Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 7, 2024.
President Trump’s trial and will arrest all but one of the rest by Sat. 8 June. evidence that the jurors were paid off big monies to convict Trump.
Anders Hoor Je Het Niet!
President Trump’s trial and will arrest all but one of the rest by Sat. 8 June. evidence that the jurors were paid off big monies to convict Trump.
Deep Cover Agent. that linked to the music and film industries, NASA and international networks. the CIA, imported Nazi Mind Control experts into the US, Canada and Australia.
Het langzame en gestage streven naar de-dollarisering over de hele wereld is de afgelopen weken drastisch versneld nu de vooruitzichten op een overwinning van Donald Trump in november de globalistische…
surfaced in 63 US Banks and pushed them toward the brink of insolvency. By Sun. Global Financial Crisis by early next week.
organs while drinking their Adrenochromed blood. Human Trafficking. Island and Maui.
Note: Some have asked why I use the Tabernacle Choir in my Updates. on the radio every Sunday. spiritual wavelength.
that's just around the corner. Soon the World will know the truth. and pure evil is about to be exposed.
Mike Johnson, de Republikeinse fractieleider in het Huis van Afgevaardigden, noemde de veroordeling van Trump “verkeerd” en “gevaarlijk”. “Vandaag is een beschamende dag in de Amerikaanse geschiedenis”, klonk het. “Democraten…
Na twee dagen en in totaal ruim 11 uur beraadslagen vond de twaalfkoppige jury Trump unaniem schuldig aan alle 34 aanklachten voor fraude. De zaak draait rond de betaling van…
Trump naast Elon Musk in 2017. Ook toenmalig adviseur Steve Bannon (links) was van de partij. — © AFPZien we Elon Musk weldra geregeld in het Witte Huis terug?
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