Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 23, 2024.
Judy Note: It’s the end, and time for a New Beginning. Keep love for all humanity in your heart and God in your plans to help them. The Q Clock…
Anders Hoor Je Het Niet!
Judy Note: It’s the end, and time for a New Beginning. Keep love for all humanity in your heart and God in your plans to help them. The Q Clock…
JUDY NOTE: The Q Clock ended on Tues. Forum (WEF), announced his decision to step down from his executive role. the World’s global, regional and industry agendas.
Happiness, make sure Your Plan fits into God’s Plan. you. charge of your Eternity.
Satellite System that communicates through cellular phones. have committed Treason against We The People. EBS Alert!!!
Arrests have gone on for some time and were so successful that last Tues. activate the final phase of “The Plan To Save The World”. AS SOON AS ON SAT.
freedom because I will never let them take away YOUR freedom. silence ME because I will never let them silence YOU. after me, they're after you-and I'm just standing in…
the Military and “President Joe Biden” played by Actor Arthur Roberts. treason that led to execution at GITMO. worship was not unusual for a US President.
Wetshandhavers beveiligen het gebied waar ze terreurverdachte Ahmad Khan Rahami zouden hebben gearresteerd na een schietpartij in Linden, New Jersey, op 19 september 2016. "Volgens getuigen was het evenement vreedzaam…
Grid, was expected to hit Earth by Fri. the expected Operation Storm Global Currency Reset Activation. Strange coincidence?
“De reden dat ik zo stellig ben dat de C19 prik-misdaad opgezet is op schade te berokkenen, is omdat de schadelijkheid op voorhand bekend was en is ingebouwd in de…
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