Restored Republic via a GCR as of July 10, 2024.
Judy Note: On Wed. currency standard. Trafficking tunnel system.
Anders Hoor Je Het Niet!
Judy Note: On Wed. currency standard. Trafficking tunnel system.
JUDY NOTE: What We Think We Know as of Tues. “elected” through 2020 Election Fraud. 209 nations to gold/ asset-backed currencies was rolling out.
authority directly after the fraudulent 2020 Election. in charge (illegal because he/she was born a male to non-citizen parents). then, if Obama got away with it, so should he/she.
already begun. arrests. On Thurs.
© ShutterstockAlle huisartsen die de afgelopen vijf jaar antibiotica hebben voorgeschreven, kregen deze week een brief van de ziekteverzekering (Riziv) in de brievenbus. Daarin staat hoe vaak ze de medicijnen…
House. native Canadian children. Could our World Be more evil?
Democratic nominee for US President. so-called 2021 Inauguration that was partially filmed on a Hollywood movie set. such as Michelle/Michael, Barak and Biden.
due to 2020 Election Fraud. over 80% vote count. the duly elected US President prior to the announcement of NESARA.
Toby Rogers legt uit wat enclosure is. Machtshebbers doen dat met het in bezit nemen van het land en nu ook met het in bezit nemen van ons lichaam voor…
Judy Note: On Mon. will have widespread effect and deliver a nuke to Jack Smith’s January 6 indictment. would take down the Biden Administration and all of Congress.
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