Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as
of June 11, 2024


Imminent Scare Events including a Global Financial Collapse were on the
 Be Prepared. It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply
of food, water, cash and essential Items on hand to help yourself and others in
case of an emergency.

Mon. 10
June 2024:
 THE EVENT: Castle Rock – The Imminent Catastrophe
That Will Overturn the Biden Administration and Change Everything!

         Castle
 (meaning all
the Big Bad shit goes down on Biden’s administration) signals the downfall of the Biden
administration with coordinated bombings, cyber attacks, and a financial

         In this 3-Day War we
will see
 the activation of the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), and the rise of Trump in a dramatic
global reset.

         From the dissolution of the United Nations to the implementation of NESARA/ GESARA, learn how military
ascendancy and a new 1776 law will
liberate Planet.

         A Prelude to Chaos: 34
Buildings Bombed and Major Dams Compromised.

         All
major dams are targeted
, bringing about unprecedented flooding and water

         Stock Market Crash and Financial Meltdown. A stock market crash of unprecedented proportions will devastate
economies, eroding wealth and stability.

        Mon.
10 June 2024:
 Horrifying: The Biden admin is purposely facilitating
one of the largest human trafficking operations in history including tens of
thousands of minors who are believed to be sex trafficked in the US from the
Southern Border.

        Mon.
10 June 2024:
 The Coca-Cola Company is implicated in the purchase of
children from a Ukraine orphanage. We’re talking about black market organ
harvesting. Documents show they are backed by the US Government.

        There
are plans of a new national Stock Exchange 
based in Dallas. Meanwhile
there was also talk of Texas ceding from the Union to go as a Sovereign State.

        Mon.
10 June 2024: 
THE EVENT: Castle Rock – The Imminent Catastrophe
That Will Overturn the Biden Administration and Change Everything!

        Mon.
10 June 2024:
 Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: The Black Swan Has
Landed! Martial Law and Blackout Necessary ~Q. Special Intel Report 6/10/24


         As
of Thurs. 30 May 2024
 any US State could legally obtain their own gold
backed currency and bypass the Federal Reserve.

         As
of Sat. 1 June 2024 International World Trade
 was using the new Iraqi
Dinar Rate in the trade of international goods.

         On
Mon. Evening 3 June 2024 
the Iraqi Parliament finally passed their
budget with the new Iraqi Dinar International Rate in it.

         On
Tues. 4 June 
large bondholder paymasters were in Reno to begin
exchanging their bond portfolios over the next 24 to 48 hour window. 

         On Wed.
5 June 2024
 the shotgun was fired, authorizing liquidity of the bond
payments of CMKX that opened the RV/GCR; the General
of Brazil authorized release of funds to Brazil
 and San Paulo
started to release funds. The Iraqi Parliament sent the budget with
the new Iraqi Dinar Rate in it to the Gazette to be published.

         On
Thurs. 6 June 2024
 the Chinese Elders
authorized start of the payment process for Tier4b (Us, the Internet
The International Beneficiary Commission authorized some in Tier4b to receive notification. Brazil
began sending out notification and setting exchange appointments. A group in Zurich and another group in Brazil
went liquid.
 The BRICS Alliance began Summit meetings in

         On
Fri. 7 June 2024
 the US Government
 out of money and
declared 63 banks insolvent according to Janet Yellen. Bonds started becoming
         On Sat.
8 June 2024 
Nesara Gesara and authorization came through for the
liberation of funds was announced in Mexico. 

         On
Sun. 9 June 2024 the White House was lit up in gold.
 Saudia Arabia
dropped the
USD and ended the Petrodollar. It was the Beginning of the End – the collapse
of the Global Financial System. Market Crash Imminent. RV funds for Bond
Holders and Tier4b were moving into their positions for payout. 

         On Tues. or Wed. 11, 12 June 2024 a
Worldwide Economic Collapse was expected to begin.         On
Sat. 15 June 15
 any bank not Basel 3 compliant would be closed.         Wed.
17 July 
was the end of the New World Order, with Q Tuesday start of
the Golden Age. …The 17th Letter
(JFK Jr.) on Telegram

         Tues.
6 Aug. 
Worldwide Web Takeover Declass. …The
17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram
         Sun. 1 Sept. 2024: “The greatest comeback in World History
will unfold. Everything you’ve known and seen will become perplexing. You won’t
believe your eyes. America will erupt. PATRIOTS WILL PREVAIL. AMERICA WILL
TRIUMPH. The house of cards will collapse.” …The 17th Letter
(JFK Jr.) on Telegram

B. Global
Currency Reset:
        Mon. 10 June 2024
 “Hi guys I received an
official announcement from the Pentecostal group that they will be shutting
down all operations by Thurs10 June. We are
definitely close my friends.”

        Mon.
10 June 2024 MarkZ:
 “Many of my Bond people are expecting
payment Tues or Wed. 11,12 June. Most sources say we will go
within three days of when the Bonds go.”

        Sun.
9 June 2024 Anon:
 “We learned from our call this afternoon that the PM
of Iraq has announced that Iraq has revalued their currency and the rate is
over $4.00. We expect to be at the bank by Mon. or Tues. –
which may be too early because we have to wait 10 days after they announced the
HCL (on June 3) according to today’s info. (which would take it to Thurs.
13 June

        Mon. 10 June 2024 TNTina: “My daughter was blessed today when she logged
into her account to pay her monthly payment on her college loan with FASFA and
the remaining balance of $19,000 was zeroed out. My kids finally believe me now
that NESARA/GESARA is real.”

C. Global
Financial Crisis:
         Feds
Acknowledge Sanctions Led To De-Dollarization. BRICS:
 The Feds
acknowledge that the White House pressing sanctions against developing countries
led to de-dollarization.         Mon.
10 June 2024 There were 63 US Banks
 on the brink of insolvent collapse
according to the FDIC.

         US
Congressman Thomas Massie
 says the world is going to stop using the US
Dollar as the global reserve currency.          Utah
Senator from Utah Mike Lee
 has introduced legislation to ‘End the

         Former
Federal Reserve chairman, Alan Greenspan:
 “The U.S. can pay any
debt it has because we can always print money to do that.” This is why
your living costs continue to skyrocket every year. Endless money creation by
central banks dilutes the value of the money already in circulation, forcing
prices to rise incess

         Putin
urges major expansion of Russian financial markets,
 cutting use of
Western currencies, Economic Times           Mon.
10 June 2024
 Saudi Arabia partners with BRICS & attends meetings
hosted in Russia.

D. The
Real News for Mon. 10 June 2024:
         Mon.
10 June 2024 France: 
Macron dissolves the National Assembly in France
after the disastrous defeat in EU elections, calls new legislative elections.     Mon. 10 June
2024 California: Sherriff’s Arrest Over 50 People Involved in Violent Street
Takeover In California.
 The Gateway Pundit, Sharika Soal. 

         Mon.
10 June 2024 Democrat Atlanta Prosecutor Jailed For Stealing $15 Million of
Covid Funds
 to Buy Rolls Royce and 10-Carat Diamond Ring. Shelitha
Robertson, 62, of Atlanta was found guilty of multiple counts of fraud,
including conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud itself, and money
laundering in December. Robertson on Friday was sentenced by U.S. District
Judge Steven D. Grimberg to seven years, three months in prison to be followed
by three years of supervised release.           Former
IRS Agent
 has explained why income tax is voluntarily and if enforced
is technically illegal.

         Mon.
10 June 2024:
 BOOOM! Real Disclosure Leaks Begin: CIA Overthrows
Over 70 Countries Worldwide, Coup vs. Coup in the United States, The Return of
Donald Trump, and More

E. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and
Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and housed in China’s Three
Gorges Dam in the 1500 mile tunnel that runs between the Vatican and Jerusalem:

         On
15 May 2024 a French Documentary about Eight Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors was
released called “The Survivors”
 Les Survivantes – Bande Annonce Officielle

         The
American College of Pediatricians just put out a statement calling out all the
major medical associations by name for pushing the gender transition craze on
 They ask for these groups to “IMMEDIATELY stop the promotion
of social affirmation, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries for
children and adolescents who experience distress over their biological
sex.” They link to MANY studies on their site:

         Pope
Ratzinger was executed in 2021
 for Crimes Against Humanity:Wed. 2
June 2021 
Vatican, Canadian Gov, Pfizer, Bayer, Eli Lilly Genocide
of 60,000 Native Children
, Thurs. 24 Sept. 2020: Vatican Pedophile Network Closed as Gold Repatriated
to US Treasury
, Fri. 8 March 2019: Vatican No Longer Blackmails World Leaders, Though Do
Child Sacrifice

F. Covid/Vax/Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/
Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride,
Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

         No
surprise that fluorescent nanoparticles
 have been found in Coca-Cola
and Pepsi products. This is an absolute nightmare.

         Dr
 The mRNA injections change your cells. Your cells are
instructed to make prions. Prions cause encephalitis (brain holes).
Encephalitis looks just like dementia. Now we’re seeing it in young people. No

         Weight
Loss Drugs Lead to Organ Failure:
           Mon.
10 June 2024 Dr. McCullough reports
, “There are now several manuscripts by
[Dr. James] Thorp and colleagues indicating that women who take the vaccine,
particularly during pregnancy, have a much HIGHER rate of having a miscarriage
or stillbirth, as well as premature delivery.” There was also a “fourfold
increased risk of birth defects” in a small Pfizer clinical of vaccinating
women.“Broadly, the vaccines interfere with the female menstrual cycle,” Dr.
McCullough says. A systematic review by Nazir and colleagues looked at 14
studies with over 78,000 vaccinated women. They discovered that 52.05% of women
had menstrual issues after COVID vaccination.

G. Wars
and Rumors of Wars:
         Mon.
10 June 2024: Russian Navy including a nuclear submarine
 have arrived
in Havana harbor just off the coast of Florida for war games with Cuba.         Russia
is planning to deploy nuclear ICBMs
 to Cuba, Mexico, and Venezuela, in
response to NATO deploying nuclear weapons to Eastern Europe – Russian TV

         Mon. 10 June 2024: The Russian flotilla of warships for war games or war is off Melbourne, Florida,
118 miles from MarALago.

Illuminati Zionist Deep State Cabal Globalist Agenda 2030:
         In
1994, 160 Nations 
agreed to reduce the world population to 800 Million
by 2030.

         So
when do we have the conversation about George Soros funding protests in our
country every election season?
 A Hungarian oligarch, who assisted the
Nazis in rounding up Jews in WW2, has extreme influence over our politicians,
District Attorneys, Judges, media, and funds all the Left-wing protests. This
man has far more control over our country than any one politician, and he is an
unelected foreign oligarch, whose mission is to destroy the United States from
within. Not a conspiracy theory anymore. This is coordinated.

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