Restored Republic via
a GCR: Update as of July 24, 2024

Judy Note: Who, What, Where, How, Why was President Biden?

Biden was said by his brother to be in
Hospice care and dying after a
17 July 2024
incident in Las Vegas. He hasn’t been seen in public since.

On Mon. 22 July JFK Jr.
hinted on Telegram that the Deep State Cabal had run out of Biden doubles. The
Biden demise they are talking about may actually be that of his clone since
clones only live around three years. Or, they may find another actor to replace
him. We’ve certainly seen many of them in these last three years.

So the latest on Tues. 23 July after
politicians were demanding to either see him or declare him dead was that Biden
would make an appearance on Wed. 24 July
to explain his withdrawal from the Presidential Race. We’ll see who or what
shows up.

 Biden himself was reported executed for
Treason at GITMO in Dec. 2020.

So who the heck is/has been running the

Answer: The US Military with Trump as
Commander-in-Chief has been in charge ever since Trump handed over Presidential
Authority before his 2017
Inauguration. At that time a stranglehold over the US long held by the three
City States of the Vatican (Religion), UK Crown London City (financial) and
Washington DC US Inc. (military) was released.

Actually a Constitutional Crisis in the US
has been ongoing since 1913
when the Deep State Cabal changed the
Constitution in order to take over US taxpayer dollars by forming their own
privately owned Federal Reserve and IRS.

Since 10 October, 2000 the
US as a nation has been back to be legally functioning under their original
Constitution of the Republic of the United States of America, although it was
not publically known. That happened only because of a lot of hard and dangerous
work done by certain generals in the US Military since President Kennedy’s murder.

The US has also been under Common Law, but
the courts, due to their loyalty to the Deep State Cabal, have continued to
destroy concepts of the original US Constitution with the Cabal’s British
Admiralty Law (Law of the Water).

Finally seventeen years later by 2017 after
Trump was inaugurated US President and with backing of the BRICS nations
(Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), plus in coordination with the White
Hat Military Alliance of what was to become 209 nations, Trump turned over the
Deep State Cabal’s privately owned US Inc. Presidential powers to the US Military.

Trump was then installed as
the US Military,
which was also over the Global Military Alliance. It was
the first step of The Plan to restore, not only to people in the US, but to People
of the World, the Freedom concepts engrained in the original US Constitution.

In the 2020 Election vote count the
Deep State Cabal Democratic Party (with support of the UK Crown, Vatican and
communist parties of several nations including the Chinese Communist Party)
outright changed Trump votes to Biden through a ton of Voter Fraud issues that
were backed by their Dominion Voting Machines run out of a CIA headquarters in

All of which was verified by
a US Military Super Computer called The Kraken during the 2020 Election vote
count of official watermarked ballots. The official vote count verified that
Trump won the 2020 election by an over 80% vote in all but two states.

Ever since two cases concerning 2020 Voter
have been before the Supreme Court – the
Brunson Case which asked if Congress had investigated allegations of 2020 voter
fraud before they certified the election and another brought by Sidney Powell
based on those results tallied by the Military Kraken Super Computer on
official 2020 Election watermarked ballots.

A positive SCOTUS decision on either or both
would dissolve the Biden Administration and
all of Congress – opening the door for a Military takeover until new elections
could be held.

That was likely the reason why, with Biden
obviously gone or at least debilitated for the last seven days, SCOTUS
requests for Kamala Harris to be sworn in as President.

We’ll find out on Wed. 24 July 2024. That was the time
Trump promised through a Telegram platform, that he would “Release the Kraken.”

Tues. 23 July 2024: Breaking News!!! Exclusive: Confidential
Source Reveals Emergency Medical Situation for President Biden in Las Vegas,
Sparks Rumors of Near-Death Scenario

Tues. 23 July 2024: BQQQM!!! Deep State Fails To Kill Trump:
Naval Intel Officers Reveal Who Pulled The Strings , Roger Stone – who wrote the New York Times Best Seller, “The
Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ,” which revealed the Secret
Service, FBI, and CIA involvement in Kennedy’s murder, and who also wrote “The
Myth of Russian Collusion” about the Deep State efforts to remove President
Trump in an illegal coup – makes it clear that the Secret Service and FBI cannot
investigate themselves.

Military Is In Control! Biden Announced a Military Govt in the US,
while Israel was declared an illegal state by the UN World Court.

Biden Dead, His Double dying: “There is an
FAA flight restriction

that just went up in Wilmington, Delaware where Joe Biden lives. The flight
restriction is for “VIP” movement. This coincides with presidential movement.
Joe Biden’s health is declining rapidly. He is now in the terminal stage of his
illness. Today, Joe Biden’s Chief of Staff held an emergency meeting with all
White House staff.” …Private Q Evidence on Telegram Tues. 23 July 2024

Mon. 22 July 2024: BREAKING NEWS ALERT! Is Joe Biden Dead? The
Dramatic Visit of Kamala Harris to Delaware to see Biden Before He Dies

Tues. 23 July 2024: Special Report! Judy Byington: Emergency
Broadcast System (EBS) Activation Imminent: U.S. Braces for Military Takeover,
GESARA NESARA’s Revolutionary Impact Reshaping the Nation. . .

A. Global Currency Reset:

B. Tues. 23 July 2024 Bruce:

The Emergency Broadcast System and Emergency Warning System will start on Wed. 24 July or Thurs. 25 July.

The Global arrests finished up two days ago.

The Redemption Center screens showed solid rates late Tues. afternoon.

By Wed. 24 July at 9:30 EST the rates will be solid on the Redemption
Center screens.

Staff will be sent in at 10 and 2 pm to cover day on Wed. 24 July.

Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) should get notified Wed. 24 July and start that same day.

The Iraqi Dinar has a Contract Rate that will be offered to
US citizens – very high

Zim Holders have precedent going in for appointments and for Med Bed

Bond Holders will be notified on Wed. 24 July and get access to their monies on Thurs. 25 July.

C. Tues. 23 July 2024 MarkZ: Some interesting historic bond stuff. I am
hearing comforting things from the bond side and this is coming from many
sources….that historic paperwork –especially on the Asian bonds was sent to the
Hague. I am also hearing the only reason the RV did not go over the weekend was
fights over the value of some old German bonds. But things are now “unstuck”
and seems to be moving much quicker now that the current administration is no
longer delaying things. They are too preoccupied to keep slowing and stopping
things right now.

D. Mon. 22 July 2024 Texas Snake: “The banker is traveling back to Texas on
Wednesday and is hopeful for a Thursday announcement with appointment
scheduling to follow thru the weekend. We shall see.”

E. Tues. 23 July6 2024 Wolverine:

“I am so
excited. The Precatorios Platform
was made liquid today. We are talking millions of people. Private contractors
are also being paid. I also heard that more have been called into Zurich. My
Asian contact said that their platform starts on Wed. 24 July.”

“I have
been crying a lot and full of happiness. What a day to wake up to. I received a
call at 5 am this morning and listened to the yells and screams of joy from
leaders in the Precotorious group! It is mindboggling that all this has been
released at last. They will be blessed in a few days onto a digital
wallet.  It is a Stablecoin, so they do
not have to worry as that particular crypto goes down.  There will also be debit cards from
wallets.  No bank will have hold on their
money from a bank account. It has been absolutely phenomenal on that platform
Thanks to Brazil people will enough oxygen to breathe and not worry about the
help they need so much.

Last night, a certain country in Asia is
about to release today.
China as well. 
They are about to be released as well. Listen to Wolvie he knows !  This is the week we have waited for – FOR all
of us!!!!

Zurich Source -I was told that there was a big meeting of
the London Committee this morning. Everything is in progress. Waiting for the start of activities tomorrow Wed. 24 July.

A committee member in London confirmed that funds will be released this
afternoon in Reno and payments tomorrow Wed.
24 July.
  That is, has the delivery
and return of the trigger contracts been completed or is it still pending?

If what Zurich and London say is correct, activation payments will begin tomorrow
Wed. 24 July.  Reno has liquid
funds.  They received instructions to pay
tomorrow morning 1. Farmers-2-Elderly -3 Platforms.

On Wednesday, to pay the ‘whales’.

On Thursday D-1-D-2 will be released.  The
platforms will receive their funds tomorrow, but they must wait for D1 and D2
to go live on Thursday.  Dubai 1 and
Dubai 2 provide all the money for the exchange and although the Platforms can
receive your funds and send contracts, notices, etc.,

God bless you all we have finally arrived. This is the news guys. We have finally
arrived. Give a big hug to your family, wife, husband, sons and daughters, we
have finally arrived. This is the week we have been waiting for. And at last,
Precatorios is released for millions.  We
have finally arrived. God Bless you.

Five years on this, almost six years, has taken lots of toll on
my health, lost my hearing as well, and I need those med beds, and hoping those
will be available soon. I will be traveling very soon guys. Very soon. I will
leave the channel to Carpathia and that is all from me. Have a beautiful day,
love you guys, with all my heart. Wolverine.

are Precatorios?
Around 2018, a pilot test was carried
out in Brazil where funds were delivered to several holders, as part of their
negotiations of financial instruments. These funds were blocked without legal
justification, to which the beneficiaries responded with a lawsuit. When a
ruling was not received within the stipulated time, a legal resource called
Precatoria was used, which had a successful result. Because of this, the
program was named that way. As within the transaction the humanitarian issue or
donations are required, this is where the opportunity to participate in this
program arises.

At this moment there is a start in Brazil, for the beneficiaries of this process. We
must take into account the respective travel times to each representative
according to their Region, then to each leader and continuing with the lists,
it takes time to organize the logistics, which is why we cannot establish exact

The processes was in the final stretch. The main representatives were already in
training and organization to give the pass to the nations and in turn the
different representatives of each nation are developing tests on the lists
depending on their logistics, to have effective deliveries and fast and above
all legally, for the support of each recipient.


Tues. 23 July 2024: Breaking the Financial Mold: The Quantum
Financial System, Gold-Backed Cryptocurrencies, and the Digital Wallet Revolution
with Q Phones

F. Global Financial Crisis:

The Deep State Cabal-owned Federal Reserve lost more than $100 billion last year but
they’re actually sitting on unrealized losses of more than $1 Trillion.

“The shift of control over the World Bank and
International Monetary Fund to BRICS is only a matter of time.
This is according to a World Bank executive
director representing Russia. They are openly saying it now. Things are getting
wild. “When the foundation shakes.” …Gold Telegraph on Telegram Tues. 23 July 2024

Mon. 22 July 2024: ALERT: Imminent Great Reset Exposed – Bank
Crash and the Rise of XLM, XRP, ALGO, and XDC in the New Quantum Financial

Mon. 22 July 2024: US Debt Clock: Step Out Of The Matrix! Are
You Awake, Or Are You Still Sleeping In The Matrix? It’s Time To Wake Up Now!

More than 140 Pizza Hut restaurants at risk
as franchise owner files for bankruptcy:

G. Restored Republic:

Tues. 23 July 2024: BOOOM!!! Trump’s Military Alliance: Exposing
the DoD’s Dark Secrets, the White Hats’ Strategy, and the Sinister Truth Behind
the Updated Law of War Manual

Tues. 23 July 2024: BOOOM!!! Trump’s Military Alliance: Exposing
the DoD’s Dark Secrets, the White Hats’ Strategy, and the Sinister Truth Behind
the Updated Law of War Manual

Tues. 23 July 2024: It’s Going to be BIBLICAL: The Great Solar
Flash, The Great Awakening 2024-2025 and the Fall of the Old Guard!

H. Tues. 23 July 2024 The 17th
Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram:

The Las Vegas injury. The Covid-19 health
issue. The Hospice care story. Etc.
The Deep State knows this copy of a human is breaking down. The debate
with D. Trump only confirmed this for the general public. Because they had to
come up with a plausible storyline to pull him out of the race for reasons most
people are not going to find out until disclosure at the latest.

People (In the know) knows Joe Biden was
dealt with years ago.
We seen
the evidence on this from the ancestry website. 
Of course the liberal 3 letter alphabet funded  Fact-Checkers came out to debunk this.

Which is why these dramatic appearances in celebrities like Oprah Winfrey showed up on the red
carpet in that purple dress with a very noticeable slimmer physique some months
ago. This is why I showed people pictures/video of certain federal agencies
(FBI) being completely shutdown in Washington DC with zero media coverage.

Which is something else the general public
will not find out the truth about
until way down the line once everything is explained to them. This is
why they have to parade Christopher Wray around because there is a storyline
playing out that will make sense for the uninformed.

I. TRUST THE PLAN, Q Trump on Telegram Tues. 13 July 2024

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle was said to have colluded with Department of
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and FBI Director Christopher
Wray to have Donald Trump assassinated on Sat.
13 July 2024.

Black Swan Events Imminent

Cyber Attacks Around the Globe: Planes, Trains Grounded, Lights Going Out

Greatest Financial Bubble in Human History
About to Pop:
to lose value

World War III Pending: Israeli Jets Hit Yemen After Houthis’ Drone
Attack on Tel Aviv

J. Tues. 23 July 2024 Update on Trump
Attempted Assassination:

Tues. 23 July 2024 BREAKING: Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle has
resigned over the July 13th attack. Next up: DHS Secretary Mayorkas:

Feb. 8 2021 Trump Assassination Attempt — NEW DETAILS SUGGEST DRONE

Tues. 23 July 2024: BQQQM!!! Deep State Fails To Kill Trump:
Naval Intel Officers Reveal Who Pulled The Strings

K. The Real News for Tues. 23 July 2024:

Tues. 23 July 2024 Trump to pardon Jan 6ers:

Tues. 23 July 2024 Alert! Nationwide Martial Law Declared, the
Massive Military Presence Across the United States Isn’t for Show, Secret
Meetings Exposed and Children Rescued in Navy Seals Operation!

Tues. 23 July 2024 Blackouts, Biden Exit,
Military Moves, Derek Johnson:

Mon. 22 July 2024: BQQQM!!! THE EVENT: Castle Rock – The
Imminent Catastrophe That Will Overturn the Biden Administration and Change

Mon. 22 July 2024: BREAKING: The Explosive Connection Between
Secret Service and Rep. Sheila Jackson’s Mysterious Death and The Assassination
Attempt on Donald Trump

Tues. 23 July 2024: Unconfirmed reports Ukraine’s
Zelensky Missing for 24 HOURS found unconscious in LGBTQ club toilet. More news
as it emerges.

April 26th, 2021 Execution of Hillary Clinton’s
Clone at GITMO. The real Hillary was finally executed in Dec. 2021 at
GITMO after being arrested on charges of Treason by Navy Seals on March 4
Navy SEALS Arrest
Hillary Clinton

Tues. 23 July 2024 President
Trump readies to pardon Jan6ers:

L. International Child Sex
Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and
housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam in a 1500 mile tunnel that also runs between
the Vatican and Jerusalem:

April 18 2024 Putin Strikes Pedophile Compound in Ukraine

Tues. 23 July 2024 Alleged Human Trafficker
Ring Leader Arrested: On Thursday, July 18,
the Department of Justice’s
(DOJ) Office of Public Affairs 
announced it had unsealed an indictment against
42-year-old Abdul Karim Conteh, a Sierra Leone national. Mexican authorities
arrested him on July 11 in Tijuana,
Mexico. The US is seeking to extradite him so he can stand trial for federal
charges stemming from his operation of a human smuggling organization.

There was alleged proof of Bill Clinton, Sir
Richard Branson (Virgin CEO), and Prince Andrew
having CHILD SEX TAPES filmed by Epstein
himself. Such has surfaced in an email from one of the victims with the latest
document release.

There existed extremely disturbing details
about how Kamala Harris, as California’s top prosecutor, failed to prosecute a
single case of child sexual abuse by pedophiles.
Her office went even further by hiding the
records documenting these sex crimes against children. Not one pedophile was
prosecuted by Kamala Harris.

Tues. 23 July 2024: Bombshell Report! Exposing the Horror: The
Shocking Truth of Anthony Weiner’s Leaked Video

Tues. 23 July 2024: Bombshell Report! Exposing the Horror: The
Shocking Truth of Anthony Weiner’s Leaked Video

M. Wed. 6 April 2022: Thousands of Children Rescued, Mutilated
Bodies Recovered, from Biden-owned Ukraine Property Containing US Run
Bio-Weapon Labs

Tens of thousands of tortured and murdered
mainly Asian children
been rescued, the mutilated bodies of thousands more children recovered by the
Russian Military from US owned and run Bio-weapon Underground Tunnel DUMB Labs
that ran beneath a 200 acre Biden-owned property in Ukraine.

Russia’s President Putin was expected to soon
expose Ukraine’s Underground Bio-weapon Labs
, DUMBS and Tunnels that housed tens of thousands of
children from different countries, more than half being of Asian descent.

There were videos circulating showing Russian
soldiers in Ukraine carrying out children
who were very dirty and who hadn’t seen light in years.
The children were holding new teddy bears and stuffed animals given to them by
the Russian Military.

The Ukraine Underground Tunnel Bio-weapon
were formed for CIA Mind Control Dark
Science Studies where human DNA was mixed with animal DNA to create sub-human
monsters – all of which has been funded by a CIA Black Budget since the agency
was formed after World War II.

Ukraine Underground Tunnels were not the first to hold caged children.
Since 2019 and led by specially trained US Marine Navy Seals, millions of dead/
half alive tortured children have been rescued by the Global Alliance’s
seventeen nation’s Special Forces from Underground Tunnel DUMBS and Bio-weapon
Labs that spread across the Globe.

On Wed. Oct. 16 2019 the first Navy Seal and
US Marine rescue occurred of an unbelievable 2,100 children
found locked in cages in Underground Tunnels
that ran beneath the California China Lake Military facility. Another rescue
took place in Australia that garnered over a million children.

The babies, children and teens were said to
have been sexually abused, tortured and killed to collect their adrenaline
for sale to Hollywood and Global Elites who
paid big bucks to have use an anti-aging “wonder drug,” Adrenochrome. 

Last January before leaving office when Trump
found out about DUMB Underground Tunnels that existed beneath the White House
and Washington DC, he ordered the Military
to go in and save thousands of children who were found half alive, plus recover
the bodies of thousands who were dead with organs harvested, many half eaten.

Those particular Tunnels had been there since President George HW
Bush formed the CIA after World War II and he ordered them built. Evidently
they have been used by certain Satan worshipping US Presidents and members of
Congress since then, up until Trump.

There appeared to be Global Alliance plans in the works to bulldoze the White House, US
Capital and US Supreme Court building, plus all of the buildings around them.
They would turn Washington DC back into the swamp it was before – a Bird

DC would no longer exist, to be replaced by a Restored Republic based
on the original concepts of the Constitution.

N. Covid/Vax/Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/
Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride,
Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

Tues. 23 July 2024: The
un-redacted Corona Virus Protocols
of the German RKI Institute have been
leaked by a whistleblower today. They reportedly contain explosive details,
including that the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” was a hoax. A press
conference about the leak is scheduled for 10 am German time (in German

Tues. 23 July 2024: All dental anesthetics
now seem to have graphene oxide
in them, as tested by many independent labs like by Dr David Nixons’,
LaQuinta Columna and others. Dr Nixon said they’re adding them to all
injectables like those in cosmetics (like botox etc) and most likely to all
local anesthetics

O. Satan Worshipping Illuminati Zionist Deep
State Cabal Globalist Depopulation Agenda 2030:

Tues. 23 July 2024 American Construction
Worker Next To NASA Stennis Space Center, Mississippi Posted
, “Nasa turned on the cloud makers while we
were working on site. It started to rain shortly afterwards.” What could
possibly go wrong? The official story is “It seems that scientists at NASA have
accidentally found a way of creating man-made rain clouds. In a 13,500
acre-area, surrounded by a 125,000-acre buffer zone in the wetlands of
Mississippi, the agency has built John C. Stennis Space Center (SSC), a special
place for the testing of their rocket engines. These engines run on liquid
oxygen and liquid hydrogen propellants and whenever they are tested, the
combustion of these materials creates large clouds of steam that exceed 6,000
°F. The steam rises after the engine test and cools in the air, forming a cloud
that floats over the city and can create rain nearby. The experiment’s side-effect
is delightful, and since the clouds are just water, the plumes aren’t polluting
the atmosphere.” Just an “accident” as they claim? The US Government would
never consider using this same type of technology for more than just rocket
engines right?

Tues. 23 July 2024: Colorado Gov. Jared Polis is spreading fear by declaring an
“emergency disaster” in response to reports about the alleged spread
of highly pathogenic bird flu in northeastern Weld County. Polis
“verbally” declared the disaster after “an avian flu outbreak in
a commercial poultry facility in Weld County,” reads an official statement
from Polis’ office on July 8. The
statement does not name the facility that was allegedly impacted by H5N1. The
emergency disaster declaration allows Polis and his regime to use emergency
powers to “take all necessary and appropriate state actions to assist with
response, recovery, and mitigation efforts.”

P. NESARA, Trump Explicit on Telegram Tues.
23 July 2024

In 2012 gradually news of NESARA (a Supreme Court ruling that
Deep State Cabal Bankers were illegally confiscating and controlling US
Taxpayer dollars, plus charging us interest to use our own monies) began to be
leaked to the public. Those monies were ordered to be paid back to the American
people under NESARA Law.

Then the Deep State Cabal formed a plan to forever delay the enforcement of NESARA.
NESARA was embroiled in fictitious legal procedures and court orders by both
the United States Supreme Court and the International Court of Justice to
discredit NESARA and spread misinformation.

False websites and Fact Checkers were set up by the government under the
direction of CIA/FBI personnel. Claims were made that there was no such law as
NESARA, that it had no Congressional file number, no sponsors, and was only a
thought somewhere under consideration.

The public was told through the government that there never was such a bill, it was
never acted upon, nor passed by Congress and that the president had never
signed it.

Since October 10, 2000 the US as a nation has been under their
original Constitution of the Republic of the United States of America, but has
not realized it. They have also been under Common Law, but the courts have
continued to destroy them with the Cabal’s Admiralty Law (Law of the Water) due
to their ignorance.

In 2015 Donald Trump was recruited by US Military Intelligence to
run in the 2016 Presidential election. Three generals approached him in 2015.
It would be fair to guess that Lt. General Michael Flynn was involved. As a
former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Flynn would have been aware of
the deep corruption underscoring the Clintons and the dirty tricks played by
the CIA in support of the Deep State.

In November 2016 Donald Trump won the US Presidency, leaving the Cabal in
utter shock that their fraudulent vote count for Hillary Clinton didn’t work.

The 2017 Trump Presidential Inauguration: There’s a special reason (exact reason) why
the military stood behind Trump at his January
Inauguration, and ONLY for this single sentence-line!: The United
States is at war with enemy combatants inside the country, the Cabal. Ever
since Trump’s inauguration speech when he said he was going to take the country
out of the hands of corrupt government officials and give it back to the
people, they have attacked him non-stop.

Many suggest that Trump was President for
like two minutes on his Inauguration Day as he gave authority over to the
to start their
massive global Alliance operation to remove the Cabal, a cleansing process that
would take years since 2017.

Remember Trump saying during his inauguration
“We are
transferring power today from Washington DC to you The People!” To
understand the significance of these few crucial words, you must understand
that Washington DC, the Cabal’s seat, does not belong to the United States at
all, it is an independent foreign country with its own flag and Construction
(Corporation) that controls the Republic of the United States.

This was a stranglehold by the Three City
States of the world:
Vatican [Religion],  London City
[Financial], and Washington D.C. [Military]. This power Trinity has
systematically been removed since his inauguration by the global military

We The People must thus rule exactly as Pres.
Trump instructed
. Listen
very carefully to his words, “we are transferring power from Washington DC back
to people.” Watch carefully here! What Trump meant was that he was handing the
full extent of the power over to the military (for the people), that it will be
a full military operation till GESARA is announced. Military is the only way! That’s
when the military turned their backs to him and walked away. Many suggest had
Trump still been President, they couldn’t have turned their backs on him, and
that this power shift was executed in excellence. (But any army needs a
Commander in Chief!) Special words and special military presence at Trump’s

Q. Tues. 23 July 2024 John F. Kennedy on
“The 17th episode of
the 11th season of The Simpsons shows Lisa Simpson as the first female
president of the United States, dressed similarly to Kamala Harris at Joe
Biden’s inauguration. This episode, which aired in 2000, strongly suggests that
real estate mogul Donald Trump became president and left behind a budget crisis
for Lisa to handle. Joe Biden dropped out yesterday after the Democrats had no
more use for him, and he has now endorsed Kamala Harris. Hillary Clinton has
officially endorsed Kamala Harris as well. The only chance Kamala Harris has of
beating Trump is if they create a Black Wwan Event and take down the entire
power grid.

R. Tues. 23 July The Carter Doctrine and His
Death Hoax,
The 17th
Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

The Carter Doctrine preceded his death by a
few years.
Thanks to Donald
Trump. But sense we are on the subject for those who may be unfamiliar. D.
Trump knew the doctrine was a sham and pointed out many intentional flaws meant
to sustain destabilization in the Middle East.

Trump has criticized the Carter Doctrine for
being inconsistently applied.
Saying that the United States has not always taken a strong stance
against threats to the Persian Gulf region. The lack of a robust response to
the Iranian seizure of American hostages in 1979 as an example of the
doctrine’s failure.

Trump has also criticized the C-Doctrine for
its heavy reliance on military force
to protect American interests in the Persian Gulf. And not the trade
advantages that could have been applied like what D. Trump did with the tariffs
when he threatened 100% tariffs on Chinese cars made in Mexico.

Trump has claimed that the Carter Doctrine
did not address the underlying issues that led to instability in the Persian
Gulf region
, such as
the Iranian Revolution the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Which D. Trump
addressed by actually pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal and slapping
sanctions on Iran.

These are just a few examples as to how Jimmy
Carter Doctrine was not meant to actually fix anything but prolong the issues
given the fact that the fiat USD and the oil
agreements put in place by Henry Kissinger was one of the main reasons why
destabilization in the Middle East was never supposed to have any resolutions.
This is why Iraq went through suc a grueling process for their monetary reform.
And one of the conditions to pull this off before they return to the
international stage was Security & Stability.

Barrack Obama knew this. Which is why he deployed ISIS/DAESH. Jimmy
Carter is celebrated by liberal media for a reason. His son is even going
around talking about how Jimmy Carter would be proud of Joe Biden & Kamala
Harris. This is one hallmark of media that you can count on in most regards as
to when someone has sold out their country.

But un/fortunately depending upon who you are
Jimmy Carter is still with us.
But listen if you all do not realize this the reason X keeps getting
these fake death hoaxes is because they want to portray the platform as
unreliable because so many news stories have broken out here and exposed a lot
of things. So they want to destroy the credibility of certain channels so
people can look at this platform as a “Conspiracy Theory” circle jerk
that can not be trusted for any accurate news.

S. Tues. 23 July 2024 GITMO TV on Telegram:

Are you awake?Do you
SEE (for yourself) the MSM = propaganda tool of the LEFT?Do you SEE
FB/Twitter/GOOG censoring non LEFT POVs?Do you SEE the corruption?Do you SEE

T. Tues 23 July 2024 SGAnon on Telegram: “There was an attempted assassination of
Donald Trump a mere 8 days ago (which we still have no official answers about).
It failed. Then Crowdstrike goes down worldwide, with the bulk of its servers
hosted in Ukraine. Crowdstrike Exec Mgmt Team includes former Barack Obama FBI
officials, and are partnered with BlackRock/WEF, etc. Trump calls Zelenskyy a
few days after assassination attempt. Two days later Joe Biden quits the
Presidential race telling nobody, not even his staff. Barack Obama issues
statement in response, doesn’t endorse Vice President Kamala, but does say
nominee will be ‘outstanding’. Then Bill and Hillary2.0 take to the internet to
wish Joe well. Sure makes this video from March 22, 2023 make a lot more sense.”

U. Mon. 15 April 2024 The GITMO List – Those Who
Betrayed The United States of America:
Where They Go One They Go All – The Road to Guantanamo Bay for Global
Elite. To the Global Elite, I Say: Welcome to Guantanamo Bay, Home, Not So
Sweet, Home!:

V. Kevin Annett, who exposed and prosecuted
the genocide of 60,000 indigenous children in Canada and helped depose Pope
Benedict, will address audiences across America this fall as part of an
international speaking tour.

award winning documentary film Unrepentant

Twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his thirty-year campaign to bring to justice
the Church and State killers of 60,000 indigenous children in Canada, Kevin has
become a global figure in the Common Law Sovereignty movement. He is a
consultant to human rights and community groups on four continents.

Throughout August and September, Kevin will hold gatherings in Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania,
New England, Washington, D.C., Virginia, and North Carolina.

His topics include:

the American Crisis,
and the need for a Continental Republic

to establish Common Law assemblies and courts in your community

and Dumber:
How the world’s oldest genocide continues

the Corporatocracy
with Natural Law


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