Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of August 5, 2024.
for a (False Flag) Nuclear World War III beginning on Mon. 5 Aug. 2024.
Anders Hoor Je Het Niet!
for a (False Flag) Nuclear World War III beginning on Mon. 5 Aug. 2024.
Note: In Feb. gone to jail with help of a silent Mainstream Media that supports the cover up. continually been refused excavation by the Vatican and Canadian Government.
Judy Note: On Fri. 2 Aug. with all Financial Markets Worldwide ready to crash.
Federal Reserve and US Capital remain closed and boarded up. abandoned the fiat US Dollar, refusing to sell oil to the US. aligned with various militaries across the Globe.
worshipping high up legal and political authorities. Detective James Rothstein arrested one of the five Watergate burglars, CIA operative Frank Sturgis. sexual proclivities and the amounts they paid to rape…
Judy Note: On Tues. Cabal) hit over $35 Trillion. my 80 year lifetime.
X-eigenaar Elon Musk heeft de regels van zijn eigen platform overtreden. Hij deelde een deepfake video van de nieuwe Democratische presidentskandidaat Kamala Harris. Hoewel in de richtlijnen van X staat…
the US Inc. Government and the Pedophile Committee of 300. Labs in Ukraine and other illegal US Bio Labs around the world.
on Trump’s life on Sat. by both the White and Black Hats. least the last three or so years Biden has been played by an actor or clone.
Satan. difficult to bring them to justice. done by those of their own families.
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