<br /> How Bad is my Batch ?<br />

How Bad is My Batch

Are some batches more toxic than others?

Batch codes and associated deaths, disabilities and illnesses for Covid 19 Vaccines

Please help support my effort to provide warnings to people in every country about the varying toxic effects of different vaccines. Your donations are greatly appreciated.



Eudra-vigilance is the European equivalent of VAERS – and includes adverse reaction reports for all vaccines, substances and products used in the European Union (includes Astazeneca data). For the first time all Eudra-vigilance data is available as a downloadable zip 500 Mb –
containing files covering all pharmaceuticals, substances, products and vaccines for the period 2017 to 2024.

Each record contains the drug name and the adverse effects. So, symptom frequencies can be calculated for each drug, and we can see if there is an excess frequency compared to other drugs. By ranking drugs for different symptoms, this project will help people identify safer alternatives.

    [compressed 500 Mb]

Demonstration : Ranking of Autism in Eudra

Demonstration : Ranking of Menstrual Disorders in Eudra

Demonstration : Remdesivir and Liver Injury

Demonstration : Midazolam and Respiratory Depression

ADDED THIS MONTH (ending 14th June 2024):


Based on 33 years of VAERS data for 99 different vaccines and 16849 different symptoms, (read more here), SAFETY SIGNAL is a search engine for checking out any vaccines.

  • Enter a vaccine name and it will display all the symptoms for that vaccine ranked by strength of safety signal.
  • Enter any symptom and it will display all the vaccines with that symptom ranked by safety signal.




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Deadly Quiet – the wall of silence  |  

Vaccination – The Silent Epidemic  |  

The Greater Good  |  

Shots In The Dark  |  

Vaccination The Hidden Truth  |  

Vaccine Nation  |  

Vaccination – The Truth About Vaccines  |  

Lethal Injection  |  

Bought  |  

Deadly Immunity  |  

Autism – Made in the USA  |  

Beyond Treason  |  

Trace Amounts  |  

Why We Don’t Vaccinate  |  


Health Care Workers. Full  |  

900 Nurse Testimonies  |  
Military  |  
Navy  |  
Pilots  |  
Athletes  |  
Civilians  |  
Journalists  |  
Breast-feeding  |  

Mothers  |  
Adolescents  |  
Children  |  

Aged  |  
Gender Differences  |  
National Differences  |  
Targetting Countries  |  
Japan 1  |  
Japan 2  |  
Domestic vs Foreign  |  
State Differences  |  
The Control Group  |  
How to check if you have been secretly vaccinated  |  

Database of 631 Victims of Death Protocol


Overview  |  
“Follow the Science”  |  

Sudden Death   |  

Breast-feeding Effects   |  
Bleeding  |  
Blood Effects  |  
Blood Clots  |  
Blind (clots in eyes)  |  
Auto-immune disorder  |  
Immune Deficiency  |  

Cardiac Effects  |  

Myocarditis  |  

Amyloid Clot Mechanism  |  
Amyloid Clot Cases  |  
Amyloid Sequence in Covid Vax RNA  |  
More Amyloid Evidence  |  

Liver Damage  |  

Brain Damage 1  |  
Brain Damage 2  |  
Seizures  |  
Dream-Effects  |  
More Dream-Effects  |  
Dementia  |  

Nerve Damage  |  
Bells Palsy  |  
Tremor  |  
Paralysis | 

Cancers & Neoplasms | 
DNA Modification 1 : LINE 1  |  
DNA Modification 2 : Dr Phillip Buckhaults  |  
DNA Modification 3 : Dr Kevin McKernan  |  
DNA Modification 4 : Dr Jürgen O. Kirchner paper  |  
DNA Modification 5 : Manufacture Whistleblowers  |  

Immune Deficiency  |  

MRI Scans  |  
Magnetic Effects  |  


WHO Depopulation Program 1  |  
WHO Depopulation Program 2  |  
Menstrual Disorders  |  
Breast-feeding  |  
The Poisoned Well  |  
Still Births and Spontaneous Abortions  |  
Infertility  |  
Gender Differences


Antibody Presentation  |  
Antibodies  |  
Auto-immune Disease


Ex CDC Director  |  
JCVI UK  |  


Autopsies   |  
Dr. Makis   |  

Dr. Nancy Banks   |  
Dr. Russell Blaylock   |  
Dr. Shiv Chopra   |  
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny   |  
Dr. Suzanne Humphries   |  
Dr. Larry Palevsky   |  
Dr. Toni Bark   |  
Dr. Andrew Wakefield   |  
Dr. Meryl Nass   |  
Dr. Raymond Obomsawin   |  
Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot   |  
Dr. Robert Rowen   |  
Dr. David Ayoub   |  
Dr. Boyd Haley PhD   |  
Dr. Rashid Buttar   |  
Dr. Roby Mitchell   |  
Dr. Ken Stoller   |  
Dr. Mayer Eisenstein   |  

Dr. David Davis   |  
Dr Tetyana Obukhanych   |  
Dr. Harold E Buttram   |  
Dr. Kelly Brogan   |  

Dr. Rebecca Carley   |  
Dr. Andrew Moulden   |  
Dr. Jack Wolfson   |  

Dr. Stephanie Seneff   |  
Dr. Paul Thomas   |  

Dr. Jane Orient   |  
Dr. Richard Deth   |  
Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic   |  
Dr Chris Shaw   |  

Dr. Mary Ann Block   |  
Dr. David Brownstein   |  
Dr. Jayne Donegan   |  

Dr. Joseph Mercola   |  
Dr. Jeff Bradstreet   |  
Dr. Robert Mendelson   |  
Dr Theresa Deisher   |  

Dr Vaughn   |  
Dr Aseem Malhotra   |  
Prof Angus Dalgleish   |  
Dr Kirk Milhoan MD   |  
Dr Kevin Stillwagon   |  
Dr Peter McCullough MD   |  


Nurse Interview   |  

Health Workers  |  

900 Nurse Testimonies  |  
Vaccination Clinic Code Blue  |  

What the Nurses Saw   |  

Nurse Gail McRae   |  

Nurse Deborah Conrad   |  

Dr Mary Talley Bowden MD   |  

Dr Karen DeVore   |  

Nurses 1   |  

Nurses 2   |  

Nurses 3   |  

Nurses 4   |  

Nurses 5   |  

Nurses 6   |  

Nurses 7   |  

Nurses 8   |  

Nurses 9   |  

Nurses 10   |  

Nurses 11   |  

Nurses 12   |  

Nurses 13   |  

Nurses 14   |  


CEO of MedHelp Clinic, Alabama, Dr. Vaughn   |  

Dr John Campbell   |  

Major Tom Haviland’s survey   |  

John O Looney   |  

Embalmer speaks out   |  

Laura Jeffrey   |  

Brenton Faithful   |  

Brendon Faithful 2   |  

Dr Peterson Pierre   |  

Wesley   |  

Richard Hirschman   |  

Richard Hirschman Interview with Conservative Daily   |  

Nicky King   |  

Funeral Directors and Embalmers   |  

Physicians and embalmers   |  

Wallace Hooker   |  

Anna Foster   |  


3400 Case Reports  |  
Dr Trozzi Library  |  
mRNA Vaccine Toxicity  |  
Clots and Leaky Vessels  |  
Virus vs Vax See Video  |  
Outline of mechanisms   |  
Autopsies   |  
Data-mining association rules  |  


Time till onset  |  
Cover-up of Immediate Deaths  |  
Second Peak  |  
Second Peak – additional info  |  
Long-term Effects  |  
Six Months Later  |  
One Year Post Jab


Alphabet-Toxicity  |  
Danish Study : Placebo Batch Numbers   |  
USA Study : Clusters of Toxicity   |  
Chance of a bad batch  |  
Placebo Lots  |  
LNP Toxicity  |  
Lethal Dose Testing  |  
All or Nothing  |  
Clusters  |  
Lot Expiry Dates  |  
Lot Variation  |  
5% of Doses Toxic pdf  |  
Severe  |  
Lethality  |  
RNA Degradation


Determining Causality  |  

Notes  |  

Covid vs Flu Jabs  |  

Covid vs Flu Jabs 2  |  

Not the Same  |  

VAERS PRR Death Ratings (1990-2022)  |  

WHO PRR Cardiac Ratings  |  

Safety Analysis of All Vaccines (1990-2022)  |  

Report % Cardiac (1990-2008)  |  

Report % Thrombosis (1990-2022)  |  

Report % Death : (1990-2022)  |  

Search  |  

CDC PRR scores  |  

FOI : CDC Releases PRR Scores (2009-2022) part 1  |  

FOI : CDC Releases PRR Scores (2009-2022) part 2  |  

FOI : CDC Releases PRR Scores (2009-2022) part 3  |  

FDA Refuses to provide COVID vaccine analysis  |  

Senator Ron Johnson: Requests to CDC for PRR analyses  |  


Previous Swine Flu Plandemic  |  
Jane BurgerMeister  |  
Wolfgang Wodarg : False Pandemics Book  |  
Attempted plandemics


How to Create a False Pandemic  |  
False Positive  |  
False Positive for ANY Disease  |  
PCR Accuracy  |  
Viral Samples ? Doc  |  
10 Fatal Errors with the PCR  |  
20th December 2020 Article  |  
Wuhan Study  |  
PCR Papers


Federal Censorship Policy  |  
Biden Administration Covid Censorship  |  
Injunction Issued Against Federal Gov for Censorship  |  
Doctors  |  
Medical Boards  |  
Search Engines  |  
Social Media  |  
Data Sources


Remdesivir and Liver Injury  |  
Midazolam and Respiratory Depression  |  

Database of Victims of Death Protocol  |  
Dr John Campbell  |  
Dr Chris Martenson  |  
A “Good” Death  |  
Dr Mike Yeadon  |  

Teresa Tannahill  |  

Do Not Resuscitate Orders  |  
Matt Hancock : DNR Orders  |  
Removing Legal Protections


Effective health protocols that were suppressed  |  
Josh Mittledorf  |  
Meryl Nass PDF: “Recovery” Trials  |  
“Solidarity” Trials  |  
“Discovery” Trials  |  
Palmer Foundation : Recovery Trial


Issues with Globalism  |  
Timetable for Tyranny  |  
Sep 20th 23 : UN declaration to extend Covid measures indefinitely  |  
Analysis  |  
Pandemic Treaty  |  
International Health Regulations  |  
Download : letter to MPs  |  
Analysis  |  
Urgent Petition : Stop International Health Regulations  |  
Dr John Campbell : analysis of International Health Regulations  |  
Parliamentary Discussion 1  |  
Parliamentary Discussion 2  |  
Surveillance and speech control  |  
Crimes of WHO Director Tedros  |  


Rights Resource  |  
Legal Resources (Healthy American)  |  
Informed Consent  |  
Human Rights Law 1  |  
Human Rights Law 2  |  
Nuremberg Code : Did They Break it ?  |  
Public Health Emergency ?  |  
Common Law  |  
Health & Safety Law  |  
Medical Law  |  
Clinical Trial Law  |  
Misleading Information  |  
Censorship Law  |  
Thoughts & Beliefs  |  
Discrimination Law  |  
Privacy Law  |  
Exemptions  |  
Absolute vs Conditional Rights  |  
Adam’s Clothes  |  
Coronation Oath of King Charles III  |  
Politics or Puppetry


Lawlessness  |  
An Apocalypse ?


Companies  |  
Hospitals  |  
Universities  |  
Indemnity  |  
Liability  |  
Vaccine Distribution by Zipcode


Removing the Vax


Moderna 2021 Archive Data  |  
Pfizer 2021 Archive Data  |  
Janssen 2021 Archive Data  |  
Moderna (outside USA) 2021 Archive Data  |  
Pfizer (outside USA) 2021 Archive Data  |  
Janssen (outside USA) 2021 Archive Data


Background  |  

Total Visitors for HowBad.info and HowBadisMyBatch.com since December 2021 : 178,414,955
(last updated June 11th 2023)

Please consider donating to support my efforts to carry on researching and providing information. This site is receiving many visitors. Please help me raise £300 to pay for the extra bandwidth needed

Craig Paardekooper


Join a growing community – How Bad is My Batch discussion group – See Telegram Discussion Group

Your Rights

Your rights rest on more than what is legal (laws passed by man) – for example your rights also rest upon individual conscience and upon laws revealed by God. However, here I will restrict myself to outlining the legal basis for your rights – the actual active laws that protect your life and liberty.

There are several pillars upon which your rights rest –

  1. Magna Carta (and all subsequent confirmations) : The body of prior laws that show that a person cannot be harmed or suffer loss of freedoms without a fair trial before an unbiased jury
  2. The Oath of Coronation : The Monarchy has sworn to uphold the laws and freedoms of the population, and also uphold the Protestant Faith, and all its codes of conduct.
  3. Human Rights Act 1998 : This put into statute the recommendations of the European Commission on Human Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Your rights are now law.
  4. Common Law Principles
  5. Health & Safety Law
  6. Medical Law
  7. Clinical Trial Law
  8. Data Privacy Law
  9. Censorship Law and Freedom of Speech
  10. Freedom of Thought and Religion

All of these laws were violated by COVID-19 policy and its implementation. However none of these laws can be derogated under any circumstance – so their violation by lockdowns, social distancing, forced quarantine, PCR and vaccinations was illegal, and remains illegal. This is one of the reasons why many are now rejecting mandated medical treatments with experimental jabs.

It is becoming very obvious that the COVID Mandates were totally illegal – breaking –

  1. Human Rights Law
  2. Common Law
  3. Medical Practice Law
  4. Clinical Trial Law
  5. Health & Safety Law
  6. Privacy Law
  7. Censorship Law
  8. Hate Speech Law
  9. Safety Testing Regulations
  10. Animal Testing Protocols
  11. Efficacy Testing Regulations
  12. Good Manufacturing Practice
  13. Mislabelling of the product (Gene Therapy not vaccine)

It is not an exaggeration to say that in EVERY POSSIBLE WAY the COVID vaccination program was and is illegal. Can any government pass new laws that break all of the previous laws, or will those new laws be illegal? Imagine a government who passes a law allowing you to kill your neighbour for any reason – is such a law suddenly legal just because the government passed it?

The breaking of so many prior laws is a strong indication that there is an INTENT TO HARM. These laws were created primarily to protect YOU. When so many of these laws are willfully broken, then the purpose cannot be health or anything good.

Given the total disregard for law demonstrated by COVID policy, you have absolutely no need to comply with such policies. In fact you have a duty under the law to reject and oppose such policies.

Please remember three things –

  1. You cannot be punished for non-compliance with something that is illegal.
  2. In fact, you have a duty under the law to resist something that is illegal
  3. Any organisation that mandates or coerces something that is illegal can be sued for losses and damages

: The psychological effect of widespread vaccine injury – 9 in 10 people declining further vaccination. The drop off in COVID vaccine uptake in most countries has been staggering – see Drop off

Since voluntary uptake is failing, government hopes to reach people instead by putting mRNA into other traditional vaccines such as the flu jab.


: Adverse Reactions in Children.. See Children

Increased infection in babies

: Increased Infection Following Vaccination of Children …. See Dr Clare Craig analyses the Pfizer Clinical Trials with Children

Heart Damage in babies

: Breaking Hearts – Cardiac Damage and Elevated Troponin following Covid Vaccination. See…. Breaking Hearts

: 20% myocarditis rate reported following COVID vaccination. See…. Dr Chris Shoemaker MD

Immune Deficiency in babies

: Babies of vaccinated mothers suffering from immunity deficiency – a 10 x increase in infections recorded in Australia …. See Baby VAIDS

: Loss of immunity : causing outbreak of shingles & increased frequency of infections. See Loss of Immunity

Malformation in babies

: Bone malformation observed in babies of vaxed mothers.. See Bone Malformation

V-Safe Report

: V-Safe Report (CDC, September 2022) – vaccine effects in children .. See V-Safe Report September 2022. See also V-Safe Full Report

: Video : V-Safe Report .. See VIDEO : V-Safe Report

: V-Safe Dashboard (ICAN) .. See V-Safe Dashboard.

Please note that according to the V-Safe Report, 782,913 people sought medical care out of 10,108,273 who received the COVID-19 jab – which means 7.74% of those jabbed required medical treatment. You can check these figures for yourself using the dashboard above. This figure is very close to the calculated incidence of myocarditis in babies following the COVID-19 jab – see – Breaking Hearts

: 20% myocarditis rate reported following COVID vaccination. See…. Dr Chris Shoemaker MD

: CDC Misclassifies Serious Baby Injury as “not serious” .. See Hiding serious baby reactions

Childhood vaccinations now contain mRNA

Vaccine Manufacturers May Be Changing Many Childhood Vaccines to contain mRNA Like the COVID Shots!

: mRNA in ALL childhood vaccines ? See …. WARNING : Danger – many childhood vaccines now contain mRNA

!! WARNING : The latest flu vaccine / booster scheduled for release in Autumn 2022 contains mRNA for producing three variants of spike protein + the flu vaccine combined into one shot. FDA and CDC have exempted these shots from ALL safety testing. The spike protein causes extensive damage to internal organs, and effects foetal development. Please exercise parental oversight and extreme caution.

In August 2020 Alex Azar, the Health Secretary for the USA, announced that all childhood vaccines would be “countermeasures”, and as such, military products for which the ingredients would remain undisclosed. The World Health Organization, Johns Hopkins, and Bill Gates have just conducted another pandemic simulation — this time the virus is deadlier and targets children. The exercise was called Catastrophic Contagion and held in Brussels, Belgium on October 23, 2022. The reason why it specifically targets children is most likely because it is a “countermeasure” injected directly into the arms of children as part of the childhood vaccine schedule.

Effect of COVID-19 vaccine on foetal development


: Myocarditis and Mortality. See…. Dr Chris Shoemaker

: 5 % of vaccinated develop myocarditis. See…. July 2023 Buergin Study

Injection of COVID-19 vaccines into boys currently infected with SARS-COV-2 enhances disease consistently and produces myocarditis in the majority of boys age 12 or older. Study. So IF YOU CURRENTLY HAVE a Sars Cov 2 infection, DO NOT take the vaccine. It amplifies the disease, guaranteeing heart damage.

: Children and young adults killed or injured by Covid Shot. See…. Brucha Weisberger

: 20% myocarditis rate reported following COVID vaccination. See…. Dr Chris Shoemaker MD

: How Many Children Are At Risk Of Sudden Cardiac Death Post Covid Shots? 50% With Myocarditis Are Asymptomatic. See…. Asymptomatic Myocarditis

777 employees at the University Hospital of Basel, Switzerland, were vaccinated with the 1st Covid-19 booster (3rd jab) in December 2021 and January 2022. In all cases, after 3 days their troponin levels were measured. 3.7% (1 in 27) of the women had elevated troponin levels indicative of some heart damage. 0.8% of the men had elevated troponin. It is worth employers knowing that if they vaccinate all of their employees, 1 in 27 of the women will suffer some heart damage within 3 days of vaccination. See – Study See also pdf. Why didn’t they measure troponin levels after day 4? Instances of heart damage occur over atleast 30 days after COVID jab, yet the study only counts the first 4 days?

It is worth stating that there is no such thing as “mild” myocarditis in kids or adults. It leads to fibrotic and dead heart muscle. And when elevated troponin indicates heart damage on day 3, troponin may cease on day 4, but the scarring and dead heart muscle will remain. The heart walls are under tremendous pressure, and areas of dead muscle may induce serious or fatal outcomes later, and lead to varying degrees of functional impairment.

: The 1-2 Punch of the Covid Jab – higher toxicity of the second dose. See…. Knockout in Round 2

: 1 in 6 Children suffer Cardiac Symptoms after Second Jab. See…. Cardiac Symptoms

: Surgeon General – State-wide investigation reveals an 84% increase in cardiac damage following COVID vaccination. See…. Surgeon General

: Heart damage following COVID-19 vaccinations – presentation by Dr Kirk Milhon MD. See…. Kirk Milhoan

: WHO’s own database of adverse events reveals adolescents more at risk of cardiac damage See…. WHO database study

: Dr. Aseem Malhotra and Dr John Campbell on cardiac damage See…. Malhotra and Campbell

: Myocarditis persists more than 90 days after vaccination See…. 90 days later

: Cardio-vascular effects found in 29.24% of Covid-19 vaccinated adolescents See…. Thailand Study. Here us the pdf – Thailand Study PDF

: Elevated troponin levels found in ALL vaccinated, and myocarditis in 2.8% See…. Switzerland Study See also Swiss study shows heart injury in all mRNA COVID jab recipients, myocarditis in 3%

: Maddie’s Story. See…. Maddie’s Story

: Maddie’s Testimony. See…. Senate Hearing

: Heart Damage Resulting from Intravenous Injection of the Vaccine …. See IV Effects

: Effect of COVID vaccines on younger age groups. See Jason Morphett Substack

There is no mild version of myocarditis, it is extremely serious due to the fact that the heart muscle is incapable of regenerating. Therefore, once the damage is done, there is no re-winding the clock.”

Persistence of myocardial damage

A new University of Oxford study published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation found that a COVID-19 vaccine is actually four times more likely to cause myocarditis in men under the age of 40 than a COVID-19 infection. See – Oxford Study

From September 2022, covid vaccines are nolonger available in the UK for children under 12 years old. Were childhood COVID vaccines withdrawn because of the increase in deaths?

However, UK is substituting the COVID-19 shot with a bivalent flu shot that contains the covid vaccine. This bivalent shot is just as toxic as the previous Covid shots – 15% of the reported cases are serious adverse reactions – involving death, cardiac damage, clots, autoimmune disease etc – You can read the reports for yourself – first 106 bivalent case reports in VAERS

Do any governments care? Denmark, Sweden and Japan were brave enough to drop vaccination requirements for young people….

: October 2021 : Denmark and Sweden pause Covid vaccinations of adolescents because of risk of cardiac damage. See…. Denmark and Sweden Pause Vaccination of Adolescents

: July 2022 : Denmark halts compulsory Covid vaccinations of adolescents See…. Denmark halts compulsory vaccination of adolescents

: September 2022 : Denmark halts Covid vaccinations for anyone under 50 years old. See…. Denmark halts vaccination of under 50s

In the UK, vaccination of children aged 5 to 12 years old began in week 14 of 2022 and lasted until week 35 – a period of 21 weeks. During this period, child death was 22% higher than during the same period in previous years.

22% rise in child deaths during vaccination period


: Study of Increased Bleeding in 3 Million Women Following COVID-19 Vaccination. See Increased Bleeding. See also Paper

: Pregnant women having heart attacks and strokes. See Dr William Makis

: Safer to Wait. See Leaflet

: Massive drop in birth rates across all European countries 9 months after vaccination rollout. See…. Drop in birth rates

: Dr Tina Peers : PFIZER TOLD WOMEN “NOT TO GET PREGNANT”. See…. 58% Miscarriage Rate

“42% of people with regular menstrual cycles bled more heavily than usual following COVID-19 “vaccination”. Among respondents who typically do not menstruate, 71% of people on long-acting reversible contraceptives, 39% of people on gender-affirming hormones, and 66% of post-menopausal people reported breakthrough bleeding.” See Study or pdf


  • 42% had increased bleeding
  • A large % of people who weren’t menstruating, began to bleed
  • 66% of those who were post-menopausal, began to bleed again

This raises some questions –

  1. Does excessive bleeding effect fertility ?
  2. Does excessive bleeding effect the fetus ?
  3. With such a high % of excessive bleeding, why isn’t the main stream media reporting on this ?
  4. With such a high % of excessive bleeding, why do governments insist that the vaccine is safe (even though they never tested it on pregnant women during any trials) ?
  5. If the vaccines cause excessive bleeding in women, then do they also cause leakage of blood internally into surrounding tissues ?

This last question is of great significance. If external bleeding is a significant phenomenon, what about internal bleeding? It has been shown that the spike protein attacks the endothelial lining of blood vessels, causing inflammation and clotting, but also weakening that lining – allowing the leakage of blood into surrounding tissues. See… Blood Clots and Nerve damage

Can you possibly imagine the effects on a child if right from the outset its blood vessels were weakened and clotted and made leaky ?

Study of blood samples from 1006 vaccinated patients showed severe aggregation of erythrocytes – red blood cells were deformed and stuck together. This aggregation effect causes breathlessness and headaches…see Blood Effects. The fetus depends upon the mother’s blood supply for oxygen. Such aggregation will obviously reduce the oxygen reaching the fetus, and at birth the child may have difficulty breathing.

: Gender differences in response to vaccine. See…. Gender

: Pregnancy outcomes within 90 days of vaccine rollout. See…. Pregnancy Outcomes

: Decline of Live Births Europe. See…. Decline of births

: Infertility by Vaccination : a history of WHO programs in Africa. See…. Infertility by vaccination

The WHO carried out research to develop a vaccine for the intended purpose of inducing infertility. Here is their published research – WHO infertility vaccine

So the WHO undertook research and development of vaccines that induce antibodies to HCG for the stated intention of inducing sterility and lowering population. In 2014, they distributed this vaccine in Africa under the guise of a tetanus vaccine, since combining it with a tetanus antigen was found to be highly effective. Independent labs found that campaign batches were spiked with HCG whereas other stock stored by the government were not spiked. Both had exactly the same labels and batch codes. In Dec 2020 independent labs found that vaccine bottles used in the campaign (containing the HCG) had been relabelled, with a new label stuck on top of the old one. The new label made these vaccine batches look like government stock, but the label underneath had different batch codes, and showed they were from an independent manufacturer (the Serum Institute of India). On April 29th 2021, the whistleblower was killed. In that same month, COVID 19 vaccines began to be distributed on masse to the general public.

If their intention has been to kill the unborn, then how much of a stretch is it for them to extend that intention to others – the aged first, then later those of reproductive age ? ….



30 Indian Soldiers Collapse After Covid-19 Vaccine

5 Soldiers Collapse During Queen’s Jubilee

Tom Renz obtained the DMED data showing the typical numbers of military with cancer or cardiac symptoms during the 5 years prior to vaccine rollout. The data also showed the numbers with these symptoms in 2021 after vaccine rollout. By comparing the 2021 numbers with the average for previous years, we get an estimate of the number of excess cases of cancer and cardiac associated with the vaccine rollout. There were 74,000 excess cases of cancer in 2021- 3.5% of the entire US military! There were 87,934 excess cases of cardiac damage in 2021 – 4% of the entire US military ! See here – World at War

For civilians,the DMED data is of particular interest because civilians exposed to the same toxins would be expected to experience the same % of issues.

: Army LtCol Theresa Long MD – Full Testimony 09/17/22 See…. Full Testimony

: Service Member Karolina Stancik Speaks Out About Her Vaccine Injury See…. Karolina Stancik

: Steve Kirsch – DMED data is explosive. See…. Steve Kirsch on DMED

: Military Reports of Adverse Effects – Testimonies of active service personnel. See…. Military Reports

: The Defence Medical Epidemiology Database. See…. DMED

: Tom Renz on DMED Data. See…. Renz Law

: Tom Renz Video Archive. See…. Tom Renz videos

: VSRF Special Military Episode See…. VSRF Special Military Episode

: DMED – Violation of Federal Law. See…. Violation of Federal Law by DOD

Biden has finally been forced to submit to congress and stop mandates of the Covid 19 vaccine for the military. However, they are now rolling out mRNA versions of all the traditional vaccines, which looks as if it was a fall-back plan once the adverse effects of Covid 19 vaccines became too apparent. What congress need to push for is the suspension of all mRNA vaccines period. And all vaccines must be subject to regulation and transparency – none should be couter-measures – none should be exempt from transparency and scrutiny. In the mean time, military personnel are warned to be wary of a clear and present danger. WARNING : Danger – many traditional vaccines now contain mRNA, and all are exempt from regulation.

In this video a navy medical officer states that heart failure has increased by 963% since vaccine rollout, and myocarditis by 150%. Other forms of heart disease are less reported. The reason for thisw discrepancy is most flight personnel will be reluctant to report lesser adverse reactions such as palpitations, tachycardia, bradycardia, arrhythmia and the like, since it would affect their employment. However they cannot avoid reporting heart failure, since it is so catastrophic that it is impossible to keep it hidden. US Navy medical officer discovers heart problems linked to Covax vaccine

: Retired Coast Guard Vice Admiral Pens ‘Open Letter’ On Covid Vaccines, Calling On Other Flag Officers To Fight Mandate. See…. Coast Guard


: Pilots reporting COVID vaccine injuries. See…. Pilots Injured

: FAA Quietly Indicates that US Pilots’ Hearts Are Damaged After Taking Vaccines. See…. FAA allowing injured pilots to fly

: Safe to Fly? Pilots and flight attendants who recently had cardiac arrests in flight and died suddenly. See…. Deaths in Flight

: Pilot Deaths and Incapacitations. See…. Dr William Makis

: Pilot Deaths and Incapacitations. See…. VIDEO : Dr William Makis

: Josh Yoder – COVID Symposium. See…. Covid Symposium

: 5 Pilots in 3 weeks. See…. More pilots collapsing

: Pilots Speak Out – Captain Alan Dana. See…. Captain Alan Dana

: Vaccine Injured Pilot Steps Forward. See…. Vaccine Injuries

: Mandates over Safety. See…. Mandates over Safety

: Dutch Pilot’s Association wins Court Case Against KLM’s Covid Vaccine Mandates for New Pilots. See…. KLM drops mandates

: Global Coalition Statement – Commercial Aviation and Pilot Vaccine Injury. See…. Global Coalition Statement

: US Freedom Flyers – Resources – email archive, zoom calls, podcasts, videos, legal cases. See…. US Freedom Flyers

: CHD article with pilot testimonies. See…. CHD article

: MEP Christine Anderson on Air travel safety – pilots have taken an untested vaccine with known serious side-effects. See…. Air travel safety

: Fit to Fly – Global Aviation Advocacy Coalition. See…. Fit to fly

It is appalling that pilots have had to go to law to force their employers to act with morality and rationality – employers who would rather ignore and cover up pilot injury, break all of their own safety regulations, and endanger the lives of every passenger by forcing pilots to take a jab that can induce stroke, clots and cardiac arrest!

Federal Workers

!! : Currently, all CDC employees and all Federal workers are NOT mandated to take the Covid 19 Vaccine…CDC Exempt


: Facebook Library of Testimonies. See…. Facebook Library of Testimonies

: CVAR (Covid Vaccine Adverse Reactions). See…. CVAR

: Vaccine Injury Compilation. See…. Vaccine Injury Compilation

: Child Injuries following C19 Vaccine : Videos. See…. Child injuries

: Real not rare. See…. Real Not Rare

: Anecdotals. See…. Anecdotals

: Twitter Testimonies. See…. Twitter

: Safe and Effective – a second opinion. See…. Safe and Effective : a second opinion


: 1616 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 1114 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection. See…. 1616 Athlete Cardiac Arrests

: Matt Le Tissier : Sudden Death in Footballers. See…. Matt Le Tissier

: Personal Trainer, Adam Rowland – vaccine injuries. See…. Adam Rowland

: Report 1 of Athlete Sudden Deaths. See…. Athlete Reports 1

: Report 2 of Athlete Sudden Deaths. See…. Athlete Reports 2

: Report 3 of Athlete Sudden Deaths. See…. Athlete Reports 3

: Report 4 of Athlete Sudden Deaths. See…. Athlete Reports 4

: VIDEO : 1000 Athletes – when do we draw the line? See…. 1000 athletes

News Readers

Collapse of Presenters on Live TV


: Dr Vaughn – spike protein creates FIBRIN that is resistant to being broken down. See…. CEO of MedHelp Clinic, Alabama, Dr. Vaughn

Several undertakers and embalmers are speaking out regarding the discovery of rubbery amyloid clots within the veins of the vaccinated – sometimes of considerable length and resistant to breakdon by enzymes. These amyloid clots obstruct the infusion of embalming fluids.

Dr John Campbell Amyloid clots are a real phenomenon following C19 vax – occurring in 20% of corpses in the UK. John Campbell has received 250 samples of these clots. This is a completely new pathology since the jab rollout. See…. Dr John Campbell

: Major Tom Haviland : USA Airforce These amyloid clots consist of amyloid protein, fibrin and platelet. They stretch like a rubber band. These clots are almost certainly the cause of death. These amyloid clots occur on the venous AND the arterial side of the body – ordinary clots are always on the venous side. These clots are in the 6 to 10 inch range – though some can be up to 2 ft long. Ordinary clots look and feel like jelly and dissolve in your hands. In comparison these amyloid clots are much tougher and longer lasting. These clots block blood supply – they fill the entire blood vessel – taking its shape – like a cast. They appear to continually grow. During 2020 44 embalmers saw these clots, but the incidence of these clots exploded in 2021. In both cases, the spike protein causes the clot formation. In 2022 about 30% of corpses contained these amyloid clots. In 2023 the percentage decreased to 20%. Embalmers have never seen this phenomenon before. A fifth to a third of corpses have these clots. 20-30% of people dying have got these clots ! In addition there has been a great increase in the incidence of traditionaljelly clots and micro-clotting. A survey was sent to 50 national undertakers associations, and to 1700 funeral homes. 197 out of 269 embalmers are still observing these clots in 2023. On average 20% of corpses have these clots – though some embalmers report much higher percentages. See…. Major Tom Haviland’s survey

: John O’Looney – undertaker. See…. John O Looney

: Yet another embalmer speaks out. See…. Embalmer speaks out

: Laura Jeffery – Director of Canadian funeral home for 37 years. See…. Laura Jeffrey

: Brenton Faithfull – undertaker. See…. Brenton Faithful

: Brenton Faithfull – undertaker – 95% of deaths are vaccinated and dying within 2 weeks of the jab. See…. Brendon Faithful

: Dr Peterson Pierre – undertakers reporting deaths of vaccinated. See…. Dr Peterson Pierre

: Wesley – undertaker. See…. Wesley

: Richard Hirschman – undertaker. See…. Richard Hirschman

: Richard Hirschman – undertaker. See…. Richard Hirschman Interview with Conservative Daily

: Nicky King – Embalmer. See…. Nicky King

: Funeral Directors and Embalmers Unite. See…. Funeral Directors and Embalmers

: Physicians and embalmrs reveal shocking vaccine injuries. See…. Physicians and embalmers

: Wallace Hooker – Embalmer and funeral director testifies to white amyloid clot formation in vaccinated. See…. Wallace Hooker

Wallace Hooker agrees with Hirschmann as a colleague in the embalming industry. Hooker is a funeral director for the independent Family and Friends Funeral Home in Wingate, Indiana with over 30 years experience. Hooker serves on the advisory board of Worsham College of Mortuary Science, is a member of the BIE (British Institute of Embalmers) and board member of the North American Division. He also travels around the nation providing lectures to other embalmers on perfecting the process and navigating unusual problems. Hooker confirmed an increase in strange blood clots in the past two years, not just witnessed by himself but by other morticians from across the nation who send him photographs.

“I have lectured four times so far this year,” Hooker said. “I am asking questions and showing pictures of these clots in my Powerpoint, and routinely, everywhere I lecture, people say they are seeing these clots, and have not seen them prior to COVID.”

: Anna Foster – Embalmer speaks out about amyloid clot formation in vaccinated. See…. Anna Foster

Scientific research is currently underway to investigate the nature and mechanism of these amyloid clot formations. More information can be found here – Amyloid Clot Mechanism


What the Nurses Saw

Nurse Gail McRae

Nurse Deborah Conrad

Nurses speak out 1

Nurses speak out 2

Nurses speak out 3

Nurses speak out 4

Nurses speak out 5

Nurses speak out 6

Nurses speak out 7

Nurses speak out 8

Nurses speak out 9

Nurses speak out 10

Nurses speak out 11

Nurses speak out 12

Nurses speak out 13

Nurses speak out 14

Dr Mary Talley Bowden MD

Dr Karen DeVore


Dr. Nancy Banks
Dr. Russell Blaylock
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Dr. Suzanne Humphries
Dr. Larry Palevsky
Dr. Toni Bark
Dr. Andrew Wakefield
Dr. Meryl Nass
Dr. Raymond Obomsawin
Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot
Dr. Robert Rowen
Dr. David Ayoub
Dr. Boyd Haley PhD
Dr. Rashid Buttar
Dr. Roby Mitchell
Dr. Ken Stoller
Dr. Mayer Eisenstein
Dr. Frank Engley, PhD
Dr. David Davis
Dr Tetyana Obukhanych
Dr. Harold E Buttram
Dr. Kelly Brogan
Dr. RC Tent
Dr. Rebecca Carley
Dr. Andrew Moulden
Dr. Jack Wolfson
Dr. Michael Elice
Dr. Terry Wahls
Dr. Stephanie Seneff
Dr. Paul Thomas
Many doctors talking at once
Dr. Jane Orient
Dr. Richard Deth
Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic
Dr Chris Shaw
Dr. Susan McCreadie
Dr. Mary Ann Block
Dr. David Brownstein
Dr. Jayne Donegan
Dr. Philip Incao
Dr. Joseph Mercola
Dr. Jeff Bradstreet
Dr. Robert Mendelson
47. Dr Theresa Deisher
Dr. Sam Eggertsen
Dr Yoav Ezekelli
Dr Patrick Whelan
Dr Vaughn
Dr Aseem Malhotra
Prof Angus Dalgleish
Dr Kirk Milhoan MD
Dr Kevin Stillwagon
Dr Peter McCullough MD

: Dr Yoav Ezekelli – pathological findings after Covid vaccines See…. Director of Primary Care at Israel’s third largest HMO

: Dr Patrick Whelan warned FDA in 2020 of the danger of microvascular injury to vital organs. See…. Dr Patrick Whelan

: Dr Vaughn – clotting following Covid-19 Jab. See…. CEO of MedHelp Clinic, Alabama, Dr. Vaughn

: Dr Aseem Malhotra – cardiologist. See…. Dr Aseem Malhotra

: Prof Angus Dalgleish – Professor of Oncology at St Georges Hospital Medical School London, calls for urgent stop to C19 Boosters. See…. Dr Angus Dalgleish

: Dr Kirk Milhoan MD – cardiologist. See…. Dr Kirk Milhoan

: Dr Kevin Stillwagon – variation of vaccine reactions for different people. See…. Dr Kevin Stillwagon

: Dr Peter McCullough MD. See…. Dr Peter McCullough

: Doctors for Covid Ethics. See…. Doctors for Covid Ethics

: Americas Frontline Doctors. See…. Americas Frontline Doctors

: Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. See…. AAPS

: National Vaccine Information Center. See…. NVIC

: Vaccine Safety Research Foundation. See…. VSRF

: World Council for Health. See…. World Council for Health

: Covid 19 Critical Care. See…. Covid 19 Critical Care

: Children’s Health Defense. See…. Children’s Health Defense

: NHS Workers for Choice. See…. NHS Workers for Choice

: Report of Sudden Death of Doctors. See…. Doctor death

: 80 doctors dead after COVID vaccinations. See…. 80 doctors

: Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology, talks about his vaccine injury.

Censorship of Doctors

Censorship has been universal, thorough and systematic – indicating that it is centrally coordinated and government sanctioned.

Perhaps the greatest testimony to the dangers posed by these vaccines is the strenuous effort that governments have made to silence any doctor who disagreed. Why would the government feel the need to control the expression of opinion – unless they knew free expression would side against them.

Everyone trusts their doctor and holds their opinion in high esteem. Governments know this, and decided that the opinion expressed by doctors must be tightly controlled – controlled by politicians and bureaucrats, rather than rely on the judgement of those on the frontline of patient care. The control was implemented in every country by medical associations and medical boards, who threatened doctors with loss of registration and loss of medical lisence if they expressed any disagreement with Government Covid policy. Doctors were NOT ALLOWED to inform patients of ANY risks associated with the vaccines. Doctors were not allowed to provide ANY exemptions – even if a person had a serious reaction to the first shot – they were not allowed any exemption from the second !

So the governments turned doctors into silent puppets – who were only allowed to mouth a fixed mantra “Safe and Effective”. The normal processes of science, by challenge and debate, were suspended – and bureaucrats took over the decision making as to what treatment was fit for every patient.

Censorship of Doctors

Censorship of Doctors by GMC

Censorship of Social Media & Search Engines

Google, as the primary search engine, has applied systematic censoring. See – Google Insider Goes Public

In addition to these direct attacks upon official data sources, social media and search engines have also imposed censorship. The censorship imposed by Facebook is well known, with the testimonies and Facebook groups for hundreds of thousands of vaccine injured being deleted – with no explanation except that it goes against Facebook policy.

Censorship and Scrubbing of Official Databases

  • The altering of the DMED database
  • The deletion and altering of records in the VAERS database
  • The determination by pharma NOT to release the V-Safe data for 75 years

for example : Deletion of a Crime. How half a million records of adverse reactions were erased from VAERS in a single day in November 2022…Deletion of a Crime

Censorship of Social Media

Facebook routinely deleted groups for vaccine injured testimonies. People posted testimonies of personal vaccine injury and these were labelled by Facebook as misinformation. Groups as large as 100,000 were deleted. Twitter also routinely deleted any medical information or personal testimonies if these disagreed with the government narrative. See Twitter

Indemnity of Doctors, Nurses, Medical Centres, Pharmacies and Hospitals ?

Those administering the vaccines may not be protected from prosecution for harms caused by the vaccines, especially if they have failed to provide full informed consent. In the letter shown below, the Australian Medical Practitioners Society has informed vaccine administrators that they can be held liable for damages. See – Indemnity ?

People may also decide to boycott services that failed to provide adequate information about adverse effects, or who used coercion such as restrictions on employment, medical treatment, or access to education.

Long Term Effects

The Israeli government commissioned a study of vaccine side effects. The results are described in this video, (Study). The researchers found –

  1. PERSISTENCE : more than half of reported side effects lasted longer than 6 months
  2. CAUSALITY : the vaccines caused the side effects, as demonstrated by using “re-challenge”.

    “The significant gap was in the characterisation of the duration of the side effects. As in the leaflet, it was explicitly written that these effects should pass within a few days, and we saw that this was not the case, because in 50% of the reports in which a duration was specified, the duration was over 6 months.”

Also, the study repeatedly found a causal relationship of new and long term side effects, and the vaccine. The findings revealed a high rate of rechallenge (recurrence of an SE after repeated doses), which as the team repeatedly stresses, establish causal relations with the vaccine.

    “When I look at these side effects and analyse their duration, then here was really a surprise. In most of the reported cases – long term side effects were represented that lasted for more than a month. I set a month as some sort of cut off point because I thought that for neurological symptoms there were some expectations that they would go away within upto a month, and once we look beyond a month, then that’s something that suggests something that we didnt know before.

    65% of the time there was actually no end. They said “I’ve been in pain for 5 months and its still ongoing. I mean, we really dont know the ranges in terms of the end.”

    And it turns out that Pfizer claimed in an internal meeting with the Minister of Health, that it did not know about long term side effects…”

6 Months Later… In this study, 20 out of 40 vaccinated people were still producing vaccine derived spike protein 6 months after injection.. 6 Months Later

See also – Steve Kirsch article. See also PDF : Not Recovered

First Peak

: Lethal Injection : The first peak in deaths occurs immediately after vaccination. See First Peak

: Time till onset : From vaccination till death. See Time till onset

Second Peak – delayed deaths amongst the Over 50s

: A second peak in deaths detected – the long-term effects of vaccination See Second Peak

: New 2022 data on delayed deaths and the second wave …. See Second wave of delayed deaths after vaccination

: Self-amplifying vaccines – the cause of prolonged mortality in 7 States of the USA. See Self Amplifying RNA

: The Mortality Bomb : The vaccines have a delayed effect. Analysis by state shows massive increase in mortality in 7 states in the third quarter of 2021 (Q3). I demonstrate that this is due to the vaccines deployed in Q1 and Q2. So the vaccines act like a bomb with a 100 day fuse. See update here – Second Peak and VIDEO : Mortality Bomb

: A second peak in deaths confirmed by Social Security Administration death master file. See Department of Health and Human Services Whistleblower

: ONS Data : deaths of vaccinated overtake deaths of unvaccinated after 5 months. See ONS data on delayed deaths

: Part 1 : John Dee confirms 5 month delayed death effect of vaccines. See John Dee’s Synopsis Part 1

: Part 2 : John Dee confirms 5 month delayed death effect of vaccines. See John Dee’s Synopsis Part 2

: First recipients died after 6 months. See How long will it take?

Analysis by Health Insurers and Financial Analysts

: Office of National Statistics – All-Cause Mortality by Vaccination Status. See…ONS 2021 / 2022

: 18% mild to moderate injury, 1% disability, 0.05% deaths amongst working population. See…Labour Statistics : Employment Injury, Disability, Deaths

: German health insurance claims reveal the extent of vaccine injury See…. Health insurance claims

: Josh Mitteldorf’s analysis of excess mortality in 2021 See…. Death by vaccine

: Dr John Campbell – excess mortality world-wide See…. Death by vaccine

: Boosted to Death : analysis of excess mortality country by country. See…. Boosted to death

: 10% excess mortality in UK – across all age groups – mainly heart issues. See…. James Wells, Office of National Statistics

: Dr John Campbell – Excess Mortality in UK . See…. Excess Mortality

More people died in Scotland in the second week of January 2023 than in any of the last 1000+ weeks – including the deadliest Covid periods of 2020 and 2021.

: Is Life Expectancy Effected by Vaccination? See…. Life Expectancy

: Body Count : The True Number of Vaccine Deaths. See…. Body Count

Health insurance companies have found that 5% of vaccine recipients seek medical help following vaccination with COVID 19 vaccines, as evidenced by the number of health claims. This finding, reported by multiple health insurance companies above, is supported by the CDC’s VSAFE Report which found that 7.7% of COVID vaccine recipients sought medical help after the vaccine (on average they sought medical help 3 times each) – see VSafe Report


: Measuring toxicity of lots by symptom frequency. See…. Calculation of Lot Toxicity Using Symptom Frequency

: 1000 studies on adverse effects caused by Covid 19 Vaccinations …. See 1000 Studies

Symptoms following COVID Vaccination

Blood Samples and Effects of the COVID Vaccine

: Effect of COVID Vaccines when Added to Blood See Dr Fleming

: Blood samples of 1006 vaccinated people …. See 1006 Blood Samples Also see pdf here – PDF : 1006 Blood Samples

The effect of COVID Vaccines on vision can be inferred from the tendency of these vaccines to cause micro-clotting. A study of 500,000 vaccinated and 500,000 unvaccinated showed a doubling of the incidence of retinal vascular occlusion (micro-clotting in the eyes) for the vaccinated, over a 2 year period following vaccination – see.. Blindness doubles in vaccinated

: Ingredients of Covid Shots. See…. Working Group for Covid Vaccine Analysis (7th June 2022)

: Discussion of Vax Contents : Sasha Latypova with Dr Daria Schooler, neurosurgeon. See…. Discussion of findings of Working Group for Covid Vaccine Analysis (7th June 2022)

: David Hughes Paper – 16 international studies of blood effects from C19 vaccines. See…. David Hughes Paper

Blood Clots

That the spike protein of the SARS 2 virus causes clotting is not in doubt at all. A simple googling of the phrase “spike causes clotting” will throw up an almost endless series of studies showing this. Try it yourself. It is the spike part of the Sars 2 virus that causes this clotting. It therefore follows logically that if the Covid 19 vaccine is inducing your body to produce this spike protein, then vaccinated people will also experience clotting.

  1. Premise 1 : Spike causes clotting
  2. Premise 2 : Vaccine induces cells to produce spike
  3. Conclusion : Micro-clotting, strokes, thrombosis, edema will occur in the vaccinated

There seems to be some kind of mental block that causes people not to follow this simple logic. It is as clear as day that if the spike causes clotting, and if the vaccine produces spike, then the vaccinated will get clotting. What is perhaps less clear is WHY the governments would push / coerce a vaccine that had this effect ? Such irrational policy has resulted in a massive increase in the incidence of strokes, even amongst the young.

: Effect of COVID Vaccines when Added to Blood See Dr Fleming

CEO of MedHelp Clinic, Alabama, Dr. Vaughn

: Micro-Clotting found in 52% of vaccinated …. See Micro-clotting

The effect of COVID Vaccines on vision can be inferred from the tendency of these vaccines to cause micro-clotting. A study of 500,000 vaccinated and 500,000 unvaccinated showed a doubling of the incidence of retinal vascular occlusion (micro-clotting in the eyes) for the vaccinated, over a 2 year period following vaccination – see.. Blindness doubles in vaccinated

. See also Paper (Nature)

: Thermal Imaging of Clots …. See Thermal Imaging

: Guitarist Jeff Diamond – 8 fingers amputated after COVID-19 vaccine…. See Jeff Diamond

: Micro-Clotting after vaccination …. See Charles Hoffe

: Amputations after C19 Shots …. See Amputations

When a person’s blood is in this state, their life expectancy is greatly reduced – VIDEO : Fully vaccinated man comes home from surgery, where his wound opened up and started oozing huge clots

: Spike Causes Clotting Part 1 …. See Spike Causes Clotting – Part 1

: Spike Causes Clotting Part 2 …. See Spike Causes Clotting – Part 2

: Spike Causes Clotting Part 3 …. See Spike Causes Clotting – Part 3

: Huge Clots caused by COVID shot See Mark Rushton

Reports such as these make it imperative that doctors and medical researchers do their own independent research by collecting and examining blood samples from their patients. Normal blood cells have a negative surface charge, and this causes them to repel each other so that they do not clump together but rather they flow past each other smoothly. However, lipid nano particles have a positive charge (hence they are said to be cationic). When these LNPs merge with blood cells, they change the surface charge of the infected blood cells to positive, causing blood cells to clump together like stacks of coins. Such clumping inhibits blood flow and reduces the uptake and release of oxygen leading to breathlessness, respiratory distress and a higher incidence of clotting

Amyloid Clots

Here is a paper showing that the COVID vaccine directly induces the formation of fibrin clots – Amyloid Clotting

Here is a technical resource explaining the mechanisms by which the Covid-19 vaccines are doing tremendous harm. Jonathan Weissman explains the risk of DNA modification, and how the vaccine generates amyloid clots. See …All The Risks

: Mike Adams – composition of amyloid clots…. See Amyloid composition

Swedish researchers have found that the SARS COV 2 spike protein generates amyloids. The spike protein contains SEVEN distinct peptide regions that form amyloids when incubated at 37 degrees C. When the spike protein is exposed to NE (neutrophil enzyme) the enzyme cleaves the spike protein exposing the peptides that are amyloidogenic, and amyloids are generated within 24 hours. The researchers found that sequences 192–211, 601–620, 1166–1185 were particularly amyloidogenic. Neutrophil enzyme is excreted at the site of ANY infection, or inflammation, making the vaccinated vulnerable to amyloid formation following either of these. Here is a link to the paper – Paper

: Strange New Blood Clots in Most Bodies: Embalmers …. See NTD Evening News

: Are Amyloid Fibrin Microclots CEntral to Long COVID? …. See Jessica Nye, PhD

: Amyloid formation following vaccination…. See The Worm that Doesn’t Die Part 1

: Vaccine also induces growth of PERSISTENT amyloid “clots” that DO NOT DISSOLVE …. See The Worm that Doesn’t Die – Part 2

Dr Ryan Cole has received several of these amyloid clots from surgeons who have removed them out of the living. These amyloids are formed from mis-folded proteins that are resistant to breakdown by enzymes, and consequently grow over time.

: Physicians and embalmrs reveal shocking vaccine injuries. See…. Physicians and embalmers

: Richard Hirshman : Incidence of Amyloid clots in COVID vaccinated …. See The Worm that Doesn’t Die Part 3

Undertakers have noticed that the first cases of amyloid clots appeared in May, five months after roll-out started. This suggests that the slow accretion of amyloid takes about 5 months before it becomes fatal

In the link provided below researchers in Sweden have found that amyloid formation is triggered by the spike protein when in the presence of an enzyme excreted by neutrophils. Neutrophils are the first immune cells on the scene when you have an injury or infection. What this means is that a vaccinated person will start developing the amyloid clots as soon as they have ANY type of inflammation, infection or injury. The vaccine has literally weaponised your immune system by using a common excretion from immune cells to react with the spike protein to generate an amyloid growth.

: Spike protein causes amyloid clots …. See Spike Protein causes amyloid clots

: Mike Adams – composition of amyloid clots…. See Amyloid composition

: Method for Reducing Amyloid Clot Formation…. See Spike Protein and Amyloid Clot Formation

Nerve Damage

: Brain damage and nerve death caused by micro-clotting following Covid 19 vaccinations. See Brain damage

: Dr John Campbell on vaccine brain injury. See John Campbell

: Pfizer Knew 275 People Suffered Serious Strokes in the First 90 Days After Vaccine Rollout. See Pfizer Knew 275 People Suffered Serious Strokes in the First 90 Days After Vaccine Rollout

The spike proteins, produced by the Covid 19 vaccines, pass through the blood-brain barrier and cause endothelial damage to the lining of blood capillaries that feed nerve cells in the brain. Damage caused to the capillary lining causes inflammation and clotting of those capillaries. Nerve cells fed by these capillaries can nolonger receive a blood supply, and consequently die. Brain damage results. Damage of the lining of capillaries also causes leakage of blood into the brain tissue. When exposed to the spike protein, the myelin sheath, that insulates nerve fibres, is degraded – leading to disruption of nerve transmissions. These are very serious effects of the spike protein, and are expected to lead to personality changes and memory and cognitive deficits. By damaging the frontal cortex – these changes are also expected to reduce the critical abilities of Covid 19 vaccine recipients.

: Pharma knew about this for 17 months, yet said it was safe and effective…. See First NIH Study of Neurological Adverse Reactions to Vaccine

: A Study of Paralysis Following C19 Vaccination. See Paralysis

Bells Palsy

This is paralysis of one side of the face – resulting in an inability to smile or express emotion with facial muscles or eyes, difficulty eating, numbness. The destruction of nerve cells is caused by the occurrence of micro clotting in the brain – that’s why Bells Palsy was known as “cerebral micro-embolism” prior to 2008…Imagine being trapped in a body that cannot express itself outwardly – that looks distorted, broken and emotionless…

Nurse speaks out


A common form of nerve damage following Covid “vaccination” is tremor. The nerve damage results in uncontrolled movement, which can be extremely painful since the muscles constantly pull against each other. Normal daily activities are impossible, and there is no rest. Muscle injury and fatigue result from constant uncontrolled movement. Nerve damage and death of nerve cells can result from micro-clotting that restricts the flow of blood to tissues resulting in cell death. It may also result from auto-immune attack upon the myelin sheath that surrounds nerve cells – stripping nerve cells of the insulation layer that allows the transmission of impulses.

Tremor following C19 Vax – 1

Tremor following C19 Vax – 2

Tremor following C19 Vax – 3

Despite the high number of COVID vaccine injuries, the governments and regulatory authorities have ignored these safety alerts, and pushed ahead with the vaccination of children. Instead of suspending the COVID vaccines pending an investigation, they refuse to acknowledge any injuries, and actively censor information about vaccine injury on both main stream and social media. People are denied informed consent, and instead are coerced with threats of job loss.

Loss of Immunity – Increased Infections

: After 4 shots, the immune system in mice was destroyed. See Alex Berenson Substack See also Chinese Study

The Chinese study referenced above notes – “Multiple (4) vaccine boosters profoundly impaired CD4 and CD8 T cell activation, and overturned protective immune memories. Our findings demonstrate potential risks with the continuous use of Sars Cov 2 vaccine boosters, providing immediate implications for the global Covid 19 Vaccination enhancement strategies.”

: A 700,000-person study from Israel two weeks found that those who had experienced prior infections were 27 times less likely to get a second symptomatic covid infection compared to those who were vaccinated See Washington Post. See also Israel Study. See also Video – Health Subcommittee

The Israeli study referenced above notes that those who received the COVID-19 jab were 27 times more likely to be re-infected with COVID. It’s not just that the vaccine doesn’t work – it does the exact opposite and vastly increases the chance of infection!

: Loss of immunity : causing outbreak of shingles & increased frequency of infections. See Loss of Immunity

: Reactivation of Herpes Following Covid 19 Vaccinations. See Herpes Zoster

I took a sample of VAERS records consisting of the Pfizer EN batch series, and analysed the adverse reactions to obtain the frequency of each of the symptoms. See Study 1. The most commonly occurring symptoms were – Covid-19 and Herpes.

In a second study, I looked at the symptoms associated with immediate vs delayed deaths following COVID-19 “vaccinations”. See Study 2. I found that the dominant symptom for immediate death following vaccination is cardiac arrest, whilst the dominant symptom for delayed deaths is COVID-19. See also Video.

In a third study, I was analysing a curious second peak in deaths that occurs 5-6 months after vaccination. See Second Peak, and found that the dominant symptom was COVID-19. See especially Study 3, and Walgreen’s Study

: Loss of White Blood Cells (Neutropenia) lasting 5-6 months post vaccination. See Neutropenia

: COVID Vaccines Linked to Shingles Reactivation. See Reactivation of Shingles

Effect of COVID-19 vaccine herpes infection


: Systematic Review of 325 Autopsies After Covid Vaccination Autopsies. See also News

Schwab Study

: Autopsy : mechanism of injury . See Autopsy

Autopsy shows that the COVID-19 mRNA shots cause severe inflammation, destruction of blood vessels, clotting, and immune attack upon body cells. Tissue samples clearly demonstrate destruction of blood vessel lining and severe damage to the muscular layer of arteries. Such dissections and ruptures are prevalent in vaccinated cadavers. Damaged areas show heavy infiltration by vaccine induced spike proteins, and consequent infiltration by immune cells (lymphocytes) leading to chronic inflammation. Heart and lung tissues are damaged by the same mechanisms – leading to myocarditis and respiratory distress.

: Dr Arne Burkhardt carries out autopsies on vaccinated deceased See Dr Arne Burkhardt autopsies

: 2nd Pathology Conference See Arne Burkhardt autopsies

: New autopsy reports reveal that those who died suddenly were likely killed by the Covid Vaccine Brownstone Institute Report

: Dr Sucharit Bhakdi reviews autopsies of vaccinated See Sucharit Bhakdi

Good Lots and Bad Lots

!! : Variation in Toxicity Between Vaccine Manufacturers (EU Data) See…EU Data

In the table of EU data shown above, 1 in 1970 doses produce a serious reaction. So, if you take 5 doses, your chance of a serious reaction is 5 in 1970 = 1 in 394. This calculation assumes that the doses do not have a cumulative effect. If they do have a cumulative effect, then the chance of a serious reaction after 5 doses will be worse than 1 in 394.

This calculation also assumes that all serious cases have been recorded.It is estimated that only 1 in 40 serious cases are reported, in which case 1 in 50 doses would produce a serious case, and after 5 doses the chance of a serious case would be 1 in 10

!! : Currently, all CDC employees and all Federal workers are NOT mandated to take the Covid 19 Vaccine…CDC Exempt

: Dr Kevin Stillwagon – variation of vaccine reactions for different people. See…. Dr Kevin Stillwagon

: Fat is lighter than water – why some doses are 6 x higher than others. See LNPs rise to the top

: A new batchcode search engine by country…. See Batch Code Search Engine by Country

: Video on Lot-to-lot variability by Alexandra Latypova and Oliver Schubert. See Lot Variability : latest video

: C19 Vax vs Flu Vax. See VIDEO : C19 v Flu. See also pdf – PDF : C19 v Flu

: Variation between Lots. See All or Nothing

: Clusters of Toxicity. See Batch Clusters

: Lot expiry list reveals which lots are biologically active vs placebo. See Lot Expiry Dates page.

: Why was there a sudden drop in serious adverse events after March 2021? …. See Did formulations change over time : an explanation for sudden change in frequency of severe adverse reactions

: Measuring toxicity independent of batch size – See Lethality

: Polish Study of Vax Variability. See Polish Study

: German Study of Vax Variability. See German Study

: Variation in Toxicity Between Pfizer Lots Confirmed by Lot Sizes. See…. Variation in Toxicity Between Pfizer Lots

: We now have the number of doses shipped for every Pfizer vaccine lot. …. See ICAN FOIA For Pfizer Lot Sizes….And here is the excel file…Excel file for Pfizer Lot Sizes. However, FDA cherry-picked when they released this data. See …. Analysis by Eagle

: Toxicity variation due to % of intact RNA. See Part 1 and Part 2

: EAGLE’s Analysis of Relative Toxicity of Vaccine Lots See…. Latest Lots organised by Toxicity

Other “Plandemics”

: The Swine Flu Plandemic of 2009 See…. Swine Flu Plandemic

: The 2021 Monkey Pox Preparation Exercise….a pre-planned pandemic? See…. Monkey Pox Preparations

: Cardiac Issues with the Monkey Pox Vaccine. See…. Adverse Effects of Jyyneos – the Monkey Pox Vaccine

: Dangers of the Monkey Pox Vaccine See…. Notes on a talk by Meryl Nass – bioweapons researcher

: Monkey Business : Monkeypox vaccine and myocarditis risk …. See Monkeypox 1. See also….Monkeypox 2

You might be wondering –

  • who are the officials appointed in charge of the Monkey Pox pandemic response ??
  • are these officials responsible, moral individuals ??
  • do they uphold the Ten Commandments ??

The man who has been appointed deputy in charge of the Monkey Pox Pandemic Response is Dr Demetre Daskalakis –
See … White House Briefing. However Daskalakis appears to endorse a radical cult – as can be seen from his public photos – Photos. According to Wikipedia (Wiki)“Satanism challenges both the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule, advocating instead a tooth-for-tooth philosophy – advocating social Darwinism – “Death to the weakling, wealth to the strong!”. This philosophy is quite compatible with eugenics, the ascendence of an elite, and the removal of “useless eaters”….Government appointment of officials who support cults that are morally ambiguous, or even morally inverted, suggests little or no intent for protecting the rights of citizens. Will such governments uphold your right to

  • uncensored truth ?
  • informed consent ?
  • bodily autonomy ?

or are they letting all the rules slide ?…
When governments fail, people cease to listen.

The New Bivalent Booster for Flu and COVID

: The New Flu Vax planned for autumn 2022 – NOT SAFETY TESTED – containing the mRNA for MULTIPLE variants. See….Latest Flu Vax (exercise extreme caution)

Dr. Paul Offit, MD is the Director of the Vaccine Education Center and practices medicine in the Infectious Disease department at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and he also sits on the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC). In this video, he states that there is scant evidence for the efficacy of the bivalent vaccine – and when asked if he would authorise it, his response is “Hell no” –
Paul Offit

: Why is the Government pushing the bivalent booster and suppressing Ivermectin See …. “They Want You to Die !”

Is your shot spiked? : The latest flu vax contains the mRNA for multiple variants of Covid (3 variants of COVID) + the flu vax. So your flu vax will contain the mRNA for the spike. Since the spike protein is known to be highly toxic, therefore adverse reactions will persist.

So pharma is now combining spike mRNA with traditional vaccines such as flu and tetanus, so please exercise caution when considering ANY vaccine shot, until you can be certain that your shot has not been “spiked”.

Vaccine Manufacturers May Be Changing the Childhood Vaccines to contain mRNA Like the Flu Shots!

: mRNA in ALL childhood vaccines ? See …. WARNING : Danger that childhood vaccines now contain mRNA

: September 17th 2022 : First 106 Reports for Bivalent C19 Vaccine in VAERS. 15% serious outcomes! See …. Bivalent C19 Reports

Pfizer’s new Bivalent Booster for Flu AND Covid was based on studying ONLY 8 MICE (and we are not told if they survived) before FDA decided to roll it out to 171 million Americans! Safety was not studied – only efficacy in terms of antibody titres. All 8 mice boosted with the Ba.5 booster, got sick with Covid when challenged with Ba.5 variant virus.

: The New Bivalent Booster for Flu AND Covid. See…. Tested for efficacy (on 8 mice), not safety

: Why is the Government pushing the bivalent booster and suppressing Ivermectin See …. “They Want You to Die !”

DOD Involvement

!! : Almost all COVID-19 contracts are DOD contracts….COVID-19 Contracts

!! : Currently, all CDC employees and all Federal workers are NOT mandated to take the Covid 19 Vaccine…CDC Exempt

: Moderna Clinical Trials Terribly Flawed. See…. Sasha Latypova with Robert F Kennedy,Jr.

: Pfizer Safety Trials :What the FOI docs reveal. See FOI Docs

In these videos, (DOD Involvement 1 and DOD Involvement 2) Sasha Latypova analyses documents revealed through FOI, and states that the US military has a very strong involvement in the development, ownership, operational management, authorisation and distribution of the COVID vaccines – in particular –

  1. The covid vaccines are classified as military “counter-measures” – not just for civilian use

    (does military “counter-measure” mean “bioweapon”?)

  2. The Chief operating officer is the DOD
  3. All covid vaccines are distributed from pharma to the DOD, and then to the public.

    (why is it passing through the DOD?)

  4. None of the covid vaccines have tracking codes or bar codes, which is very very odd since normal practice is to include a tracking code so bad batches can be traced back to a source

    (DOD is a black box, and so its products cannot be tracked?)

  5. The DOD micro-manages all interactions between pharma and regulatory authorities – insisting that there are atleast 4 members of the DOD present at every meeting. Pharma is even prohibited from writing to the FDA or communicating with them in any way without a DOD authorisation.

    (why are the DOD involved in the authorisation of these vaccines?)

  6. The DOD and Federal government have ownership of the vaccines. Pharma was paid billions in return for surrendering complete control and micro-management of all processes to the DOD

Products for military use are often immune from scrutiny; the DOD is a black box.

Targetting Countries

!! SEARCH ENGINE !! : Deletion of a Crime. How and why half a million records of adverse reactions were erased from VAERS in a single day in November 2022…Deletion of a Crime

: Nation-o-cide Part 2 – Japan targetted with Lethal Doses …. See Nation-o-cide : Part 2

: Nation-o-cide – inducing disability for depopulation and control in select European nations …. See Nation-o-cide

: Covert distribution of toxic lots. See ….Severe toxicity of some lots reaching 93% – variation by country

: The Curious Case of Belgium – 70% of reports are severe! See PDF : Belgium

: Massive differences between countries in % of severe reports. See International

: Revelations from Sweden See Sweden

: Vaccine injury / death differs by state. See States

: Change in Strategy for 2022 – Break Africa and the Pacific. See…

In the table above, you can see that there has been a major switch in rollout of the vaccines. Africa and the Pacific are now being targetted.


: The weekly cycle of vaccination – deaths directly proportional to number vaccinated: See A Vaccinator’s Week and also VIDEO : Seven Day Cycle of Death

: Deaths per vaccinated for each day of 2021 – based on released government data. It was expected that this would be a constant – the truth was otherwise – See Deaths per Vaccinated Additional information can be found on the Size Matters page.

: Size matters – how injuries increase in direct proportion to numbers vaccinated – a causal link. See Size Matters

: The connection between vaccines and adverse effects. See…. Connections

: Israeli Scientists find Causal Connection using Re-challenge. See…. Israel Report

Pre-planning ?

: The Creation of Covid 19 – patenting of its unique sequence prior to the pandemic …. See Moderna’s Patents and see TELEGRAM : Moderna’s Patents See also…Know Your Enemy!

: Spike Genes have Patented 19 Nucleotide DNA Sequence for the Furin Cleavage Site and MSH3. See…. Video

It is curious that the company responsible for making Sars-Cov-2 infectious to humans (by addition of the Furin site), and responsible for giving it the ability to disable DNA repair (by over expression of MSH3) also happens to be the manufacturer of a “vaccine” which is supposed to fight that infection.

It is also curious that this vaccine induces your cells to produce the spike – very part of the “virus” that is responsible for disabling DNA repair. The analogy would be – using petrol to put out a fire (a fire that was started by the firemen who then profited from the sale of the petrol).


Please note that only 1 in 40 serious adverse events are reported to the databases listed below. See …Under-Reporting-Factor (URF)

!! OFFICE OF NATIONAL STATISTICS – All-Cause Mortality by Vaccination Status…. See ONS 2021 / 2022

: OPEN VAERS DATABASE – 30,479 Covid Vaccine Reported Deaths (29th August 2022)…. See OPEN VAERS

: CAERS Database – Canada’s Adverse Event Reporting System…. See CAERS (Canada)

: Half a million records erased by EU in a single day (22/11/22). See Deletions / Coverup

If you want to see the VAERS data before they deleted the records, then here is a copy – Data. Please download the zip file and keep safe. You can find the foreign data for 2022. Filter the column VAX TYPE for COVID 19, then use the SPLIT-TYPE column to select by country. The first two letters in the split-type column are the country abbreviation. You can quickly see that 60% of all reports for Belgium (BE) resulted in disability ! The EU tried to erase this data.

: VIGIACCESS DATABASE – 21,032 Covid Vaccine Reported Deaths (29th August 2022)…. See VIGIACCESS DATABASE

To access Vigiaccess database for Pfizer, enter the product name “COMIRNATY”. Here is the output you should see (29th August 2022) –

: EUDRAVIGILANCE DATABASE – 2,295 Pfizer Covid Vaccine Reported Deaths (29th August 2022)…. See EUDRAVIGILANCE DATABASE



: HEALTH INSURANCE DATABASES See…. Health insurance claims

Check out your batch code against historical data (2021)

Variation in Toxicity

Do the Batch Codes Code for Toxicity?

VAERS Database

Data Source

    USA Data : All data is sourced from VAERS, a public database of over 700,000 adverse reaction reports for Moderna, Pfizer and Janssen Covid 19 vaccines in the USA.

    Foreign Data : VAERS database now also includes data for Moderna, Pfizer and Janssen Covid 19 vaccines in countries outside of the USA. This data can be found here – Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) – the last table listed. This non-domestic data has been submitted by foreign regulatory agencies and consists of approximately 1,000,000 adverse reaction reports.

    Our intention is to present the VAERS data in an accessible and unadulterated form, that can be easily verified using the links below



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