Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 14, 2024.
JUDY NOTE: On Sat. Donald Trump’s right ear at a rally in Penn. others seriously wounded.
Anders Hoor Je Het Niet!
JUDY NOTE: On Sat. Donald Trump’s right ear at a rally in Penn. others seriously wounded.
Note: Wed. although many felt it was a no news day – at least none that was revealed to us. knew it was the long waited for Debt forgiveness day.
Judy Note: On Wed. currency standard. Trafficking tunnel system.
JUDY NOTE: What We Think We Know as of Tues. “elected” through 2020 Election Fraud. 209 nations to gold/ asset-backed currencies was rolling out.
authority directly after the fraudulent 2020 Election. in charge (illegal because he/she was born a male to non-citizen parents). then, if Obama got away with it, so should he/she.
Judy Note: We can no longer ignore the tortured children of Satan Worshippers. Control programs. honor of Satan.
already begun. arrests. On Thurs.
Hier staat ingevoegde content uit een social media netwerk dat cookies wil schrijven of uitlezen. U heeft hiervoor geen toestemming gegeven.Klik hier om uw voorkeuren aan te passenEen Ghanese kok…
Enorme aantallen Japanners gaan de straat op om te protesteren tegen de misdaden tegen de menselijkheid door de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie en het WEF tijdens de pandemie, terwijl Japanse wetenschappers de wereld…
due to 2020 Election Fraud. over 80% vote count. the duly elected US President prior to the announcement of NESARA.
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