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De Britse zanger Morrissey nam World Economic Forum-oprichter, miljardair Bill Gates en Anthony Fauci op de hak tijdens een optreden in Las Vegas.

Terwijl hij zijn nummer ‘This World is Full of Crashing Bores’ ten gehore bracht, waren op een groot scherm afbeeldingen van Schwab, Gates en Fauci te zien.

—Lees verder na dit advertentieblokje—

Degenen die je pijn willen doen, opereren binnen de wet, zingt Morrissey, die naar hen verwijst als ‘criminelen’:

(Video verwijderd? Klik hier…)

Hieronder de songtekst:

You must be wondering how the boy next door turned out
Have a care, but don’t stare because he’s still there lamenting
Policewomen, policemen, silly women, tax men: uniformed whores
They who wish to hurt you, they work within the law

This world is full of, so full of crashing bores
And I must be one ‘cause no one ever turns to me to say:
Take me in your arms
Take me in your arms and love me

You must be wondering how the boy next door turned out
Have a care and say a prayer, because he’s still there lamenting
Policewomen, policemen, silly women, tax men: uniformed whores
Educated criminals work within the law

This world is full of, so full of crashing bores
And I must be one ‘cause no one ever turns to me to say:
Take me in your arms
Take me in your arms, and love me
And love me

What really lies beyond the constraints of my mind
Could it be the sea with fate mooning back at me?

No, it’s just more lockjaw popstars
Thicker than pig shit, nothing to convey
They’re so scared to show intelligence
It might smear a lovely career

This world, I am afraid, is designed for crashing bores
I am not one, I am not one
You don’t understand, you don’t understand
And yet you can take me in your arms and love me
Love me, and love me
Take me in your arms and love me
Love me, oh love me

Take me in your arms and love me
Take me in your arms and love me
What you do, what you should do

Over de auteur: Robin de Boer is economisch geograaf. Volg hem hier op Substack.


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