Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 6, 2024.
Note: What we think we know as of Fri. Sat. place of the US Dollar.
Anders Hoor Je Het Niet!
Note: What we think we know as of Fri. Sat. place of the US Dollar.
Terwijl er steeds meer wordt getwijfeld aan de ‘veiligheid en effectiviteit’ van de mRNA-vaccins, en steeds minder mensen zich laten prikken tegen covid, worden overal in de wereld nieuwe mRNA-fabrieken…
Thurs. Monday 8 April? and others die instantly under the weight of their own treason.
and begging them to stop. Tues. Tribute to JFK – Where We Go One We Go All – Trust The Plan!
Foto: Epstein en Maxwell bij Clinton (Ralph Alswang, White House photographer CC0)Gegevens van zo’n 200 mobiele telefoons onthullen de handel en wandel van bezoekers van het beruchte ‘pedo-eiland’ van Jeffrey…
– was believed to have founded and funded the terrorist group ISIS. Sex Trafficking Ring at the White House. Satan Worshipping, Child Sacrificing, Pedophile US Inc.
Military Alliance was to Save The Children. Could our World be more Evil? children to create blackmail material for the Rothschild State of Israel.
Note: Mon. Year on the Julian Calendar. The Q Movement started on April 1 1860.
(A)re (N)ow (I)n (C)ontrol 2024 = The Final Battle. Guaranteed Victory. Rats are taken care of.
its knees. Cabal’s hold on global power. China’s Three Gorges Dam.