Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 22, 2024


are watching a movie and a lot of what we are seeing was completely bullshit
and fake. The whole election was fake, along with a fake inauguration, fake
executive orders and a fake Oval Office. Right now the Military was controlling
our country until the new elections in a couple of months. The Vatican owned
the corrupt DC Corporation and that was no longer. It would soon be a republic
for which it stands under the Constitution as originally intended. Many corrupt
DC rats and Hollywood pedophiles have gone to jail and/ or been executed for
crimes of High Treason and Conspiracy. Many more are in the process of meeting
justice via Military Tribunals. Things will be made public in time, and very
soon. No more secrets. No more games.”

…Ezra Cohen, Former Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and
Security under Trump.

     Major Cyber Attacks affect
430 hospitals and car dealers nationwide.

     Fri. 21 June 2024: Major
False Flag Alert!
Hunter Biden Found Guilty. Russian Sub being
hunted off US Coast. Do not get distracted. Incoming False Flag.

     Fri. 21 June 2024 Warning
Total Blackout happening now in the Balkans:

The power Grid has collapsed. Complete Darkness. “Good evening. I live in the
Balkans, in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The information is correct that today we
had no electricity for 3-4 hours. There was no electricity in: Montenegro,
Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Greece.

     Fri. 21 June 2024: Trump
intends to eliminate income tax and replace it with tariffs on imported goods.

This would be a massive blow to the Central Bank Cabal. Quite possibly the
single most devastating blow President Trump could bring to the Globalists.
With a cessation of income tax feeding the fiat debt machine, the Federal
Reserve would be FORCED to dissolve into the abyss. It would be the END OF THE

     Alexander Soros and Barack
worked together to get Donald Trump removed
from the Colorado ballot. Barack Obama, the shadow president controlling the
Biden Administration. Alexander Soros, the shadow money financing the entire

     Fri. 21 June 2024: BOMBSHELL! Make GITMO Great Again! A Military Tribunal In GITMO: List of
Those Believed Named in Over 700,000 Sealed Indictments

 Fri. 21
June 2024:
Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Biden Gone. Trump Back. US Military Interim
Government in Place. Mass Arrests in Full Force – Beginning At The White House.
. .

Global Currency Reset:

 Fri. 21
June 2024 Texas Snake: “
been awhile since I last posted however I only post when the info is confirmed.  The Wells Fargo Banker responsible for five
states exchange centers has advised that all his trained specialists will be on
a one hour call to their assigned
positions all this coming weekend
and were cautioned this event could very
well be activated so they should be aware of their duties for the next several
First they
schedule appointments then they operate the necessary machinery at the various
banks to complete the exchanges for US currency.

21 June 2024 Wolverine member: “
Hi Wolverine, my friend who
is a HSBC bank manager here in Australia for the RV just told me that he was on
call from now all weekend.”  Wolverine: “They were expecting for the
funds to be released yesterday but it was cancelled. It looks like we are going
to have our celebration on the weekend. It’s going to be a shotgun start.”

21 June 2024 MarkZ:
“Lots of anticipation for this weekend. Two different bank
contacts from two different states said they are on one hour call for this weekend.”

21 June 2024 TNT Tony Call:

is ready to go. All the Banks had more meetings this week and were told the
same briefing. Banks were told there was a 99% chance that it would go public tonight, or this weekend. Everyone is excited
about this weekend. Our first
opportunity is later today, or we will
see it this weekend.
They are working extended hours this weekend.”

bankers went in at 5:00am today in anticipation for something to happen

this afternoon, which still could happen at any moment. As of right now, our
first opportunity is after 4:00pm today or anytime over the weekend.

contacts in FL, NY, Chicago and Indiana

advised that they had all received massive amounts of money, in preparation for
this to occur.

advised that there will be security in the parking lots
as well as inside of the banks. “Some people” told Tony that it started 2 days
ago, and that it “just hasn’t gotten to us yet.”

banks advised that it has started for them
and that as of yesterday, people who had SKR funds pending were supposed to “be
showing live” in their accounts.

“technical issues” from last Friday were apparently still missing a component,
which has now been resolved
. The electronic and
physical issues were previously satisfied, however, satellite transmission
capabilities for fund transfers are now complete.

staff have been informed
that they will be working
extended hours this weekend.

is no “fussing or fighting” in Iraq
, there has been no mention
of the budget, the only issue being reported on, is their focus on recovering
the stolen money.

advised that a contract rate of $28.50 for the Dinar

should be available to those who ask for it.

was asked how certain he was,
that this was finally our
weekend and his response was “99%.”

received a text during the call
which made him laugh, and
he stated that “the word is, that the sooner we get off the phone, the sooner
things get started.”

Global Financial Crisis:

21 June 2024: President Putin
says over 60% of trade
between Russia and Vietnam is now conducted without the US Dollar and Euro.

Restored Republic: What We Think We Know
as of Sat. 22 June 2024:

the political scene right now we are dealing with a scripted movie. Ezra Cohen,
Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security during the
Trump Administration, explained,
“We are watching a movie
and a lot of what we are seeing was completely bullshit and fake. The whole
election was fake, along with a fake inauguration, fake executive orders and
fake Oval Office. Right now the Military was controlling our country until the
new elections in a couple of months. The Vatican owned the corrupt DC
Corporation and that was no longer. It would soon be a republic for which it
stands under the Constitution as originally intended. Many corrupt DC rats and
Hollywood pedophiles have gone to jail and/ or been executed for crimes of High
Treason and Conspiracy. Many more are in the process of meeting justice via
Military Tribunals. Things will be made public in time, and very soon. No more
secrets. No more games.”

Trump was inaugurated in 2016 he put an Interim Military US Government in place
to run the country. Ever
since the USA has been functioning under
Martial Law
with Donald Trump as Commander-in-Chief over the US Military.

in the Pentagon had been preparing for this for over twenty years.

They knew that the US government was corrupt throughout including Congress and
the three letter agencies.

Joe Biden was said to have been arrested by
the Military, tried for Treason and Pedophilia, found guilty and executed at
GITMO. He has been played by actors ever since, mainly Arthur Roberts.   

Since the 2021 “inauguration” of Actor
, there
has been two US governments in force:
(1) a legitimate Interim
Military US Government empowered by the Constitution and the Department of
Defense under Military Code 11.3, and (2) an illegal, fraudulent foreign
paid-for, foreign controlled (on the foreign ground of the District of
Columbia) Biden Administration.

would remain as Commander-In-Chief of the US Military

until all those who committed treason were arrested, including those who
certified the illegal 2020 Election.

that role after his 2016 inauguration, Trump immediately hired US Attorney
General for Utah John Huber and 740 investigators
look into alleged crimes of at least 140 Congress people and other political
elites including Hillary Clinton. They later named these people in over
223,000+ sealed indictments filed in federal courts across the nation, while
other traitor’s cases were processed through State Grand Juries.

21 June 2024:
BOMBSHELL! Make GITMO Great Again! A Military Tribunal In GITMO: List of
Those Believed Named in Over 700,000 Sealed Indictments

those, 85% to 95% indicted were Democrats
intermixed with a few Rino Republicans. The majority of charges were said to be
pedophilia, child exploitation, misappropriation of US Taxpayer funds and
conspiring with foreign powers to influence the 2020 Presidential Election – an
act of Treason. Some serious charges couldn’t be brought because Obama pardoned
so many during his last days in office.

elected officials were said to be conspiring with foreign powers

led by the Chinese Communist Party, to interfere with the 2020 Election.

By 2024 there was said to be over 450,000 sealed
indictments against Global and Political Elites which had been filed in federal
courts across the nation. It was
reported that when Global Elites were served, “The deal that they got was that
if they gave information that was useful, they could have a better death, or a
jail cell for life. Obama gave up Michelle, and then breached his warrant.”

June of 2024
Charlie Ward reported
“Of the 450,000 indictments and Tribunals held we are in the last 5-10,000 to
complete.” As of 1 May 2024 another 500,000 sealed indictments were released to
arrest Judges, attorneys,
mayors and governors. In addition, Space Force along with other military from around the world, have
arrested over 8,000,000 Nazi Cabal Deep State Treasonous Traitors.

arrest list has come out of elected politicians who have committed treason

and crimes of pedophilia used to blackmail them for their vote. Of 100 Senators
on the list, 93 had been charged with treason. Even more members of the
Democratic Congress (a suspected 80%) also faced treason charges.

Military under Trump had also been tasked
with conducting a return to a gold/asset-backed
dollar and to insure that the US Republic was restored to original laws of the
Constitution as written prior to

operation for the US return to the Gold Standard actually began in Jan. 2020
during a government shutdown for Covid.
Trump was said to have reorganized several
agencies including the US Treasury, IRS and Federal Reserve. Now the US Military had control of
all assets including taxpayer dollars at the new US Treasury near Reno.

Election Fraud:

was a Sat. 9 Jan 2020
raid by US Military
Special Op Teams on CIA Headquarters in Langley Virginia. The raid produced
firm evidence that the CIA, Democrats and other traitors had conspired with
foreign entities led by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), to interfere in the
2020 Election.

many years the Chinese Communist Party

(not the Chinese government, which was working to become a democracy) had been
involved in a takeover of America. That war culminated when just prior to the
2020 US Presidential Election, the CCP bought Dominion Voting machines that in
collusion with the Democratic Party, CIA and Vatican, threw millions of Trump
votes to Biden.

prior to the 2020 Election Trump
made sure every state was
sent watermarked ballots in which to print names of those running in the 2020
Election. A Military count of those water marked 2020 Election Ballots later
confirmed that Trump won in every state but one with an over 80% win.

CCP paid for and the CIA developed Smartmatic Software and Dominion Voting
while conspiring with the Vatican, Italian
Government and other communist parties to throw Trump votes to Biden in the 2020 Election.

in 2019 Biden’s actor knew the 2020 Election would be cooked and even said so
in public,
“We have put together the most comprehensive
voter fraud organization in the history of politics and you guys did it for the
Obama Administration also”:
Joe Biden brags about having “the most extensive and inclusive VOTER
FRAUD organization” in history.

Democrats were so confident of the set up for 2020 Election fraud

that they had the Biden actor brag that he didn’t need US citizen votes to get
Joe Biden Tells Voters “I Don’t Need You To Get Me Elected”

the 2020 Election Ukraine Courts had ruled

that Biden had stolen billions from their country:

before that US Vice President Biden had bragged about blackmailing

the Ukraine prosecutor:

Thurs. 28 Jan. 2020
certain traitors in both
the House and Senate recognized Trump as the acting US President when they
voted, again, to try to impeach him. Under rules of the Constitution you could
not impeach a US President if he didn’t presently hold the office.

of the 2020 Election Fraud tactics worked for the Democrats – but they didn’t
know it.
Within days of the fraudulent 2020 Election
the US Military had completed and verified an official count of watermarked
ballots that proved Trump won the election by an over 80% vote.

that point the Military
decided to keep Biden in
as a so-called president of the bankrupt US Inc. in order to charge them with
the crimes they would commit. Obama had pardoned so many that they needed new
crimes in order to convict them.

prior to Biden’s pre-recorded-in-Hollywood-by-Castle Rock Entertainment
, Washington
DC, Capitol Hill and the White House were secured within miles of barbed wire
fences and 60,000 National Guard troops. Over a week later, over 30,000 troops
and the barbed wire fencing remained.

two days after the Jan. 20 2021
Inauguration the Military was said to have
gathered over 200 elected officials from various state governments. They were
said to have taken them for a helicopter rides, forcing them to confess about
crimes of treason in regard to foreign interference (including the Chinese
Communist Party) in the 2020 Election.

Mon. morning 25 Jan. 2021from 3am to 6am

arrests of 80 to 140 Congress people were underway at Capitol Hill – after
which Congress seemed to have disappeared.
House cancels business during first full Biden week – Washington Times US Military at the White House Arresting Congress

war between the CCP and the US actually ended on
Thurs. 28 Jan. 2020.  Former Navy Intelligence officer Simeon
Parkes reported a showdown
in the South China Sea. The CCP had been trying to take over Taiwan. Taiwan was
where gold was stored that would back countries including the US, for a Global
Currency Reset. Parks said that there were air battles between America and
Taiwan fighter jets against CCP jets and “the CCP lost big time.”

New World Order
had lost their war. A banker source out of

Zurich said they had promised to settle everything by Fri. 29 Jan.


Jan. 2 2020 Military Tribunals
were said to have already
began at GITMO for high profile elites such as the Clintons, Obamas and Bushes.
Charges against them were believed to include Capital High Treason, Election
Fraud, Child Sex Trafficking, Money Laundering, Misappropriation of US Taxpayer
Funds, plus Uranium One, 9/11 and Benghazi crimes.

State Special prosecutor Robert Mueller

was believed to have been charged for his involvement in the 9/11 cover-up (he
was appointed FBI Director 7 days before 9/11 and oversaw 9/11 so-called
“investigations”), plus he conducted an ongoing fake Russian witch-hunt against

that Saturday morning 9 Jan. 2020
there had been two
attempts on Trump and his wife Melania’s lives (there were said to have been
twelve plus such attempts since he gained office). Trump had had enough. He
immediately instigated the Insurrection Act (put into law by George Bush Jr.
after 9/11), and then turned his authority over to the US Military.

Jan. 11 2021
Trump was believed to have been inaugurated
as president of the Restored Republic. 
That position was later confirmed on July 4 2021 at Mt. Rushmore where JFK Jr. was sworn in as Trump’s
Vice President.

US Military was restoring the US Republic
to laws underlying the original
Constitution as written prior to
1871. That election was planned
to be held on 4 March 2021 through
use of a transparent, secure and instantaneous Quantum Voting Computer where
citizens could vote using their own computers, or phones.

Jan. 18 2021
the US Military began sweeping arrests of

19 Jan. 2021
with overwhelming evidence of voter fraud
yet to be allowed a court hearing, the US was said to have been officially
placed under Martial Law until a new election could be held. That announcement
was sent to all Mass Media outlets for release – though none would put out the
information – in more acts of treason.

20 Jan. 2021 Actor Arthur Roberts calling himself Joe Biden,
was sworn in as president of a bankrupt
and defunct US Inc. Corporation.
actual Inauguration
was said to be filmed on a Castle Rock
Entertainment stage in Hollywood two weeks prior to 20 Jan. 2021 Inauguration Day.

On Mon. 15 Feb. 2021 lights were again out
at White House and there were reports of gun fire. Witnesses reported that they
were using a vast amount of tunnels under the White House to move prisoners. On
that same Mon. 15 Feb. in the early
morning hours at least 5-6 police cars loaded up from the White House, left,
and returned five or six times.

On Thurs. 18 Feb. 2021 at 3am EST dozens
of Military Attorneys JAGS arrived at the White House, 20,000 troops had been
sworn in as US Marshalls, at least half of Congress were in the process of
being arrested, a convoy of buses arrived at Capitol Hill, emptied groups of
what appeared to be JAG lawyers and then were filled with what appeared to be

Tues. evening 23 Feb. 2021
thousands of rounds were
heard fired around Capitol Hill. It was rumored that over 200,000 Chinese
troops (CCP) were in underground tunnels and bases around Washington D.C. and
said to have been there for months. The US military was clearing them out.

that same
evening 23 Feb. 2021
there were pictures of people in orange jump suits
with black hoods on their head, being taken out of the fenced in area of D.C.
It was said that there were many found hiding in Congress buildings and being
hunted down.

the next four years one of the two US Governments
in charge of Biden and making him sign blank Executive Orders on a stage set of
the Oval Office. The White House was said to be empty.

the Actor Biden pretended to be US President
Trump was heading US, Russian and Indian forces that were helping China’s
President Xi invade the Chinese Mainland to remove the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) and install an interim democratic government.

 In the early Mon. morning hours of 17 June
2024 between 3 and 6 am
a blackout occurred in Washington DC around
the White House. Police, US troops, Military vans, buses and police cars were
everywhere loading up passengers, taking them down the road and across a bridge
and then coming back empty to do a repeat. When it was over and seemingly on Q,
fireworks lit up the sky.

21 June 2024: Evidently within the last month or so

the Supreme Court privately heard and made a decision on the Brunson Case that
alleged Congress failed to investigate allegations of 2020 Voter Fraud before
certifying the 2020 election. If a public announcement of a positive decision
was made it would automatically dissolve the Biden Administration and all of

This week there were massive internet and
network outages on the East Coast
said to be a cover for Special Operations (SOF) units
making arrests of Deep State bad guys. It was likely that rolling blackouts
would occur in other areas of the country as arrests were being made.
Communications would be cut off for a short period of time.

which had been functioning of fiat US Dollars
since 2008, were set to collapse this coming weekend.

The Real News for Fri. 21 June 2024:

21 June 2024: Massachusetts is spending $5,400 monthly per room for migrants,

overwhelming small towns and cities outside of Boston:

21 June 2024: A top leader of the infamous international gang MS-13 was
at George Bush Intercontinental Airport in
Houston. Cesar Humberto Lopez-Larios (45) known as one of the original “Twelve
Apostles of the Devil,” was on the run for over 3 years and was finally
apprehended on Sunday.  He oversaw the
bloodthirsty gang’s rise in El Salvador and the U.S. starting in 2002, and sat
in MS-13’s inner circle, which ran military-style training camps and ordered
murders, assaults, kidnapping, drug dealing, extortion and other crimes.

Election Fraud:
4.8 MILLION ballots trafficked in the 2020
Election. 7% of mail-in ballots were trafficked in every Swing State True the
Vote has looked in. “It’s an organized crime that was perpetrated on

21 June 2024 Emergency Message From Q, Trump:

21 June 2024: Candace Owens believes that there is credible evidence that
France’s First Lady Brigitte Macron was born a male and that they are covering
it up.
-Pictures they used to “debunk”
show her older brother looking remarkably just like her but her older brother
in family pictures that people believe is actually “her” has
inexplicably gone missing. I’m sure it’s nothing. -The mainstream media has
been saying this is crazy without providing any proof. -Respected French
genealogists worked on this story, and they determined that Brigitte Macron did
not exist for the first 30 years of “her” life. There are no photos
of her pregnant. They sent the Secret Service out to intimidate and detain the
person who was investigating this story. -Another journalist who dug into this
story could not debunk the story, she was tracked down by the Secret Service to
silence her. -They are alleging that Brigitte was born male. -Brigitte does not
seem to know her own age. -The second photograph the media used to debunk her
being a man has been found to be debunked itself. It’s actually a re-colorized
photo of her daughter. They “accidentally” put out a picture of the
daughter and not her. -Brigitte has 3 kids. But no one has seemed to have seen
a photograph a picture of her pregnant. Remind you of anyone? -They photos when
Brigitte was a teacher where she covered her neck for an entire year, the same
exact timeframe she would have gotten an Adam’s apple surgery. -Brigitte is a
pervert. She was a teacher and she was attracted to a 14 year old Macron while
being married with three kids. She left her husband for a 14-year-old child.
-Brigitte’s Ex-Husband is gone. No one can find him. Not suspicious at all,
folks! The “elites” lie about everything. Would this really be that
surprising? What do you think? Is Brigitte a man or a woman?

21 June 2024: I Hope This Makes The Idaho Water Shutoff To Farmers Real For
People. Idaho is fining Farmers $300 PER ACRE for using water.

Farmers are already declaring bankruptcy. There are two farmers from eastern
Idaho who have just received their water shutoff orders. “We just got our
curtailment letter from the Idaho Department of Water Resources and they’re
telling us we have to shut our eight wells off. Shut our water off?” — “They
want us to shut our water off. — They want us to turn our wells off. The
reservoirs are full, yet we’re being told we cannot water 500,000 acres of
crops. Thing. If you decide that you’re just gonna keep watering, they’re going
to fine you $300 per acre. Well, if you’re just growing a crop like hay, it
doesn’t make $300 an acre. You’re just gonna lose money on that. You look on
the curtailment paper it’s not just farmers it’s commercial businesses.”

E. International Child Sex Trafficking,
Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and housed in
China’s Three Gorges Dam in a 1500 mile tunnel that also runs between the
Vatican and Jerusalem:

21 June 2024: Mark Zuckerberg’s social media app
now alarmingly recommending explicit adult reels to children as young as 13
years old. This is not the first time a Mark Zuckerberg-controlled app has
faced such allegations. Last December, New Mexico Attorney General Raúl Torrez
claimed that Facebook and Instagram are enabling child predators to find and
contact minors. These predators would force children into providing photos of
themselves and to participate in pornographic videos. With accusations like
this surrounding Mark Zuckerberg, should he even be allowed to have a secret
underground bunker in Hawaii?

13 May 2023:
Tortured Children Rescued From Capitol Hill; Obama, Clinton, Biden Caught
Raping, Killing Children in Satanic Rites

21 June 2024 Tenn. Priest Indicted on Additional Sex Crime


21 June 2024:
According to court records from 1998, famous
actor and producer Robert De Niro was a client of an international prostitution
ring that trafficked children for the rich and famous. He was never charged
with anything.

F. Covid/Vax/Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/
Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem
trails/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

has been routinely induced by VACCINES since 1960:

21 June 2024 Japan: Billions of Dying Vaxxed Have Dementia:

21 June 2024:
Ginger – 10,000x Stronger than Chemo – Taxol in Cancer Research Model

21 June 2024 Bird Flu
– “I think we have to
start vaccinating the high risk farm workers. We have a stock pile of vaccines.
We need to nip this in the bud before it becomes more transmissible.” Legacy
Media was already promoting vaccines & suggesting Bird Flu could become a
‘Global Pandemic.’

21 June 2024: White fibrous clots being removed from a living vaccine recipient

supplied to me via the person the surgeon removing them sent it to. I’m sure
you can hear what he says – it is one of many.

21 June 2024:
The Biden administration is seeking to delay
until at least 2026 the release of COVID-19 vaccine safety data that has been
kept outside the government’s normal adverse events reporting system.

Satan Worshipping Illuminati Zionist Deep State Cabal Globalist Depopulation
Agenda 2030:

Lagarde, European Central Bank head,
believes “climate
change” requires a redesign of the entire economy and financial system, in
line with the “green” Net Zero transition, including the need to
“reduce our carbon footprint in everything we do, from banknotes to how we
supervise banks.”


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