Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 18, 2024.
Satellite System that communicates through cellular phones. have committed Treason against We The People. EBS Alert!!!
Anders Hoor Je Het Niet!
Satellite System that communicates through cellular phones. have committed Treason against We The People. EBS Alert!!!
freedom because I will never let them take away YOUR freedom. silence ME because I will never let them silence YOU. after me, they're after you-and I'm just standing in…
the Letter 17 is considered the greatest operation in the history of the world. running the Global Military Alliance. Cabal Globalists.
De staatsschulden vormen een tijdbom die ooit afgaat, maar niemand weet wanneer.Cijfers per 12.5.24Economische groei VS 3,0%, China 5,3%, Japan 1,2%, EU 0,4%, Duitsland -0,2%, Nederland -0,4%. Inflatie VS 3,5%,…
the Military and “President Joe Biden” played by Actor Arthur Roberts. treason that led to execution at GITMO. worship was not unusual for a US President.
Nederlanders klagen steen en been over de enorme aantallen immigranten die ongevraagd ons land binnenvallen, maar ook andere landen zijn daar slachtoffer van, zo meldt the Economist in “Thousands are…
Judy Note: For many years the Chinese Communist Party had been intent on a takeover of America. Voting machines to throw millions of Trump votes to Biden. put the nation…
fabric of our nation! …Restricted Media on Telegram Sat. plans to remove Netanyahu, paving the way for tribunals.
Voormalig president Donald Trump heeft zijn zinnen gezet op New Jersey als doelwit voor zijn volgende presidentscampagne. Hij heeft zijn intentie uitgesproken om een staat te winnen die sinds 1988…
Grid, was expected to hit Earth by Fri. the expected Operation Storm Global Currency Reset Activation. Strange coincidence?
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