Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 9, 2024.
with fiat monies, was on the verge of collapse, so on Wed. countries began to roll out to save the system. Then a week later on Wed.
Anders Hoor Je Het Niet!
with fiat monies, was on the verge of collapse, so on Wed. countries began to roll out to save the system. Then a week later on Wed.
© AFPDe Iraakse social media influencer Om Fahad is buiten haar huis in Bagdad neergeschoten, dat melden lokale media. Laurence TorckBron: bbcVandaag om 12:14Fahad, wiens echte naam Ghufran Sawadi is…
Tegenwoordig wordt het stopwoordje ‘duurzaam’ te pas en te onpas gebruikt door Jan en alleman. Bewuste mannen met aanplakbaardjes, die een duurzaam wasmiddel aanprijzen…..Zelfs zonnepanelen, windmolens, Tesla’s en kernenergie noemen…
in China, Russia, or Iran …it’s in Washington D.C. this perspective, everything starts to make a lot more sense”. · Bombshell Report: Obama has been arrested for Crimes Against Humanity.
Note: Monday 8 April was No Big Deal? banks closing, nothing of significance was reported during the Mon. of their gold-backed ZIG currency.
Note: Timing appears to be that (1) On Sun. 7 April or Mon. Us.” (2) On Mon.
Note: What we think we know as of Fri. Sat. place of the US Dollar.
Thurs. Monday 8 April? and others die instantly under the weight of their own treason.
JUDY NOTE: · Wed. Trumpets – A Call to Arms! · Wed.
and begging them to stop. Tues. Tribute to JFK – Where We Go One We Go All – Trust The Plan!
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