They’re aliens. Literally. HOMO SAPIENS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO OWN LAND No one other than the elite are given a ‘land patent’ or ‘Allodial title’ when they buy a home unless they were given secret instructions on how to do that. Why? As pointed out in BALLANTINE’S LAW dictionary, Humans (‘Homo sapiens’ also ‘Homo sapiens sapiens’) are ‘monsters’ that do not have the right to own land. Only Homo Neanderthalensis have been able to own land known as ‘real’ estate, as real estate is a forever or eternal material no longer being produced and this is their world, not yours. Humans are pointed out in law books as a very specific group of people, known as Homo sapiens as mentioned above. These are the only people who are subject to Admiralty Law, a legal mechanism created by the ancient Mesopotamians of Babylon and much later reintroduced by King George of Great Britain in 1666 when he created the modern Admiralty Law courts. Admiralty Law is not actually the universal law across the world however, Common Law is. And the rules are incredibly different. Admiralty Laws are the rules that come into place when you are out at sea in international waters and wasn’t supposed to be the ‘law of the land’, yet somehow, here we are. You will learn that the people who wrote the Admiralty laws that humans are now subject to, have been around for a very, very long time. While they refer to themselves as simply ‘J3ws’, that’s not what blood tests actually reveal. There are in fact real Hebrew/Israelite J3ws, and then there is an ultra-small group within their ranks that have now infiltrated every position of power across America, as well as the rest of the world. They dominate, by a vast majority, leadership roles for all media,


all medicine,


over 85% of all Fortune 500 companies, all highest levels of politics, all of the porn industry,


and, of course, all Jewelry hubs, gold & silver exchange and ‘Central Banking’, worldwide. So who ARE these J3ws/not J3ws? Many will tell you they are “B0lsheviks”, others will tell you they are AshkeN@ZIs, or Gypsi3s, and even more will tell you they are Kh@zarian ‘M@fia’. Surprisingly, they would all be right. And they would also be right about a thousand other titles as well, as this group continually relies on identity theft of each culture, their customs, religion (in claim only), and even their own family names down through the ages. All of this is done covertly of course, from the inside, as humans would never accept them if they told you who they really are, or what they really do to human children everywhere they move to. If you are familiar with the Mongolian Steppes where Kh@zarians are recognized as ‘originating’ from, you will know that is where the land of Manchuria is also located. The very term ‘Manchurian Candidate’, meaning an infiltrating politician or corporate pawn of an opposing group, comes from Kh@zarian Mongols that also invented the highly organized structure of mafioso operations. It is literally their own signature. Let’s take a little bit closer look at how the counterfeit ‘J3wdicial system’ Admiralty Law defines what a human is and what other walking, talking bipeds might be skulking around in our world. Curiously, law dictionaries do not define human being other than as ‘homo sapiens’, they merely set out millions of regulations for human beings to adhere to. All other standard dictionaries define this term, but in codified law, human beings are not natural beings, which you will see for yourself in a moment. They are fictitious entities, just like corporations in true legal-Es. They are the only form of talking biped that is subject to US Codes. US Code Title 1, Chapter 1, Section 8: Human being:“….“person”, “human being”, “child”, and “individual”, shall include every infant member of the species homo sapiens who is born alive at any stage of development.” Immediately we will want to know then, exactly what a homo sapiens (sapiens) is: Encyclopedia Britanica: Homo sapiens sapiens;“Homo sapiens sapiens [or Homo sapiens], in anthropology and paleontology, the subspecies of Homo sapiens that consists of the only living members of genus Homo, modern human beings.” As promised, here is where you will find the hard-and-fast definition of how J3wdicial Admiralty Law defines Human Being: Ballantine’s Law Dictionary (1948): Human Being;“See MONSTER”. THAT’S rather harsh! Okay, so what is legally defined as a MONSTER then? Ballentine’s Law Dictionary (1930): MONSTER;“Monster; A human being by birth, but in some part resembling a lower animal. A monster hath no inheritable blood, and cannot be heir to any land.” Curious the Law dictionary would take the time to make sure you understood that a monster cannot be heir to (own) any land, isn’t it. Weren’t we just talking about monsters, not discussing what they can own? And that’s due to their ‘blood’? So now, if it is established that the only talking bipeds on earth that are subject to J3wdicial Admiralty ‘laws’ are homo sapiens, and homo sapiens are legally defined as monsters that cannot own land, then who actually owns all the land? Of course, this also clearly answers the question as to why all homo sapiens are forced to pay property taxes on land they thought they owned outright. But in fact, in the small-print of your own loan contract, as well as your deed, makes it clear you are an occupant of the property, not the owner. That means someone else, not a MONSTER, owns that land and you are merely leasing it. Since MONSTERS (homo sapiens) can not own land, that means in black and white terms, someone ELSE must own all the land. And you thought Homo Neanderthalensis (Neanderthals) were extinct, because Wikipedia (owned/operated by Crypto J3ws) told you so: Wiki: Neanderthal;H. sapiens neanderthalensis), are an extinct species or subspecies of archaic humans who lived in Eurasia until about 40,000 years ago.“Oh no, we’re not here anymore”, please move along! The claims are that Neanderthals are extinct today and they no longer exist. However, that has been disproven countless times since the advent of genetic testing became possible, proving there are many Neanderthals out there. And they are heavily populated in certain circles. Especially in Crypto J3wish communities that have a problem with Muslims apparently.


The ultra-rare and ultra-specific Haplogroup Neanderthalensis that has now been demonstrated as carried down through eons of time by J3ws-not-J3ws, was why the pet term for the group is referred to in phlebotomy/blood work as Haplogroup J, not N, as at first it appeared that only J3ws were the modern living versions of Neanderthals. So does haplogroup J show up in all J3ws alike? Actually, no. J3ws that have not been allowed to serve in the priestly class in their synagogues, ever, do not carry more than trace levels of male haplogroup J. However, Haplogroup J is found within what is known as the priestly class that issue all the laws and rules over actual J3ws, the Levant and the Kohanim, modern-day Sarmatians, with as much as 96% Neanderthal genes. The priests alone that only inter-marry among their own bloodlines since Babylonian times, are the only ones with dominant Haplo J. And, as you can see around you, they do, in fact, exist, because someone owns land and it sure isn’t humans. ‘Sarmatians’ are the oldest known and purest Neanderthal bloodline of the Levant and Kohanim on the plane. Wiki: Sarmatians;The Sarmatians were groups of Iranic peoples that lived in a region called Sarmatia that is the present day Ukraine near the Black Sea shore. They were flourishing from 5th century BC to the 4-5th century AD. I guess you know now why ‘saving Ukraine’ is the single biggest issue on earth today. To normies, those are people that can fend for themselves. But to the official ruling class of the world, those are your gods. Sarmatians is merely a transliteration of Sumerians, as is also ‘Cimmarians’. All of which hail directly from ancient Babylon where the wheel, the plow, indoor plumbing, production, writing, hydraulics, fabric, brick production, metallurgy, mathematics, philosophy, sailboats, chariots, numerals, taxes, calendars, codes-of-law, contract law, board games, beer, stringed instruments, maps, schools, farmer’s almanac, jobs, congress, J3wdicial systems, corporations, paved roads, banks and formal municipal services suddenly fell right out of the clear blue sky to earth while the rest of the world were still living in caves and trying to invent fire. All with no archeological evidence of development for any of them.… At that time, and as expressed in their 500,000 Mesopotamian historic cuneiform clay texts that pre-date the bible by 10,000 years, yet include the same biblical Old Testament stories of their 250,000 year history, they were known as the Anunnaki who, ‘from heaven came’. They were ET hybrids then, and they are still ET hybrids now, and that is why you have heard of such a thing as ‘political asylum’ because they factually are not included under any J3wdicial laws. Realize that the Levant and the Kohanim are also known as The Order Of The Son Of God, or, ‘the Melchizedeks’ that belong to the blood ritual-based Babylonian Mystery Religion in honor of the son of Enki, god of the New Testament, known in those times as Marduk. Marduk and Enki are both still here, and are still co-ruling all of earth in case you were wondering. Enki Lucifer’s original bloodline prior to entry into this plane’s atmosphere is known as the Leviathan Seraphim “Zephelium” Anunnaki (Dragons). Drakonian is where the name Kohanim is transliterated from, and Leviathan is where the name Levi was taken. Marduk Lucifer Satain, Leviathan Drakonian “Seraphim” Omicron Anunnaki, son of Enki, is known as the father of the ‘Drakos’, no doubt due to the reptilian species Enki procreated with. Now you know who your royal families hail from. Continuously interbreeding among themselves for 12,000 years since the days of Babylon so as to minimize ‘ad-mixture’ that lessens their other-worldly powers such as shape shifting on demand. The reason all countries in the world lease their land from Enki’s International Monetary Fund (IMF), managed by the House of Rothschild that processes every cent that flows through every Central Bank worldwide, and you have to pay taxes on the property you thought you owned outright, is because Enki owns the deed to ‘all soil of earth above water’ he acquired in the Eye of Isis Treaty, also known as the Camel’s Eye Treaty that was signed in 408 A.D. under Silk Road highway robbery coercion. If all countries didn’t sign, no one would be allowed to trade between any countries. That’s how they are factually holding Allodial Title to all land in the world, including new islands that appear that crest above ocean level. This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate translation of these events I am aware of at this time.

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