Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of March 28, 2024
intercourse and hidden Satanic parties complete with child sacrifices. · Be Ready Patriots: “When they wake up they won’t know what hit them. Genesis 1:3 - God said, “Let there…
Anders Hoor Je Het Niet!
intercourse and hidden Satanic parties complete with child sacrifices. · Be Ready Patriots: “When they wake up they won’t know what hit them. Genesis 1:3 - God said, “Let there…
with Rothschild private bankers, the Vatican, UK Crown and US Inc. dollars back to themselves. in Ukraine and other countries.
Note: “The government in DC is completely defunct and nonoperational. Martial law goes 2024. is publicly removed.” …Q, The Storm is Upon Us Mon.
– was believed to have founded and funded the terrorist group ISIS. Sex Trafficking Ring at the White House. Satan Worshipping, Child Sacrificing, Pedophile US Inc.
Military Alliance was to Save The Children. Could our World be more Evil? children to create blackmail material for the Rothschild State of Israel.
Note: Mon. Year on the Julian Calendar. The Q Movement started on April 1 1860.
close. Link Satellite System. indictments across the World.
listening to Actor Biden’s State of the Union address tonight. who’s faking it. trust what a US President said in the State of the Union was true.
JUDY NOTE: ON TUES. themselves in, or be assassinated. · Wed.
Iatrocide: Het doden van een patiënt door een medische behandeling; iatro- + -cide, afgeleid van het Griekse iatros (genezer) + Latijnse -cide (doden). Een uitgebreid artikel dat verscheen in “The…