Restored Republic via
a GCR: Update as of May 17, 2024


Arrests have gone on for some time and were so successful that last Tues. 14
May President Trump gave the Green Light for the Global Military Alliance to
activate the final phase of “The Plan To Save The World”.

AS SOON AS ON SAT. 18 MAY we might see the Supreme Court Announcement of
the Brunson Case which was that SCOTUS agreed that Congress did not investigate
valid allegations of 2020 Voter Fraud. That decision would automatically
nullify the 2020 Election and dissolve the Biden Administration and all of

THE DEEP STATE CABAL AND UN HAVE, through allowing millions of illegal
migrants to enter the country, placed military age men across the US to cause
chaos in the Event of such an announcement. The US Military under Trump has
also been placed in around 360 cities to quell such expected riots.

has been planned – which would cause a Worldwide Blackout – which would be a
cover for people across the Globe to switch from Nuclear Energy to Tesla Free

SUCH EVENTS would be sure to cause a Global Financial Crisis – which
would trigger the Global Currency Reset.

All is Well. Trust The Plan. Hold The Line. Justice
is Coming.
Where We Go One, We Go All (WWG1WGA)!!! No
One Can Stop What’s Coming (NOCSWC)!!!
…The above is in my
opinion only. Judy

Breaking News: President Donald Trump Authorizes Global
Military Alliance – Mr. Pool! THE EVENT: Worldwide Blackout – The Power of the Brunson
Brothers Announcement!

· Both President Donald Trump and his VP JFK Jr. confirmed that the
Green Light has been given to the Global Military Alliance to move forward.
Expect major arrests, stock market crashes, global blackouts, transition to
Tesla Free Energy and a shift to Rainbow Treasury Notes.

· Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) Activation: In response to the
announcement, ten countries will activate the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS)
to disseminate crucial information and maintain order. This coordinated global
effort underscores the comprehensive nature of the operations and the
importance of clear and effective communication during times of crisis.

· A Supreme Court Announcement on the Brunson Brothers Case (that
Congress failed to investigate over 50 allegations of 2020 Voter Fraud) could
immediately dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress. The
anticipation of the Brunson Brothers announcement adds to the tension and
significance of the military’s presence. The Brunson Brothers’ announcement is
not just a political event; it is a catalyst for a series of transformative
actions that will ripple across various sectors.

· Major Arrests and Justice Restoration: The announcement is expected to
trigger a wave of major arrests targeting individuals involved in corruption
and malfeasance. This move aims to restore justice and accountability,
signaling a commitment to upholding the rule of law. These arrests will likely
dismantle entrenched networks of power, paving the way for a more transparent
and just society.

· With the Green Light from President Trump, all available assets have
been deployed. This comprehensive mobilization includes military personnel,
intelligence resources, and technological capabilities. The deployment is
strategic, covering multiple fronts to ensure the success of the operations.
The scale of this mobilization highlights the seriousness and urgency of the

· Military In Position in approximately 300-360 cities. Military forces
have taken their positions, ready to execute their orders. The strategic
placement of these forces ensures optimal effectiveness and minimal collateral
damage. The precision of their deployment reflects extensive planning,
coordination, ensures readiness and swift response and underscores the scale
and seriousness of the operations.

· 10 Countries Running EBS. Ten countries will run the Emergency
Broadcast System (EBS) to cover the entire world. This coordinated effort
ensures that crucial information is disseminated globally. The EBS will play a
key role in maintaining communication and order during the blackout. This
global coordination reflects the comprehensive and inclusive nature of the

· THE EVENT is a multifaceted operation with far-reaching implications,
disrupting normalcy and triggering a series of reactions. The nature of this
event is shrouded in mystery, adding to the tension and anticipation. The term
“Black Swan” suggests an unprecedented and unpredictable event that could alter
the course of history.

· 34 Significant Buildings. Thirty-four buildings, including the White
House, Buckingham Palace, and the Vatican, will be involved in THE EVENT. These
buildings are significant symbols of power and influence.

Global Blackouts and Technological Shifts: The announcement will also
set in motion a series of events leading to global blackouts. These blackouts
are a necessary step to prevent chaos and ensure a controlled transition to new
technologies and systems.
· Prepare For Black Swan Sky Event with Worldwide Blackout and implementation
of Tesla Free Energy. The blackout will facilitate the necessary changes and
ensure a smooth transition. PROJECT ODIN involves knocking out Mossad media
satellites, leading to a worldwide media blackout. This operation aims to
disrupt the dissemination of disinformation and propaganda. The Blackout will
facilitate the switch to quantum systems. PROJECT ODIN is a critical component
of the broader mission, ensuring control over information flow. This transformative
shift also aims to create a sustainable and resilient energy infrastructure.
The implementation of PROJECT ODIN and the shift to Tesla energy will mark the
beginning of a new era of sustainable and resilient energy infrastructure.

· Stock Market and Cyber Operations Crash, Bank Closures. Stock Market
and Financial Repercussions: The political upheaval resulting from the
announcement is anticipated to have profound effects on the financial markets.
A stock market crash, compounded by precision cyber operations and bank
closures are likely outcomes, driven by the uncertainty and volatility that
accompany such significant political changes. These actions are linked to
Executive Orders 13818 and 13848, aimed at targeting corruption and foreign interference.
The collapse of the stock market is a calculated move to dismantle the old
financial system. Cyber operations play a crucial role in achieving these
objectives. The financial repercussions of the Global Alliance’s actions will
be profound, affecting economies worldwide. This crash is anticipated to be
severe, necessitating drastic measures to stabilize the economy. Bank closures
will add to the financial turmoil, creating a ripple effect that will be felt
across various sectors. This financial turmoil, however, is part of a broader
strategy to transition to a new, more stable financial system.

· TURKSAT Rocket and Military Communications. The TURKSAT Rocket,
launched from the USA in January, is designed for military communications. This
rocket ensures secure and efficient communication channels for the military.
Its deployment reflects the strategic planning and technological capabilities
of the operations. The TURKSAT Rocket is a crucial asset in maintaining
coordination and effectiveness.

· Star Link Space X System. The Star Link Space X System will play a
crucial role in restoring power. This advanced technology will ensure a smooth
transition from conventional power sources to quantum energy. The use of Star
Link underscores the innovative and forward-thinking nature of the operations.
This system will help stabilize the situation and prevent further disruptions.

· After Black Swan Sky Event, Blackout Necessary. A Blackout is deemed
necessary to control the fallout from the anticipated events. This blackout
will prevent a run on the banks and a complete collapse of the Stock Market.
The temporary suspension of power and communication is a strategic move to
maintain order and prevent panic so the Blackout will also facilitate the
transition to new systems and protocols. This measure is aimed at preventing
chaos and maintaining order.

· Transition to Rainbow Treasury Notes. The transition from Rothschild’s
Central Bank Notes to Rainbow Treasury Notes marks a significant shift in the
financial system. These new notes are backed by precious metals, ensuring
stability and value. The move away from oil-based economies reflects a broader
commitment to sustainable and ethical financial practices.

· Foreign Heads of State in Hysteria. The actions of the Global Alliance
have sent foreign heads of state into hysteria. The sudden and bold moves have
disrupted the status quo, causing panic and uncertainty among international
leaders. This reaction underscores the far-reaching impact of the operations.
The hysteria also indicates the extent to which these leaders feel threatened
by the changes underway.

· May This Saturday Bring Peace and Happiness. A message of hope and
well-being is conveyed, wishing that Saturday 18th May brings peace and
happiness. This message underscores the humanitarian aspect of the mission. It
reflects a commitment to ensuring a better future for all. The invocation of
divine guidance emphasizes the moral and ethical foundation of the operations.

· Thurs. 16 May 2024 Situation Update: BREAKING NEWS! Judy Byington
Report: Trust The Plan. Green Lights Lit Up The White House. Military In
Position. Prepare For Black Swan Sky Event! Restored Republic via a GCR: Update
as of Thurs. 16 May 2024

· Thurs. 16 May 2024: Breaking News: President Donald Trump Authorizes
Global Military Alliance – Mr. Pool! THE EVENT: Worldwide Blackout – The Power
of the Brunson Brothers Announcement!

· Thurs. 16 May 2024: ALERT! Martial Law is Coming: UN Troops Deployed
Across U.S. as Pentagon Prepares for Civil Unrest – “Operation Peacekeeper”

A. TIMING:· On Mon. 13 May Q Storm 1776 said, “Three more days. Be

· On Tues. 14 May Q said, “Mission accomplished.
Operators engaged. May this Saturday (18 May) bring peace and happiness into
your life, as always may the Lord be there with you, and guide your footsteps
along each day of your life”!

· On Tues. 14 May 2024 Q said, “The final battle, guaranteed victory.
Rats are taken care of. Foreign heads of state are in hysteria. Hold the line”.
JFK Jr. said, “The Green Light has been given. The Global Military Alliance is
on the move”.

· On that same Tues. 14 May it was reported that the military was
stationed in around 300 to 360 cities, bracing for the shockwave of the Brunson
Brothers announcement, which revolved around the return of Donald Trump and the
impeachment of Joe Biden. EBS Alert!!! Martial Law Declared Across Hundreds of
U.S. Cities! 10-Day Blackout, GITMO’s Secret Tribunals and the Rollout of
Redemption Centers & Quantum Financial Cards! – Gazetteller

· Wed. 15 May 2024 US Military In Position For Black Sky Event. Get

· On Wed. 15 May 2024 In The Shadow SQ said, “Blackout Necessary: After
the Black Swan Event GGB, the Stock Market will crash hard. To prevent a run on
the banks and a Stock Market collapse, they will turn the power off. When
lights go out, the Star Link Space X System will turn the power back on (off
Nuclear Energy and onto the Quantum Energy)”.

· Wed. 15 May 2024: * Tick Tock * The shift is here * * Like it Don’t
like it * * Is done * * Enjoy *(clock showing 5:10) …Mr. Pool on Telegram Wed.
15 May 2024

· Wed. 15 May 2024: Situation Update: EBS Alert! “US Military
Stationed In & Around Up To 360 Cities!” Another Barge Hits A Bridge
Near Texas Port! ‘Crooked’ Joe Biden To Debate Trump!


· Wed. 15 May 2024 Wolverine: “The World Bank says Brazil will go on
Thurs. 16 May. A huge, huge Whale in Zurich got the Green Light. Bond Holders
will probably get blessed this week. Remember, the Bond Holders go first, and
then the currencies holders. Tier4B will actually be “golden” in a few days, in
my own opinion, as soon as Bond Holders are paid”.

· The Financial Tsunami is HERE: Crypto Predictions, Next Black Swan,
XRP, QFS, GCR, US Treasury Note and Cryptocurrency Regulations (Goldilocks)

· Our New Currency Under the Quantum Financial System – Gold Backed
Digital Currency (The New US Dollar )

C. THURS. 16 MAY 2024, BRUCE, THE BIG CALL:· On Wed. 15 May one of the
top people at Wells Fargo Bank said, “It looked good for a Shotgun Start in the
next two days”.· The Iraqi Dinar has been trading in Iraq and was supposed to
be on the Forex soon.

· Iraq paid back to the IMF an 8 billion dollar loan they
received in 2003. They had to have a revalued Dinar in order to do that.· The
new Dinar rates are on the ATMs in the Iraqi airports.· The new in-country
Dinar rate is over $8.· 18 countries’ currencies were going up in value with
the GCR.

· A week ago yesterday Iraq was accepted in the World
Trade Organization.· A Wells Fargo Bond Paymaster said that they were going to
try to release this to Tiers 3, 4a,b later tonight.

· We may get the R&R (Restitution Allowances)
beginning on the 4th Wed. of May, or by the end of May.· ZIM Holders will get
their R&R at their appointment added to their exchange totals.


· The BRICS economic alliance is set to implement a geopolitical
game-changer, as it is expected to launch a decentralized financial system to end
the US dollar.

· Indeed, the bloc is currently discussing the implementation of such a
system with the BRICS+ Business Council, which could become official policy
within the next year.

· Named The Unit, the system is set to combat the growing challenges of
geo-economic finance concerns.

· Moreover, the system is set to implement cross-border payment
solutions as well as a newly implemented international currency under the BRICS

HIGHLIGHTS:· Structured currency to be backed by reserves and royalties.· ZWL
dollar currencies are to be converted to ZIG· ZIG to circulate alongside other

· Multi-currency system is to stay until 2030 as per the
law.· All obligations are to be converted to ZIG.· All banks are to accept old
notes for the next 21 days.· ZIG notes 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 100 200

· Paper cash isn’t going anywhere for some time like i
mentioned. The people that will want to use paper will however these paper
notes will have a qr code for tracking.

· What I would like to point out at the very bottom of this article you
will see: “The gold coins and Zimbabwe gold-backed digital tokens”.

F. GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS:· Thurs. 16 May 2024 Cuba: The financial
Banking System in Cuba has completely collapsed. Cubans woke to learn their
bank accounts have been emptied. There is no cash at ATMs. For some reason this
monumental story has not made it on to MSM. The Cuban people have been left
with no financial resources, they have no means of buying food …they are
desperate and they are afraid. This is the final destination, this is where
globalism wants to lead you to the apocalypse. Cubans were forced to adopt the
digital banking system & now they are financially ruined, they have no
recourse. The Government will next offer the Cuban citizens Universal Basic

· Banking Woes Continue: Smaller banks are at risk as
depositors flock to bigger, safer banks. Deposits have been leaving at an
alarming rate, adding pressure to an already fragile sector.

· Thurs. 16 May 2024: BRICS Shakes the World: Putin Declares Victory
Over the Dollar! · Thurs. 16 May 2024: BOOOM! US Debt Clock: USA People’s
Revolt End The Fed – July 4th, 2024, The Day of Financial Independence!

G. RESTORED REPUBLIC:A Brief History of the Rothschild
Khazarian Mafia—Part II (1200-1913 AD)

· At 12:01 am, 20 Jan. 2021 President Trump destroyed the fake, phony,
bankrupt, foreign country formerly known as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC.,
a Corporate Dictatorship ruled over by the Satanic Trinity Sovereign Powers:
The City of London Rothschilds Central Bankers, Vatican and Washington, D.C.

· Either concurrent with this date or on 11 Jan. 2021 Trump resurrected
and restored our original 1776 U.S.A. Republic. These United States for America
was stolen from U.S. in that treacherous legislation secretly passed by
Congress called the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871.

· Every U.S. President over the past 150 YEARS (1871-2021) from the 18th
POTUS Ulysses S. Grant to the Apotheosis of the 45th POTUS Donald J. Trump, has
presided over a foreign, enemy nation that has enslaved all of U.S. under the
Debt-Slavery system of the Rothschild Central Bankers (e.g., “Khazarian

· Yet, because of the heroic deeds of President Trump, We the People are
now set at Liberty. Trump has seized foreign, enemy territory back to the
U.S.A. Republic, back to We the People!· Biden is President of a country that

· All of the perfunctory movements of the so-called Biden
Administration are a transparent delusion for Normies. What you are witnessing
now is a Hollywood Movie.

· What is 100% reality is the unprecedented, complex U.S. Military
Operation going on presently to save hundreds of thousands of children and
babies imprisoned inside a hellish network of underground tunnels throughout
DC, America, and the world.


· Project ODIN: PROJECT ODIN + Military GESARA = EBS: A Formula that
Will Change the Course of History Forever!

· ALERT: Urgent Alert: Space Force Flexed on Deep State Showing they
can/will Shut Phones, Radio, Media Down: Project Odin, Martial Law, and the
Quantum Financial System – Unveiling Truth Amidst Chaos

· EBS: Decoding the Imminent EBS: Military in Training for
Implementation of the Emergency Broadcast System

· QFS, Project ODIN, EBS: URGENT! MILITARY INTEL: Quantum Financial
Systems, Project Odin, and the Inevitable Call for the Emergency Broadcast

I. THE REAL NEWS FOR THURS. 16 MAY 2024:· Thurs. 16 May 2024: “Things do
not happen. Things are made to happen. Please Stand By. GREEN LIGHT.
TRUMP/KENNEDY TICKET.” …Trump Voice on Telegram Thurs. 16 May 2024 

· Thurs. 16 May 2024: BREAKING NEWS! Judy Byington
Report: Trust The Plan. Green Lights Lit Up The White House. Military In
Position. Prepare For Black Swan Sky Event! Restored Republic via a GCR: Update
as of Thurs. 16 May 2024

· Thurs. 16 May 2024 Mass Mental Illness Across Western Civilization,
Mike Adams:· Thurs. 16 May 2024 JAG Arrests Robert Hur for Treason: ·
Thurs. 16 May 2024 Confirmed: UN Troops being brought into US disguised as


· Thurs. 16 May 2024 on Jan. 2021 Before It’s News Article: Bombshell
Report! Judy Byington: Thousands of Children Rescued, Mutilated Bodies
Recovered, From Biden-Owned Ukraine Property Containing US Run Bio-Weapon Labs

· BOOOM!!! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Biden, Pelosi, Obama Charged
with Treason, Collusion with CCP on 2020 Voter Fraud, Pedophile Ring Run out of
the White House

· BOM!!! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: King Charles, Queen Elizabeth
linked to Satanic Deaths of Children & Murder of Witness

· BOM!!! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Hanks, Streep, Spielberg,
Lucas, Nicholson, Spacey Accused of Child Sex Trafficking Parties While Trump
Cleans the Swamp

· Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Nicole Kidman’s Father Dies Amid
Pedophile, Child Murder Ring Allegations


· Artificial Sweetener called Aspartame is actually a brain drug that
stimulates your brain so you think that the food you’re eating tastes sweet.
You’ll notice that when using Aspartame everything you eat at the same time
also tastes sweet. Aspartame breaks down to its poison constituents at 86
degrees (Aspartic Acid 40%, Phenylalanine 50%, and Methanol 10%). There is
mounting evidence that the “Burning Mouth Syndrome” experienced by
the Desert Storm troops was actually Methanol poisoning from the Diet Coke they
drank lots of, after being exposed to desert temperatures. Aspartame 10%
Methanol appears in the body quickly and is the same alcohol that your mother
probably warned you that it can make you blind. Many skid-row alcoholics had
problems with this cheap but deadly form of alcohol. Aspartames 40% Aspartic
Acid is an “excitotoxin” in the brain and excites neurons to death,
i.e. it kills brain cells and causes other nerve damage and it triggers
Migraine Headaches.

· Moderna Executive Says Exploding Number of Vaccine Injuries Is “Not
Our Problem”. Then they go on to say, “Moderna has no interest in using their
profits to compensate the millions of victims”.

· There are 250,000 drug medicines, but none that cure.· Thurs. 16 May
2024 COVID Shots Killing Left and Right: 


· Thurs. 16 May 2024 Mayor of London candidate, Shyam Batra, on 15
minute cities: “You won’t be able to drive a petrol or diesel car
anymore… If you want food, you will get a calorie controlled system sent to
you by text, saying this is what you can eat today… If you violate any of
these things, they will freeze your bank account”.

· Thurs. 16 May 2024 Former Threat Advisor to the White House, CIA and
the Pentagon Jim Rickards explains how project “Ice Nine” which is
code for the financial reset is being readied by BlackRock and other financial
institutions to facilitate the NWO.

· 2009 Kissinger Quotes: “Once the herd accepts mandatory
vaccinations, it’s game over. They will accept anything – forcible blood or
organ donation – “for the greater good”. “We can genetically modify
children and sterilize them – “for the greater good”. “Control sheep minds
and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of
you in this room are investors, it’s a big win-win”.


· MILITARY INTEL & Covert Operations: Celebrities – The Judges/Olu
Military Unit, Gitmo, Diego Garcia, Pine Gap, Naval Base Guam, White House and
Declassification of FISA Documents 

· GITMO: Which Presidents Are Going? Deep State, Treason, Military
Tribunals, Official Documents, List of Indictments

· An In-depth Exposé! Mass Arrests and Detention Tribunals: GITMO,
Honduras XPL, Spain’s Santa Cruz Islands, U.S. Military Prison, Naval Base
Military Prison in Fort Worth

· Urgent Call to Arms: MILITARY TRIBUNALS! Why They Are Absolutely
Necessary? Because The Barbarians Are Inside The Gate!

· Bombshell: Military Tribunal List of Convicted Celebrities –
Undisclosed Locations: GITMO, Guam, and Tierra Del Fuego

· Military Tribunals at GITMO – Dark To Light – The Great Awakening –
Government Shutdown – Comeback Bigger Than Setback – White Hats in Control –
Game Over!

N. WHITE HAT INTEL, THURS. 16 MAY 2024:· A huge storm is coming as Trump
is going to go after the Cartels.· The CIA is running drugs through Mexico and
controlling the shipping ports in Mexico.· The CIA was deeply involved in
creating some of the Cartel organizations.

· From the beginning the CIA has been supplying New York
City with cocaine in 70s 80s and crack.· The Epidemic of cocaine into the life
of world famous celebrities at Studio 51 is all connected CIA operations and
South American military intelligence ops.

· The CIA created the first king and Queen drug pins as
Grasilda (this why in interviews or Netflix films they rarely talk of CIA or
military INTEL … most king pins are highly blackmailed by military
intelligence.. CIA …).

· The Cocaine and Heroin Operations of New York is connected to Frank
Lucas and the father of P. Diddy, Melvin Earl Combs.· You are watching a

Charlie Ward:  · It’s time to address this commonly used anti-Trump
talking point about his inability to drain the swamp in his first term.

· Trump’s first term was completely hamstrung by the
Mueller Investigation and the MSM had the public convinced Trump was literally
a Russian agent… Then as soon as he got past the Russia hoax, they released a
biological weapon, shut the world down, and stole the election.

· If Trump would have gone in day one, and started arresting people, he
would have looked like a totalitarian dictator, and would have caused massive
uprisings and legitimately a civil war. The public were not even awake yet at
this point.

· The same people criticizing Trump for not draining the swamp, didn’t
even believe the swamp was real back in 2016. The MSM still had the
overwhelming majority of Americans under their spell.

· So while it’s real easy for RFK Jr. supporters to criticize Trump now,
the majority of them didn’t even know this war with the Deep State was going
on, and they would have criticized Trump for draining the swamp if he did it,
and called him a dictator.

· The world wasn’t awake then. Now they are. This is why Trump is going
to finish the job this time. Because the public have been shown how deep the
corruption goes. They are ready.


· The Deep State Cabal wanted to make the Native Hawaiian Capitol of
Lahaina into a SMART city, so on August 8, 2023 at 6:37 a.m. Chinese Communist
Party NORAD 555836 Direct Energy Weapon Lazers burned Lahaina Maui to the ground.

· The resulting fires were the most devastating mass casualty events in
the Hawaii State history: 2,700+ Structures destroyed; 97 confirmed dead;
1,000+ still missing/ unconfirmed deceased; 4,000+ people originally

· Every day since Kingdom of AKUA Foundation Native Hawaiian Volunteers
have been supplying three meals a day to their now 2,369 still-displaced fellow
victims. However, the Deep State Cabal Red Cross has recently cut funding down
to one meal a day for those victims.

· Any amount you could give would be greatly appreciated. There was
$500K needed right away to continue the three meals a day. The Deep State not
only took the Native Hawaiian homes and livelihood away, now they were going to
starve them out of the land of their inheritance.

· Please send your donation to the Akua Foundation’s Malama Lahaina
Website – the only site dedicated to and run by the Hawaiian Native Peoples:
Malama Lahaina – Pūpūkahi i Holomua Donations (

Q. WHY WERE PATRIOTS KEN CROMAR (who proved in a Federal Court he owed
no monies to the IRS) AND TOM FAIRBANKS (who has spent his life gathering
information on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children) sitting in jail without
having committed a crime?

Were Patriots Cromar and Fairbanks being set up as an example of what
the Satanic New World Order Deep State Cabal would do to you if you tried to
confront their illegal acts?

· The Satanic New World Order Deep State Cabal worshipped Satan through
pedophilia, torture and Child Sacrifice in an attempt to rule the World.

· Since 1913 this Satan worshipping group has owned the US Federal
Reserve and IRS which collected and spent US Taxpayer dollars.

· In 1871 the Cabal took over the US legal system, including law schools
to promote their lies, propaganda and disinformation in line with their agenda
of total dominance of The People.

· The Cabal’s control of the US legal system began with treacherous
legislation called the District of Columbia Act of 1871.

· Even after the Revolutionary War (of which both sides were financed by
the King of England), the ‘United States’ had never declared Independence from
Great Britain, or the King.

· America was a British Colony, while the United States was an
independent business Corporation that existed before the Revolutionary War.

· American Courts were ruled by Great Britain under International
Maritime Admiralty Law.

· American Courts were overseen by Administrators who enforced Statutes
and Codes.

· If you retained legal counsel in your defense, you were automatically
assumed by the court to be a mentally incompetent ward of the court. You could
not use the U.S. Constitution (1873) to defend yourself because you were not a
party to it. “The People” did not include you and me because America was a
British Colony.

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