Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 21, 2024.
= Trust The Plan. Sat. 20 July 2024: Breaking News!
Anders Hoor Je Het Niet!
= Trust The Plan. Sat. 20 July 2024: Breaking News!
Convention on Thurs evening. 18 July. It started in Europe and was working it’s way across the Globe.
Foto: Sonja van den Ende in voormalig hoofdkwartier van Azovbataljon (VK/Sonja van den Ende) Help mee door dit artikel met iederen die je kent op je social netwerk te delen!…
Judy Note: Through his Telegram site, the 17th Letter, JFK Jr. acceptance speech on Thurs. July.
instead of JFK Jr. come out of the woodwork to run for vice president with Trump. Then on Wed.
officials have released the classified JFK documents. and his creation of the Secret Service. industries and the CIA indoctrination of the US education system.
obviously pointing out that this shooting was an inside job. so in return for a promise of their own sick definition of power and glory. Crimes Against Humanity.
believed to be over 60,000 tortured and missing Canadian native children. Indian residential school grounds across Canada. Residential School properties.
JUDY NOTE: On Sat. Donald Trump’s right ear at a rally in Penn. others seriously wounded.
Judy Note: What we think we know as of Fri. everyone’s pocketbooks and lives. Humanity.
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