Restored Republic via
a GCR: Update as of March 16, 2024
JUDY NOTE: In Hawaii 4,800 remain homeless because of DEW
Attacks on Lahaina Maui. The Cabal wanted to make Lahaina into a SMART city, so
last August they burned it to the ground. There were still 4,800 displaced
homeowner victims of the Lahaina DEW Attack Fires who could use your help. Be
careful where you donate. The Cabal likes to use disasters they created to
steal your money. The Kingdom of Akua Foundation’s Malama Lahaina Website is
the only site dedicated to and run by the Hawaiian Native Peoples: Malama
Lahaina – Pūpūkahi i Holomua Donations (
· Fri. 15 March 100 Countries on High Alert for Massive Military Strike
on Global Elite Arrests, Quantum Gold Launch and Three Day Global Shutdown:
Over 100 countries have been placed on high alert as General Flynn takes the
helm, leading a coalition of 17 nations in what is being described as the
world’s largest military parade. This unprecedented assembly of force is
reportedly in preparation for mass detentions of global and political elites,
with charges signed at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. The
charges. A litany of accusations ranging from corruption to involvement in
human trafficking networks, implicating figures as high as Hunter Biden and,
allegedly, his father, Joe Biden.
· Fri. 15 March Washington DC: Thick black smoke rising above the
National Mall in Washington DC.· Fri. 15 March UK: McDonalds Cyber Attack
· Fri. 15 March Wyoming: Tucker Carlson Warns A 100ft
Wide Fissure-Crack JUST Opened The Yellowstone Volcano
· Fri. 15 March Dominion voter machines lost their lawsuit against Rudy
Giuliani and Sidney Powell. Giuliani and Powell were sued by Dominion for
liable for saying Dominion machines turned votes to Biden in the 2020 Election.
· Mon. 1 April: “FINAL DANCE” MAKE BACKUPS, BE READY: 03/22 – 03/28 …Mr.
Pool on Telegram 11 March 2024.
· JUDY NOTE: Is Mr. Pool talking about the EBS starting on Fri. 22 March
and going to the end of the month. Mon. 1 April is the Julian Calendar New
Year’s Day, and perhaps release of the GCR to the General Public.
· Mon. 1 April BRICS CURRENCY IS OUT and bye bye to the almighty dollar
that government officials have been using to steal the country dry
· Sat. 6 April was the date some believe was Christ’s actual birth day.
· Mon. 8 April Solar Eclipse: The Oklahoma National Guard will have
guardsmen present for the total solar eclipse on April 8. 22 members of an
elite Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear unit will be housed.
Residents are being urged to stock up with one to two weeks of food in advance
of the event. Communication facilities could become overloaded, possibly making
cell phone calls difficult.
· Fri. 15 March Hernán Robert Hbravo: Rubem BAZ says that the 12
Platforms were scheduled to launch last night Thurs. 14 March on RENO and the
launch of the 6 Platforms today Fri. 15 March in Zurich. Contracts will be sent
over the weekend and available funds will be released on Mon. 18 March.
Sovereign Buyers start their businesses next Wed. 20 March by sending
contracts, notifications, phone calls, etc. Today Fri. 15 March there will be a
global announcement from each country; regarding their currency being
asset-backed. The US announcement will be made by UST and the new USN banknotes
will be available. This will be the official start of Rescue and Rescue
Centers, and Notifications will be sent. The Exchange Centers will use the New
· Fri. 15 March FightBackEarthOfficial on Telegram: “My bondholder
attended an appointment today and departed with a non-disclosure agreement
(NDA). Two contacts from Iraq stated definitively that Iraq’s preparations were
complete, awaiting only approval from the US Treasury. Additionally, there’s a
story about a visit to Chase Bank: A customer met with a wealth manager in
private to discuss the Iraqi Dinar. The manager had just concluded his fifth
meeting on dinar rates. When asked about the expected release of the dinar
rate, the manager indicated it could be within the next three days”.
· Fri. 15 March Ginger Bank Story: “My Chase/JP Morgan Wealth Manager
guy was transparent, knew what was going on, shared info, and admitted he had
foreign currency and how he was focused on humanitarian needs. I am really
surprised he admitted what he did”.
· Fri. 15 March Wolverine, MarkZ: Over the weekend, especially in
Europe, the final transition to 20022 (or whatever) is activated. High
expectations for massive banking changes this weekend. My bank even notified me
that some services will not work overnight on Sunday. Member: My bank emailed
and said they were making some important updates before April 15th. Member: I
received a message from my bank saying that on the 17th, from 1:00 am to 5:00
am, there will be no service for all transactions. Member: Rumor has it that
Chinese Elders have paid off ALL debts worldwide at this time. So I’m resting
comfortably…without fear.
· Fri. 15 March The Basis of NESARA/GESARA is the Q Movement Taking Over
The Fed: Nesara / Gesara Fact – We Will Know Very Soon 2024
· Fri. 15 March Election Fraud (begins around 50 min.) Scott McKay &
Juan O’ Savin: This is It, Folks! It Must Be Said!!
· BANKING COLLAPSE Unveils Shocking Connections to Tribunals and War
Crimes! Prepare for the Unthinkable: Trillions of dollars in U.S. Treasury
Bonds are flooding back to Europe and 110 nations, revealing the alarming truth
that the U.S. Corporation is teetering on the brink of insolvency. Brace
yourself for the impending catastrophic COLLAPSE that will send shockwaves
throughout Europe and beyond.
· France’s brazen act of pilfering its citizens’ wealth has ignited
widespread riots and civil unrest.
· Hyperinflation in Germany is decimating the metal industry, crippling
weapons production, and pushing corporations to the edge of bankruptcy.
· The Deutsche Bank’s entanglement with Epstein’s dark connections and
its web of international ties, including Estonian banks, is unraveling, as
world courts launch far-reaching investigations that could shatter the global
banking system.
· Israel’s Descent into Chaos: An Unfolding Catastrophe. The nation of Israel
finds itself in dire straits as it hurtles towards an imminent COLLAPSE.
Concealing the true state of its markets, banks are fabricating gains as civil
unrest spirals into full-blown riots.
· Meanwhile, the colossal COLLAPSE of SVB BANKS in California, resulting
in a mind-boggling loss of $10 trillion, sets off a catastrophic domino effect
rippling across multiple countries. The COLLAPSE, underway for over a year and
a half, is finally unmasking the Deep State’s cover-ups and exposing their
false market reports.
· As the Biden administration trembles, governments worldwide teeter on
the brink, and the Military courts, along with the Alliance, silently monitor
the COLLAPSE, knowing that it will lead to military intervention. The intricate
web of connections between governments, worldwide money laundering operations,
bioweapon creation, and incitement of proxy wars through the U.S. heralds an
era of potential war crimes, crimes against humanity, and a global PLANDEMIC.
· The Global Event: We Stand at the Precipice of Chaos. Massive chaos
looms on the horizon, as citizens around the globe remain shockingly unprepared
for the impending COLLAPSE EVENT.
· On Thurs. 22 Feb. the Cabal capitulated, followed by Trump releasing
the final phase of The Plan – which was Mass Arrests. Those arrests were hoped
to be completed by Fri. 15 March.
· On Sat. 23 Feb. 2024 the World Trade Organization announced that Iraq
had completed all requirements to be accepted as a member including having set
their new Iraqi Dinar Rate, which the next day on Wed. 28 Feb, the Central Bank
of Iraq announced as $3.47. Then the Dinar went live on back screens of the
Forex for $2.70 and began fluctuating upward in value.
· By Thurs. 29 Feb. at around 7 pm EST Iraqi PM Al Suddani formally
announced that the Dinar was asset-backed and Iraq had officially joined BRICS.
· On Fri. 1 March, with various countries new currency rates having been
agreed upon, Iraq officially joined other BRICS nations for the Global Currency
Reset – exactly one year (March 2023) after the new Quantum Financial System
went live on the Star Link Satellite Network.
· On Thurs. 7 March after Actor Biden’s State of the Nation Address,
President Trump hit the Green Light that released the new gold/asset-backed US
Treasury note to the World.
· Fri. 15 March was the deadline to fund the US Government which,
according to the Federal Reserve, was already $34 Trillion in debt, rises by $1
trillion every 100 days and owes Social Security recipients another $175
Trillion, while Biden’s budget includes $289 billion to build illegal migrant’s
housing out of his $7.3 Trillion in new spending. The system is unsustainable.
Banks can no longer give loans on the fiat US Dollar. Fulford Sources in the
Japanese Imperial Family say the 15th is the date for a Financial Black Swan
· Fri. 15 March Breaking! President Trump Announces Military’s Covert
Operation to Replace Hospital Equipment with Med Beds by the End of the Year!
· “I believe your government should be the owner of your digital ID.”
President of the World Bank, Ajay Banga, calls for governments to construct a
“digital identity platform”—required by citizens for the receipt of
insurance, healthcare and education—that guarantees the “privacy” of
citizens. “If you don’t do that, you will run into trouble with the
acceptance of the idea.” Um, the reason people oppose digital ID in the
first place is precisely BECAUSE it’s a violation of privacy, by its very
nature—enabling governments to centrally monitor, regulate and restrict the
intricate details of people’s lives, at the press of a button.
· Your Smart TV provides access to the government psychos & their
agencies view into your room and listen through the mic in the Smart TV.
· Climate Change: China emits more CO2 than the entire developed world
combined—approving the equivalent of two new coal plants every week. Why don’t
Al Gore, John Kerry, Bill Gates, Greta Thunberg or the rest of the totalitarian
climate cult ever mention that. Instead they talk about shutting down
agriculture, ending meat consumption, banning non-electric vehicles and forcing
you to eat insects. Because—since all human activity, including breathing,
results in CO2 emissions—the “CO2 is pollution” narrative a merely a
pretext to control, regulate and micromanage every intricate detail of your
life. It’s not really about controlling the environment—it’s about controlling
· Fri. 15 March President Trump: The things that took place at the
Manhattan D.A.’s office, in conjunction with people from the DOJ put in charge
of “getting TRUMP,” are truly a sight to behold. They illegally withheld
thousands of pages of documents. Then you have the really shady “Pomerantz”
issue, and wow, people have never seen anything like this one. This will make
Fani and her “lover” look like small potatoes!!
· Fri. 15 March Another Plane Malfunction: 50 people injured traveling
from Sydney to Chile on a Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner after the plane had a
“technical problem” that caused a “strong movement.” Some of the passengers
were treated at the airport after landing and 12 others were sent to the
hospital. One person is in serious condition and the rest suffered mild to
moderate injuries. Boeing has not yet responded to questions regarding the
cause and nature of the incident (Reuters)
· Fri. 15 March Alarming number of drones crossing into US from southern
· Fri. 15 March Trudeau’s Canada Threatens LIFE SENTENCES for “Hate.”
HighWireTalk: Proposed bill C-6 says: “Everyone who commits an offense under
this act … is guilty of an indictable offense and liable to imprisonment for
life.” It gets worse. The new bill BRIBES citizens to snitch on their fellow
Canadians. “It [C-6 bill] allows someone to make a complaint of a
discrimination anonymously … if that hateful complaint is found legit, a
maximum of 20,000 [Canadian] dollars goes to that person.”
· Fri. 15 March Think this can’t happen. Similar legislation to define
and crack down on in-person and online “hate” is being pushed across Europe.
Just recently, in Belgium, former Flemish parliamentarian Dries Van Langenhove
was sentenced to one year in prison. The reason for this sentence was for
sharing supposedly “racist memes” in a private group chat.
· Fri. 15 March Netanyahu Overthrow: · Fri. 15 March IRS Admits Tax
is Voluntary:
· Fri. 15 March Special Report! Judy Byington: Return of
Q = “The Plan to Save the World” Q CLOCK ENDS TOMORROW…Tucker Carlson on
Telegram – 2024 = The Final Battle – Guaranteed Victory! Restored Republic via
a GCR as of March 15, 2024 – .
· Fri. 15 March Nevada Senator breaks down how 130,000 people voted
illegally in the state.
· Fri. 15 March Operation STORM 2024: The Imminent Verdict, Trump’s
Return, and the Specter of NESARA in the Springtime of 2024 – 700,000 Sealed
Indictments – Supreme Court Decision! BQQM: The Event is Imminent! – .
· Fri. 15 March BOMBSHELL! Make GITMO Great Again! A Military Tribunal
In GITMO: List of Those Believed Named in Over 700,000 Sealed Indictments – .
· Fri. 15 March White Hats INTEL: In-depth Analysis of Putin’s Cryptic
Drops and the Deep State’s Antarctic Agenda – Deep Underground Military Bases,
Cheyenne Mountain and Secret War In Antarctica!
· Fri. 15 March EXPOSED: HAARP Being Used For Mass Mind Control! Nikola
Tesla’s Technology Explained In Depth (video) – .
· Fri. 15 March Op. FREEDOM EAGLE 35 : How 77 U.S. Generals Changed the
Course of History on Christmas Eve 1963 – The Untold Story of Military Delta
and “The Plan” – .
· Thurs. 14 March Drake Bell reveals that his dialogue coach in
Hollywood was sexually abusing him as he drove a wedge between him and his
father. Brian Peck, now a registered child sex felon, was abusing him and this
caused Drake to be put on a path of self destruction. Brian Peck received only
16 months in prison after being convicted. Why is our courts so lenient against
child predators. Are you awake yet. It is no surprise that Pedowood has these
kind of issues being unveiled. “He started talking about how my dads
stealing my money, my dads a real problem. I was believing it because he’s been
in this business for so long and he must know more than us.” Nickelodeon
says “We are dismayed and saddened to learn of the trauma he has endured,
and we commend and support the strength required to come forward.” Why was
Nickelodeon supporting and putting someone like Dan Schneider, a man infamous
for his foot fetish, in a position of power over children. Nickelodeon show All
That cast remember how uncomfortable power player Dan Schneider made them. They
made him get covered in peanut butter and licked by dogs as he wanted it to
stop. “Your childhood is going to be a little tainted after watching it
(Drake documentary) but I hope it helps you protects the next group of
kids”. The world is waking up thanks to these revelations being
highlighted over and over. All is being revealed.
· Maryland church teacher charged with sexually abusing children was
twice deported: · Fri. 15 March Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: Thousands
of Children Rescued, Mutilated Bodies Recovered, From Biden-Owned Ukraine
Property Containing US Run Bio-Weapon Labs – .
· Fri. 15 March: “They’re making $60 billion a year selling us vaccines,
but they’re making $500 billion a year selling the remedies for the injuries
caused by vaccines.” …Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
· Toxic ingredients in vaccines: (1) Formaldehyde ….causes cancer (2)
Aluminum….a potent NEUROTOXIN (3) Mercury …..neurological damage including
· According to a recent survey, 72% of U.S. embalmers have been finding
strange white fibrous clots in the bodies of the recently deceased, starting in
2021, just after the mRNA injections were rolled out. “Some of these
embalmers are seeing these clots in up to 50% or more of their
J. FAKE NEWS OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD: Real News for Real Patriots from the
Judy Byington Report—Part 48 | Ellis Washington Report
· According to an article in Wikipedia, Operation Mockingbird – “is an
alleged large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA) that began in the early years of the Cold War and attempted to manipulate
domestic American news media organizations for propaganda purposes.
· According to author Deborah Davis, Operation Mockingbird recruited
leading American journalists into a propaganda network and influenced the
operations of front groups. CIA support of front groups was exposed when an
April 1967 Ramparts article reported that the National Student Association
received funding from the CIA.[1] In 1975, Church Committee Congressional
investigations revealed Agency connections with journalists and civic groups.”
· It is my (Ellis Washington’s) contention based on 40+ years of
assiduous research, writing and publishing (1983-2024) that Operation
Mockingbird not only included media “front groups” but also includes the public
and private schools (lower education), the Academy (higher education), Wall
Street, Business, Medicine, Politics, Law, the Courts, Sports, Entertainment,
and all institutions in American culture and society working in unison in
points of inter-sectionality.
· The New World Order enslavement of We the People is both Systemic and
Systematic, a Construct and Comprehensive. Thus, We the People no longer live
in a Real World but exist in a Construct [Fake] World euphemistically referred
to by Hollywood as “The MATRIX.”
· We are talking about the CIA Fake News Propaganda project called
“Operation Mockingbird.” For example, recently journalist Michael Baxter of wrote an unbelievable article which the Rothschild Khazarian
press totally ignored titled –“Janet Yellen Hanged at Gitmo.”
· In this bombshell article exposing the execution of Resident Biden’s
Secretary of the Treasury for Treason, Sedition, Fraud, Crimes Against Peace,
etc… one thing stands out—not ONE mainstream media outlet in America has
published this news.
· Why. Because for years, particularly since the DC Act of 1871 We the
People have lived inside an all-encompassing Matrix (e.g., Satanic New World
Order) controlled by the Illuminati, the Catholic Church, the British Monarchy,
and the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia.
· A article presented the legal reasoning why Janet
Yellen, Resident Biden’s Secretary of the Treasury was tried, convicted, and
now as of Oct. 31, 2023, was executed by a military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay,
· To understand real history properly and systematically, understand
that the entire world is controlled by Satanic secret societies who worship
their “god” Satan through Global child sacrifice networks and institutions
which they use to fund perpetual wars by the Vatican. At the top of the Illuminati
Pyramid of Power includes the thirteen Illuminati Royal Bloodline Families,
British Royal Family, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Khazarian Mafia, CIA, Central
Bankers and Mossad.
· For example, in 1823, the Rothschilds took over all financial dealings
of the Catholic Church and the Vatican. Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope
in history!
· This would explain how the Gestapo wing of the Catholic Church (e.g.,
the Jesuits) have had their dark, hidden hand in fomenting world wars and false
flag conflicts among the Nations.
· When the British Royal Family went bankrupt in the 1870s the
Rothschilds acquired “breeding rights” to the British Royal Family as payment
to keep this family solvent.
· This goes back to the 1870s under Queen Victoria. Meaning = All of the
Royal Family = Not English but KHAZARS = “Fake Jews”.
· The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia’s first efforts to use Machiavellian
tactics to fund both sides of every war began with the American Revolution
(1775-83) and the French Revolution (1789-99).The Rothschild Central Bankers
not only funded these wars, but fomented or used their vast wealth to create
hatred, economic chaos, and warmongering among the Nations!
K. “WHAT EVERY AMERICAN NEEDS TO KNOW” explains the truths of
Law, Status, Unalienable Rights, and History and provides an understanding of
how to use it all. By David Straight, a former special ops, former intelligence
officer, former secret service agent, former sheriff deputy and who recently
served on two Presidential task forces, says: “90% of what the US Federal
Government does is illegal and unconstitutional. Why. – because our
Constitution was changed in 1871. From that date forward, we have not been a
free people living in a free republic. We have been a Corporation”.
· Straight’s seminar, “What Every American Needs To Know”
explains the truths of Law, Status, Unalienable Rights, and History and
provides an understanding of how to use it all. This series should be watched
by every single American.
Democracy — It’s a Corporation! The Act of 1871 , The
Corporation Formally Known As The UNITED STATES of AMERICA.
Income Taxes Are Illegal – There’s No Law Requiring
Americans to Pay Income Tax Whistleblower Exposes Evidence of Government:
L. THE GLOBAL ALLIANCE NEEDS YOUR HELP. Patriots around the World are
doing their part, however small it may be inspired to be, to take down the
corrupt System and it’s Global and Political Elites who have committed Treason
and High Crimes. Learn how you can join them and help the cause:
· In the US you can now sue Covid Vaccine manufactures as they failed to
disclose that the jabs contained DNA contamination, namely the Simian Virus 40
(SV40) which is known to cause cancer. Surprise, Surprise, they are finding
spike proteins from the jab right in the middle of cancer cells
· Wed. 13 March US: Michelle (Miki) Klann recently went viral when she
publicly served the Maricopa Board of Supervisors with a notice to resign for
treason & high crimes. Miki and her team are showing We The People how to
step up and assist the Military’s efforts by taking back our fraudulent
corporate government at the local level. Miki Klann: Dismantling Our Local
Corporate Governments
· Wed. 13 March UK: Richard Vobes is exposing explosive evidence of UK
Government fraud – that connects to the 9/11 Terrorist Attack, Epstein and
Ghislaine Maxwell Child Sex Trafficking Ring that Blackmailed Political Elites
to keep the Globalist Agenda in power and the fraudulent UK Companies House
Registration System where it appears that every UK tax payer was contributing
to a system of crime. Explosive evidence of government fraud, Richard Vobes:
EXPLOSIVE Evidence of Government Fraud .
· We’ve made some progress: Apparently over 90 members of the UK
Parliament were stepping down before the next UK elections. MPs are stepping
down, Richard Vobes: BR1GHTF1R3 HR US RB M GBO WHITE V6 4 .
· FORMER POLICE OFFICER GARY WATERMAN: Email to 650 MPs – International
Fraud / Child Protection .
· Learn how you can build Evidential Documents on International Fraud:
TUTORIAL – FORMER PC GARY WATERMAN: How to build evidential documents –
International fraud. .
· Tom Fairbanks spent much of his life gathering evidence on the Ritual
Abuse of children in Utah. In early March 2024 he was arrested and placed in
the Utah Weber County Jail. For what. The reasons given for his arrest were
suspect and didn’t appear to be due to criminal activity. His record was
sparkling clean. The real reason for attacks on Tom appeared to be that the
Powers That Be couldn’t afford to have someone with Tom’s very valid evidence
of SRA cases to be running around unchecked. He had to be silenced, one way or
another. Fairbanks’ problems began when he decided to take his evidence of
Satanic Ritual Abuse of children and share it with Utah governmental powers. No
sooner had he done so when a tsunami of problems began to plague his life
including being poisoned and suffering years of court battles on made up cases.
Tom has another hearing on his case set for Thurs. 14 March 10:00 am MST.
· If you wish to help Tom with funds so he can have phone access, go to and register. A box will show up where can put in Tom Fairbank’s
name (Weber County Jail ID # 671274) Then hit “send money now” and
follow the instructions. Tom would greatly appreciate your show of support.
Postcards can be sent to: Community Support Foundation P.O. Box 939 Logan, Utah
· “Ken and Barbie vs Goliath IRS”: So why was Ken Cromar sitting in jail
awaiting trial on charges that he had the audacity to live in his own home that
he fully owned after the privately owned by the Cabal IRS unlawfully used SWAT
Teams to take possession of that home and threw away all of his possessions and
after he proved in a Federal Tax Court that he owed no money to the IRS. Was
the IRS making an example of Ken and his wife Barbara to prove what they will
do to you if you dare question their unlawful authority.
Dear Patriot Friends and Family,
Wednesday, March 13th we had a hearing with Magistrate Pead that was so
interesting. Raland Brunson, and my mother, and her friend, Cheryl were there
to witness the hearing. Pead was on his best behavior. The normally tyrannical
and sarcastic magistrate was nicer than I have ever seen him. Why. Don’t know for
sure, but we are guessing it’s because his “boss”, Judge Nielson had just been
asked the day before to RECUSE (Take himself off the case.) himself from our
case. (Motion to Recuse, spearheaded by Tom Freed, Docket No. 161).
Toward the beginning of the hearing, we were going over some clerk
errors on the docket, so I took advantage of that moment to ask, “Could I have
your help, please. Did you see my filing from Monday, Magistrate Pead.” He
said, “Yes, Mr. Cromar. The collateral estoppel, judicial estoppel, and
estoppel of judgement filing.” I said, “Yes, thanks. My understanding,
Magistrate Pead, is that once these estoppels are noticed on the court, ALL
proceedings must stop until the estoppel is resolved. Do I misunderstand this
important point.” Pead replied, “Well,…you might have misunderstood it a
little. It’s Judge Nielson that would have to instruct me on this issue and
until he does, I just continue.” His answer was perfect for us! Now, he is
culpable too, and on the record.
We have them in an impossible situation. They don’t have a legal means
to proceed, until the estopples are addressed. They’re STUCK! We believe that
we could not only appeal their fatal error to the 10th Circuit Court in Denver,
but also, if denied there, have grounds for an emergency appeal to the Supreme
Court. WOW!
This is miraculous to me. It appears the Lord’s Hands are clearly
involved in this case.
Also, two days before, Monday, March 11th, we filed a beautiful response
to the court’s “Intention to Deny” Revocation of Detention document (Docket
#159, spearheaded by Raland), that highlights how it was Cedar Hill’s mayor and
city council who spent $10,000.00 in taxpayer money for the city attorney to
write a hit-piece on me in 2014 or 2015 that falsely labeled me a “sovereign
citizen” and that I’m prone to “killing police officers”. This slander and
libel, and worse – ENDANGERMENT, makes me a target in what amounts to a “shoot
to kill order” on so-called “sovereign citizens” as happened to young Chase
Allen a few blocks from this jail in Farmington just over one year ago when
five officers emptied their guns into this great young man, murdering him.
Wednesday in court, Pead, who couldn’t stop calling me a “sovereign
citizen” before decided not to use that term in court now.
Friends, we are making great progress in this case and see now a
potential path to victory where they may simply have to cut their losses on
this one little guy, “David vs Goliath”, and just let this case go away by
sealing it shut, hoping no one ever sees it, and letting me walk away.
Keep praying for truth and right to prevail in this dangerous U.S.
District Court where we hope to expose the great hoax that is the IRS. Believe
· “The deception displayed by the Court and Prosecution in the Federal
Case against Ken Cromar exposes the desperation of the IRS and DOJ to convict
Barbie & Ken. The six year battle they have faced demonstrates the
venerability of the IRS and its orchestrated scheme to defraud and fleece the
American public (We the People).” … Tom Fairbanks, Intelligence Support
Activity (ISA)
· Ken really appreciates receiving encouraging messages in postcards.
White, pre-stamped postcards with your name and complete return address
hand-written is the only correspondence accepted at the jail. Paul Cromar
#567164 Davis County Jail P.O. Box 130 Farmington, UT 84025-0130
· “Ken and Barbie vs. Goliath IRS” Whistleblower Offer: If you want to
help save U.S., share this, particularly IRS or government officials who care
about saving our country. Do you believe in miracles. Thank you for your kind
prayers. They are working, Ken
· Our conditional 12-million-dollar whistleblower offer: We are looking
for miraculous support through some surprise whistleblowers who may have info
that leads to exposing the corrupt charges against us and exonerate us. See the
attached videos I made in Washington, D.C. at the National Press Club just days
before being hit by 13-man SWAT in June of 2019.