Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 18, 2024.
Satellite System that communicates through cellular phones. have committed Treason against We The People. EBS Alert!!!
Anders Hoor Je Het Niet!
Satellite System that communicates through cellular phones. have committed Treason against We The People. EBS Alert!!!
the Military and “President Joe Biden” played by Actor Arthur Roberts. treason that led to execution at GITMO. worship was not unusual for a US President.
Foto: Ed Dowd (Videostill Rumble/Greg Hunter’s Help door deze info met iederen die je kent op je social netwerk te delen! Data-analist Ed Dowd zei in gesprek met Greg…
Judy Note: For many years the Chinese Communist Party had been intent on a takeover of America. Voting machines to throw millions of Trump votes to Biden. put the nation…
Judy Note: What we think we know as of Mon. issued satellite phones for emergency communication. warns of a Cyber Attack that causes a blackout.
JUDY NOTE: “Only the strong survive. A call to duty. call to arms.
Note: What’s going on? present the facts as I see them and let you get confused also. Cargo Ship full of children being trafficked.
Foto: Ed Dowd in gesprek met arts Kelly Victory (X/Kelly Victory MD) Help ons door dit met je kennissen op je social media te delen! Uit een nieuwe analyse blijkt…
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