Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 30, 2024


Judy Note: A Countdown to
Freedom for The People of the World has started. The next few days are to be
remembered with Disclosure ever present

There was a heavy Military presence all over the Eastern US, with a Blackout
expected at any time as the White Hats prepared for a negative outcome in
Trump’s trial.

The World’s Central Banking has been used as a tool for financial
enslavement of The People by the Deep State Cabal Globalists who ran an
international Child Sex Trafficking Network in their worship of Satan.

In the “Ken and Barbie vs. Goliath IRS Case” two IRS agents testified that they did not
know of a law that required us to file federal income tax returns. In other
words, paying taxes to the Deep State Cabal was voluntary. The judge has
suggested that Ken has grounds for two motions for acquittal.

The Global Alliance was about to take care of the Satan
worshipping Illuminati controlling the World Monetary System. On Wed. 29 May
regulations for the Global Currency Reset were finalized and the GCR was set in
motion with a due date for announcement on July 4.

NATO was in training for Nuclear Attacks on Russia because the Russians were freeing
Ukraine from Nazi control. The Russian Military had freed hundreds of children
held in underground Ukraine Tunnels that ran beneath Biden owned property. In
the 2014 Nazi takeover of Ukraine, they killed more than 30,000 innocent
civilians, raped children in Donbass and sold their Adrenochrome and organs to
the Elites.

Sarah Ransome was a victim of the Jeffrey
and Ghislaine
Maxwell Child Sex Trafficking Operation. “I was age ten and raped repeatedly
& I was not the only girl on that Island. There was a constant stream of
girls being raped over & over again.”

Barack Obama, the grandson of Adolf Hitler, has proven to be a Satanic Pedophile Nazi.
Ellen Degeneres was born a male as the son of John D. Rockefeller. Both have
undergone Military Tribunals at GITMO and found guilty of Crimes Against
Humanity such as participating in Adrenochrome harvesting, Cannibalism,
Worldwide Child Trafficking for the Cabal, Pedogate, Pedophilia, Pizzagate,
Satanic Rituals, Satanism, Spirit Cooking and a part of the Red Shoe Club. Both
were executed.

A CIA Agent has testified that the CIA
invented MRNA
as a
Bioweapon under direction of Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum. The Danish
government discovered that Gates’ vaccine was ten times more likely to kill
vaccinated children than unvaccinated children.

EMF Radiation Test shows driving an electric car was like
standing near a running microwave. It was extremely harmful to your body,
especially if you were traveling at reasonable distances inside any electric

According to the Trump legal department the Trump Organization has no affiliation or
association whatsoever with TRB products which advertises Trump and associates were
behind. The Cabal has bilked thousands of Patriots out of millions. Not one
participant has been paid promised returns.


B. Scam Alert:

The so-called Trump Coins, Badges and
Stickers were NOT, as the advertising claimed, endorsed by Trump, Tucker
Carlson, the Trump Organization, or its affiliates.
Trump Organization has no affiliation or association whatsoever with TRB products.

…They illegally use pictures of Trump and others associated with Trump to sell
their products. …They are engaged in a scheme to deceive and scam the public.
…We have launched our own investigation and have shared information with
federal law enforcement agencies. …They have gone so far as to send emails
falsely representing to be from our employees.” …a letter signed by Alan
Garten, General Counsel to the Trump Organization.

Judy Note: Patriots, TAKE ACTION: If you feel
you have been a victim
a scam it is recommended that you report such to your local law
enforcement and business bureau. If I were a victim of the TRB Scam, I would
also type up my TRB experience including products bought and monies paid out,
plus my contact information and send an original notarized copy of my TRB write
up to: Alan Garten, General Counsel to the Trump Organization. The Trump
Organization 725 Fifth Avenue, 26th Fl. New York NY 10022-2519 United States.

C. Global Currency Reset:

Judy Note: From the below information it appeared that
Tiers 1 and 2 have been funded and Bond Holders were set to receive liquidity
on Wed. 39 May – the same day
regulations for the Global Currency Reset would be finalized. Tier 3 appeared
to be under Non Disclosure Agreements so they may have completed appointments
and/or have liquidity. Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) could be notified with
exchange appointments set any time from Sat.
1 June to Tues. 4 June,
with a final D Day of Thurs. 6 June. The Tier4b exchange/ bond redemption process was
hoped to be finished by Sat. 15 June, with
a back wall date of a Tier4b finish by
Thurs. 4 July.
It was believed that the GCR would be announced (where Tier
5 the General Public could exchange at the new international currency rates) on
Thurs. 4 July.

Tues. 28 May 2024 Wolverine:

Sovereign Bond Holders are getting ready to get
notifications and lots happening with Paymasters getting ready.

I have been told Brazil should get liquidity
tomorrow Wed. 29 May.

All is in line from Sat. 1 June onward for T3 and T4.

T1 and T2 are completed. This was confirmed with
various sources.

I have been told the
National Bank of Brazil
(from my source on the inside), is that they are about to
hopefully release the funds and their liquidity
tomorrow Wed. 29 May
for the bond

Most of you are currency
what I have been told (I know you guys are frustrated) is that anytime during the week we should get
our notifications for currency.

There is a lot of intel I cannot tell you. I have
been told not to say anything, but all good news coming in. Hope all I have
been told will come to reality. I do not have anymore.

This is all that came through early
this morning.

What I have been told is
that Brazil will be released first,
that is what came out, but cannot confirm, but that is
what people say that Brazil will go first. I do not care who goes first, just
want it to start.

Take care guys have a beautiful day.

On Sun. 26 May 2024
Wolverine received this text from Trump:
Gren Stop2End LET’S GO!!!!!!   As I said before
T1 and T2 are already finished. It is a process which should be finished by June 15th. We should get good news this week. I have had confirmation that
Brazil will start this week from the
Central Bank of Brazil.
Thurs. 6 June is D Day.” 

Wed. 29 May 2024 MarkZ: “I absolutely believe this has started and
cannot be stopped.
…It’s very quiet still on the Historic Bond
side. My European contact who had a meeting yesterday is still MIA. I still go
straight to his voicemail. The phone is simply not turned on. I hope that is a
very positive thing. I know of three Historic Bond Contacts with appointments

On Wed. 29 May 2024 the MICA
(Global Regulations) are done.
Then, we begin the process of implementing the QFS. It
will not be done in one day, but the process begins. …Goldilocks

28 May 2024 Bruce via Sue:
Our number one Intel Guy said we could expect
midday and early evening for notifications anytime from now to the weekend
Sat. 1 June
and maybe exchange Thurs. 30 May through the weekend. Another
call from a person very high and strategic said to look for the 800s anytime
from tomorrow Wed. 29 to Tues. 4 June.

Tues. 28 May 2024 TNT: This morning’s notification still says 99.9%.
Be Alert!

D. Payout for Tier Groups involved in the RV:

The Dubai Accounts Funds the RV: Dubai 1 funds Tiers 1&2 of the RV and
Dubai 2 funds Tiers 3&4 of the RV, while Dubai 3 funds the Adjudicated
Accounts and GESARA.

The payout of the Bonds and Currency is done in order of the different tiers. There
are five Tiers that will be exchanging: Tiers 1, 2, 3, 4 &5.

Liquidity Release is done in a certain order. The Elders, German Bonds and select
Yellow Dragon Bonds must be paid first and have been.

A. Dubai 1 released for liquidity which then triggers Dubai

B. F&P’s are released to recipients (they need D1
liquid, this is their hold up)

C. Bonds will be liquid (they need D1 to be liquid)

D. Tiers 1-4b are notified. (they need D1 to be liquid) It
appears all is set to go on or about the same time!

Tier 1 Sovereign Nation Debt of Governments: Chinese Royals, Bond Holders, Paymasters,
Church Groups, CMKX, F&P, Adjudicated Settlements, Ranch and Farm Claims
and other groups.

Tier 2 Royals, Elders, Whales, Military Generals and some political type
Elites with platforms of currency, corporations, etc.

Tier 3 Admirals Group, American Indians, CMKX, large church groups like the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Pentecostal group was now 100% under
an NDA.

Tier 3 was all Dubai 2 Trust Money and originally
was the Generals and public
Now Tier 3 includes groups with projects including the Admiral.

The Admiral was sent to the back of the line and renamed Tier 4A
(really just a pie slice of tier 3). The Admiral’s Group was composed of three
parts – most notable of which was Tier4a Core groups and 130 VIP groups.

Tier 4B, (us, the Internet Group) is the largest group and composed of the
general public who paid attention to the intel – the people who have bought
currency and/or bonds and kept up with the reset by way of information on the

Tier 5 The general public who never paid attention to the Intel.

The official GO for Tier 4b has not been
released yet.
It can
happen any moment. As all Tier1-4b are funded, we await the final release to
reach to our level.

It’s a process. It’s tedious and time
consuming –
adjustments as needed along the way for accuracy and safety of all involved.
It’s a very quiet & discrete operation, where the general public is left
uninformed for obvious reasons. Pay attention to the levels that are ahead of
us. That will help give a better understanding of where we are, in relation to
it reaching the 4b level. BUT, it is unfolding. And when it reaches our levels,
there will be no doubts. It’s coming! Keep the faith.

E. Global Financial Crisis:

Tues. 28 May 2024 BOOM! Trump’s Executive Orders: Dismantling
the Federal Reserve and Shaking World Banking Systems!

CBDC Announcement: “In a vote of 216 – 192, the House of
Representatives passed Emmer’s bill that would prohibit the Federal Reserve
from issuing a surveillance-style central bank digital currency (CBDC) that
could give the federal government the ability to monitor and control individual
Americans’ spending habits.” This new bill is moving through Congress as
we speak. It does not mean that Retail CBDC is going away entirely. It just
means that the ability to know and interfere with your private affairs through
a Central Bank Digital Coin is an issue no one wants to live with going
forward. Project Tourbillon is in the works to produce a form of cash like
anonymity for Retail CBDC. The protection of people’s identities is currently
being tested. There is a question of speed that needs to be resolved along with
the above therefore mentioned. This is the name for the trial of a prototype
Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), using technology based on David Chaum’s
eCash 2.0 design.

Tues. 28 May 2024 Behind The Scenes: Military Alliance
Threatens the U.S. Government & Deep State – The Price of Silence: Trillions
of Dollars and Deception

The BRICS currency is coming: Why the dollar should worry?

A group of emerging nations could soon start
knocking down one key pillar of dollar dominance:

The History of Central Banking and The
Enslavement of Mankind
a book by Stephen Mitford Goodson that explores the history of central banking
and its impact on society. The book argues and gives evidence that central
banking has been used as a tool for financial enslavement by those in control
of the monetary systems over We The People. It delves into the origins of
central banking, tracing its roots back to ancient times, and discusses its
development and consequences. Goodson also examines the role of central banking
in various historical events, such as wars and revolutions, and connects these
events to the actions of central banks. The book aims to empower readers by
revealing the inner workings of central banking and encouraging them to take
control of their financial future. As you read this book, you will start to
understand how we are in biblical times, and you will witness the greatest time
in human history, the changing of the Money Changers utilizing technology to
empower people. Matthew 21:12 (KJV) “And Jesus went into the temple of
God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew
the tables of the Money Changers”

F. Restored Republic

Heavy Military Presence All Over Eastern US;
Nations Getting Ready:

White Hats Prep for Outcome of Unlawful Hush
Money Trial:

G. Illuminati Deep State Cabal Globalist Depopulation
Agenda 2030:

Zionism: Former British MI5 Agent Annie Machon Explains how
Israel Bombed their own embassy in London in 1994 and framed two Palestinian activists, so that the Jews in the
UK could get more security funding. The framed activists were sentenced to 20
years in prison.

New “Mission Impossible” series foretells a
seemingly accurate list of events.
The “Mission impossible” series is probably one of the CIA‘s main
sources of propaganda injection for society. In the latest mission impossible
of 2023 they come right out and say exactly what Klaus Schwab and the world
economic forum are saying. Cyber attack, also a sentient AI attack, as well as
Civil War over lack of water air and energy. Don’t forget food shortage.

H. The Real News for Wed. 29 May 2024:

The Russians are freeing Ukraine from Nazi
fighting the 2014
Nazi takeover of Ukraine, who then killed more than 30,000 innocent civilians,
raped children in Donbass and sold their Adrenochrome and organs to the Elites.

Wed. 29 May 2024: UK at war with Russia; NATO training for Nuclear Attacks on Russia;
More NATO countries to supply weapons to attack Russia. WTPN SITUATION UPDATE

Wed. 29 May 2024 Judy Byington: Un-Redacted:Welcome to the
End Game. The Countdown Has Started. A Week to Remember. Blackout Necessary.
Special Intel Report 5/29/24

Tues. 28 May 2024 Situation Update: Rafah Massacre! Taiwan
Strait! NATO’s War With Russia! Dumping US Dollar Holdings! Sleepy Joe Strikes
Again! Restore Republic!

Southwest Airlines hit by Power outage in
North Texas and delays flights nationwide. All planes grounded.

Today is President JFKs 107th (17) Birthday. Happy birthday Sir. We will finish what you
started. God bless you. …Q Storm 1776

Tues. 28 May 2024 Exposed: The Real Story of Vatican’s Secrets
– Delving into the Mysteries of the Vatican’s Secret Archives – Evil Secrets
That The Church Kept Hidden For Your Protection

Tues. 28 May 2024 HAARP is now much more than just an
ionospheric energy charging facility constructed 30 years ago in Alaska. It now
has Global capability with locations not only in numerous countries but also
situated at sea. Community Notes will try & tell you this is Military Radar
tech……it’s not. …Edward Snowden on Telegram

Tues. 28 May 2024 EMF Radiation Test shows driving an electric car like standing
near a running microwave. Extremely harmful to your body especially if you are
traveling at reasonable distances inside any Electric vehicle.

Wed. 29 May 2024: Illegal immigrants use
Facebook ‘black market’
work in NYC, buy fake IDs and access human smuggling services.

I. International Child Sex
Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and
housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam in the 1500 mile tunnel that runs between
the Vatican and Jerusalem:

Sarah Ransome was a victim of the Jeffrey
Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell Child Trafficking Operation.
“I was raped repeatedly & I was not the
only girl on that Island. I was ten – that’s how long the sex trafficking ring
has been happening. There was a constant stream of girls being raped over &
over again. I have spent the last 17 years in my own prison – for what she,
Jeffrey & the co-conspirators did to me.” She is just one of the thousands
of children abducted & abused over several decades – we know about
Epstein’s Island & Manhattan Penthouse – how many more operations were

Ellen Degeneres was born a male (Allen
Rockefeller), the son of John D. Rockefeller.
He spent his life pretending to be a woman
pretending to be a man. He signed a contract in blood and sold his soul to the
Devil. He went to Epstein Island. He was executed Oct. 2023 for Crimes Against
Humanity: Participating in Adrenochrome harvesting, Cannibalism, Worldwide
Child Trafficking for the Cabal, Pedogate, Pedophilia, Pizzagate, Satanic
Rituals, Satanism, Spirit Cooking, Red Shoe Club. May he burn in Hell forever.

Barack Obama, the grandson of Adolf Hitler, has proven to
be a Satanic Pedophile Nazi. He faced a Tribunal and died at GITMO in late 2020.

J. Covid/Vax/Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/
Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride,
Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

In March 2021 Fauci said that the Johnson & Johnson
vaccine was “virtually 100% protective against hospitalizations and
death.” By May 2022 the FDA had
restricted the J&J vaccine due the high risk of blood clots.

In 2016, Bill Gates attempted to sell his DTP
vaccine to the Danish government.
After conducting their own studies, the Danish government discovered
that Gates’ vaccine was ten times more likely to kill vaccinated children than
unvaccinated children. …Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Switzerland is first country in World to ban

Screening services are also suspended in parts of Canada, Italy, Scotland, and
Australia. — 50-60% of “positive” results are incorrect! So being
diagnosed with “breast cancer” in 50-60% of cases proves it was not
even there at all. — upon examination, the breast is compressed with a large
weight of 10 кРа (1019 kg/m2) & then a healthy, very sensitive mammary
tissue is bombarded with radioactive radiation! — stimulates tumor growth &
spread of metastases! — study done at 690,000 records show that a large number
of breast cancer in completely healthy women after mammography!!!

Wed. 29 May 2024 CIA Agent Testifies CIA
Invented MRNA as a Bioweapon with Gates and the World Economic Forum:

K. Wars and Rumors of Wars:

Wed. 29 May Breaking News on Ukraine and
other Conflicts, Pascal Najadi:

Ukraine – the Media won’t tell you this: The Russians are fighting the 2014 takeover
in Ukraine by Nazis, who killed more than 30,000 innocent civilians, raped
children in Donbass and sold their Adrenochrome and organs to the Elites.

Russian troops recently seized a Ukrainian
military arms-cache in the Luhansk region that was storing more than 100,000
varying from
artillery and anti-tank weapons to aerial projectiles, drones, and crude
missiles. The seizure comes shortly after the Russian Army broke through the
Ukrainian defensive front at Chasov Yar and Klescheevka; the military is now
conducting mop-up operations in the area, in preparation for an offensive
across the Dnieper in the Zaporozhye region.

Wed. 29 May NATO Prepares Nuclear Strike on

Wed 29 May 2024 NATO in Training for Nuclear
Attacks on Russia:


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