money yet.  It is a start. Hopefully, those accounts will
become liquid this week. 

“That is about it. The big news is that the Precatorios have
started. I talked to the owner and he said “Wolvie, I am at the bank at the
moment.” They have their green light and they will be released by tomorrow.

“I am waiting to receive the call so I can
fly out.
When that happens
Carpathia and Shelby will be looking after the channel. I hope to have better
news for all of you tomorrow.   

“Story about a couple I just received: This couple was just about to hand over
their house as they could not afford the mortgage, and that same day they saw
the figures for their mortgage and they had zero balance. Their account has
actually been cleared, so maybe Nesara is working and people are getting their
accounts cleared. This was the same day they were to lose their home and this
miracle occurred.   

“I received a call this morning. Funds will be released tomorrow Tues. 23 July (later he changed it to Wed.)
They will be liquid. I received an email saying the RV was imminent and about
to commence. It’s official. Keep an eye on your emails.”


Wed. 24 July 2024 Operation Kraken: The Final
Battle in motion

…President Trump on Telegram. (Possibly JFK Jr. will come out of
hiding).Operation Kraken is the Military computer named Kraken which tabulated
the 2020 watermarked ballots and found that Trump had won by over 80% in all
states but two. It was possible that the Supreme Court will make an
announcement on the two 2020 voter fraud cases before the Court. A positive
decision would dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress – and
likely end in some arrests.

Mon. 22 July 2024: ALERT: Imminent Great Reset Exposed – Bank
Crash and the Rise of XLM, XRP, ALGO, and XDC in the New Quantum Financial
System (QFS) –

Gold Backed Currency Exchange Rates Revealed:

C. Global Financial Crisis:

Mon. 22 July 2024 Report from the Office of
the Comptroller
of the
Currency finds that half of large U.S. Banks are failing on operational risk.

This year interest on the US National debt will eat up 76% of the
taxes collected. America is going bankrupt.

D. Restored Republic: Information that
awakens and exposes the truth,
the 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Mon. 22 July 2024

There is absolutely no monarchy. The British Crown was dissolved years ago
due to High Treason committed by our treasonous government. The Queen was given
the title of ‘The Head of State’ of a bankrupt corporation known as the City of
London which is the financial pillar of the world and sits on foreign land
exactly like Washington DC and the Vatican.

The fraudulent Royals of the bankrupt City of London, Tony Blair,
David Cameron and all our corrupt government will face a traitors justice.

Police officers in the UK are nothing more than a private limited
company and are security guards for the nonexistent corrupt fraudulent bankrupt
corporation, they no longer work, have any power or have any authority over we
the people of the UK as the Crown Corporation and all Crown Agents were dissolved
in 1995 in a fraud and treasonous act by Tony Blair and his government who
moved to the Local Governments Act 1985, this was a clear act of high treason
and fraud upon we the people the people.

In 2001 war criminals George Bush & Tony
launched an illegal
war in Iraq, leading to the death of a million people.  Julian Assange was sent to prison for
exposing war crimes in Iraq.

Tony Blair, George Bush, The Queen and
MI5, MI6, CIA,
MOSSAD and other Cabal intelligence agencies with Benjamin Netanyahu was
involved in 9/11 and brought down the Twin Towers and murdered all those
innocent people.

Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 was invoked by
the Barons in 2001
due to
the signing of the Nice Treaty as it was unconstitutional. This means the Queen
was dethroned and we the people have had all authority since 2001. The people of the UK have had no
lawful government or courts of justice since that time. Common Law was Invoked
in 2001, The Government and Monarchy
was Dissolved in 2001. Since then
the Queen and all the other satanic royals lost all immunity to the laws that
they themselves set out, the Royals became subject to the same laws that we are
subject to now. Meaning they can be arrested and put on trial. Common Law is
the Law of the Land, it’s our true law. We are not dead entities, we are living
breathing men and women.

We have been witnessing the destruction of
the old guard for the last 5-6 years
or so. Now it’s becoming very obvious that the Monarchy and Government
have no power and everything we are seeing right now is all part of waking up
the masses to the evil.

Remember back in 2018 when Trump walked in front of the Queen and
the masses got angry, that was our signal that the Royals and Corporation were
finished. Remember when Trump sat in Churchill’s chair? That was a massive
middle finger up to the Cabal and Deep State. Trumps 2017 World Tour was a capitulation tour. 

The Cabal are finished they’ve been finished a long time. If you
are just waking up, welcome to the Great Awakening there is much to re-learn.

E. Mon. 22 July Joe Biden was dying and final
preparations were being made for him. He was supposed to leave Delaware today,
but his health has deteriorated.

Due to his accelerated decline, Joe Biden has cancelled nine trips that were
scheduled for the next two weeks, including meeting with Netanyahu.

Biden is expected to leave his beach home in
Rehoboth, Delaware
Tuesday afternoon and arrive back at the White House at 2:30 pm, although that
could be changed to Wednesday, July 24th. It all depends on how much he
continues to decline.

Biden has been dying, and he is dying rather
This is why Kamala
flew to Delaware today and why Biden’s White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients
called for an emergency meeting and call with all White House staff today.

The medical emergency Joe Biden had on July
5th, 2024
on Air Force One that I exclusively reported  almost killed him.  His time left is limited. Biden’s staffers
and his family are holding on for dear life right now.

Kamala Harris will be made President very soon.

F. Trump Assassination Attempt Update:

Mon. 22 July 2024 There were two shooters;
Trump Hires Private Security; Pentagon Confirms Plot Against Trump:

Sat. 20 July 2024: Live: Disturbing Connections Between
CrowdStrike, Trump Shooting & Blackrock 2024

Mon. 22 July 2024: Delta Force Captures Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff General Charles Brown for TREASON

Mon. 22 July 2024 Ex Obama DHS Sec Picked to
Investigate Trump Assassination Attempt:

FBI Set Up Trump Assassination? Investigators have discovered that someone
who regularly visited Crooks’s home and workplace also visited a building in
Washington, DC, located in Gallery Place near an FBI office, on June 26, 2023. A second device linked
to Crooks visited Plymouth, MA. Additionally, a device connected to Crooks’s
workplace traveled to Butler, PA, on July
4th and July 8th
but ceased all activity on July 12th. This is yet another extremely convenient coincidence
that works in the FBI’s favor.   on Telegram Mon. 22 July 2024

Secret Service Set Up Trump Assassination? Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle
Attempted to Murder Trump? Kimberly Cheatle refused to answer if Thomas Crooks
was a lone gunman. She admitted she has not visited the site of the attempted
assassination of Donald Trump. Since the assassination attempt, nobody has been
fired from the department in connection with this incident. She confirmed that
the roof the shooter was on was outside of the Secret Service perimeter. She
said the Secret Service was not aware that there was a threat to President
Trump, and the rally was never paused. She admitted that this was “the most
significant operational failure of the Secret Service in decades” and “On July 13th, we failed.” While they
tried to kill Trump, nobody can confirm that Joe Biden is alive. None Shall
Sleep. …Private Q Evidence on Telegram Mon.
22 July 2024

Thurs. 18 July 2024 A Prediction of Attempted
Trump Assassination and The Last Days (
appeared on the Web four months ago on March 14 2024). President Nelson, D&C 109, The Trump
Assassination Prediction, and The Last Days.

G. The Real News for Mon. 22 July 2024:

Black Swan investor: ‘greatest bubble in
human history’ is about to pop:

Mon. 22 July 2024 US: Delta Air Lines struggled today with
lingering effects from a global IT outage, canceling hundreds more flights than
US aviation rivals.

Mon. 22 July 2024 Spain: At least 105 cancelled and hour long delays
as airports struggle with Microsoft issues.

Thurs. 18 July 2024 Trump talks about Med
developments after President Trump mentioned advanced healing technology in his
92 minute speech at the RNC. Karen Sue,
“Did you all catch the part about space age medicine?!! Been around for 52
years and they wouldn’t allow it. Trump said he recently signed the paperwork
to release all medical technology to save lives!! I was so happy. That’s our
med beds!”

Jan. 6 US Capitol “Riot” Proof Of Nancy
Pelosi Capitol Entrapment Day:
Antifa paid Crisis Actor John Sullivan confessed on tape that he
orchestrated the Jan. 6 break in of the US Capitol. The plan was to take down
Trump. Jade Lee Sacer is free. John Sullivan was convicted as a sacrificial
lamb but only three years after the fact for optics.

INTEL: Seven Trumpets – A Call to Arms! Decoding the Imminent EBS, DEFCON ONE
ALERT, Trump Commander-in-Chief, Star-Link Satellites Awaiting the Green Light

Mon. 22 July 2024 Decoding Trump’s Speech, Charlie Ward: Charlie Ward: Simon Parkes & Derek Johnson Decodes
From Trump’s Speech and BIG Roundtable Intel! We are in a Military Occupancy under a Law of War Manual.

The US continues to deplete
its strategic petroleum reserve.
Now down to 33 days worth of oil supply at current demand, one of its
lowest levels in history.

Sources say that Biden
didn’t write the letter

where he withdraws from the presidential campaign. Evidently
Steve Ricchetti,
the Counselor to Joe Biden actually wrote the letter. Biden Senior Advisor and
campaign chair Mike Donilon was present as a witness. Ricchetti wrote the
letter because Biden is too cognitively damaged to write a letter or comprehend
what is going on. This means the signature is likely forged on the letter
as well. Notice it’s not on official campaign or presidential letterhead. That
means it’s not legitimate.

Mon. 22 July 2024 Situation
Update: Democrat Party Implosion! “Sleepy” Joe Biden Drops Out &
Endorses Kamala Harris Without Obama’s Approval! War With Iran! New VT Intel!
US Under Military Rule!

Mon. 22 July 2024 5 Mins
Ago: Donald Trump Shared Terrifying Message in New Speech

Mon. 22 July 2024 Benjamin
Fulford Report today
had a video of Cackling Kamala Harris, who was said to be a
he (Cam Cameron) with a facemask dressed in drag.

Mon. 22 July 2024 This Was a
Coup Directed at Biden:

Mon. 22 July 2024 End of Democratic Party
Week To Remember:

H. International Child Sex
Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and
housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam in a 1500 mile tunnel that also runs between
the Vatican and Jerusalem:

Mon. 22 July 2024 Fifteen have been arrested
in a major U.S. Human Trafficking Bust.
In a major crackdown, 15 individuals were arrested across multiple
states in a large-scale human trafficking operation. The coordinated effort by
federal and local authorities led to the rescue of numerous victims exploited
and held against their will. Key figures in the trafficking network were
apprehended in cities including New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. Authorities
are now providing support to the rescued individuals, while the suspects face
charges of trafficking, conspiracy, and exploitation. Someone is very scared by
this. You won’t believe the names of these 15 individuals.

Mon. 22 July 2024: “Our Air Force used
Operation Popeye during the Vietnam War, creating thunderstorms to wash out
their roads. In the 90’s HAARP was put into place. This was used by the
Clintons to cause earthquakes in Haiti to traffic children out of there, that
ended up separated from their parents!  A black child has richer blood,
but they must be tortured first before their blood is drained! (Murdered) to
make the best Adrenochrome – the Elite’s Fountain of Youth drug. This is why
800,000 US Children go missing each year.  8,000,000 worldwide, as 100
children must be murdered to make just 1 quart of Adrenochrome.” …Anon

Sun. 21 July 2024 Mossad MSM Presenter Sky, “Unless Kamala eats a baby she’ll be
Democratic nominee.” The White Hats are priming normies of what is coming.
There is no way this news presenter who works for MOSSAD MSM made a slip up
like this, it’s intentional! It’s called WH seed planting, reversing the MK
ultra programming by slipping in the truth to the subconscious. The military
are preparing the normies, because the truth about what these Demons have done
to these innocent children will hit many like a bullet train. We know these
Satanists eat babies and children, we know about organ harvesting and
Adrenachrome. We know these Parasites rape, torture, murder and sacrifice
children for their God Baal. These people are sick. As Q says the truth about
the children will unite Humanity.

Tel-Aviv school principal speaks about
Israeli culture’s attitude towards Arabs when raising children.
“Arabs are inferior to us. That’s why
we kick Palestinians and slap them. We train dogs so they will bite them
strongly and tightly. That’s why we shoot them. They’re nothing”

I. Kevin Annett, who exposed and prosecuted
the genocide of 60,000 indigenous children in Canada and helped depose Pope
Benedict, will address audiences across America this fall as part of an
international speaking tour.

award winning documentary film Unrepentant

Twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his thirty-year campaign to bring to justice
the Church and State killers of 60,000 indigenous children in Canada, Kevin has
become a global figure in the Common Law Sovereignty movement. He is a
consultant to human rights and community groups on four continents.

Throughout August and September, Kevin will hold gatherings in Illinois, New York,
Pennsylvania, New England, Washington, D.C., Virginia, and North Carolina.

His topics include:

the American Crisis,
and the need for a Continental Republic

to establish Common Law assemblies and courts in your community

and Dumber:
How the world’s oldest genocide continues

the Corporatocracy
with Natural Law

To book an event with Kevin Annett contact:

J. Sat. 15 Dec. 2018 Bush, Clintons, Vatican, Royals, Hollywood,
CIA, UK PM, Baptists into Pedophilia

Praises filling the airways about President
H.W. Bush
were a little hard
to stomach during his funeral on Dec. 5. Bush helped form the CIA which after
World War II, brought Nazi Mind Control experts into the US, Australia and
Canada to torture and kill an estimated thousands of children bred for the
purpose. CIA/Vatican Torturing and Trafficking of Children

Bush was also said to be behind the murder of
President John Kennedy

after he went after the CIA and tried to return the US dollar to a gold
standard. “I have been told by two CIA sources that G.H.W. Scherff (Bush) was
actually indicted on Sept. 10, 2018 for crimes against humanity, child
trafficking, sedition and treason” said Whistleblower Benjamin Fulford. “He
allegedly plea-bargained a deal with the military tribunal hearing his case, to
be executed/suicided to keep his legacy intact for his family and the sheeple.
Trump was said to have signed the death order.”

Bush’s death has in no way solved the child
exploitation problem.
today the CIA was believed to use US Taxpayer dollars to fund an international
Vatican-run Child Sex Trafficking, Gun and Drug Running Ring in order to gain
power over world affairs through blackmailing political elites.

President Trump began a war against this
child exploitation
when he
paid a visit to CIA Headquarters the morning of his inauguration. Now two years
later Trump has been able to accomplish what Kennedy was denied: within the
next couple of weeks mass arrests were expected on 63,233 federal indictments
against political and global elites that have been filed in federal courts
across the nation just this year. Most were said to involve charges of
pedophilia done under funding of the CIA and Bush Cartel.

Just in the few days since the Bush funeral Trump’s War Against Pedophilia was found to
extend worldwide. On Dec. 9 a Pedophile Ring was busted in Canada. Police
referred to the massive bust as the “tip of the iceberg.” Victims as young as
three were rescued.

The next day on Dec. 10 hundreds of sex abuse allegations were found
in fundamental Baptist churches across U.S. Sarah Smith 

The Baptists certainly were not alone. More than 200 women have accused a famous
Brazilian spiritual healer of sexual abuse. Much worse, the Vatican was
believed behind the CIA funded international child trafficking ring. 

That same day of Dec. 10 Colombian Police arrested Israelis thought behind Child Sex

Two days later on Dec. 12 in Australia Cardinal Pell was found guilty on all counts
of sex abuse of children : “Cardinal Pell Found Guilty on All Counts of
Sex Abuse”

That same day former CIA Agent Robert David
predicted a
corrupted Republican Party would collapse within six months due to
pedophilia: Robert David Steele Update December 12 2018

Also on that same Dec. 12 a police chief
that former UK Prime
Minister Sir Edward Heath raped dozens of children, and there had been an
extensive government coverup of his crimes:

The next day on Dec. 13 a video came out about Macaulay Culkin
Satanic Hollywood: 

For years the Royal Family has been implicated in Satanic pedophilia
and sex slavery – this time through a Florida court case being adjudicated this
week. Evidence presented involved Prince Andrew, the Clintons and other elites
who were suspected to regularly use Epstein’s Pedophile Island off the Florida
Coast to abuse and even kill minors who were bred for the purpose.

Epstein Island: Mirror. Jan. 5 2015: “Prince Andrew allegation: First
pictures of paedo tycoon Jeffrey Epstein’s £8k-a-night island lair”

Miami Herald Epstein prosecutions: 

Epstein sex abuse victims press judge for decision on tossing lenient
plea deal:

K. Covid/Vax/Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/
Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride,
Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

Mon. 22 July 2024: Putin is now saying they
were experimenting with strains of none other than Coronavirus.
He’s claiming that there was a network of
laboratories carrying out military biological programs in Ukraine. Is it safe
to assume that they planned to release the next Plandemic on the world from
Ukraine and blame Russia for its origin? Remember that Gates
“predicted” another pandemic shortly before Putin invaded. Don’t
Worry America, I Got This. Trump was right all the TIME.

Four deadly Parasites have been found in the Covid Vaccine. It’s
the Crime of the Century.

L. Satan Worshipping Illuminati Zionist Deep
State Cabal Globalist Depopulation Agenda 2030:

The Cabal’s initial plan was to shut down the world for over 10 years
while they prepared sufficient reserves of bioweapon injections. They would
then introduce “fully tested and approved vaccines” and make them 100%

The planned ten-year shutdown, economic collapse, martial law, and food
and energy shortages would kill hundreds of millions of people through disease
and hunger.Then the injections would wipe out most of the remaining weakened

The Cabal’s goal was to reduce the world’s
to 500 million, as
stated in the Georgia Guide Stones.

This is all part of their Great Reset program to create a communist new world order, where
everyone is hunted, monitored, injected and completely dependent on the State
(according to the CCP model).

The CCP and the Cabal have infiltrated most
corporations around the world. They control major media outlets and world
leaders through corruption, blackmail, honeypots, etc. They also control major
global organizations such as the WHO, IMF, World Bank, etc. to ensure that the
entire world adheres to his speech.

But President Trump has surpassed them. He knew the enemy’s game plan, so he used
Operation Warp Speed ​​to force them to accelerate their plans and deploy the
Pandemic before they were ready.

The Cabal could not demand their experimental
because they had not
completed long-term testing and approval. He didn’t have enough supplies to
inject everyone with the bioweapon, so most people were given saline. With the
“vaccine” quickly available, this thwarted the Cabal’s plan for a
ten-year global blockade.

President Trump also spent his first term
dismantling trust in the mainstream media.
He provoked the Cabal by relentlessly attacking them with
made-up stories that always ended up being exposed as fake news.Trust in the
mainstream media has never been lower.

At the same time, President Trump has
encouraged alternative/independent media.
This strategy, along with the Patriot Intelligence Board
project, means that enough people can now see through the MSM propaganda,
ensuring that the Cabal’s narratives have become untenable.

Cabal leaders prefer to hide in the shadows, but as the pandemic unfolded before they
were fully prepared, they were forced into the spotlight. His plan was exposed
to an increasingly awakened population.

President Trump saved the lives of billions
of people
and put Globalist
leaders center stage where we can all see them.

He made them believe they had gotten away
with stealing the election
put P-Pete, a senile child tracker, in the spotlight to further weaken the
Democratic Party.

President Trump took these actions to SHOW
what life would be
like under a global fascist/communist dictatorship.

Under P-Pete we have experienced inflation, recession, food and energy shortages, record
gas prices, baby formula shortages, war in Ukraine, stock market collapse,
chaos in Afghanistan, etc.

We have seen how the Cabal suppressed
remedies like HCQ and Ivermectin.
We saw how the cabal suppressed cures like HCQ and Ivermectin, and how
they unleashed the China virus with the help of the CCP in Wuhan.

We saw how they forced infected people into nursing homes to increase the number of


Mon. 22 July 2024 Top Pilot Testifies Gates
is Fumigating Cities with Mood Altering Chemtrails:

Mon. 22 July 2024 Reformed ex-climate
alarmist, Tom Harris:
turbines “require a backup fossil fuel plant that continues burning 90% of
the time, making the wind turbine largely unnecessary and, in essence, just for
show. This is a far cry from the environmentally friendly image that is
presented to the public.”

In 1992 American radio broadcaster Paul
Harvey gave a prophetic speech warning about the dire consequences of the
Climate Scam:
could spend a trillion dollars over the next decade destroying what’s left of
the American economy, in an utterly unnecessary attempt to repeal the
Industrial Revolution.”

M. Kamala Harris Facts:

She was raised in Canada, not California

She is not African-American, her mother is East-Indian and her father is

She started her political career by having an affair with a married man and
slept her way up the ladder

She in-prisoned over 2,000 Blacks for simple marihuana possession while she
was California AG

By her own father’s admission, she is a descendant of one of Hamilton
Brown’s, one of the largest slave owners/traders in Jamaican history

N. Med Bed Links:High Tech Medical Bed Technology Supressed by
Deep State: NESARA GESARA and Med Beds: Behind The Scenes Of The Quantum
Healing Technologies Of Med Beds ~ Trust the Plan!

Trump NESARA 2024: Med Beds Are
Real – The Holographic Regeneration Revolution Begins
, Med Beds, Gesara, and The Green Button: The Healthcare Revolution
by the White Hats, Empowered by President Trump’s Vision
, Bombshell! 90. 10. Med Bed and 90. 10. Virtual Cube – The Future
Starts Now!

Med Beds: Make
America Great and Healthy Again! High Tech Medical Bed Technology Suppressed by
Med Beds News: 24 Most Important Revolutionary Healing
Capacities of Med Beds – The Perpetual Fountain of Youth!

BOOOM!!! Med Bed in Japan! YES,
The Existence of Med Bed is a Confirmed: High-dimensional Medical Technology,
5th-Dimension, DNA Restoration, US Military Base Facilities and GESARA

Supreme Court Quiet Approval of
Med Beds:
 BOOOM!!! Med Bed in Japan! YES, The Existence of Med Bed is a
Confirmed: High-dimensional Medical Technology, 5th-Dimension, DNA Restoration,
US Military Base Facilities and GESARA

Med Beds News: 24 Most
Important Revolutionary Healing Capacities of Med Beds – The Perpetual Fountain
of Youth!
Med Beds: Free Energy Systems
and the Healthcare Revolution with Plasmatic Energies and DNA Rejuvenation |

The Science Behind Med Beds:
Trump’s Role in Advancing Med Bed Technology – Benefits for Veterans and Babies
– The Best is Yet to Come!
Med Beds: Make America
Great and Healthy Again! High Tech Medical Bed Technology Suppressed by DEEP
STATE and Released by NESARA GESARA!


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