Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 25, 2024.
Judy Note: Back in Jan. guilty on charges that included Child Sex Trafficking and Treason. while Doubles, Actors and Clones took his place for the last three years.
Anders Hoor Je Het Niet!
Judy Note: Back in Jan. guilty on charges that included Child Sex Trafficking and Treason. while Doubles, Actors and Clones took his place for the last three years.
Judy Note: Who, What, Where, How, Why was President Biden? Hospice care and dying after a Wed. 17 July 2024 incident in Las Vegas.
De nieuwe cyclus is een en al Biden Gaffes, maar wat gebeurt er tussendoor? Onze nationale veiligheid wordt bedreigd door de realiteit dat onze opperbevelhebber is allesbehalve, onze wetgevende lichaam…
Judy Note: On Wed. currency standard. Trafficking tunnel system.
authority directly after the fraudulent 2020 Election. in charge (illegal because he/she was born a male to non-citizen parents). then, if Obama got away with it, so should he/she.
Democratic nominee for US President. so-called 2021 Inauguration that was partially filmed on a Hollywood movie set. such as Michelle/Michael, Barak and Biden.
Judy Note: On Mon. will have widespread effect and deliver a nuke to Jack Smith’s January 6 indictment. would take down the Biden Administration and all of Congress.
the Middle East. Blackmail Congress in order to keep CIA Black Budget unlimited funding. already been crowned as the winner.
Satanists, Bankers, Lawyers, rogue Politicians and pretend Jews, listen up: Don’t touch our children. Your time is now. Earth Alliance Defense War Mil Ops under our Command.
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