Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as
of May 3, 2024

JUDY NOTE: IT’S TIME,President Trump has given the Green
Light to begin Operation Storm. The Global Currency Reset was expected to soon
follow. The Global Military Alliance is in motion and will soon take over the
Fake News Mainstream Media while making over half a million arrests of Deep
State Global Elites convicted of Crimes Against Humanity – beginning with
Washington DC.

Israel was Last: Israel was still trying to start a war and on Thurs. 2
May struck a Syrian Compound.

“We enter the final straight. It’s time to show the World what we’ve
done. Justice has already been done. They don’t step on the planet anymore.
Eye’s now toward Israel.” …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Thurs. 2 May

· Thurs. 2 May From the 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram: “As things
are getting more interesting lately I want everyone to understand that the
Great Awakening is a collective journey, and the more people who are awake, the
more powerful and transformative it can be. By sharing your knowledge, your
wisdom, and your experience with those around you, you are playing a vital role
in this global process of transformation. And while it can be exhausting and
disheartening at times, just remember that every person you awaken is one more
light shining in the darkness, one more soul stepping into their power and
purpose. God bless us all as we put heads together as one family to fight
against the evil that has befallen our nation and entire World”.

us, and There’s no Turning Back Now – Trump’s Cryptic Warning!

· Thurs. 2 May JFK Jr. Never Left, He Has Been Here the Entire Time

· Thurs. 2 May Situation Update: Russia Strikes NATO Officers, Killing
Dozens; Second Boeing Whistleblower Dies; CIA Admits it Witheld Info &
Spied on Trump: WTPN SITUATION UPDATE 5/2/24

· Thurs. 2 May: Italian and US intelligence testimony say that the 2020
U.S. Election was stolen from President Donald Trump.

· On Wed. Oct. 16 2019 the first Navy Seal and US Marine rescue occurred
of an unbelievable 2,100 children found locked in cages in Underground Tunnels
that ran beneath the California China Lake Military facility. Another rescue
took place in Australia that garnered over a million children. Many more
Underground Tunnel rescuses were to follow, including beneath the White House.
The babies, children and teens were said to have been sexually abused, tortured
and killed to collect their adrenaline for sale to Hollywood and Global Elites
who paid big bucks to have use an anti-aging “wonder drug,” Adrenochrome.

· These child rescues were what the Global Alliance Q Movement was all
about – to bring down the Satan worshipping Deep Staters who raped and
sacrificed children in exchange for power to take over the World. Sun. 24 March
2024: Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Obama/ Biden/ Clinton/ Pelosi White House
Pedophile Ring Uncovered by Wikileaks

· The War in Ukraine was a prime example. It was the Alliance’s Putin
who headed the rescue of thousands of children, mutilated bodies recovered,
from Biden-Owned Ukraine Property containing US run Bio-Weapon Labs. Bombshell
Report! Judy Byington: Thousands of Children Rescued, Mutilated Bodies
Recovered, From Biden-Owned Ukraine Property Containing US Run Bio-Weapon Labs

· WARNING: On May 27th, 2024 Biden plans on FULLY ceding US Sovereignty
to the World Health Organization (WHO) under the guise of signing a “Pandemic

· The WHO was getting ready to release “Disease X” ahead of the 2024
election and use that as an excuse to bring in more MEDICAL TYRANNY WORLDWIDE.

· Countries that sign this treaty will effectively SURRENDER ALL
GOVERNMENT POWER in the event of a future pandemic.

· IF this moves forward, it will be the END of the United States as we
know it (our Constitution/ Bill of Rights) & the beginning of a
totalitarian and oppressive Communist dictatorship here in America.

· A social credit score system, like the one in Communist China will be
implemented as well.

· COVID was just a “test” of compliance. It was a necessary step to get
us to the WHO Treaty while we are being distracted with politics, and
manufactured conflicts among one another.

· ALERT: The Deep State has another killer vax ready to mandate and
distribute. Federal health authorities have declared their preparedness to
distribute vaccines against the H5N1 bird flu should it spread to humans,
prompted by major outbreaks among dairy cows. The virus has affected a minimum
of 36 herds spanning nine states, sparking worries about potential transmission
to humans.

· The U.S. has readied hundreds of thousands of doses for immediate
dispersal, with the capacity to escalate production to over 100 million doses
if required. Both conventional and mRNA vaccine technologies are being
employed, pending FDA approval.

· The untested conventional and mRNA vaccines killed millions through
creating blood clots and other health problems including DNA changes during the
COVID Plandemic.

· VACCINE WARNING: U.S. Doctors are warning the world to stop taking the
COVID Vaccines. They are toxic, lethal, in-effective and must be stopped. They
damage the brain, heart, liver, bone marrow, fetus, causing harm in the human
body leading to injury and death.

· Once you realize our government has absolutely no problem killing us
for profit and lying about it….everything they’re doing now with COVID, the
vaccines, censorship, rigged election and Ukraine, all start to make more

· President John F. Kennedy (Q) refused to sign off on a False Flag
Event to kill Americans in a war with Cuba that all chiefs of staff had signed
onto. After they murdered him, Johnson used the fake Gulf of Tonkin incident to
drag us into war instead – where the only people who profited were the Central
Banks that financed it, and the Military Industrial Complex selling toxic
chemicals like Agent Orange, Napalm and other weapons of death.

A. TIMING:Mon. 29 April: The Military Alliance was given the Green Light
to begin Operation Storm and mass arrests.Fri. 3 May: Iraq celebrates their
financial inclusion in the Global Financial System.

Mon. 27 May: Civil War Two begins in the USA when Texas
secedes from the rest of the country, while on that same date Biden plans to
cede US Sovereignty to WHO in a Pandemic Treaty.Thurs. 11 June: A very famous
music artist will reveal that they faked their own passing.

Thurs. 19 September: The first ever Category Six
hurricane occurs on the US East Coast, slamming the Carolinas 

B. GLOBAL CURRENCY RESET:· Thurs. 2 May Wolverine: “I just received
great news from Brazil. It’s going to be the greatest transfer of wealth in the
history of mankind. We will soon be crossing the finish line. Get ready. A lot
of things are happening. There are a lot of people under NDAs. My sources,
which include the Central Bank of Brazil, say it’s looking good. I have
absolute faith we will have good news by Fri. 3 May. Everything is ready to go.
Everyone is happy. I’m very confident that this is our week”.

· Thurs. 2 May MarkZ: “Iraq has been quiet since they
told us to expect a rate change in their markets …and it’s now up to the CBI as
to “when”. …then they went quiet…Quiet is not a bad thing right now…They did
let us know recently that they have a new banking system prepped and ready to
go. And they have distributed millions of cards to people to use for banking”.

· Thurs. 2 May Bruce: The Iraqi Dinar has been trading for weeks on the
bank back screens. Iraq was tentatively going to celebrate what they call their
Financial Inclusion on Fri. 3 May 2024. On Mon. 29 April the Military was given
the Green Light (to begin Operation Storm). An email was sent to Bruce that
said to be ready on Sat. 4 May.

· Thurs. 2 May Iraq is allowing the Dinar to float to close the gap
between the official exchange rate and the parallel market rate.

· Thurs. 2 May JP Morgan CEO Jamie Diamon, “Bitcoin is a fraud. There is
no hope for Bitcoin as a currency.”

· Thurs. 2 May Ariel: Gold is the basis for a good backed currency.
Unlike fiat currencies, which can be printed by Central Banks, gold has a
finite supply. The scarcity of gold means that its value is not as easily
eroded by inflation. Gold has intrinsic value due to its rarity, durability,
and universal acceptance. This intrinsic value helps gold maintain its
purchasing power over time, even in the face of rising prices. This is why 43+
states are adopting the Gold Standard. Hold on to those ZIM-Bonds because the
next step is rejoining the Forex market. 

· Iraqi Dinar RV/RI: The Central Bank of Iraq on Iraqi Dinar Currency
Exchange. Dr. Shabibi responds to a Revaluation and Redenomination questions
back in 2011: · Thurs. 2 May: Basel III: The End! Redemption News – Currency
Revaluation and Redemption in a Surveillance State

Big Call Universe :
 · Tier 3 Bond Holders have not yet recieved
their emails.
· The Iraqi Dinar has been trading for weeks on the bank
back screens.
· Iraq was tentatively going to celebrate what they call
their Financial Inclusion on Fri. 3 May 2024.
· Arizona has
overturned their Election results from 2020.

· We are waiting for the Green light for Military,
Treasury and Wells Fargo, then the email notifications for Tier4b (us, the
Internet Group) will go out. On Mon. 29 April the Military was given the Green
· An email was sent to Bruce that said to be ready on
Sat. 4 May.
· Tier4b R&R funds will be given at your exchange.

D. THE FOREX MARKET, ARIEL: · The Zim 2008-2009
printed Trillions [and Billion] Series aren’t FIAT money, they’re “Promissory
· Each and every note says “Promise to pay the bearer on
demand” [as seen above]. Therefore it is illegal in every country per UCC Law
[Uniform Commercial Code] not to honor.”

· This means once Zimbabwe reinstate their new currency
on the Forex Market, you will be able to redeem them at the new value.· Same
for Iraqi Dinar
· You cannot do anything with either currency until they
are officially on the Forex.· What country also announced they are preparing to
reintegration back on the Forex Market. Zimbabwe.

· This is where the rubber meets the road for all of us.
So please understand this basic point of this entire process. Any demonitized
paper currency in their country is to pave the way for new redesigned currency
with better security features and a new modern application for new value added
for the citizens in that particular country.

· Participating in the global forex market would allow for increased liquidity
of the Zimbabwean dollar, making it easier for individuals and businesses to
buy and sell the currency.

· A gold-backed currency could help stabilize the value of the
Zimbabwean dollar, especially if the country maintains sufficient gold reserves
and manages its monetary policy effectively. This stability could be further
enhanced by participation in the forex market.

· A more stable and globally traded currency could make Zimbabwe a more
attractive destination for foreign investment, which could help stimulate
economic growth and development.

· Rejoining the forex market would make it easier for Zimbabwean
businesses to engage in international trade, as they would have access to a
more widely accepted currency for transactions.

· Participating in the global forex market would require Zimbabwe to
adhere to international standards and best practices, which could help improve
transparency and accountability in the country’s financial system.

· By having a presence in the forex market, Zimbabwe could potentially
gain better access to global financial markets, making it easier to borrow
funds and access other financial resources.· This goes for all countries
rejoining the foreign exchange markets with new gold backed currency. 

Failures: · Bond markets face struggle to surf ‘Treasury tsunami’ – The
Globe and Mail: · Tokyo shares fall ahead of Fed decision: 

· Thurs. 2 May Japanese authority intervention tonight.
Let the games begin. The Yen remains down nearly 10% against the dollar this
year and down 20% vs. gold in the last 6 months. Looks like $35 billion was
spent Monday to prop up the yen. Things are getting strange. 

· Thurs. 2 May Fed Faces Dilemma: · 722 banks reported unrealized
losses exceeding 50% of their capital – US FED Bank Crisis is just getting

· Thurs. 2 May: Pakistani authorities have instructed the
country’s telecommunications authority to block the SIM cards of more than
500,000 tax evaders amid the country’s ongoing financial crisis.

F. THURS. 2 MAY: The Bankster Collusion between The US Treasury, FED and
, 1. Since fiat currency systems are totally dependent on
debt to exist, the global bond markets are the lynchpin to their survival or

2. Japan’s Yen currency is in deep, systemic crisis
because of the bond yield (interest rate) spread between JGBs (Japanese
government bonds) and US Treasury bonds.

3. Borrowing Yen is very cheap. So traders borrow yen and then buy US
bonds (with the borrowed yen) to earn substantial profits. This is what a
currency Carry Trade is in simple terms. Governments with weak currencies and
cheap bonds hate carry trades.

4. This is why they often blame ‘currency speculators’ for their
financial problems (even though the financial mess these governments are in are
self-inflicted due to their own stupidity). And US Treasury bonds are the most
important and critical debt/collateral instruments on earth.

5. US Treasuries are the very backbone of the global fiat financial
system. More than the dollar is.

6. The U.S. Treasury does not control the interest rate of their bond
issuance. Bonds are sold in Auctions. Meaning, buyers submit bids on what
interest rate they want to receive on the bonds. If bond buyers believe there’s
more risk in the USA financial economy, they demand higher interest (yields) on
the bonds they want to buy from the UST.

7. However, if the UST starts buying back their own bonds from the
market, they can bid the interest yields lower. And this is why the UST
announced it will begin buybacks of their own bonds.

8. On the other hand, the FED has been actively selling the US Treasury
bonds they own. This is called Quantitative Tightening (QT) in FED-speak.
Yesterday, the FED announced it will begin slowing down its QT. Why. Because
when the FED sells its bond holdings into the market, it raises bond yields
(interest rates). So, the UST and the FED are acting in concert to lower US
bond yields across the board.

9. This will also reduce the incentive for Japanese Yen carry trades as
US bond interest rates (yields) come down. This is why Japan leadership met
with both Janet Yellen (UST) and Jay Powell (FED) last month in Washington DC.

10. Japan is also the single largest holder of US Treasury bonds on the
It’s all connected. The USA Banksters cannot afford to have
Japan look to join BRICS.


· Thurs. 2 May 2024 Indonesia volcano eruption sparks tsunami fears,
alert level raised to highest. Officials worry that part of the volcano could
collapse into the sea and cause a tsunami, as happened in 1871.

· Thurs. 2 May 2024: Kyle Marisa Roth, a famous Tik Toker has been found
dead with no cause of death given. She recently uploaded videos exposing Oprah
and Diddy. The family is unsure about what caused her death. In the weeks
leading to her passing she was having issues with her account with over 700k
followers being banned.

· Flyers are being distributed in Mexico encouraging illegals to vote
for President Biden. The flyers read: “Reminder to vote for President Biden
when you are in the United States. We need another four years of his term to
stay open.” As illegals pass into the US they are given packets containing
information on how to register as a voter in US Elections.

· 2020 Voter Fraud: Bombshell new video showing a van dropping off 100s
of thousands of ballots around 3 AM in Detroit w/o any GOP monitors. Biden’s
Michigan votes would spike ahead of Trump a couple hrs. later. This is why 62%
of all Americans know 2020 was rigged.

· Thurs. 2 May 2024 US Marines Arrest Oregon AG for Treason: · Thurs. 2
May RFK talks about BlackRock, State-street and Vanguard purchasing large
numbers of homes in the USA. He predicts that by 2030 they could own 60% of the
single family homes in America. The CEO of Chase Bank (owned by BlackRock and
Vanguard) has stated they plan to take over home ownership to fight Climate

· Thurs. 2 May Ben Fulford: Benjamin Fulford: Trump’s May
Bomb Drop · Wed. 1 May Exposed – Dark Secrets of the Vatican Hidden from Us for
Thousands of Years
, The Roman Cult is a shadow group of
blood-thirsty Satanists, which was involved in “child sacrifice, burning people
alive (since 11th Century CE), demonic worship and absolute celibacy of its
lowest priests. “Since the 1st Century BCE, it’s High Priests have been known
as ‘Pontiffs’ — a hereditary position controlled by a handful of ancient
families. The Pagan High Priests assumed the role as community leaders in Rome
and during more than one period, openly returned to their pagan practices of
child sacrifice, cannibalism and demonic worship – believed to continue to this

· Wed. 17 May 2017: Vatican, Global Elites Found Guilty
of Child Sacrifice

· Thurs. 2 May: Michio Kaku: “James Webb Telescope Received A Terrifying
Message From Andromeda Galaxy!”

· Thurs. 2 May: BOOOM!!! GITMO: Flight to GITMO – Government and
Traitors, JFK ‘Q’ – Pascal Najadi Epic interview!

· Man Has Never Stepped on the Moon. Why would NASA make this up. The
answer is very simple from a financial aspect alone: 365 (days) X 63 (years)
with funding on average of $55,000,000 dollars a day from tax payers. They had
$1,264,720,000,000 reasons to lie. The Deep State netted 100’s of BILLIONS of
dollars. They put that money in a vast underground tunnel system for child
trafficking after living their lavish lifestyle. NASA and their lies very much

· Parasites are the root cause of thousands of diseases: They feed off
of carbonated drinks, refined sugars, artificial and processed foods.

· Thurs. 2 May 2024 El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele announces that
he is investigating every single official in the executive branch of his
government for bribery.

· The Clinton Political Resume: 12 rape accusations; 121 mysterious
deaths (57 from their inner circle); 1 dead American ambassador; 3 Navy Seals
Dead; 10 investigations, 1 impeachment; 2 disbarments; 30,000+ emails deleted
to hinder a federal investigation and helped arm and create ISIS by political
decisions made as Secretary of State.

· Australia: After the 1996 Port Arthur massacre the Australian
government introduced the Medicare Levy Amendment Act 1996 to raise $500
million through a one-off increase in the Medicare levy to initiate the ‘Gun
Buyback Scheme’ where they bought privately owned guns from the people and
destroyed them. Australia killed its own citizens in the Port Arthur setup, and
then made them pay to give up their protection. It’s time the government pays
for their crimes.

· Whistleblowers at Boeing just keep dying right after they start
alerting authorities about what is going on at Boeing. Boeing has an amazing
hit squad, extremely efficient and talented. It’s too bad that Boeing didn’t
put as much effort into the 737 Max and the 787.

· Oklahoma City Bombing Terrorist Tim McVeigh is also FBI agent Paul
Wysopal. Another inside job:

· Thurs. 2 May Biden’s Energy Secretary Granholm Denies Her Dark Money
Connections & Stock Trading Lies. Senator Hawley: “Meanwhile, your Energy
Department, executives in your Energy Department, are trading stocks in
companies that they have direct oversight over, and you were too”.

· Thurs. 2 May: BREAKING: AI COUP! AI Systems Now Taking Control of
Cars, Phones, and YOU – Alex Jones Video – You Have Been Warned! · Thurs. 2
May: BOOOM!!! GITMO: Flight to GITMO – Government and Traitors, JFK ‘Q’ – Pascal
Najadi Epic interview!

· Thurs. 2 May: China’s Pledge to Rebuild Gaza: China
Says it Will Help Rebuild Gaza if a Stable Ceasefire is Reached With Israel ·
Thurs. 2 May: BREAKING NEWS: Turkey Officially Halts all Trade With Israel –
Breaking Ties, Breaking Ground!


· Wed. 3 April 2024: Judy Byington Bombshell Report! Popes, Vatican
Satanic Cult Ninth Circle Exposed: Cult Arrested with Caged Abused Babies and
Body Parts Released Without Charges

· Elon Musk Invests $1 Billion in Mel Gibson and Mark Wahlberg’s New
Un-Woke Production Studio. Mark Wahlberg Discussed The Issue Of Child
Trafficking In Hollywood. Known for being a religious person with high ethics
and morals, Mark Wahlberg discussed the evil that has been lurking in
Hollywood, during a Sunday school meeting in Los Angeles. While highlighting
the issue of sexual abuse inflicted by power-hungry people on young and
ambitious women, the actor mentioned the current issue of child trafficking in
Hollywood. Giving out inside information from the industry, Mark Wahlberg
warned the congregation about receiving bad news in the coming months or years,
about pedophilia. According to the actor, Hollywood has become a huge network
for child trafficking, pedophilia, and prostitution. Wahlberg believes the
“culture of silence” in the industry has become so dominant that “sick freaks”
are controlling the network with ease and without interference.


· Bush Jr., Obama, Clinton, Biden at GITMO: Judy Byington Bombshell
Report: Bush Jr. Said to Be Executed for 9/11, Obama, Clinton, Biden Jailed at

· US Presidents at GITMO: GITMO: Which Presidents Are Going. Deep State,
Treason, Military Tribunals, Official Documents, List of Indictments

· US of GITMO: United States of GITMO: Indictments, Arrests and
Executions – Trump Just Posted this Video on Truth Social: GITMO is About to
get VERY Busy!

· 700,000 Indictments For GITMO Tribunals: BOMBSHELL! Make GITMO Great
Again! A Military Tribunal In GITMO: List of Those Believed Named in Over
700,000 Sealed Indictments

· The Road to GITMO: The Road to Guantanamo Bay for Global Elite | To
the Global Elite, I Say: Welcome to Guantanamo Bay, Home, Not So Sweet, Home!

· GITMO Arrests, Indictments, Executions: Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp
Arrests, Indictments and Executions for Thousands of New Ex-Elite Prisoners –
Official Documents


· A Neuroscientist explained that chemicals such as fluoride have been
used intentionally to dumb down society so that it becomes dependent on

· Medical students are not taught immunology but consensus &
propaganda. Mike Adams: We’ve seen this weaponization of the biotech industry
of the medical science establishment has been weaponized against humanity in a
multitude of ways. We are living in a deliberate toxic stew. But then people
are still signing up to take more jabs, swallow more pharmaceuticals, grow
their food, and I apologize for using the term but they’re growing their food
in human shit because that’s what biosludge is.

· Dr. Judy Mikovits: Medical students aren’t being taught immunology.
They are being taught consensus and propaganda. You don’t need statistics.
Gravity is gravity and viruses are viruses and I know how they work. I got
Ebola, I had an outbreak recently, and I worked on these things. We can’t get
people to hear us if we’re censored!

· Thurs. 2 May Dr. Judy Mikovits: Gardasil, 13 y.o. with Acute
Myelogenous Leukemia, instead of 86 y.o.”The data I presented to the
vaccine court about children getting advanced cancers from the Gardasil shot.
What was gonna happen when you injected 9 or 10 strains of oncogenes bound to
deadly aluminum. You injected the oncogenes, in that synthetic lipid
nano-particle that Robert Malone designed to express the spike protein… how
now a 12 yo girl is getting a deadly cancer called Acute Myelogenous
Leukemia,… age time for somebody to develop that leukemia, is 86 yo”!

M. RIOTS AND DEMONSTRATORS:· Thurs. 2 May California: Police in full
riot gear have established a line, separating anti-Israel demonstrators from
those inside the UCLA “Gaza Solidarity Encampment”.

· Thurs. 2 May California UCLA: CHP Ordered to dawn gas
masks and ready batons as possible taking down of Pro-Hamas encampment
imminent.  · Thurs. 2 May: The number of detainees during protests at
American universities has risen to 1,700. Welcome to the United Slaves of

· The Soros foundation appears to have been paying
protestors to protest. One group has received $300,000 from Soros’ Open Society
Foundations since 2017 and $355,000 from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund since
2019. Seems like there is some merit to the argument that some protests are not
organic but organized.

· Why Protests and Wars. To create money for the Global Elite Cabal Deep
State.Guess who’s funding both sides of Protests and Wars: Soros.Guess where he
gets his money to fund the protests: The Deep State Cabal.

Guess where the Deep State Cabal gets their money: US
Taxpayer dollars paid to the Deep State Cabal privately owned IRS with full
knowledge of the US Congress.Why
. Because the majority
of Congress is compromised and allows US Taxpayer dollars to be money laundered
back into their own pockets in return for voting for certain bills.


· “The push for insect eating is just a compliance test because our
politicians know that when they control the food, they control the
people”, says Dutch political commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek, on the
Globalist Agenda to compel people to eat insects, “to save the
planet”. …Tucker Carlson Thurs. 2 May 2024

· Thurs. 2 May RFK Jr: The World Economic Forum is “a billionaires
boys’ club, that’s arranging the world to shift wealth upward, and to clamp
down totalitarian controls on everybody else. It’s astonishing to me that these
people go to Davos in their private jets, and they’re able to tell these world
leaders how to govern us in ways that eradicate our constitutional and civil

· The Globalists’ Disturbing Plan to Take Over the Food Supply: If
you’ve wondered why Climate Change Policies always seem to negatively impact
farmers, it is not a coincidence. The truth is that they’re trying to put
farmers out of business. But why. Well, if they succeed, then the
pharmaceutical industry can essentially take over the food supply. Catherine
Austin Fitts warns, “Once they have control of your transactions, they can
dictate your health policies, and they can dictate what food you can and cannot
buy. So, if they don’t want you buying pizza, you can’t buy pizza. If they want
you to buy pizza made with insect-based flour, that’s what you’re going to
get”. Fitts continued. “They’re literally planning on getting rid of all the farmers
and instituting food created synthetically in manufacturing laboratories … If
they succeed in doing that, you and I will be eating lab-grown meat. That’s
their plan”

O. THURS. 2 MAY, WHITE HAT INTEL:This is the marker I was waiting for
the past two months.· The White Hat Military has initiated overt operations
against the CIA Deep State.· The COUP against Donald J. Trump would be revealed
and lead to military intervention and TREASON.

· For the first time in history you are watching exposure
of the CIA (Rockefellers, Rothschilds and Super Elite World Banking Corporation
that control the CIA) reaching pinnacle levels that connect to Treason, coups,
human trafficking, Epstein, Mainstream Media, Social Media control that runs
elections, creating coups by the Military Industrial Complex. The CIA created
bioweapons, the virus, control Hollywood, Satanic rituals and child

· The most powerful voices across the World: Trump, Carlson, Putin, XI
(killed all CIA in China in the past nine years) Jones, Joe Rogan, Musk and
more including James O’Keefe.

· There were 2.3 billion people across the World with information that
is exposing the CIA Globalist Operations Worldwide. Tens of millions of people
from different countries rebroadcast the messages into their syndicated

· The Trump and Military covert operations were creating a worldwide
Truth Network that was going to expose the CIA Globalists in every country and
their full corruption of World Systems.

· The CIA is going to be exposed on a mass level connected to Treason,
Election interference coup of a US President.· This Event collides with Epstein
Summer Events, P Diddy Hollywood Sex Ring, Human Trafficking and Pedophilia
connected to CIA Operations.

· The CIA created the War in Ukraine, the Virus, death by
Vax, illegal weapons trade, drug trade, they created the first cartel drug
trafficking routes, 90% of World news is controlled by the CIA, they did the
Kennedy Assassination and 9/11 and control World money laundering operations.

· Hold on tight, Patriots. The journey will lead to UAPs, UFO, Massive
Cover-ups. What is the Vatican hiding underground. How did the U.S. Military White
Hats excess all the records · Stay tuned, Patriots. Trump is highly protected
and insulated.


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