Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of
June 29, 2024

Judy Note on What We Think We Know as of Fri.
28 June 2024:

know that SCOTUS has already decided on
(and very likely agreed with) two cases of
2020 Voter Fraud brought by Sidney Powell and the Brunson Brothers – a positive
decision on either of which would verify that Trump actually won the election
and was the sitting US President, while dissolving the Biden Administration and
all of Congress.

Friday Fox News announced that SCOTUS
will make an important announcement on Mon. 1 July, while word was floating
around that Trump would be back as US President sometime between Mon. 1 July and Fri. 5 July.

    – All of which added up to a likely very soon implementation of
Martial Law in the US until a new Election could be held.

·      “Last Night’s Debate provided enough material to fuel many generations of
comedians to come!”
… The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) Fri. 28 June 2024

·      Fri. 28 June 2024: Among documents released today was a video from security cameras in a
motel room during the 2020 Election. Biden and two governors were recorded on
tape planning a large-scale assassination of President Trump. 

·      Fri.
28 June 2024: Biden Could Be Criminally Prosecuted for the Murder of Nursing
Laken Riley. President Joe Biden faces potential criminal
prosecution for the alleged murder of nursing student Laken Riley.

·      Fri.
28 June 2024 evidence was released
that Princess Diana wrote down in her notes that the now King
Charles was planning to assassinate her and it would happen in a car accident
exactly like what actually happened.

·      Fri.
28 June 2024 Mass. Passes Law Allowing Sale of Unborn Babies:

·      The Federal Reserve has been hacked and over 33TB of Data was now missing.
Judy Note: Hummm …I wonder who would do that on the eve of the Global Currency
Reset and Trump’s return?

·      Five
U.S. States Suing Pfizer for Lying About COVID Vaccine Safety
and Efficacy: The pharmaceutical giant Pfizer
is under fire as five U.S. states have filed lawsuits accusing the company of
lying about the safety and efficacy of their COVID-19 vaccine. The
lawsuits claim that Pfizer manipulated data and withheld critical information,
potentially endangering millions.

·      Fri.
28 June 2024 Situation Update:

A. Timing

·      On Thurs. 27 June
2024 a source
at the Iraqi Airport in Baghdad used his
Iraqi debit card with the new Iraqi Dinar rate on it to access funds.

·      On Fri. 28 June 2024
evidence was released of Biden
and two
governors planning the assassination of President Trump in 2020, plus evidence
that Biden may be tied into the murder of Nursing Student Laken Riley.

·      On Sat. 29 June 2024 the new Iraqi Dinar Rate was scheduled to be published
in their Gazette.

·      On Sun. 30 June 2024 the Iraqi government has scheduled a celebration of the
new Iraqi Dinar Rate.

·      Fox News reported
that on Mon. 1 July 2024 SCOTUS was scheduled to make an important announcement
believed to be their decision on 2020 Voter
Fraud which could dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress,
reinstate Trump as the lawfully elected US President and place the US under
Martial Law until a new election could be held.

B. Global Currency Reset:

·      Fri.
28 June 2024 Wolverine: “
want you all to get ready as Iraq is going to have a massive celebration this Sunday 30 June. The RV is nearly here
and it’s going to be very emotional for all of us. I’ve been told that all
funds have been deposited to start payments for Nesara/ Gesara. I’m also
hearing good news coming from Reno as well. I’m also hearing that Biden will
quit after the debate as it was the most embarrassing performance by any USA
president in the history of the USA. People overseas are roasting the debate
and making a mockery of it. It’s a complete laughing stock. Trump will be
placed as the legitimate president of the USA this coming Monday 1 July according to a lot of intel. I pray that is true.”

·      Thurs.
27 June 2024 Bruce: On Thurs. 27 June a source
at the Iraqi Airport in Baghdad used his
Iraqi debit card with the new Iraqi Dinar rate on it to access funds. My
sources say Tier 4b notification could come the last three days of this month –
Fri, Sat or Sun. 28, 29, 30 June. Iraq
was planning
on celebrating their new Iraqi Dinar Rate on Sun. 30 June

·      Thurs.
27 June 2024 MarkZ:
The new
Iraqi Dinar Rate was fully expected in the month
of June
. Banking contacts say it will happen sometime between July 4-8, while outsiders were saying July 12-13.

·      Wed. 26 June 2024 Texas Snake: Wolverine confirmed my Intel
that the exchange process will begin in China move eastward to Europe and then
to the US.
As most know our
Saturday is Iraq’s Sunday.
The new Budget was included in the latest
Gazette but the rate was not given. I now have it from three different sources
that Iraq is planning a nationwide celebration for this Sunday 30 June. There are many foreign dignitaries in country for
the party and the rate will be announced and the new ATM’s with the new
currency will be opened. So this is my hoped for announcement for tomorrow Sat. 29 June. GOD Bless.

Fri. 28 June 2024 TNT Call:

·      Iraq
is ready to party on Sunday 30 June.

·      The
lower denomination Dinars
in the ATMs.

·      Banks
have been notified that the Dinar
is exchangeable once they get the go, which they are expecting between this evening Fri. 28 June and Sunday
morning 30 June.

·      Sudani
told the Iraqi people
there is going to be a change in the banks.

·      Tier
2 & 3 banks in the US

have also now been advised to “get ready.”

·      Banks
have been doing practice runs
for the last two days, and the biggest issues that keep occurring, were
with people not having their currency separated and organized.

·      The
is expected to be
published in the Gazette on Sat. 29

·      Bankers
from Indiana
Chicago, NY, NJ, FL and DC texted Tony during the call and advised that they
are ready, and that some of them are staying late tonight, and that some are starting early tomorrow morning.

·      Tony
that our window is
still any time after 4:00pm Eastern
today, through Sunday morning.

·      Ray
that it’s coming tonight Fri. 28 June, so that’s what
we’re all going to pray for.

C. Global Financial Crisis:

June 2024: Saudi Arabia will not be renewing
the 50-year petrodollar agreement with the United States.
Instead, they will be selling oil in
multiple currencies, including the Chinese RMB, Euros, Yen, and Yuan. This
should be treated as a black swan event, but you wouldn’t know it because the
U.S. government is more focused on investigating tire tracks over an LGBTQ
street intersection. Remember, the revolution will not be televised.

NEW YORK, June 27 (Reuters) – Ten large banks including Bank of America
(BAC.N), Goldman Sachs (GS.N), and JPMorgan Chase (JPM.N), will pay $46 million
to settle a long-running antitrust lawsuit accusing them of conspiring to rig
the now $465.9 trillion market, for interest rate swaps. Other settling banks
include Barclays (BARC.L), BNP Paribas (BNPP.PA), Citigroup (C.N), Deutsche
Bank (DBKGn.DE), Morgan Stanley (MS.N), NatWest (NWG.L), and UBS (UBSG.S)

D. Restored Republic:

John McAfee was about to expose some of the world’s
largest child traffickers and pedophiles before he “committed
suicide” in a Spanish prison, where he was held on fabricated tax charges.
McAfee provided government secretaries with laptops containing viral spyware,
allowing him to control the entire government computer system. McAfee’s web
security software was used on computers at the White House, granting him access
to Hillary Clinton’s emails and those of other high-level politicians. Hillary
Clinton denied him entry into the United States. McAfee always insisted he was
never suicidal. Yesterday, marked the three-year anniversary of his

Fri. 28 June 2024 Julian

This is it. The hour is upon us and I am bringing the storm of the century.
History in the making. Welcome to the main event, patriots. It’s showtime. A
show so big that will leave everyone speechless. They are not ready for it!
After 1 WEEK I will lock this channel down to PRIVATE, which means you will
only be able to access with provided INVITE LINK. You will not be able to JOIN
or VIEW my channel, unless you JOINED before the lockdown. It must be this way
so no one can stop me from SPREADING THE TRUTH. This will last until the
control. 20-40 Million Patriots Worldwide. You have 1 WEEK to join this
channel. After that I will deactivate invite links. SHARE this channel and only
this CHANNEL. I am here on Telegram and nowhere else. No other sites. All of
you need to understand that it had to be this way. Soon you will realize the
meaning of this. EVERY LIE WILL BE REVEALED. Prepare backups. Archive
everything. They will try to shut us down, but they won’t stop us WE WILL

E. Illuminati Take Down – It Went Like
Clockwork: Thurs. 8 Oct. 2020
Global Currency Reset, Illuminati Taken Down, Millions of Children

·      For centuries thirteen Illuminati Bloodline
Families headquartered in Venice Italy
, ruled the World by
ownership of the global monetary system that they controlled through a worship
of Satan. Their Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult regularly held across the Globe,
sex orgies, human sacrifice rites and torturous Mind Control of child victims
whom they kidnapped, or mainly produced themselves.

·      As Head of the Cabal Deep State Globalists,
the thirteen Illuminati Bloodline Families claimed to be descendants of Cain
(Canaanites) with ranks that included names such as Poseur, Kennedy,
Rockefeller (Hillary Rockefeller Clinton), Onassis, Carnage, Bush and

·      By 1832 they had set up and owned the Vatican Bank and organized
Central Banks
across the World including all twelve major
banks such as JP Morgan, Goldman Sacs, Barkleys, HSBC and Chase.

·      The thirteen Illuminati Bloodline Families
were behind the Act of 1871 that instigated the Corporation of
the US of America, or District of Columbia that threw away our Constitution.

·      In 1914 the Illuminati Bloodline Families signed a 99 year lease on
the Chinese Elder’s gold and began illegally laundering US taxpayer monies through their privately owned Federal Reserve, IRS,
tax offices, Central Banks and corporations – Washington DC, City of London and
the Holy See in Vatican City.

·      The Vatican Bank was in
charge of the money laundering
banksters, politicians and other elites filled their pockets. These Vatican
Bank accounts, along with Vatican-run Ninth Circle Satanic Cult child sex
trafficking, drug and gun running rings, were used to blackmail political
elites to do the Cabal’s bidding and thus control the World’s population.

·      The Plan to change all that
has been 117 years in the making
Nikola Tesla and Van de Graaf first met to figure out workings of this Deep
State in 

·      Ninety years later by 1993 during HW Bush’s
, the Bloodline Family’s 99 year lease on the Chinese Elder’s
gold ran out (notice the Satanic numbers of 90-1993-99 connection).

·      Around the year 2000 the Global Military
Alliance formed
to take down the Cabal. Twenty
years later as of 
2020 that
Alliance was composed of President Trump, Russian President Vladimir
Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi,
India Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Q (composed of around 100 influential
figures), QAnon (headed by JF Kennedy Jr), Pentagon Generals, the National
Security Agency and various militaries across the globe including the
international force authorized to make arrests in any country, Interpol.

·      Fourteen years after the
Cabal’s lease ran out by 2008 (notice the Satanic numbers of 7+7=14),
the Cabal and global
monetary system,
was functioning on a fiat US dollar. The Cabal couldn’t
even pay interest owed on their lease of gold from the Chinese Elders so
created a “mortgage crisis” that took even more monies from US Taxpayers.

·      2008 was when the BRICS Alliance
(Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) formed for the purpose of taking
the global financial system away from the Deep State Cabal and giving it back
to The People through changing currencies of the world to gold/asset-backed.

·      Five
years later on 21 March 2013
 the Gold Treaty was signed by (eventually) 209 nations.

·      Five
years after that in 2018,
 President Trump signed the National Quantum Initiative
into law, which established the
National Quantum Coordination Office (NQCO) and Quantum Computer that handled
the Quantum Financial System, along with a secure, transparent voting system
for elections.

·      A
year later on Oct. 16 2019
 US Marines and Special Forces rescued over 2,100 caged
babies and children
beneath the China Lake Navy
facility in California. Since then tortured, malnourished children and corpses
in the millions have been found in a sophisticated network of Deep Underground
Military Bases (DUMBS) that ran beneath the US, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Asia
and across Europe – all funded and run by the Cabal through an office at the
Vatican. Millions of children have been rescued by US, Interpol and other
military forces across the globe.

·      That
same month of Oct. 2019
 the Vatican was raided, after which global elite politician money laundering at the
Vatican Bank was exposed.
 An international military force
repatriated to the US Treasury, 650 plane loads of gold and cash from the
Vatican according to Charlie Ward, Ph. D, whose team secured the gold and
valuables. “The military also arrested 13-demon-bloodline families, Mafia
heads, the Pope and 350 personnel in the Vatican. Then they cleared out the
Vatican of cash, gold and valuables in 650 plane loads and flew it to Fort Knox
and other US Treasury locations”

·      As a result over 6,000 Vatican bank accounts
used to blackmail world leaders have been closed as the Vatican Bank lost their
status as a money-laundering center for the Satanic Ninth Circle Child
Sacrifice Cult’s global human trafficking, pedophile, gun and drug running

·      Five
months later by March 2020
 the Alliance had taken down the heads of the thirteen
Illuminati Bloodline families
Venice. Now it was on to arrests and military tribunals of political elites in
the US and across the Globe.

·      Six
months later by Sept. 20 of that year of 2020 AMG News Headlined:
 “GITMO to prepare for high level American prisoners.”

·      A
month later on Thurs. 1 Oct.
a dam broke to disclose Obamagate,
Bidengate, Fisagate, Russiagate and Fake Newsgate
, while arrests of political elites began. On that same Thurs. 1 Oct. at 12:0015
am EDT
 Q posted “Red October, Hunters Become the Hunted, Patriots in
Control, the Hunt is On”: 

·      On that same Thurs.
1 Oct.
 Trump was on Fox News saying, “We caught Comey, Hillary and

F. The Real News for Fri. 28 June 2024:

Fri. 28 June 2024 Situation
Update, Juan O Savin:

Thurs. 27 June 2024: Stage Set! Drop Clinton Crime Videos in Times
Square! 420,000 Indictments! Let the Unsealing Begin!

Thurs. 27 June 2024 CNN: “It’s Over For Joe Biden & The
Democrat Party: CNN Panel After The Donald Trump vs Joe Biden Presidential
Debate. If anybody in America thinks that that was even close to being an okay
debate by Joe Biden, I’m living in a parallel universe. That was an unmitigated
disaster for president Biden for the second he walked out to the closing

Fri. 28 June 2024 Supreme Court Thoroughly Rebukes Biden DOJ For Abusing Law
To Go After Trump And His Supporters:

Fri. 28 June 2024: It’s Over for Biden! The Dramatic End of
Biden’s Presidency and the Deep State’s Desperate Moves

Fri. 28 June 2024: Explosive Scandal: 51 CIA Traitors Exposed
for Lying About Hunter Biden’s Laptop to Rig the 2020 Election!

Fri. 28 June 2024: BQM!!!! President Trump’s 34-Second Truth
Bomb: Crooked Joe on the Golf Course at 12:55 AM EST

Fri. 28 June 2024: Tucker Carlson Reveals The Truth About Why
Julian Assange Was Released 2024

Fri. 28 June 2024: Explosive News They Don’t Want You To Know –
Top 10 Headlines the Media Didn’t Tell You This Week!

According To Joe Biden At The CNN Debate
Against Trump, there was zero evidence of Voter Fraud in America:

O’Keefe’s Veritas Exposed Ballot Fraud Taking Place Nationwide, Mainly
Democrats, Even Judges Buying Thousands Of Votes:
“So how much money are we talking? — just so
you know we’re talking between $5-$8 per vote” — I’m going to bring in 3500
votes to the plate nationwide. He was paying me $5,000 a month, but now he’s
paying me $8,000 a month. Some Texas Republicans secretly working for

she was also hired to help candidates
running for judge. “So, those three judges that you’re talking about, and
that’s her name? Renee Yanta, Nicole Garza, right? They’re paying me $3,500.
Me, $3,500 to make sure that their name is on the ballot,” she said.

is a Republican
and Garza is a Democrat. Rodriguez even said she looks
forward to judges, like Yanta, being in her debt. “Renee Yanta, she’s running
for [judge], so the thing is, I’m going to have people like that with me, like
in my pocket, you know what I’m saying?” she said.

“Rodriguez is more than just a political consultant. She directs a
team of more than a dozen operatives, who act as hired guns for Republicans and
Democrats looking to pay for votes. If Rodriguez is truly responsible for 7,000
votes delivered in Bexar County so far, it is a stunning example of how fragile
our republic has become.”

G. International Child Sex
Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and
housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam in a 1500 mile tunnel that also runs between
the Vatican and Jerusalem:

Ted Gunderson, Ex-FBI Chief, tried to warn everyone. Underground Tunnels
Exist Till This Day. Used For Satanic Rituals, Human Trafficking By The Elite,
& Even Members Of The White House.

Fri. 28 June 2024 Mass. Passes Law Allowing
Sale of Unborn Babies:

Sun. 28 June 2020 Clinton-Rothschild
Child Sex Trafficking Camp Refused Investigation, Destroyed

Fri. 28 June 2024: Alleged proof of Bill Clinton, Sir Richard
Branson (Virgin CEO), and Prince Andrew having CHILD SEX TAPES filmed by
Epstein himself, has surfaced in an email from one of the victims with the
latest document release.

Wed. 6 May 2020 Thousands of Tortured Children Rescued and
Found Dead by US Military

H. Fri. 28 June 2024 White Hat Intel:

The arrest of pedophile rings throughout the United States is picking up

This will be massive for 2024 – a collusion course with much bigger fish
than Epstein or P Diddy. It’s going to connect to the ex president and to the
US Attorney General – a massive ring.

Right now raids are happening through Florida and the

The once 200,000 Sealed Indictments are reaching 500,000.

This info comes from direct 3 LETTER agency sources and is
also hitting the info grid.

I. Covid/Vax/Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/
Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride,
Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

Thurs. 27 June 2024 Jesse Watters: “Dr. Fauci has tax payer funded
security after he retired which is strange. The only former govt. officials
usually get that kind of treatment. FAUCI has retired over a year now and he
still has a security. Why does Fauci needs so much security as a Doctor? He is not
the head of Intel Agency. Fauci, Big Pharma Tortuous Experiments on Foster
Children – Over 200 Died

J. Satan Worshipping Illuminati Zionist Deep
State Cabal Globalist Depopulation Agenda 2030:

The World Economic Forum touts ‘carbon
removal plants’
—each of
which removes five million tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere each year—as
“crucial to meeting global climate goals”, despite the fact that CO2
currently makes up just 0.04% of the atmosphere, and if it drops to half of
that, all plant life—and thus all animal and human life—will perish.

K. Urgent Insider Update: Major Changes on
the Horizon:

Biden’s Surprising Exit:

Breaking reports suggest President Biden may step down on
August 19, a date highlighted by insiders like U.S. Colonel Douglas Macgregor.

Speculations point to the CIA and DNC orchestrating this
unexpected move.

Michelle Obama to Take the Helm?

Exciting whispers reveal that Michelle Obama is in talks with
top CIA and DNC officials to step in as the new presidential candidate after
Biden’s departure. Judy Note: It is
my opinion that that can’t happen beings as Michelle (Michael) was reported to
have been hanged for Treason in 2020 – unless the Democrats plan on having
his/her clone or actor run – which wouldn’t be all that unreasonable since
that’s what they did with Biden.

Staged Events and Racial Tensions:

Alarming claims indicate a planned CIA/FBI operation to
stage a dramatic event, reminiscent of the George Floyd incident, aiming to
ignite racial tensions and support Michelle Obama’s campaign.

Trump Under Legal Siege:

Behind closed doors, plans are allegedly in motion to arrest
Donald J. Trump using strategic gag orders, particularly targeting actions in

This controversial move is rumored to shield Trump from a looming
economic collapse and ensuing civil unrest.

Secret Military Operations:

Unveiling the bigger picture, it’s suggested that military operations are
actively protecting Trump, setting the stage for significant strategic

Russiagate and Explosive Treason Claims:

Explosive revelations about Paul Ryan’s role in the Russian
Dossier scandal emerge, exposing it as a deliberate setup.

Bold accusations fly against the CIA, accused of using Soros funds to manipulate
voting laws through Secretary of State projects.

Federal Reserve Cyber Attack Drama:

The Federal Reserve faces a dramatic cyber attack, allegedly an
inside job by the Deep State to introduce a Central Bank Digital Currency.

Blame is cast on a Russian-linked gang, with threats to reveal America’s banking
secrets causing a stir.

Preparing for What’s Next:

This unfolding narrative hints at a grand military strategy, with every
move meticulously countered by white hats.

Prior insights provided to patriots now prove prescient,
preparing us for these critical operations and the battles ahead.


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