Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 17, 2024.
officials have released the classified JFK documents. and his creation of the Secret Service. industries and the CIA indoctrination of the US education system.
Anders Hoor Je Het Niet!
officials have released the classified JFK documents. and his creation of the Secret Service. industries and the CIA indoctrination of the US education system.
Zeitgeist, the movie is inmiddels een klassieker en alleen al daardoor een “must see”. Velen hebben deze documentaire al gezien, eveneens velen komen steeds terug bij deze documentaire. Waarom?
JUDY NOTE: WHAT WE THINK WE KNOW AS OF FRI. and run by the independent banker Deep State Cabal US Inc. Corporation.
Note: Wed. although many felt it was a no news day – at least none that was revealed to us. knew it was the long waited for Debt forgiveness day.
Judy Note: On Wed. currency standard. Trafficking tunnel system.
Judy Note: We can no longer ignore the tortured children of Satan Worshippers. Control programs. honor of Satan.
Biden dement!Wie regeert de VS dan eigenlijk..!?? Iedereen heeft een mening over de volslagen dobberende figuur van Joe Biden, president van de VS, maar weinigen vragen zich af, wie de…
Satanists, Bankers, Lawyers, rogue Politicians and pretend Jews, listen up: Don’t touch our children. Your time is now. Earth Alliance Defense War Mil Ops under our Command.
and fake. executive orders and a fake Oval Office. our country until the new elections in a couple of months.
JUDY NOTE: WHAT WE THINK WE KNOW AS OF THURS. election. automatically dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress.