Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 7, 2024


Judy Note: We can no longer ignore the tortured children of Satan Worshippers.

We can no longer ignore that
we have sent billions of US Taxpayer dollars to the CIA Black Budget that has
been used to rape, torture and kill children in their Satan Worshipping Mind
Control programs.

We can no longer ignore
that US Presidents Clinton, Obama and Biden have worked with the Vatican and
Crown of England to foster an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring that
rapes, tortures, kills, harvests organs and the Adrenochrome of children in a depraved
honor of Satan.

We can no longer ignore
that sick Global, Political and Hollywood Elites worship Satan by raping,
torturing and killing children in their quest for power and glory.

We as a society can no longer ignore the
tortured children, because if we continue to do so, we can no longer consider
ourselves human.

Anthony Weiner’s laptop
learn that way back in 2013
the NYPD knew of  (but were forced to cover up, with certain
detectives mysteriously dying) an official AG Report that revealed that
immigrant children were going missing in the thousands, plus Obama, the
Clintons, US corporations, various mafias, the FBI and CIA were involved in
cover up of those missing children, along with a cover up of Intel on Pizzagate
and Pedogate that tied into an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by
the Vatican.

years ago on 1 July 2014
 during the Obama Administration (2009-2017) The Washington Spectator reported
that “Cartels have moved into the human-smuggling business, imprisoning
would-be border crossers, charging high rates, or requiring border crossers,
including children, to act as drug mules or prostitutes. The former Wachovia
Bank (now Wells Fargo), Bank of America, and Western Union all made or continue
to make millions from drug money collected in the U.S. and sent or laundered
back to Mexico. General Dynamics, Motorola and Raytheon were doing well by the
(human child trafficking prompted) so-called border security build-up.” 
Obama, Clintons, Mafia Child Trafficking

Children crossing the
US border in the thousands have been kidnapped, or sold into child sex
to fulfill pedo-sex requests of high ranking US officials, including
members of the US Congress and state legislators, according to Intelligence
sources. A significant number of those high ranking elites have been under
surveillance for quite some time, with some caught making calls for children
they “ordered” for sex. 
Vatican, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Soros, Royals Child Sex Trafficking

Sat. 6 July 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Trump, Q
Movement’s Primary Goal: Save The Children United We Stand. WWG1WGA!!! Q.
Special Intel Report 7/6/24

Sat. 6 July 2024 The Deep State – Revealed: Elite Child Trafficking – Exposed; The
Banking Cartel – Spotlighted; The Hollywood Illusion – Shattered; The Media
Empire – Crumbling. We’re watch the death of the control Matrix in real time,
and it’s glorious.

Sat. 6 July 204 RFK Jr: “The CIA works for
military contractors
providing a steady pipeline of forever wars. The health agencies are controlled
by the pharmaceutical industry, which profits from chronic disease. The Fed,
held captive by big banks, floods the canyons of Wall Street with money. The
agencies that are supposed to be stewards of American security, prosperity and
health are no longer working on behalf of you and me. They’ve become sock
puppets for the industries they are supposed to regulate.”

Sat. 6 July 2024 Supreme
Court Paves Way for Med Beds:
The Supreme Court has quietly made a decision on the
Chevron Case that could bring med beds to the forefront of medical innovation.

Since 1913 Rothschild
Central Bankers
have been using their stolen US Taxpayer Dollars to
effectively enslave billions in America and Worldwide.

Ukraine is literally the
Cabal’s World Capitol and Birthplace
of the Rothschild, US Inc, Soros Globalist Empire of
Bankers, Khazarian Mafia and Open Society with all of its Tentacles.

Sat. 6 July 2024 Jill Biden was secretly removing belongings from the
White House and the family was planning to vacate the White House soon. It’s
quite possible Joe Biden will resign next

Sat. 6 July 2024: Alert! Martial Law Imminent: UN Troops
Deployed Across the U.S. as Pentagon Prepares for Civil Unrest – “Operation
Peacekeeper” Launched!

Sat. 6 July 2024: HAARP: The Shadowy Force Behind Earthquake
Weapons – The Big One: California’s Looming Catastrophe

Fri. 5 July 2024 Situation Update (video) WTPN SITUATION UPDATE 7/5/24 BLACKOUT

Sat. 6 July 2024: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: Trump, Q
Movement’s Primary Goal: Save The Children. United We Stand. WWG1WGA!!!
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 6 July 2024

A. Timing:

Thurs. 4 July 2024: Trump Gives Military the Go Ahead
  Truth in 3-5 Days:

Q Drop 370 (18 Dec. 2017) Fri. 4 July 2024 will be worth the wait where the freight
train has left the station, while the clock has started the ten days. Brazil
started payments. The First Arrest will shock the World. We will never, ever

Fri. 4 July 2024: Japan has begun the Global Currency Reset:

B. Emergency
Broadcast System Alert:

will receive seven Trumpets
EBS Text messages) on our phones alerting us on what is happening and urging us
to tune into our TV and radios.

our TVs and Radios the EBS will play eight hour documentaries
 three times a day for ten days (called
Ten Days of Communication Darkness).

Internet and ATMs 
not work during the ten days.

will only work for 911 calls, 
but we can obtain a Signal App from the Military which will secure the
phones for regular use.

cover topics of arrests, tribunals, fraud, corruption, pedophilia.

the Ten Days of Communication Darkness,
 all phones, TVs, radios and computers will connect to the new
Quantum Internet run on the secure Star Link Satellite System.

will be called into Redemption Centers 
where we will receive NESARA payments and be connected to
our bank accounts (identified by our own body rhythms) through the new Quantum
System. Banks will no longer have access to our monies.

now on all Voting will be done
 over our phones and computers through the new secure Quantum
System. No more voter fraud.

C. Global Currency Reset:

D. Guesses of a Possible Timeline for RV, forward from JR. on Telegram

On June 8th there would be 120 days for new  election. 

We are supposed to have RV before NESARA was officially released to public to get
accounts  set up in the month of July.

Med-Bed release to the public was supposed to happen in the month of July

Almost all RV GURUS and Intel have all stated we should only take 10
days to go through all the currency holders before lockdowns (since they are
going to be open 24/7 for 10 days) More redemption centers in higher populated
areas. Our email confirmations an Ph #s have been given to 5 + websites. 

All Intel states were going to have 3 to 10 day lockdown of
the internet to reveal to the masses. This is when they announce at the END of
that announcement. 

They have new QFS accounts that they will have to go in. To get there
Quantum account set up at the closest bank or redemption centre in their area.

EMAILS have to come in from now up to no later than Tuesday June 9th to get into the
Redemption Centers before the lockdowns.

JULY  20th to start lockdowns for 10 days to get QFS an
MED-BEDS released to the world at the very end of this MONTH

E. Judy Note: What we think we know as of
Sun. 7 July 2024:

There will be an Internet Blackout.

The White Hat Military is in control of the redemption process,
which has released funds across the World for the Global Currency Reset.

All banks have signed Non Disclosure Agreements.

The funds come directly from the US Treasury Department of Defense
Operations – that go out to Treasury Departments in other countries.

Japan has revalued their currency.

Bond Holders have begun to be paid in Brazil.

Notifications have gone out to Tier 4a, a small group of
Tier4b and some Bond Holders.

NESARA was set to be announced on Mon. 8 or Tues. 9 July – which would coordinate with a Supreme
Court announcement on 2020 Election Fraud – which could dissolve the Biden
Administration and all of Congress and set the stage for a new Election in 120
days, or by November.

Sat. 6 July 2024 Wolverine. “It has started. It is a process hopefully
completed by the 20th.
I’m hoping to get the Green Light in a few days.”

Fri. 5 July 2024 Texas Snake: “Well folks it’s not like we haven’t heard
this before but, I just got off a call from Hong Kong, London, NYC, Reno, and
me. They are indicating that certain bond holder groups are having funds
disbursed to paymasters over this
and that we as currency holders should remain vigilante for
notifications this coming week.  An FYI only as banker has not suggested same.

Sat. 6 July 2024: Bombshell Report! This is your Financial
Bible | This is the Quantum Financial System Manual of GESARA-NESARA & XRP!

F. Global Financial Crisis:

Sat. 6 July 2024 This is absolutely insane: Annual US government spending reached a
MASSIVE $6.5 trillion in May, just $1.1 trillion below the March 2021 record.
The government total outlays have DOUBLED in just a decade. To put this into
perspective, this is more than the size of most world economies except the US
and China. Meanwhile, the US budget deficit hit $1.7 trillion, or 6.2% of GDP
over the last 12 months. In the past, such levels of spending have only
occurred during major crises. What’s the long-term plan here?

Sat. 6 July 2024: 90% of all trade between China and Russia is
conducted in Ruble or Yuan after ditching the US Dollar.

G. Restored Republic:

Real News for Real Patriots
from the Judy Byington Report—Part 52 | Ellis Washington Report

From the Shadows for 150
years (1871-2021) the Rothschild Central Bankers
in particularly have been
using their stolen wealth of hundreds of trillions of dollars to effectively
enslave hundreds of millions of people in America, including billions and
billions of people worldwide under the treacherous legislation called the 
District of Columbia
Act of 1871

In England this law was
called the
 1871 Act of England and a version of this evil, Machiavellian legislation
that has enslaved the monetary system and thus the economy of America and the
world for 150 years exits in virtually every one of the 209 United Nations
member state countries in the world imprisoned inside the perpetual bondage of
Chattel Slavery and Debt Slavery TO THIS DAY!

*N.B.: For further research
and reading, 
see my comprehensive
5-part essay series on the History of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (aka
Federal Reserve Central Bankers)

This little-known but stolen
History of Humanity has allowed a very small Cabal of super rich, narcissistic,
psychopaths belonging to various Satanic cults and secret societies
called among other names—Rothschild Khazarian
, the Illuminati, the British
Monarchy (and all the Monarchies of Europe), Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Skull
and Bones, the Vatican, the Jesuits, and other secret societies along with
their allied institutions including—Council of 13, Committee of 300, 
Octagon Group, Trilateral Commission, World Economic Forum, United
Nations, International Monetary Fund, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg
Group, DAVOS, and other Globalist, elitist entities connected to the Satanic
New World Order aka, to impose a One World Government based not on Freedom but
based on Tyranny, Treachery and 

Ukraine is literally the
World Capitol and birthplace of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia and the
headquarters of George Soros
and his Open Society Globalist Empire with all of its

George Soros openly
discussed his investments in Ukraine and about Joe Biden’s involvement there.
“I also want to mention
that there is one person who has been very deeply involved in Ukraine, and that
is Biden”.

George Soros’s foundation
was set up in Ukraine in 1990
and is his financial base to conduct his activities
all over the world. Modern Ukraine was set up by the Cabal. “I set up a
foundation in Ukraine, before Ukraine became independent of Russia” – George
Soros today is pursuing a new plan – playing his fake anti-Israel/Zionist role
as a “puppeteer” while tugging at America’s strings.

H. Former Speaker of the United States House
of Representatives Newt Gingrich Says All The Quiet Parts Out Loud:

The system is rigged.

Voting is rigged.

Both parties are paid off.

Not just politicians but millions of people being paid off with tax payer money

They’ll do anything to stop Trump and more

“I think Trump is the most aggressive and competent
opponent that the Franklin Roosevelt Coalition has ever faced. They’ve run the
country now since 1932. They built huge bureaucracies, huge sets of rules.

“They paid off millions of people with taxpayer money. And all of a
sudden, they have an opponent who’s very serious about dismantling and
replacing their corrupt system.

“They’re terrified of him. And from their standpoint, breaking the law,
rigging the game, whatever it takes, they’re gonna do to try to beat him at
every level.

“The trial in New York is just one example. It’s totally dishonest.
I actually think that the judge in the New York trial and the students
illegally occupying the building in Columbia University are really the same

“They’re people who believe in breaking the
to impose their will on the United States.
And I think that you’re seeing a trial which is probably the most dishonest,
most corrupt trial of any political figure in American history.”

I. Wars and Rumors of Wars:

Sat. 6 July 2024 Anon Audio File 77: Biden 25th Amendment “Medical Fitness
Declaration” + Forced Step Down Coming > Massive Attack on Damascus, Syria
Likely—Will Drive Turkey Into Middle East War > US Army National Guard MPs
Deployed to Guantanamo Bay > Space Force Recruiting Full-Time Enlisted +
Officer Positions from USAF Reservists w/ Highly-Specialized Training >
Japanese Yen Entering Early Stages of Collapse—New Hologram Yen Already Rolling
Out #NothingCanStopWhatIsComing

Sat. 6 July 2024 Army National Guard Deployed

J. Real News for Real Patriots from the
Judy Byington Report—Part 52 | Ellis Washington Report

World War III is on the horizon as the
Ukraine War winds down under a victorious Russian President Vladimir Putin
whose army didn’t “invade” Ukraine, but actually reclaim legal Russian
territory and rescued thousands of prisoners held underground (including women,
children and babies)
systematically destroyed the thousands of miles underground tunnel networks
Biden, Obama, Hillary and the Deep State criminal syndicate have used for years
to traffick children, drugs, and weapons. 

Now an even more desperate Deep State will be hell bent
on causing world chaos by relocating its war theatre from Ukraine to
Israel/Gaza, and soon to China/Taiwan.

Why? War has always been their preferred de facto means for the Rothschild Khazarian
Mafia, the Illuminati, Catholic Church, Jesuits and Freemasons
to wipe the slate clean, to cover up their nefarious and
treacherous acts and move closer to reshaping the world into the image if its

For example, Col. Douglas MacGregor remarked in an interview with Tucker Carlson stated: “We
are moving towards war with Iran and the chosen destination is Armageddon. The
entire region is involved in the war.”

This War! War! WAR! mantra is the expected road to
Democide against We the People by the Illuminati, Freemasons and Rothschild
Khazarian Mafia,
among other secret societies working in the
shadows to democide 90% of the world’s population by 2030 (e.g., Agenda 2030).

This is in accord
with a recent comment by the 
Air Force secretary says China
preparing for war against the U.S. and will likely attack us launching
concurrent and targeted EMP attacks in big cities across America
as a preemptive strike to thwart America’s retaliation
when China will certainly invade neighboring Taiwan.

In the meantime, because the Biden administration has
sold out to Chinese CCP interests they (through the Democrat Socialist Party)
have infiltrated America from within to destroy this country
, therefore as we speak New York City is defunding the
police to pay for the housing of illegal immigrants.

Why won’t Democrats just work with us to secure the
Because they worship a different “god”
called Satan whose tactic is Ordo
ab Chao
 = “Order out of

K. The Real News for Sat. 8 July 2024:

Fri. 5 July 2024 Q and Trump vs. the Fed: Mike King: The Q Op vs. The FED – Everyone
Should Hear This!

Sat. 6 July 2024 California: Nearly 30,000 people evacuated in
northern California as raging wildfire spreads.

Sat. 6 July 2024: BQQQQQM!!! BREAKING: Joe Biden Body Double
Exposed – Clone Number 9 Caught Red-Handed and Walking Just Fine! Must See

Sat. 6 July 2024: Gitmo News: Deep State Clones End After Three
Years, Cloning Researchers Tell Military – Doppelgangers/Clones Revealed; Liz
Cheney Hanged

Sat. 6 July 2024 JAG Convicts Arizona Sec. of
State Adrian Fontes of Treason and Election Fraud:

Sat. 6 July 2024: EXCLUSIVE! The Constitutional Crisis: Joe
Biden’s Constitutional Violations and Treason – A Controversial Examination

Sat. 6 July 2024: BQQQQM!!! SKY EVENT: Red Sky, Blue Sky, Light
Sky, Project Blue Beam and Sound Sky Event! The White Hats: A Counter-Operation
and Game Theory and Military Strategy

Unless proven with court
documents, at the time of VP Kamala Harris’s birth, her parents were not U.S.
They were
foreign students. At the time of her birth, she was the daughter of
non-citizens. This makes her an anchor baby. She is not eligible to hold the
office of President.

Facebook Covid Vaccine

are funded by vaccine companies.

Sat. 6 July 2024: See for Yourself the World of Clones and How You Can Tell
the Difference!

Sat. 6 July 2024: WikiLeaks published a series of
leaks from the CIA, revealing the agency’s hacking tools and techniques. The
leaks revealed that CIA can weaponize wide range of U.S. and European company
products, including Apple’s iPhone, Google’s Android, and Microsoft’s

L. International Child Sex
Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and
housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam in a 1500 mile tunnel that also runs between
the Vatican and Jerusalem:

P Diddy Court Case:

M. Wed. 11 July 2018 Obama, Clintons, Mafia Child Trafficking

Obama has been hiding what really happened with illegal immigrant children.
Judicial Watch has uncovered a 10 July 2018 report
that included “1,000 Significant Incident Reports (SIRs), revealing cases of US government contractors and employees allegedly
assaulting unaccompanied alien children, as well as incidents of children being
forced into prostitution, sexual predation and murder for drug cartels.”
Judicial Watch: New HHS Documents Reveal that
‘Unaccompanied Alien Children’ Processed During Obama Years Included Violent
Criminals, Drug Smugglers, and Human Traffickers

the Clintons, US corporations, various mafias, the FBI, CIA, Pizzagate,
Pedogate and child sex trafficking with immigrant children missing in the
surfaced again as authentic criminal activity discovered
on Anthony Weiner’s laptop by the NYPD and listed in the latest AG

was sad was that we knew all this way back in 2013
perhaps before. Hillary Clinton emails on Bengazi and what was thought to be an
international child trafficking pedophilia ring known as Pizzagate or Pedogate
were found by Seth Rich prior to the 2016 Presidential Elections. Rich, an
employee of the 
Democratic National Committee (DNC), turned the emails over to
Wikileaks, where they were exposed to the public. On July 10 2016 Rich was fatally shot after attending a party where
he was said to talk about the emails and just prior to his congressional
testimony on Clinton. 

of children have been trafficked into the US
from all over the world
for sexual and labor exploitation” according to 
a January 2013 ICE report —
back when 
Obama’s administration was
“caging children”

Marxist hate-monger Shawn King tweets photo of immigrant kids in cages during
OBAMA administration, tries to blame Trump

1 July 2014
 The Washington Spectator reported
that “Cartels have moved into the human-smuggling business, imprisoning
would-be border crossers, charging high rates, or requiring border crossers to
act as drug mules or prostitutes. The former Wachovia Bank (now Wells Fargo),
Bank of America, and Western Union all made or continue to make millions from
drug money collected in the U.S. and sent or laundered back to Mexico. General
Dynamics, Motorola and Raytheon were doing well by the (human trafficking
prompted) border security build-up.” 

the Mexican side victims that included children
were said to be given a choice: either pay a fee ($1,500 to $10,000) to be
guided by a coyote’ human trafficker, or they could traffick drugs, or work for
a trafficker until the fee was paid.

children were held in a desert camp
until the trafficker could
move them to a house in Tucson or Phoenix. These so-called “Safe Houses” were
often maxed out, so they were transferred to a US government contracted CEMEX

was the owner of an underground bunker property near Tucson

thought part of a child sex trafficking ring discovered last month by Veterans
On Patrol (VOP). The Veterans took their evidence to Tuscon authorities, who
refused to investigate before bulldozing the property the next day. 

was owned by Bronfman-Rothschild
and had ties to Arizona
corruption including Tuscon Mayor Rothschild, the Tuscon Police Chief, Clinton
Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative, Pedogate and Soros. CEMEX was supposedly
under a US DOJ investigation according to a March 14, 2018 Reuters article
– but still allowed to traffick children according to the Veterans group.

in the US the child was often sold to a child trafficking network for sex and
eventually, for their organs.
The women were sold to
networks that put them to work as house slaves, maids, restaurant servers or
prostitutes. Others were held until a family member paid the fee, or a slave
network bought them.

the northern border Hells Angels bikers were vying for control of Canada’s vast
and lucrative sex trade
according to a recent CIA report naming
Vancouver and Toronto as hubs for the trafficking of sex trade workers. Between
700,000 and two million women and children were trafficked annually by
organized crime groups such as the Vancouver Angels and Asians. The report said
that a high number of American girls were being smuggled to Canada for sexual
exploitation. Many of them were recruited to Vancouver with false promises of
jobs as exotic models and dancers. Once in Canada, they were forced into prostitution
or sweatshop labor according to Kevin Annett of the ITCCS. 

twenty years ago the ITCCS
uncovered an international child trafficking
ring said run by the Vatican.“A child trafficking crime syndicate said run by
the Vatican called ‘Ndrangheta provided children used in sacrifical killings in
Holland” according to retired lawyer and eyewitness “Josephine” during a
deposition to the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels in June,
2014. “The ones I witnessed included human hunting parties. It’s called “The
Octopus” in Holland. They are deeply involved in human trafficking thanks to
their control of the police and politicians.”

‘Ndrangheta is a Mafia style criminal organization in Italy, having replaced
the old style Cosa Nostra.
‘Ndrangheta is currently the most powerful
and richest criminal organization in Italy and possibly Europe, with an
estimated annual revenue of at least 53 billion Euros ($72 billion US), gained
from drug trafficking, extortion and money laundering”. –

N. Mon. 16 July 2018 CIA, Vatican, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Soros,
Royals Child Sex Trafficking

Children crossing the
US border in the thousands have been kidnapped, or sold into child sex
to fulfill pedo-sex requests of high ranking US officials, including
members of the US Congress and state legislators, according to Intelligence
sources. A significant number of those high ranking elites have been under
surveillance for quite some time, with some caught making calls for children
they “ordered” for sex. 

the last year
there have been multi thousands of sealed
indictments filed in federal courts across the US  – that were now set to
arrest mainly sex perpetrators. It would remain to be seen if those indictments
covered members of the CIA, Catholic Church, Obama, Bushes, Clinton, Soros and
other elites for their reported international child sex trafficking ring.

are over 800,000 missing immigrant children,
with no FBI investigation
open to find out why” claimed ex-CIA investigator Robert David Steele. “Rogue
elements in the CIA have been facilitating child sex trafficking across our
borders. There is no question that many illegal immigrant children have been
taken from human traffickers – not from their parents – and then recycled to undergo
even worse human trafficking.”

also claimed that an informant from the graphics department of the State
Department said that they were not allowed to portray anything regarding child
trafficking within the US.
He felt that there were too many Obama
holdovers in government who were working for the Deep State against Trump and
his war on child sex trafficking. Steel also claimed that when Hillary Clinton
was Secretary of State she wouldn’t appoint an Inspector General, so no
investigations of missing immigrant children happened then either.

sponsorship of child sex trafficking
has been well known by
victims since the agency’s inception after World War II, though their claims
were kept away from the Mainstream Media. Back in June 1987 Jozeph Verbeeck,
the head of the Belgian office of UNICEF, was arrested for involvement in a
large pedophile and child pornography ring. USAID granted UNICEF funds to
reintegrate into their Congo communities, boys and girls forced into sexual
trafficking. The area was plagued by Ugandan and Rwandan troops backed by U.S.
CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency agents, who were said to be the main
perpetrators in the child trafficking according to Washington based
investigative journalist Wayne Madsen. 
WAYNE MADSEN REPORT – Wayne Madsen Report

CIA admitted their vested interest in child trafficking in their 2008
that since the Vietnam War they have operated child prostitution
entrapment rings to snare their congressional opponents. A lucrative empire of
drugs and human trafficking has been politically reinforced by the continual
use of child prostitution by domestic spy agencies to blackmail and control
politicians and leaders.” (Washington
Rock Creek Free Press, Dec.
2008 vol.2 no.12).

2013 alone the Obama Administration separated 72,410 children from their
illegal immigrant parents,
who were deported. The
Huffington Post
 reported: “Immigration and Customs
Enforcement last year carried out more than 72,000 deportations of parents who
said they had U.S.-born children, according to reports to Congress obtained
by The Huffington Post.”

Obama’s administration literally placed immigrant children in the hands of
human traffickers
just a few years ago according to New
York Magazine
. In 2015 there was a criminal case and in 2016 a
Senate report, about a Marion, Ohio human trafficking ring that used migrant
children for forced labor on an egg farm. “The left-leaning media stayed
strangely silent when the detention of migrant children went on for years
before Trump took office. The US government placed an unknown number of Central
American migrant children into the custody of human traffickers after
neglecting to run the most basic checks on these so-called ‘caregivers.”
Obama separated 72,410 children from their
illegal immigrant parents

US Attorney General’s report
stated that the Bush
administration lined the pockets of a number of “faith-based” organizations and
private contractors in its “anti-trafficking program.” Recipients of this money
include organizations that have reported connections with perpetrators,
including the CIA.

CIA has also reportedly worked with the Catholic Church
make billions each year from child trafficking. In Spain alone, 300,000
children were trafficked by the church between 1940 and 1980, reaping over $20
billion. (ICLCJ Court testimony of Antonio Barrero The
present under-indictment Pope Francis himself organized such a marketing of
children of more than 30,000 Argentine political prisoners during his stint as
front man for the military junta there in the 1970′s and ’80′s. (ICLCJ Court
testimony of Witness No. 32

Vatican was well known to utilize the mafia
in child sex trafficking.
According to ICLCJ Court eyewitness “Josephine,” her ex-husband mafia boss and
other mob members provided ten children and adolescents who were hunted down
and killed, and then mutilated, by wealthy men in forests near Oudergem, Belgium,
in the spring of 2000 and 2004.

was there, I saw the whole thing. I was told they were kids from the juvenile
detention centres in Brussels.
They were let loose naked
in the forest and hunted down and shot. The killers included Prince Friso of Holland
and his wife’s friend, the billionaire George Soros, Dutch Prime Minister Mark
Rutte, and Prince Albert of Belgium. After they shot down the young ones they
cut off the boys’ penises and held them up like trophies, cheering and
European Royals
Killing Naked Children for Fun at Human Hunting Parties

syndicate obtained its child fodder through its deep involvement with the
child-snatching Roman Catholic Church and top Vatican officials”

according to Matteo Macceo, a Radical Party member of the Italian Parliament.
“The modern Mafia were the same people running the Catholic Church and Italian
government. They’re all in the same club, indistinguishable. Their main concern
is their assets, which come from organized crime: drugs, and arms dealing, and
human trafficking.” (Macceo, Rome, April 2010

O. Satan Worshipping Illuminati Zionist Deep
State Cabal Globalist Depopulation Agenda 2030: Deep State – New World Order World
Depopulation through Democide and CIA Operation
MK-Ultra Mind Control
Real News for Real Patriots from the Judy Byington Report—Part 52 |
Ellis Washington Report

The CIA Mind Control program eventually
known as MK-ULTRA
of 149 sub-projects, plus another 33 closely related programs. There were 80
participating US and Canadian institutions including 44 colleges and
universities – all funded by US taxpayers through a CIA Black Budget not
subject to review.

“The CIA has been known to work hand in hand
with the Vatican’s Satanic Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult
to run an International Child Trafficking
and Drug/Gun Running Ring.

In her biography “Twenty-Two Faces” Hill
claimed she was tortured and made to watch the Human Sacrifice of another
six-year-old child, later identified as Kathleen Shea.
Evidently Shea had been kidnapped from
Tyrone Pennsylvania several months prior and appeared starved and emaciated
before her Summer Solstice death by the Satanic Coven.”   Woman
Sees Human Sacrifice

The purpose of CIA Mind Control Programming
was to secure life-long power over an individual in order to create Super
Spies, Terrorists, Assassins and/or have life-long control over a victim for
whatever devious purpose.

Mind Control Programming was based on the Satanic Worship Practices of Rape,
Torture and Human Sacrifice. Young victims were sold into the program by their
Multi-Generational Satanic families.

The preferred victim was a young child
subjected to prolonged trauma.
It was found that the developing brain of a child under repeated rape
and torture would permanently separate their thinking patterns into Multiple
Personalities that could be controlled by their perpetrator throughout the
victim’s life. The most effective programming would begin at a very early age
and even in the womb through electroshock treatments for the mother.

In 1964 after a successful lawsuit by
Mind-Control Survivor Linda McDonald (of the McDonald’s Hamburger Franchise
Multi-Generational Satanic Family),
Congressional inquiries supposedly ended MK ULTRA – not true. MK-ULTRA
RESEARCH continued but was curtailed in 1967 and thought extinct by 1973 after
MKULTRA documents were destroyed by CIA Director Richard Helms prior to his
resignation and another Congressional inquiry – that went nowhere.

Yet, the 1977 Freedom of Information Act was able to uncover 20,000 MK-ULTRA
Financial Documents on the Mind Control Program that were not destroyed and
proved the program to be ongoing – even to this day according to Satanic Ritual
Abuse Mind Control Survivors.


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